440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 29, 1998 01:35 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
CPU8 showing problems; got quote for new system, DSL Internet access.
2...CPU08 Seems to be Slowing Down, Recovery Methods Not Working
.....Remedial Efforts Failed
3...Discussed Replacement Computer for CPU08
4...56K Modem Transmissions Not Effective in SF Area
5...DSL Costs $175/M, $1K for Setup
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0201 - Chips & Technologies, Inc 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Sr. Vice President =408 545 9521
0202 - Mountain Computer Engineering 415 263 1990 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Bradley J. Schwab; Director of Engineering =Telephone
020202 - Engineering Department
Property Management, Computer #8
RAM Sluggish, Crashing
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 8 0000, ref SDS 7 0000.
050602 - ..
050603 - Called Mountain Computer, who fixed CPU8 in June, to diagnose
050604 - new problem. Will get quote for replacement. Since local phone lines
050605 - cannot support 56K modem transmission, Mountain Computer quoted a
050606 - price to provide DSL service.
050607 -
050608 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 to Bill Long at Kwan Henmi, linked to this
050609 - record with information on DSL, which he is investigating. ref SDS 0
050610 - 4456
050611 -
050612 - [On 981030 Bill reviewed Mountain Computer's quote, and plans to
050613 - investigate further. ref SDS 11 0649]
050614 -
050615 - [On 981030 notified Mountain Computer of status. ref SDS 12 0000]
050616 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Discussion
0510 -
051001 - ..
051002 - CPU08 Seems to be Slowing Down, Recovery Methods Not Working
051003 -
051004 - Explained problem with sluggish performance.
051005 -
051006 - After discussion, Brad explained the operating system can slow down,
051007 - if the computer is shut down without using the W95 Shut Down function.
051008 - Files that are open at the time of shut down, get corrupted.
051009 -
051010 - I explained we have been forced the past several months to boot the
051011 - computer without using the system shutdown procedure, because the
051012 - operating system fails when we leave the Internet program.
051013 -
051014 - [On 981112 purchased new system. ref SDS 14 7611]
051015 -
051016 - Brad suggested running scandisk and defrag to try and restore any
051017 - damaged operating system files.
051018 -
051019 - He suggested checking the capacity of the hard disk. We checked and
051020 - found drive c: has 400 MB free. He feels this shows that limited disk
051021 - capacity for exchanging operating system files is not the cause of
051022 - poor performance.
051023 -
051024 - Brad said that the only solution is to install the operating system
051025 - and all of our programs.
051026 -
051027 - This takes a huge amount of time, and a lot of programs have been
051028 - updated from updates over the Internet, so it would not be possible to
051029 - restore them to their current version by using the original media we
051030 - have on our applications.
051031 -
051032 -
051033 - ..
051034 - Remedial Efforts Failed
051035 -
051036 - After completing this call, I ran scan disk and defragged all of
051037 - our drives. One or two drives reported finding defective files
051038 - and that the files were fully restored. These were not on the I
051039 - drive, however, where the operating system is installed. Scandisk
051040 - did not find errors on drive I.
051041 -
051042 - Drive I where the operating system is installed was using about
051043 - 99% of the disk space, so lack of space on I may be the cause of
051044 - our problem. I also called Morris at Chips and Technologies, and
051045 - he made the same suggestion about checking for limited disk space.
051046 -
051047 - I deleted some backup index files, which are very large, and this
051048 - reduced usage of drive I to about 75%, leaving over 100MB free.
051049 -
051050 - These measures, however, do not seem to have improved performance
051051 - of CPU08.
051052 -
051053 - Later recognized that autoexec.bat assigns temp directories to
051054 -
051055 - e: 00 01
051056 - e: 00 02
051057 -
051058 - ...since drive e: now has less than 60MB free, we could have
051059 - been experiencing difficulities if memory was being swapped
051060 - into these directories.
051061 -
051062 - I changed the temp directories to drive h: which has plenty of
051063 - room.
051064 -
051065 -
051066 -
051067 -
0511 -
Procurement, Computers
DSL High Speed Transmission System
Internet Access
0907 -
090701 - ..
090702 - Discussed Replacement Computer for CPU08
090703 -
090704 - I explained another solution is buy a new computer and start fresh
090705 - with the vendor doing the configuration.
