440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 23, 1998 02:00 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Visit Bill Long at Kwan Henmi on Communication Metrics.
2...Kwan Henmi Wants Welch to Support Moscone through 990331
3...Welch Proposes Support Moscone through March 1999 for $9K per Month
4...Communication Metrics Presentations at Early Stages of New Projects
5...Improving Internet Access with DSL or ISDN
6...Graphics to Explain Comm Metrics for Marketing
7...KH Marketing Comm Metrics on Jail Project, and 3rd and Mission
.....Web Site Directory Structure
.....Primary SDS Program Components
.....Flow Diagram of Components for Communication Metrics
.....Graphic for "Intelligence"
.....Graphic for Management Cycle
8...Web Page for Projects, e.g., Moscone
9...Segment Access between Public and Kwan Henmi Business Records
Click here to comment!
0201 - Kwan Henmi 415 777 4770 fax 5102
020101 - Mr. Robert Rudeen, A.I.A.; Architect =Telephone
020102 - Design Department
020103 - Description
0202 - Kwan Henmi 415 777 4770 fax 5102
020201 - Mr. William N. Long, AIA; Architect
Moscone Center, Phase III
Welch Company
Scope of Services
0906 - ..
0907 - Summary/Objective
0908 -
090801 - Follow up ref SDS 19 0000, ref SDS 17 0000.
090802 -
090803 - Bill wants Communication Metrics support for Moscone through the end
090804 - of March 1999. Welch proposes a budget of $9K per month. ref SDS 0
090805 - 5760 Kwan Henmi has other projects where Communication Metrics may be
090806 - useful. Welch proposes supporting at no cost to Kwan Henmi marketing
090807 - and project launch activities with stakeholders on new projects....
090808 - ref SDS 0 7159
090809 -
090810 - Bill needs graphics for marketing presentations on Communication
090811 - Metrics. ref SDS 0 1581 These are provided.
090812 -
090813 - Research on improving KH Internet access with DSL or ISDN is provided.
090814 - ref SDS 0 1100
090815 -
090816 - Web site issues for project management require joint consideration by
090817 - Kwan Henmi and Welch. ref SDS 0 7620
090818 -
090819 - [On 981026 submitted proposal to Bill. ref SDS 21 0000]
090820 -
090821 -
090822 -
0909 -
0910 -
0911 - Discussion
0912 -
091201 - ..
091202 - Kwan Henmi Wants Welch to Support Moscone through 990331
091203 -
091204 - Bill advised that Kwan Henmi would like to tie down a cost for
091205 - Communication Metrics support on the Moscone III project through the
091206 - end of the design phase, which is expected to run through the end of
091207 - March, 1999.
091208 -
091209 - The firm is also negotiating for other projects to use Communication
091210 - Metrics, discussed below, but at this time they want to continue
091211 - support for Moscone III.
091212 - ..
091213 - I explained my goal to figure out how to use Communication
091214 - Metrics to best advantage for an architect/design operation, and that
091215 - this is a good opportunity to accomplish the experimentation cited by
091216 - Denis on 981019. ref SDS 11 5347
091217 -
091218 - [On 981027 discussed with Robert Rudeen. ref SDS 23 4792]
091219 -
091220 - [On 981030 discussed with Robert. ref SDS 25 0413]
091221 -
091222 - [On 981103 meeting with Bill. ref SDS 26 7595]
091223 -
091224 - [On 981105 issued agreement on this point. ref SDS 27 2816]
091225 -
091226 - Experience on Moscone III indicates that the volume of intellectual
091227 - flow in a focused design operation requires support from the
091228 - "workers" who are having discussions and applying this "input" to
091229 - their work product, which is a set of plans and specs. From the
091230 - meetings I have attended so far, there is a lot of uncertainty and
091231 - error in communication that is glossed over. This is evident from
091232 - requests for drawings to be redrawn to either add or remove details
091233 - that conflict with prior instructions. Rework causes delay, ill
091234 - will and extra cost.
091235 - ..
