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1...Is there a Weinmann firm with an accountant or other responsible
2...What is status of collecting from Chaikin, whose counsel,
0201 - American Arbitration Association 415 981 3901 fax 781 8426
020101 - Mr. Matthew Gilreath; Administrator =415 984 5448
020102 - Case Administration
AAA Chaikin v. Weinmann, 74 110 01184 97
Payment of Arbitrator
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000, ref SDS 11 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Received letter from AAA indicating status on some issues. There
040604 - does not seem a lot of progress.
040605 -
040606 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 with link to this record requesting status
040607 - of pending issues.
040608 -
040609 - [On 981104 received letter from AAA. ref SDS 13 4080]
040610 -
040611 -
040612 -
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - Progress
0410 -
041001 - ..
041002 - Parties Have Not Made Payment
041003 -
041004 - Follow up ref SDS 12 3376, ref SDS 11 7347.
041005 -
041006 - Left message for Matthew to call and advise status by calling back or
041007 - sending an email.
041008 -
041009 -
041010 - ..
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - 2131 received letter
0414 -
041401 - Received ref DRT 1 0000 from Matthew responding to my voice mail.
041402 -
041403 - He says AAA is investigating to see if the check for $950 has been
041404 - cashed.
041405 -
041406 - AAA will issue another check, if $950 is not received by 981030.
041407 - ref DRT 1 6165
041408 -
041409 - [On 981116 received payment. ref SDS 15 0000]
041410 - ..
041411 - Matthew says Langford's client, Weinmann, may be out of the
041412 - country. ref DRT 1 5418
041413 -
041414 - Weinmann was a respondent in the case, and is an architect.
041415 -
041416 - Is there a Weinmann firm with an accountant or other responsible
041417 - party who can be contacted about payment? Or, is Weinmann a
041418 - sole-practitioner and so he along must be contacted?
041419 - ..
041420 - What is status of collecting from Chaikin, whose counsel,
041421 - Keilley, last week seemed to have indicated payment would be made? ..
041422 - ref SDS 12 3368
041423 -
041424 - [On 981123 submitted letter for status on these two pending action
041425 - items. ref SDS 16 5910]
041426 -
041427 - [On 981209 AAA reports Chaikin will pay. ref SDS 17 0000]
041428 - ..
041429 - What is status on eliminating panel maintenance fee charged for
041430 - this one arbitration, per Matthew's discussions with Nina, as reported
041431 - on 981020? ref SDS 12 7500
041432 -
041433 - [On 981104 received letter from AAA. ref SDS 13 4080]
041434 -
041435 - [On 981113 received payment for refund of panel maintenance fee,
041436 - ref SDS 14 1738]
041437 -
041438 -
041439 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"