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1...KH to notify Gensler that it will no longer meet with Clonia
0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Mr. Robert Jansen; Architect
020102 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020103 - Interior Design/Documentation
Mechanical Meeting, 981014
Project Management
Disruptive Communication with KH, A&P
PM Disruptive Communication with KH, A&P
0906 - ..
0907 - Summary/Objective
0908 -
090801 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000, ref SDS 3 0000.
090802 -
090803 - Developed analysis of Robert's objectives and planning following the
090804 - meeting with the mechanical consultants, A&P, in which Gensler was
090805 - represented by Clonia Cautis in a manner that was disruptive and
090806 - harmful to the meeting and to the project.
090807 -
090808 - Reviewed Robert's notes which he provided after the meeting yesterday,
090809 - and developed questions to review with him later today in order to
090810 - guide production of notes for the meeting with A&P yesterday.
090811 -
090812 -
0909 -
0910 -
0911 - Progress
0912 -
091201 - ..
091202 - Robert Frustrated by Gensler's Defective Project Management
091203 -
091204 - After the meeting with A&P yesterday, Robert asked again for a set of
091205 - notes on the meeting with A&P yesterday, that has a single line, per
091206 - our meeting yesterday morning. ref SDS 11 2936, He wants to humor
091207 - Clonia, and illustrate the need for balance between clear, concise and
091208 - complete understandings from meetings.
091209 -
091210 - Robert was frustrated because during the meeting yesterday with A&P,
091211 - Clonia offered numerous and continuous criticism of the notes for the
091212 - meeting on 981021, as they were being reviewed for status with A&P.
091213 -
091214 - [On 981118 developed information on improving project management
091215 - to maintain progress of the work. ref SDS 17 5376]
091216 -
091217 - He also reports in a Project Work Summary on 981113, received later
091218 - today, that Clonia refused to review notes of the meeting with Teecom
091219 - held on 981021, alleging the notes are "too wordy." ref SDS 13 9360
091220 - Gensler interference and disruption impacting KH management in
091221 - connection with Teecom meeting notes was discussed yesterday morning.
091222 - ref SDS 11 2635
091223 -
091224 - [On 981118 reviewed claim of "too wordy." ref SDS 17 5005]
091225 -
091226 - During the meeting with A&P on 981112, as Robert was speaking about
091227 - specific matters, e.g., location of a duct relative to limited
091228 - clearances in a mechanical chase, Clonia continually interrupted to
091229 - ask why dates were entered as YYMMDD, why various sentences were
091230 - expressed in one form rather than another.
091231 -
091232 - Clonia alleged inaccuracies in the notes, which is an appropriate
091233 - review function called out in the JV Agreement.
091234 -
091235 - She complained that the record covered management as well as technical
091236 - information, and she criticized the style because it identified
091237 - subject headings.
091238 -
091239 - [On 981116 report of similar problem in State Leglislature
091240 - resulted in action by management. ref SDS 15 6480]
091241 -
091242 - Having requested an alternate date format, she continued to raise
091243 - redundant complaints in an emotionally debilitating manner each time a
091244 - date was encountered in the notes of the prior meeting.
091245 -
091246 - Robert maintained a professional tone, and tried to focus on issues,
091247 - pointing out that Kwan Henmi respects Gensler's concerns and will
091248 - discuss note preparation standards and procedures in a JV team
091249 - setting, apart from consultants, and that the meeting with A&P needed
091250 - to cover design issues critical to the progress of the work. Gensler's
091251 - persistence in voicing unprofessional comments on the form of
091252 - expression for every sentence in three 3 pages of notes, constituted a
091253 - significant distraction that prevented clear focus on the meeting
091254 - agenda, and it prolonged the meeting, with the result that Steven
091255 - Hergert was unable to discuss the agenda Michael Willis Associates had
091256 - planned for the meeting, because A&P's team had to adjourn.