091236 - Experience also shows that Communication Metrics is resisted
091237 - by Gensler for understandable of concern about having a record
091238 - which is controlled by others. This, however, precludes asking
091239 - questions and obtaining clarification to produce timely and useful
091240 - content.
091241 -
091242 - The withdrawal of Internet access reported on 981023 undermines the
091243 - goal of using the Internet to make Communication Metrics a unique,
091244 - cost effective means of delivering intelligence. ref SDS 18 2730
091245 -
091246 - These negatives are offset by Robert Rudeen's recent elevated role.
091247 -
091248 - Robert has shown the ability to work constructively with Gensler on
091249 - a range of important management issues, including Communication
091250 - Metrics. Also, his personal work practice is supported by the SDS
091251 - design. So this is an opportunity to develop a strong synergy between
091252 - what he wants and expects, and automated tools.
091253 -
091254 - My assessment is, however, that supporting Moscone III will be a
091255 - continued challenge to deliver useful work product, since Robert will
091256 - be only a part-time presence on the project.
091257 -
091258 - On a more fundamental issue, it is curious why the volume is harder to
091259 - track in a design setting than in a construction setting.
091260 -
091261 - It seems to be a question of scale, i.e., the level at which
091262 - Communication Metrics practice is applied.
091263 -
091264 - Communication Metrics has been used in construction at the management
091265 - level, not the construction level. We do not capture all of the
091266 - discussions between carpenter and foreman, foreman and superintendent,
091267 - plumber and inspector, and so on. That too, would be overwhelming.
091268 -
091269 - At the management level, I can be very detailed, track every formal
091270 - document and connect everything up.
091271 -
091272 - On Moscone, we seem to be using Communication Metrics at a lower
091273 - level, at the "worker" level. I thought we might streamline by doing
091274 - just JV Coordination meetings, but these have been skipped the past
091275 - few weeks, indicating this may not be a good vehicle on Moscone. So,
091276 - we are back to covering all of the detailed consultant meetings.
091277 - ..
091278 - I think it can be done, but it would be helpful to work toward a
091279 - modified solution. per letter to Denis on 981014. ref SDS 9 3240
091280 -
091281 - The advantage of architects preparing a paragraph or two to explain
091282 - their objectives and understandings from meetings, as discussed at the
091283 - project team meeting on 981016, has not yet been recognized. ref SDS
091284 - 10 1446
091285 -
091286 - Robert Rudeen may be willing to work toward this. His request at the
091287 - team meeting on 981023 for KH architects to provide sketches and other
091288 - information they bring to meetings, to the Communication Manager so
091289 - these can be cited in the meeting notes, reflects movement toward good
091290 - procedures.
091291 - ..
091292 - There was also discussion at the team meeting about the large
091293 - number of documents being transmitted between KH and consultants,
091294 - primarily by fax, which are not under anyone's control. Robert
091295 - suggested a process, but typically daily activity causes these
091296 - processes to fade after a week or so.
091297 -
091298 - If there is willingness to work together on figuring out how to make
091299 - this work, including finding the right scale for capturing the record,
091300 - I would like to do this.
091301 -
091302 - As well, since Denis gave us the chance after a long gestation, I
091303 - would like to make this work, if possible.
091304 -
091305 - [On 981103 developed agreement. ref SDS 26 3000]
091306 -
091307 - [On 981105 prepared agreement. ref SDS 27 2816]
091308 -
091309 -
091310 - ..
091311 - Welch Proposes Support Moscone through March 1999 for $9K per Month
091312 -
091313 - Bill indicated that a budget between $5K and $10K for this support is
091314 - doable for the project fee structure.
091315 -
091316 - He requested that I submit a proposal on Monday, 981026.
091317 -
091318 - I propose a monthly fee of $9K, subject to approval of Denis and Bill,
091319 - as we discussed on 980917. ref SDS 5 3967
091320 -
091321 - [On 981026 submitted proposal. ref SDS 21 3969]
091322 -
091323 - [On 981027 Bill wants a reduced price. ref SDS 22 3384]
091324 -
091325 - ..
