440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 27, 1998 10:48 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Met with Robert on telecom meeting notes, Comm Metrics at Moscone.
2...Telecom Meeting Notes for 981021, Additional Edits
3...Initial Meeting Notes Available on Internet for Edit
4...Communication Metrics Scope on Moscone
5...Project Work Summary for Period Ending 981023
6...Meeting Note Procedures
7...Internet May Expedite Meeting Note Review Process
8...Meeting Note Numbers
9...Meeting Notes to Satisfy Gensler Preferences and Practices
10...Building Useful Systems and Using Systems Requires Extra Effort
11...Schedule and Diary Management System
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0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Mr. Robert Rudeen; Architect
020102 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020103 - Interior Design/Documentation
Telecom Meeting, 981021
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 12 9800, ref SDS 8 0000.
050502 -
050503 - Received additional edits for meeting with Teecom on 981021. Developed
050504 - meeting note procedures. Discussed Welch scope of services on
050505 - Moscone. Set Robert up so he can access the record directly from the
050506 - Internet, so he provide edits and instructions based on direct review,
050507 - rather than waiting for me to send something. Received a copy of
050508 - Roberts Project Work Summary for WE 981023, and he showed his binder
050509 - for time and information management of his daily work practice.
050510 -
050511 - These systems are supported by Communication Metrics.
050512 -
050513 -
050514 -
050515 -
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Discussion
0509 -
050901 - ..
050902 - Telecom Meeting Notes for 981021, Additional Edits
050903 -
050904 - Robert called and wants to meet. I thought he wanted to discuss the
050905 - business deal between Kwan Henmi and Welch, per discussion with Bill
050906 - Long this morning. ref SDS 12 3384
050907 - ..
050908 - He asked me to come in to review the notes of the meeting with
050909 - Teecom, which I left with Bill Long. ref SDS 12 5947
050910 -
050911 - Robert has some additional edits from the work he did on 981023, which
050912 - were entered yesterday. ref SDS 11 3850
050913 -
050914 - I will incorporate Robert's additional edits and return the revised
050915 - notes tomorrow.
050916 -
050917 - We discussed the scope of communication support needed on Moscone, and
050918 - Robert's work practices in relation to Communication Metrics automated
050919 - methods. There seems to a good potential for effective collaboration.
050920 -
050921 -
050922 -
050923 -
050924 -
0510 -
0511 -
0512 - 2143 entered edits
0513 -
051301 - Modified the meeting notes file. ref DIP 1 7788
051302 -
051303 - Decided to use a date based meeting number system, per Robert's
051304 - suggestion. ref SDS 0 6435
051305 -
051306 - Decided not to create a new file, just fixed the file created
051307 - yesterday, ref SDS 11 3850, and changed the date of issue.
051308 -
051309 - [On 981028 delivered edited notes. ref SDS 15 7080]
051310 -
051311 -
051312 -
051313 -
0514 -
Mechanical Meeting, 981021
0704 -
070401 - ..
070402 - Initial Meeting Notes Available on Internet for Edit
070403 -
070404 - Advised Robert that he can get the meeting notes at their current
070405 - stage of completion from the web site, and so can begin providing
070406 - edits and feedback even before the full record is complete, per
070407 - analysis below. ref SDS 0 4483
070408 -
070409 - He tried logging onto the web site, and today he was successful in
070410 - accessing the SDS records.
070411 -
070412 - So he has a way to check progress, and to begin providing edits even
070413 - before the initial thing is complete.
070414 -
070415 - He will try this.
070416 -
070417 - [On 981028 Robert provided initial edits from Internet record on
070418 - the web site. ref SDS 15 7182]
070419 -
070420 -
070421 -
070422 -
0705 -
Moscone Center, Phase III
Welch Company
Scope of Services
1207 -
120701 - ..
120702 - Communication Metrics Scope on Moscone
120703 -
120704 - Robert related having reviewed Bill's memo to Welch on the budget for
120705 - Moscone, per Bill's notice this morning, ref SDS 12 3384, of having
120706 - issued a response to my letter on 981026. ref DIP 2 0000
120707 -
120708 - I explained that Bill's memo has not been delivered via email, so I
120709 - have not yet read it.
