440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 28, 1998 07:36 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Met with Robert on meeting notes.
2...Telecom Meeting Notes for 981021, Additional Edits
3...Mechanical Meeting Notes for 981021
4...Structural Meeting on 981022
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0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Mr. Robert Rudeen; Architect
020102 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020103 - Interior Design/Documentation
Telecom Meeting, 981021
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
050502 -
050503 -
050504 -
050505 -
050506 -
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Discussion
0509 -
050901 - ..
050902 - Telecom Meeting Notes for 981021, Additional Edits
050903 -
050904 - Follow up ref SDS 15 2925.
050905 -
050906 - Submit Robert's edits in ref DIP 1 7788 for meeting with Teecom on
050907 - 981021. ref SDS 4 0000
050908 -
050909 - He was not actually in when I arrived at Gensler's Project Office, so
050910 - I left the submission with Ivan to give to Robert. ref SDS 17 5220
050911 -
050912 - I called Robert about 0930, and notified him of the letter I left with
050913 - Ivan to give to Robert this morning, that submits the final notes on
050914 - the Teecom meeting.
050915 -
050916 - Robert will review these notes and issue them for distrubution.
050917 -
050918 - [On 981029 Ivan did not give the letter to Robert. ref SDS 20 6828]
050919 -
050920 -
050921 -
0510 -
Mechanical Meeting, 981021
0704 -
070401 - ..
070402 - Mechanical Meeting Notes for 981021
070403 -
070404 - Follow up ref SDS 12 4147.
070405 - ..
070406 - Submit and review rough draft, ref DIP 2 0000, for mechanical
070407 - notes on 981021. ref SDS 5 0000, prepared on 981027. ref SDS 12 4147
070408 -
070409 - I actually gave these notes to Ivan at the Moscone Project Office,
070410 - because Robert works here on Wednesdays. ref SDS 17 5220
070411 -
070412 - [On 981029 Ivan did not give the letter to Robert. ref SDS 20 6828]
070413 -
070414 - He has started red lining stuff using the Internet record, from our
070415 - meeting yesterday. ref SDS 15 5661
070416 -
070417 - I explained the idea to sit down together, as set out in my letter.
070418 -
070419 - He will give this consideration and let me know if that is necessary.
070420 -
070421 -
070422 -
070423 -
0705 -
0706 -
0707 - 1032 received fax
0708 -
070801 - Made arrangements to receive a fax by Golden Gateway Healthway
070802 - downstairs.
070803 -
070804 - Took a nap.
070805 -
070806 -
070807 -
070808 - ..
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - 2215 entered edits
0712 -
071201 - Began entering Robert's edits on first part of meeting notes for
071202 - 981021. ref SDS 5 0000
071203 -
071204 - First effort is to create an accurate, comprehensible record.
071205 -
071206 - Got Robert's edits entered and organized OA 0024
071207 -
071208 - Was able to link to record of meeting on 981014. ref SDS 2 0000
071209 -
071210 - [On 981029 converted to Gensler format and submitted to Robert for
071211 - final edits. ref SDS 18 0000]
071212 -
071213 - [On 981104 entered Robert's final edits. ref SDS 21 5145]
071214 -
071215 -
071216 -
0713 -
Structural Meeting, 981022
0904 -
090401 - ..
090402 - Structural Meeting on 981022
090403 -
090404 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0140.
090405 -
090406 - Deliver ref DIP 3 0000 that notifies Robert of status on meeting notes
090407 - and explains planning to review structural meeting notes with Ivan,
090408 - per record this morning. ref SDS 16 0140
090409 -
090410 - [On 981029 Ivan did not give the letter to Robert. ref SDS 20 6828]
090411 -
090412 -
090413 -
090414 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"