091326 - Communication Metrics Presentations at Early Stages of New Projects
091327 -
091328 - The principal aim of Welch is to provide an experience base to solve
091329 - some marketing and implementation issues for using the Internet and
091330 - Communication Metrics to support daily management, cited by Bill below
091331 - (see ref SDS 0 1581 and ref SDS 0 8512).
091332 -
091333 - Gensler objects to Communication Metrics in part because it is foreign
091334 - and is suddenly thrust upon them.
091335 -
091336 - Bill and I discussed a solution of using Communication Metrics for
091337 - marketing, and/or the early stages of project set up, so that
091338 - principals get used to the methodology gradually on matters cost,
091339 - schedule, scope and requirements.
091340 -
091341 - When there are only a few communications, as occurs at the beginning,
091342 - we can do a very good job that illustrates benefits to stakeholders of
091343 - adding intelligence to management.
091344 -
091345 - Welch is willing to provide initial support for marketing without a
091346 - fee, or within the $9K proposal for Moscone, in order to facilitate
091347 - exposing Communication Metrics to stakeholders.
091348 -
091349 - Bill indicated there is a pretty good chance of funding Communication
091350 - Metrics on their Jail project with DMJM and Turner, if this team is
091351 - selected for the project. Sounded like KH is expected to budget for
091352 - construction management support, which Communication Metrics can do.
091353 -
091354 - The 3rd and Mission project may require a bigger education effort for
091355 - the contractor/partner. Contractors are typically focused on budget
091356 - constraint, rather than effective management as a predicate to
091357 - reducing cost.
091358 -
091359 -
091360 -
0914 -
0915 -
Internet Access
Email in HTML Address Links
Communication Metrics
Moscone Center, Phase III
3rd & Mission Office Bldg
Jail with DMJM, Turner
1709 -
170901 - ..
170902 - Improving Internet Access with DSL or ISDN
170903 -
170904 - Bill advised that Kwan Henmi is investigating ways to improve Internet
170905 - service.
170906 -
170907 - There may be three (3) separate issues related to Communication
170908 - Metrics and Internet access...
170909 -
170910 - 1. Access to Internet failed on 981020. ref SDS 15 0285
170911 -
170912 - 2. Email bouncing back on 981019. ref SDS 12 3382
170913 -
170914 - 3. Return email on web page address links failing on 981020 for
170915 - Robert Rudeen and Bolivar. ref SDS 14 3280
170916 -
170917 - Bill has developed information on ISDN service which uses a dedicated
170918 - line, and on DSL which is a lower cost, alternate high-speed access
170919 - system that uses existing phone lines.
170920 -
170921 - Bill asked for recommendations on the merits of these systems?
170922 -
170923 - ISDN was investigated on 960212, ref SDS 2 3689, for consideration by
170924 - Denis to use Communication Metrics on SFIA projects. ref SDS 1 2916
170925 - That background may be of some help in the current research.
170926 -
170927 - [At 2059 Morris recommended DSL. ref SDS 20 2656]
170928 -
170929 - [On 981027 Bill had not done further research. ref SDS 22 5195]
170930 -
170931 - [On 981029 submitted information on cost for DSL. ref SDS 24 4456]
170932 -
170933 - [On 981106 Bill plans to submit DSL proposal to KH management on
170934 - 981109. ref SDS 28 1580]
170935 -
170936 -
1710 -
Graphics for Marketing
3rd & Mission Office Bldg
Jail with DMJM, Turner
Web Site to Explain POIMS, SDS and
SDS Explanation
Cognitive Science Unfamiliar, Quackery
2309 -
230901 - ..
230902 - Graphics to Explain Comm Metrics for Marketing
230903 - KH Marketing Comm Metrics on Jail Project, and 3rd and Mission
230904 -
230905 - Bill wants some graphics to explain Communication Metrics to KH
230906 - clients.
230907 -
230908 - He feels it is hard to present cost savings, and since there is no
230909 - tradition, or experience, in contracting for a Communication Manager,
230910 - customers are reluctant to budget for this support on the grounds of
230911 - expected savings. Architects, engineers, developers and government
230912 - managers who purchase Kwan Henmi design services, feel that adding
230913 - intelligence to daily communication is "overkill," because they expect
230914 - everyone to work intelligently.