090706 -
090707 - Brad said that Mountain Computers builds custom computers. He asked if
090708 - they could quote a price for a machine?
090709 -
090710 - I asked him to price the following...
090711 -
090712 - 400 MHz
090713 -
090714 - 90 - 128 MB RAM
090715 -
090716 - 6 - 10 GB
090717 -
090718 - 16 MB video RAM
090719 -
090720 - He can give us a 21" monitor for $1,200.
090721 -
090722 - [On 981030 sent Mountain Computer letter. ref SDS 12 0000]
090723 -
090724 -
090725 - ..
090726 - 56K Modem Transmissions Not Effective in SF Area
090727 -
090728 - I asked about getting better Internet access if we get a 56K modem
090729 - rather than 28.8, in light of poor phone lines in the area?
090730 -
090731 - Brad said that in this area a 56K modem is not of much value because
090732 - the phone lines are old and so do not provide the thru-put required to
090733 - support consistent 56K transmission.
090734 -
090735 -
090736 - ..
090737 - DSL Costs $175/M, $1K for Setup
090738 -
090739 - Brad said that if reliable higher speed service is really important
090740 - then DSL should be considered.
090741 -
090742 - I explained consideration being given by Kwan Henmi to using DSL,...
090743 - ref SDS 9 1100, and asked Brad if he has any actual experience with
090744 - it?
090745 -
090746 - [On 000401 signed up for Pac Bell DSL serivice. ref SDS 15 4096
090747 -
090748 - [On 000515 performance of DSL degrades over time. ref SDS 16 0001
090749 -
090750 - [On 000523 reviewed performance of DSL. ref SDS 17 0001
090751 -
090752 - Brad said that Mountain Computers is an ISP and they sell and support
090753 - DSL service.
090754 -
090755 - I asked about cost.
090756 -
090757 - He said it costs $175/month for one or many computers, plus $1K for
090758 - installation. There might be an additional $80 charge if it is
090759 - necessary to run a special telephone line at our apartment complex.
090760 -
090761 - For web space, they charge $30 per month for 20 MB, and they charge
090762 - $10 per month to host a domain name. This is higher than our cost of
090763 - $434 per year for 100M at JPS. ref SDS 5 6819 But, JPS has reliablity
090764 - problems, reported by District Counsel on 981027 at USACE in reviewing
090765 - Communication Metrics on the web, ref SDS 10 7315
090766 -
090767 - Brad advised that since we already have a domain name with JPS, it
090768 - would be cheaper for us to stay with them. We can use Mountain
090769 - Internet access with our account remaining at JPS. If reliability is
090770 - a problem with JPS, due to congestion and inadequate capacity, we can
090771 - transfer our data to Mountain Computer's servers.
090772 -
090773 - If we sign up, Mountain Computer notifies the phone company to provide
090774 - a dedicated line. A technician would come to the Golden Gateway and
090775 - select a free cable (Brad seemed to indicate there are always a number
090776 - of extra cables available in an apartment complex) for our use as a
090777 - dedicated DSL Internet access line.
090778 -
090779 - A connection hub would be installed on the wall and it would be
090780 - connected with a plug-in cable to a router. The router is then
090781 - connected to our network card, with conventional plug compatible
090782 - cables.
090783 -
090784 - Upon discussion, the network we have is adequate, otherwise Mountain
090785 - Computer would install a network card in our computer.
090786 -
090787 - The system then provides on-line 24 hours per day access to the
090788 - Internet.
090789 -
090790 - We do not need any special software. W95 network applications are
090791 - adequate, which is the procedure JPS uses, also. ref SDS 5 6345
090792 -
090793 - Sent Bill Long ref DIT 1 0000 so he can see information on DSL,
090794 - following up discussion on 981023. ref SDS 9 1100
090795 -
090796 - [On 981030 Bill reviewed Mountain Computer's quote, and plans to
090797 - investigate further. ref SDS 11 0649]
090798 -
090799 - [On 981030 sent Mountain Computer letter. ref SDS 12 0000]
090800 -
090801 - [On 981110 Mountain Computer submitted quotation. ref SDS 13 1248]
090802 -
090803 -
090804 -
090805 -
090806 -
090807 -
090808 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"