120710 -
120711 - [On 981028 received Bill's letter. ref SDS 16 0000]
120712 -
120713 - [On 981103 settled on payment amount. ref SDS 20 3000]
120714 -
120715 - Robert advised that the budget for Communication Metrics on Moscone
120716 - has been scaled back considerably from the proposal in the record on
120717 - 981023. ref SDS 7 5760 He feels we need streamline planning discussed
120718 - on 981020, ref SDS 3 9180, in order to meet budget objectives.
120719 -
120720 - We considered that there are likely to be more communications in
120721 - meetings, rather than fewer, as the design progresses to the 100% bid
120722 - set. The number of consultant's and their integration with Kwan Henmi
120723 - will escalate.
120724 -
120725 - Bill related that Clonia has discussed making the interior and
120726 - exterior work separate prime bid packages.
120727 -
120728 - Gensler has also proposed letting a separate bid for the Moveable
120729 - Partitions.
120730 -
120731 - There was consideration of significant risk in managing the complex
120732 - interface between interior and exterior work under a separate bid
120733 - package scenario. Robert cited the potential for a responsibility
120734 - vacuum in the event of a leak in the roof.
120735 - ..
120736 - In any case, the period ahead seems to require greater attention
120737 - to communications.
120738 -
120739 - Robert cited mechancial and structural as particularly problematical
120740 - in requiring thorough communications.
120741 - ..
120742 - I explained my goal, reviewed with Bill Long last Friday, on
120743 - 981023, ref SDS 7 9768, to build a good business relationship with
120744 - Kwan Henmi. This requires working together on figuring out how to use
120745 - Communication Metrics to support the design function.
120746 -
120747 - [On 981030 Robert wants to use the Doc Log. ref SDS 19 2941]
120748 -
120749 - [On 981030 discussed team meetings. ref SDS 19 0413]
120750 -
120751 - Based on Robert's work practices, discussed today and evident over the
120752 - past week, it seems like there is a good chance to do this on Moscone,
120753 - so I am willing to make this effort, even though nominally Moscone is
120754 - not an ideal vehicle for testing new management methods, for the
120755 - reasons discussed with Bill on Friday. ref SDS 7 5922
120756 - ..
120757 - We reviewed the new report issued by the U.S. Army Corps of
120758 - Engineers on 981022, stating "...with certainty that Communication
120759 - Metrics saved [the government] $187,500..." ref SDS 13 7315
120760 -
120761 - The cost for this savings was $46K, so this is a return of over 400%.
120762 - That is what we are shooting for in adding intelligence to management.
120763 -
120764 - [On 981030 reviewed with Robert on using Communication Metrics for
120765 - KH Team Meetings. ref SDS 19 0413]
120766 -
120767 -
120768 - ..
120769 - Project Work Summary for Period Ending 981023
120770 -
120771 - Robert submitted a "Project Work Summary" which is his weekly history
120772 - of accomplishments on the project.
120773 -
120774 - We discussed incorporating this into the project record, so it is
120775 - on-line for him to review when needed.
120776 -
120777 - It is prepared based on the Work Plan process he uses, which was
120778 - applied on Moscone at the Team Meeting on 981023.
120779 -
120780 - It is another dimension of the notebook binder he uses, discussed
120781 - below. ref SDS 0 3234
120782 -
120783 - [On 981028 received the computer file for the report he provided
120784 - today. ref SDS 17 0000]
120785 -
120786 -
120787 -
120788 -
1208 -
Meeting Note Procedures
Orientation Presentations
Architect's Schedule Diary
Robert Rudeen's Schedule Diary
Time Management
Binder Time Information, IBM
Internet, Web Site Benefits
2510 -
251001 - ..
251002 - Meeting Note Procedures
251003 -
251004 - Robert expressed concern about impacting my time with continual edits
251005 - over several days.
251006 -
251007 - I explained that editing is a key process for sharpening understanding
251008 - on critical issues. I asked him to make additional edits whenever he
251009 - feels it is needed, so that we build an effective record.
251010 - ..
251011 - Robert wants to get initial drafts of notes for meetings held on
251012 - Wednesday, by Friday, so he has time for edits and finalization for
251013 - distribution by the following Tuesday.
