440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 13, 1998 10:24 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Called AAA on payment from parties in Chakin v Weinmann, Foti.


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0201 - American Arbitration Association     415 981 3901 fax 781 8426
020101 - Mr. Matthew Gilreath; Administrator =415 984 5448
020102 - Case Administration

AAA Chaikin v. Weinmann, 74 110 01184 97
Payment of Arbitrator

0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
040602 - ..
040603 - Received check #2220959 dated 981109 in the amount of $300 for
040604 - refunding panel maintenance fee, as requested in the letter received
040605 - from AAA letter, ref DRP 8 5418, received on 981104. ref SDS 5 4080
040606 -
040607 - Did not received check for $950 which was requested in the same
040608 - letter.
040609 -
040610 - There is no record of progress toward payment for balance owed as set
040611 - out in the record on 981028. ref SDS 3 5340
040612 -
040613 - I called AAA yesterday and left a message on status of these issues.
040614 -
040615 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 linked to this record and to the record on
040616 - 981028, ref SDS 3 5340, showing outstanding matters.
040617 -
040618 - The letter bounced back, saying the address is unknow, which normally
040619 - means the mail box is full.
040620 -
040621 -
040622 -
040623 -  ..
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - 1114 called Matthew
0410 -
041001 - He said the check for $950 was issued on 981111, rather on 981108, as
041002 - the $300 check was.
041003 -
041004 - He said to let him know if the $950 check is not received by Monday.
041005 -
041006 -     [On 981116 received this check. ref SDS 7 0000]
041007 -
041008 - He will write a letter to the parties confirming that they owe an
041009 - outstanding balance, and if there is no action, AAA in New York will
041010 - begin a collection process.
041011 -
041012 -
041013 -
041014 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"