230915 -
230916 - They have two new projects where Communication Metrics may be useful,
230917 - if the projects proceed.
230918 -
230919 - 1. A Jail project with DMJM
230920 -
230921 - 2. 3rd and Mission tower project
230922 - discussed on 980917. ref SDS 5 8177
230923 -
230924 - First, "explaining" Communication Metrics is hard because it automates
230925 - a complex process of managing. People are not aware of how complex
230926 - this is because they learn the craft over many years. Human mental
230927 - processes are hidden from conscious span of attention, and so
230928 - explaining it seems boring. Cognitive Science is still a mystery even
230929 - to expert management consultants and writers, see review by Max
230930 - Wideman on 971029. ref SDS 4 2964
230931 -
230932 - The Welch Web site was created to provide a consistent explanation of
230933 - Communication Metrics, and to enable people to experience some aspects
230934 - of the SDS program.
230935 -
230936 -
230937 -
230938 - ... but as Bill notes, the web site needs graphics to enable people to
230939 - grasp the overall scope.
230940 -
230941 -
230942 - ..
230943 - Web Site Directory Structure
230944 -
230945 - Bill sketched out an example of a graphic he would like that
230946 - explains the directory structure of the Communication Metrics web
230947 - site.
230948 -
230949 - This is in the SDS Help system.
230950 -
230951 - A rough diagram looks like the schematic at ref OF 2 4099.
230952 -
230953 -
230954 - ..
230955 - Primary SDS Program Components
230956 -
230957 - Bill wants a graphic that shows the main components of the
230958 - underlying SDS program. This might be done as an overlay to
230959 - introduce scope gradually, so that complexity is reduced.
230960 -
230961 - The main management components of SDS are in the Help system
230962 - schematic at ref OF 2 3385.
230963 -
230964 -
230965 - ..
230966 - Flow Diagram of Components for Communication Metrics
230967 -
230968 - A program flow diagram is at ref OF 2 8558.
230969 -
230970 - There is a diagram for "Control Fields" that provide
230971 - "intelligence" for Communication Metrics.
230972 -
230973 -
230974 - ..
230975 - Graphic for "Intelligence"
230976 -
230977 - The explanation of "intelligence" in the POIMS paper may make a
230978 - good graphic for the "details of daily management that are
230979 - managed by Communication Metrics... ref OF 1 6011
230980 -
230981 -
230982 -
230983 - ..
230984 - Graphic for Management Cycle
230985 -
230986 - The explanation of the management cycle in the POIMS paper, may be
230987 - a useful graphic, see...
230988 -
230989 - 1. Management cycle, ref OF 1 6649,
230990 -
230991 - 2. Integrating time, knowledge, management cycle. ref OF 1
230992 - 1116
230993 -
230994 - We discussed working together to select some simple graphics that can
230995 - support marketing presentations for Communication Metrics.
230996 -
230997 - I asked about possibility of Kwan Henmi staff preparing some graphics
230998 - which Bill and Denis feel will enable them to make a presentation to
230999 - clients, based on the information we have.
231000 -
231001 - [On 981027 discussed with Bill. ref SDS 22 0352]
231002 -
231003 - [On 981103 priority changed. ref SDS 26 7380]
231004 -
231005 -
231006 -
2311 -
Web Page for Projects
2404 -
240401 - ..
240402 - Web Page for Projects, e.g., Moscone
240403 -
240404 - Bill asked about a web page that supports access to the records for
240405 - the Moscone project.
240406 -
240407 - My sense from the discussion is that this is an understandable request
240408 - for a web page that automates the use of the WBS to assemble project
240409 - records by subject. For many reasons this inviting prospect turns out
240410 - to be very difficult to accomplish, which is why a Communication
240411 - Manager was formulated to "pilot" the data structure for the project
240412 - the way architects support design, and contractors support
240413 - construction.
