440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 4, 1998 07:34 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Robert called edits ready on notes of mech meeting on 981021.
2...On 981104 Received Robert's Edits on Mech Meeting for 981021
3...Mechanical Shaft in Basement Level
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0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Mr. Robert Rudeen; Architect
020102 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020103 - Interior Design/Documentation
Mechanical Meeting, 981021
Mechanical Meeting, 981104
0804 - ..
0805 - Summary/Objective
0806 -
080601 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
080602 -
080603 -
080604 -
080605 - ..
080606 - On 981104 Received Robert's Edits on Mech Meeting for 981021
080607 -
080608 - Follow up ref SDS 14 8955, ref SDS 13 3312.
080609 -
080610 - He said that his edits for notes of the mechanical meeting on 981021
080611 - are ready at Kwan Henmi's office.
080612 -
080613 - He will try to have a consultant's meeting today OA 1500 at Project
080614 - Office, if he can get away from jury duty in time today.
080615 -
080616 -
080617 -
080618 - ..
0807 -
0808 -
0809 - 1125
0810 -
081001 - Received fax from KH with Robert's edits.
081002 -
081003 - Prepared ref DIT 1 7789 to entered edits, following up initial draft
081004 - on 981028. ref SDS 10 8190, and submission to Robert on 981029.....
081005 - ref SDS 11 1040
081006 -
081007 - [At 1441 delivered these notes to the Project Office and gave them
081008 - to Robert. ref SDS 15 8415]
081009 -
081010 -
081011 - ..
081012 - Mechanical Shaft in Basement Level
081013 -
081014 - Robert has lined out para 11-1 which is about louver selection for
081015 - the pre function area.
081016 -
081017 - He leaves a point about Allen asking for Gensler requirements on
081018 - louvers in the para above.
081019 -
081020 - It seems this really pertains to the pre function issue, so I
081021 - moved that note to 11-1.
081022 -
081023 -
081024 - Robert did not edit para 11-2 Mechanical Shaft in Basement Level.
081025 -
081026 - So we can publish the notes, and leave this item open for further
081027 - discussion at the meeting today, I prepared some vague language
081028 - indicating KH is studying this matter.
081029 -
081030 -
081031 -
081032 -
0811 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"