440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 17, 1998 08:43 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Visited Wayne Wetzel in town for the day.
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0201 - Dep Natrl Recrs & Consrvtn
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel; Deputy Director
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up
040502 -
040503 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
040504 -
040505 -
040507 - ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Wayne was in town for meetings yesterday. He called last night about
040902 - 2100, and we arranged to meet this morning after my meeting with
040903 - Robert. ref SDS 10 6240
040905 - ..
040906 - The walk up Bush street at that location is a work out.
040908 - ..
040909 - Wayne looks fit and things seem to be going well in his career, at
040910 - least under the circumstances, of having been politically marginalzied
040911 - with a change in administration. In a year or two there will be a
040912 - another election, which may bring a change of Administration and new
040913 - opportunity for him to take a stronger role in managing DNRC, as he
040914 - has in the past.
040916 - ..
040917 - Wayne mentioned having recently completed a hunting trip in Montana.
040918 - Previously, on 941018 Wayne reported a hunting trip. ref SDS 1 WW48
040920 - ..
040921 - On this recent occassion, he had planned on going hunting with his
040922 - younger son, who is 18 or 19. But something came up and his son could
040923 - not go. So, Wayne went by himself. He described driving several
040924 - hundred miles to a staging area, then hiking and camping out 30 or so
040925 - miles over several days to a remote location. He shot an Elk, which
040926 - evidently is the limit for a license required to hunt. As Deputy
040927 - Director of the Department of Conversation for Montana, he could not
040928 - very well take a chance on exceeding the prescibed limit. Equally,
040929 - however, Wayne to pack the Elk all the way back to his truck. He said
040930 - that this is the kind challenge he enjoys more than the actual
040931 - shooting of the Elk. It hard to imagine how someone could pack even
040932 - one big animal, tothether with rifle, and camping gear 30 or so miles.
040934 - ..
040935 - We discussed briefly that his style of hunting has a major component
040936 - of being part of the environment, and testing himself to meet the
040937 - physical realities of the wilderness. Wayne said that at 53, he is
040938 - not sure how many more times he will able to do this level of effort
040939 - alone.
040941 - ..
040942 - His oldest son recently returned from a vacation in Mexico. Another
040943 - son will be graduating in a month from Brighan Young, and will be
040944 - going on to study dentistry. He has two other sons continuing at
040945 - Brigham Young, and another son is a sophomore in high school. His
040946 - twin daughters are 10 years old now. They are studying piano. Wayne
040947 - mentioned a recent recial where the girls performed well. They are
040948 - both quite shy. I mentioned my niece, Amy, who is now 24 and quite
040949 - outspoken, was also very shy at 10.
040951 - ..
040952 - Wayne stayed at the Vintage Hotel on Bush street, near Union Square.
040953 - He got into town about 2300 on Sunday.
040955 - ..
040956 - Yesterday, met with an engineering firm here in town, who is preparing
040957 - an EIS for a Federal agency on a railroad project in Montana. DNRC
040958 - wants the Federal EIS report cover a broad enough range that DNRC can
040959 - merely adopt it, rather than prepare a separate report. They met at
040960 - an office on the Embarcadero, so Wayne got a chance to walk around
040961 - town a bit.
040963 - ..
040964 - He had dinner last night at MacArthur Park. I mentioned that this is
040965 - across the street from our building.
040967 - ..
040968 - We decided to walk over to Millie's office and say hello, and then
040969 - stop in and visit briefly at the Corps of Engineers.
040971 - ..
040972 - On the way, we stopped at Don Harm's office in the Transamerica
040973 - Building. Don was able to visit with us for a few minutes. Wayne
040974 - mentioned the benefit of Communcation Metrics that enables him to find
040975 - information that is needed by others, as the unofficial "librarian" or
040976 - Communication Manager, for the entire organization. ref SDS 5 3003
040978 - ..
040979 - We went to Lillick and Charles office in Embarcardero 2. Millie was
040980 - able to visit for a few minutes in the lobby. She was able to tell I
040981 - had worked through the night, so I guess I did not look very well.
040983 - ..
040984 - We went over to the Corps and visited for a few minutes with Tom
040985 - Keesling, and then with Max Blodgett. Max gave Wayne his business
040986 - card. Perhaps there will be an occassion where Max can provide some
040987 - assistance to Wayne in locating key people in the Corps.
040989 - ..
040990 - I mentioned this morning that Max decided to try Communication Metrics
040991 - on 960105, ref SDS 2 3999. It took about 9 months, however, to get a
040992 - contract, and Tom was still reluctant to deploy Welch on their major
040993 - project. On 960924, Max had to give Tom a direct order to use
040994 - Communication Metrics for weekly progress meetings on the Oakland
040995 - Harbor project. ref SDS 3 4454 About a month later, on 961101, Tom
040996 - "saw the light." ref SDS 4 8888
040998 - ..
040999 - Today, Tom is the chief proponent in USACE for using Communication
041000 - Metrics. Max still supports it, but is not as active, as seen from
041001 - discussion on 980803. ref SDS 6 2672
041003 - ..
041004 - This shows the need for leadership to give people the opporutnity to
041005 - gain the experience needed to overcome ignorance, fear and denial.
041006 -
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041009 -
041010 -
0411 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"