251014 -
251015 - I suggested that we shoot for distrubution of Notes on Friday, or at
251016 - the latest on Monday, so that attendees have time to incorporate the
251017 - record into their work plans.
251018 -
251019 - This requires faster turn-around by Welch.
251020 -
251021 - [On 981112 faster production of notes. ref SDS 21 1377]
251022 -
251023 - It fits with Michael Foegelle's request at the Team Meeting on 981023
251024 - that faster turn-around on meeting note drafts makes it easier for
251025 - architects to provide useful edits.
251026 -
251027 - If we can get faster turn-around by Welch, may be able to get better
251028 - input from staff architects, per analysis in proposal to Kwan Henmi
251029 - developed from discussion with Bill Long on 981023. ref SDS 7 3225,
251030 - citing earlier considerations of the same point.
251031 -
251032 -
251033 - ..
251034 - Internet May Expedite Meeting Note Review Process
251035 -
251036 - If Robert is able to provide early feedback on initial meeting notes
251037 - from the Internet web site, as we tried above, ref SDS 0 5661, then we
251038 - may be able to shorten the cycle time for completion.
251039 -
251040 - [On 981028 got some initial success. ref SDS 15 7182]
251041 -
251042 -
251043 - ..
251044 - Meeting Note Numbers
251045 -
251046 - We considered the need for a unique numbering system that does not
251047 - conflict with Gensler's practice be used by Angelica for numbering
251048 - project meetings.
251049 -
251050 - I proposed a KH Function number system.
251051 -
251052 - Robert suggested a date based system.
251053 -
251054 - [Used for meetings on 981021, per 981029. ref SDS 18 7717]
251055 -
251056 - [On 981030 Robert wants KH and date string. ref SDS 19 2709]
251057 -
251058 - [On 981113 Robert wants to use Gensler system. ref SDS 22 6210]
251059 -
251060 -
251061 - ..
251062 - Meeting Notes to Satisfy Gensler Preferences and Practices
251063 -
251064 - The edits Robert wants on the Teecom notes are fairly nominal, but
251065 - streamline the text, per above. ref SDS 0 6890
251066 -
251067 - He feels a simplified record is more suited to Clonia's management
251068 - style.
251069 -
251070 - I explained briefly that Clonia is concerned about Kwan Henmi gaining
251071 - control of the record, which will give it greater command of the
251072 - project, as explained in the POIMS paper. ref OF 1 1113
251073 -
251074 - [On 981113 Robert requested sample meeting note publication with
251075 - only 2 items to summarize 2 hour meeting, as a way to illustrate
251076 - need for detailed notes. ref SDS 22 2673]
251077 -
251078 -
251079 -
251080 - ..
251081 - Building Useful Systems and Using Systems Requires Extra Effort
251082 -
251083 - Robert requested that a sentence be moved to the top of a para, where
251084 - it makes more sense than the way I had positioned it.
251085 -
251086 - I explained having moved it to the bottom of a list, in order to get a
251087 - new routine for creating HTML web pages to function properly. I will
251088 - fix the language so it makes sense, but this illustrates the tension
251089 - between creating and production that makes for long days.
251090 -
251091 - In order for the Internet to help daily management, there must be a
251092 - way to instantly convert web pages, per discussion with Bill this
251093 - morning. ref SDS 12 3196 Robert encoutered a slight jury rig that
251094 - needs more attention.
251095 -
251096 -
251097 -
251098 - ..
251099 - Schedule and Diary Management System
251100 -
251101 - Robert showed me his daily management binder.
251102 -
251103 - He uses it to schedule tasks, and to report on what he has
251104 - accomplished. It is a daily close order planning tool that is
251105 - supplemented by the Project Work Summary he prepares at the end of
251106 - each week, per above. ref SDS 0 3216
251107 -
251108 - This is a bit like IBM's system that Ross uses, and was applied by
251109 - Morris Jones at Chips, as reviewed on 890809. ref SDS 2 8812
251110 -
251111 - I explained how his personal management practice reflects my methods
251112 - 15 years ago that led to the Schedule Diary System (SDS) program,
251113 - which has now become Communication Metrics.
251114 -
251115 -
251116 -
251117 -
251118 -
251119 -
251120 -
251121 -
251122 -
251123 -
251124 -
251125 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"