240414 -
240415 - Additionally, this seems to be going in the direction of a dedicated
240416 - web page for a particular project, per the review on 971021 that led
240417 - to designing a web site for Communication Metrics. ref SDS 3 6336
240418 -
240419 - Issues for conventional web page applications for projects were
240420 - considered on 971021. ref SDS 3 0978
240421 -
240422 - A key issue is the responsibility of the Web Master, and whether the
240423 - Communication Manager can wear two hats. ref SDS 3 8528
240424 -
240425 - Joint review with Bill and others at Kwan Henmi is therefore needed
240426 - because there are two competing factors in Communication Metrics...
240427 -
240428 - 1. Dedicated records by project
240429 -
240430 - 2. Timely creation of the record.
240431 -
240432 - Communication Metrics is designed to automate creation of SDS web
240433 - pages on the Internet in order to avoid the need and expense for
240434 - dedicated web masters. The tools enable managers to focus on thinking
240435 - about their work and what they want to accomplish, and then simply
240436 - jump it to the Internet for communication on a world-wide scale.
240437 -
240438 - Despite this design objective, I have not done too well on step 2 for
240439 - a lot of reasons, per the discussion with Ivan on 981020, ref SDS 13
240440 - 4023, and earlier telecon with Denis on 981019. ref SDS 12 3975
240441 -
240442 - Currently, we have a single data base because that is the most
240443 - efficient way to generate the record based solely on chronology. A
240444 - dedicated data base for each project will create an explosion of
240445 - places people have to maintain, and thereon lead to the problem of too
240446 - many documents that causes inability to manage information with
240447 - present methods.
240448 -
240449 - The Communication Manager can point Kwan Henmi staff to relevant
240450 - records, that are connected to background and follow up, so they get
240451 - comprehensive picture of any particular event.
240452 -
240453 - The SDS program makes it easy to select records for a particular
240454 - project and a specific issue for the project, based on the WBS, which
240455 - was developed during the period from 980929 to about 981014, although
240456 - it is an ongoing process.
240457 -
240458 - A sample of the WBS (also "Subject Index") was submitted to Bill in my
240459 - letter on 981012. ref SDS 8 2880
240460 -
240461 - We need to work together to design an effective "project web page"
240462 - that accomplishes Kwan Henmi objectives, yet maintains the flexibility
240463 - and speed essential to be effective.
240464 -
240465 - I think it is possible to have multiple data bases, and code can be
240466 - created for posting multiple data bases in an efficient manner, so the
240467 - housekeeping, that no one ever wants to do, gets done automatically.
240468 -
240469 -
240470 -
240471 -
2405 -
Security KH Business Issues
2504 -
250401 - ..
250402 - Segment Access between Public and Kwan Henmi Business Records
250403 -
250404 - Bill asked about security of KH business information, so that
250405 - information on strategy and planning by the firm is not available
250406 - through the web site to those outside the circle of need-to-know.
250407 -
250408 - Bill indicated a sense of having encountered records that are linked
250409 - which have information that requires limited distribution. He did not
250410 - cite any specific security breaches.
250411 -
250412 - Currently, the problem is minimal because Gensler, which is primary
250413 - focus of concern at this time, has disconnected the project team from
250414 - the web site. Gensler has further stated it would not access the
250415 - record on-line, and maintains it will only use conventional printed
250416 - documents from KH.
250417 -
250418 - Of course, someone familiar with the data structure can access some
250419 - records on the web site. But the volume of records and the lack
250420 - orientation, together with the complex data structure, discourages
250421 - widespread access due to limited time, as noted by Bill in requesting
250422 - a web page to guide access. ref SDS 0 7620
250423 -
250424 - A second protection, is professional preparation of the record that
250425 - presents Kwan Henmi considerations in a constructive way that avoids
250426 - unwarranted criticism, so that in all circumstances the record is
250427 - useful intelligence to advance project success.
250428 -
250429 - Barriers erected to maintain privacy, also stifle recognition of
250430 - patterns that point to problems or opportunities.
250431 -
250432 - Therefore we need to visit on this subject to formulate a procedure to
250433 - accomplish Kwan Henmi needs and maintain the advantages of automated
250434 - access to intelligence.
250435 -
250436 -
250437 -
250438 -
2505 -
2506 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"