091257 -
091258 - On 981016 the JV Agreement on page 3 indicates that professional
091259 - negligence and willful misconduct may be grounds for recovery of
091260 - extra cost by Kwan Henmi. ref SDS 1 7280
091261 - ..
091262 - After the KH team meeting this afternoon, Robert expressed in
091263 - the elevator on the way leaving the building that he has given serious
091264 - consideration to abandoning his assignment as leader of the KH team.
091265 - He went on to say that the character of the assignment to design the
091266 - Moscone Center is very interesting, and that the high quality of the
091267 - team that Denis has assembled is a strong incentive to remain, despite
091268 - Gensler's inept, disruptive conduct. Robert is proud of significant
091269 - progress KH has made, which now seems to be ahead of MW, when only a
091270 - few weeks ago, there was concern that KH was way behind. Everyone is
091271 - working overtime and pulling together. In a way there is a bond, a
091272 - badge of courage in putting up with histrionics, in order to pull
091273 - through and do a good job.
091274 -
091275 - [On 981115 notified leadership is needed to maintain Robert's
091276 - support and improved progress. ref SDS 14 3884]
091277 -
091278 - [On 981118 reviewed issue with Bill Long. ref SDS 17 6480]
091279 -
091280 - Given limited time and attention distracted by ill mannered personal
091281 - expression, it is unclear what understandings were missed and/or drawn
091282 - incorrectly due to the conduct of Gensler's representative at the
091283 - meeting with A&P on 981112.
091284 -
091285 - KH certainly wants to hear Gensler's views about meeting notes, and
091286 - other work product, with respect to technical correctness and
091287 - effective business form, so that any material expression can be
091288 - investigated, and where warranted, incorporated into the record to
091289 - guide daily work planning and performance.
091290 - ..
091291 - Gensler's assigned Project Manager, gives evidence of good
091292 - technical skills and dedication to hard work.
091293 -
091294 - [On 981116 Robert explained that ordinary communication, apart
091295 - from meetings, are also ineffective. ref SDS 15 2320]
091296 -
091297 - However, these useful attributes were not employed to advantage in the
091298 - meeting with A&P yesterday. Disruptive, ill mannered and
091299 - unprofessional expression prevented effective communication, and
091300 - discouraged proactive involvement and extra effort by others. This is
091301 - the opposite result required by a project manager assigned to provide
091302 - leadership.
091303 -
091304 - Gensler's complaints were likely aimed at Welch to discourage the KH
091305 - effort for dedicated communication support; however, Robert had
091306 - reviewed and edited the notes. The other attendees did not complain
091307 - of defects nor of being unable to understand what was expressed. Thus,
091308 - Gensler's position seemed aimed at harming KH, rather than promoting a
091309 - legitimate professional objective.
091310 -
091311 - Notes of meetings and other memos produced by Gensler do not show a
091312 - standard of utility and professional competence that justifies
091313 - criticism of Kwan Henmi's notes for the meeting with A&P on 981122, as
091314 - occurred at the meeting yesterday. This fact calls into question the
091315 - good faith of strident criticism, in addition to being disruptive and
091316 - not useful feedback for corrections.
091317 -
091318 - While it is difficult to discern motives from over wrought emotions
091319 - displayed in a business meeting, as occurred yesterday, one objective
091320 - is likely to stifle Kwan Henmi from using meeting notes to address
091321 - business issues, as well as the technical requirements of engineers.
091322 - Gensler's requests, cited by Clonia during the meeting, to remove
091323 - explanations and to summarize narrative, were all centered on portions
091324 - of the record that show Kwan Henmi is performing its duty, as a JV
091325 - partner and architect, to work in a professional manner, subject to
091326 - impacts by Gensler and others. Gensler's edits, as well as they could
091327 - be gathered during the meeting, seek to remove critical impacts on
091328 - Kwan Henmi's ability to perform, from the record.
091329 -
091330 - During the meeting with A&P, Clonia offered some potentially helpful
091331 - corrections of the record, however, the manner of delivery, rushing
091332 - from one matter to the next without an opportunity for response
091333 - through reasoned discourse, rendered these expressions impossible to
091334 - grasp and implement.
091335 -
091336 - As a result, Kwan Henmi cannot accept Clonia's expressions during the
091337 - meeting as an effective review or submission of additions and
091338 - corrections. That effort must still be performed by Gensler, as
091339 - Project Manager.
091340 - ..
091341 - Following the meeting with A&P, Robert advised that wants me to
091342 -
091343 - Use note numbers from Angelica, rather than use the system he set
091344 -
091345 - ...up on 981027 shown in the record at ref SDS 6 6435.
091346 -
091347 - [On 981116 Robert decided to use KH numberss. ref SDS 15 6944]
091348 -
091349 - There was consideration that Angelica has proven unreliable in the
091350 - past to provide timely response on Kwan Henmi matters. I asked for a
091351 - file on something, and in a week Angelica could not provide it. Ivan
091352 - Romero asked Angelica to type up a simple list of drawings for the 50%
091353 - CD scope which he had prepared, and in two weeks the work had not been
091354 - performed. The record is replete with reports of documents not having
091355 - been distrubuted to either consultants nor to KH staff. Therefore
091356 - relying on Gensler to provide timely assignment of document numbers
091357 - likely invites scenarios of mixup, confusion and anger due to
091358 - continual administrative snafus. Alternatively, KH can assign its own
091359 - number and submit the record to Gensler, who can than assign a project
091360 - numbers and make distribution without the involvement of KH in
091361 - coordinating document number sequencing.
091362 -
091363 -
091364 -
091365 -
0914 -
Meeting Note Distribution
1505 -
150501 - ..
150502 - KH Needs to Submit Meeting Notes to Gensler
150503 -
150504 - Follow up ref SDS 10 2520, ref SDS 9 7378.
150505 -
150506 - We also reviewed, again, the need to distribute meeting notes,
150507 - explained in the letter, ref DIP 3 6552, on 981111. ref SDS 10 2520
150508 -
150509 - [On 981116 Robert asked me to prepare transmittal. ref SDS 15 6422]
150510 - ..
150511 - Steven Hergert is attending KH meetings so that he can get
150512 - information to coordinate MW's exterior design work. He and others
150513 - need the meeting notes.
150514 -
150515 - Clonia did not take any notes during the meeting, so it may turn out
150516 - that MW is now in league with Gensler against Kwan Henmi, at least at
150517 - the Project Office level. While visiting the project office to
150518 - deliver meeting notes, after a brief discussion, Phil brought over a
150519 - handwritten note that said "be careful what you say, there are
150520 - unfriendly ears in the office."
150521 -
150522 - [At 1515 during the KH team meeting today, Michael, Phil and
150523 - Bolivar all related discussions with Steven Hergert the past week
150524 - in which Steven maintained that MW is not close to a 50% CD set,
150525 - and is actually behind Kwan Henmi in the production of drawings
150526 - toward a 50% CD set, as reported on 981006. ref SDS 2 1800]
150527 -
150528 - [On 981117 Robert reports that Gensler wants MW to prepare the
150529 - record of KH coordination with consultants. ref SDS 16 1581]
150530 -
150531 - KH has a duty of notice on results of meetings.
150532 -
150533 - Additionally, it is critical to get response or no response on the
150534 - record, so that adjustments can be made early to input from others,
150535 - including Gensler.
150536 - ..
150537 - Prepared ref DIT 1 7788 with only 2 items that are general, per
150538 - Robert's request above. ref SDS 0 2673
150539 -
150540 - Printed, ref DIT 1 7788, and the letter on 981111 explaining the need
150541 - to submit meeting notes to Gensler. ref DIP 3 6552
150542 -
150543 - Also printed the record for 981111. ref SDS 10 0000, and on 981106
150544 - which has proposed transmittal language. ref SDS 9 7378
150545 -
150546 - Took this to KH office for review with Robert this morning, since he
150547 - is not reading his email.
150548 -
150549 -
150550 -
150551 -
150552 -
1506 -
Project Management
Project Manager, Claudia Cautis
1805 -
180501 - ..
180502 - Moscone Project Needs Effective Project Management
180503 -
180504 - An evident course of action under the record above, ref SDS 0 2673, is
180505 - for...
180506 -
180507 - KH to notify Gensler that it will no longer meet with Clonia
180508 -
180509 - ...on project matters.
180510 -
180511 - KH will hold its own meetings Gensler should have in attendance a
180512 - responsible, professional representative for the JV team. Clonia must
180513 - deal with KH through someone else. KH has taken the extra step to
180514 - provide dedicated project adminsitration in the form of Robert.
180515 - Rather than loose another effective architect, should not Gensler take
180516 - a similar step to ensure effective communication and ledership, so
180517 - that the progress of the work can be maintained?
180518 -
180519 - [On 981116 Robert requested a draft letter. ref SDS 15 4996]
180520 -
180521 - [On 981118 reviewed with Bill Long language to support Kwan Henmi
180522 - in resolving this matter. ref SDS 17 2352; ref SDS 17 3915]
180523 -
180524 -
1806 -
1807 -
Meeting Note Distribution
Mechanical Meeting, 981021
Telecom Meeting, 981021
3108 - 0812 received call from Robert
3109 -
310901 - He wants to meet at KH office.
310902 -
310903 - I printed the letter, ref DIP 3 6552, submitted on 981111 in the
310904 - record at ref SDS 10 2520, and I printed the record on 981106 with the
310905 - transmittal language. ref SDS 9 7378
310906 -
310907 - ..
3110 -
3111 -
3112 - 0837 took cab to KH to visit Robert
3113 -
311301 - Received Robert's edits on structural notes provided yesterday......
311302 - ref SDS 11 7776
311303 -
311304 - He wants to meet at 1400 today to review notes from mechanical meeting
311305 - yesterday. ref SDS 12 0000
311306 -
311307 - I gave him the prototype meeting note he requested. ref DIT 1 7788,
311308 - and he seems to feel now that it is not a good idea to give it to
311309 - Clonia. I concurred with this position.
311310 -
311311 - Robert had not read his email, so I gave him the letter dated 981111
311312 - on need to submit meeting notes to Gensler. ref DIP 3 6552 He read
311313 - the draft transmittal language prepared on 981106. ref SDS 9 7378
311314 -
311315 - He seems to feel it is necessary to submit these notes to Gensler, as
311316 - previously discussed.
311317 -
311318 - ..
311319 -
311320 - Robert wants another print of the notes for the Telecom meeting on
311321 - 981021. He indicated an intent to perform further edits to accomodate
311322 - Clonia's request for summary expressions in the notes.
311323 -
311324 - [On 981116 delivered another print. ref SDS 15 9940]
311325 -
311326 -
3114 -
3115 -
3116 - 1716
3117 -
311701 - After the KH team meeting, Robert and I met in the Moscone Project
311702 - Office.
311703 -
311704 - We reviewed his notes of the mechanical meeting. He cross-referenced
311705 - a series of sketches and showed their import to the meeting yesterday.
311706 -
311707 - We reviewed the plans to verify orientation on the issues.
311708 -
311709 - I explained my thought to produce a detailed record and incorporate
311710 - his notes. He can have this on Monday for editing.
311711 -
311712 - This joint preliminary review process seems to be an effective
311713 - collaboration toward developing useful intelligence for Kwan Henmi. We
311714 - still need to get rigged up to deliver timely intelligence to team
311715 - members.
311716 -
311717 - Robert said this procedure is working well and a help to the KH team.
311718 -
311719 -
311720 -
3118 -
3119 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"