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1...SDE will coordinate with FBA on elevator rail supports.
2...SDE will develop framing for support of catwalk platform.
3...SDE will investigate support requirements for cantalevered slab.
4...Clonia advised that SDE should note on the structural plans that
5...SDE will investigate framing requirements for machine room elevators
0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Mr. Ivan Romero, AIA; Project Architect
020102 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020103 - Interior Design/Documentation
0202 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020201 - Ms. Clonia Cautis, AIA, RA
020202 - Project Manager
020203 - Executive Committee
0203 - Structural Design Engineers 415 781 1505 fax 2718
020301 - Mr. Jon D. Andrews
020302 - Project Engineer
0204 - Structural Design Engineers 415 781 1505 fax 2718
020401 - Mr. John W. Laws; Principal
Structural Meeting, 981015
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
050502 -
050503 - Coordinated on work in progress toward 981030 CD set. SDE is
050504 - resolving framing to accomodate ductwork. Continued close
050505 - coordination between structural and mechanical needed.
050506 -
050507 - [On 9081028 submitted draft for edits. ref SDS 11 0000]
050508 -
050509 - [On 981104 received edits from Ivan and Michael. ref SDS 12 7866]
050510 -
050511 - [On 981105 received edits from Phil. ref SDS 13 0000]
050512 -
050513 - [On 981106 received edits from Janet. ref SDS 14 4704]
050514 -
050515 - [On 981109 submitted notes to Ivan. ref SDS 15 0000]
050516 -
050517 -
050518 -
0506 -
Kitchen Duct Clearances
CMU Wall Framing for Duct Clearance
Masonry Wall Support Above Kitchen
1406 - Discussion
1407 -
140701 - ..
140702 - CMU Wall Support at Entry and Exit Ramps
140703 -
140704 - Follow up ref SDS 9 4882.
140705 -
140706 - Ivan initially asked if SDE has analysed requirements for increased
140707 - support of the concrete block wall, ref DIP 2 0001, as discussed at
140708 - the meeting on 981015. ref SDS 9 4882
140709 -
140710 - This has potential to impact clearance of ductwork for the kitchen.
140711 -
140712 - Jack advised that SDE has provided added support for the CMU wall
140713 - above the Kitchen area, by adding columns, rather than thickening the
140714 - beam depth. This design maintains space needed for mechanical ducts.
140715 -
140716 - Jon said that SDE will submit via fax a detail later today showing the
140717 - depth of the beam has not changed, so that duct clearances are not
140718 - changed.
140719 -
140720 - [On 981111 report SDE submitted detail. ref SDS 16 6930]
140721 -
140722 -
140723 -
1408 -
Elevator 7, 8
1604 -
160401 - ..
160402 - Elevator 7 & 8, Mechanical Shaft, Catwalk Access in Machine Room
160403 -
160404 - Follow up ref SDS 10 1024, ref SDS 9 0000.
160405 -
160406 - Goal of discussion was to incorporate elevator hoistway, HVAC shaft
160407 - and Operable Partition Storage clearances with the structural
160408 - requirements between column lines E.5 - F and 4 - 4.6.
160409 -
160410 - Phil reviewed KH sketches transmitted via fax to SDE on 981019.
160411 -
160412 - Philip discussed objective to maintain 320 SF of mecanical shaft by
160413 - moving beams.
160414 -
160415 - a. SDE revised from tube steel to wide flange column configurations
160416 - at elevator support rails intersecting column line 4.3 and has
160417 - confirmed with FBA.
160418 - ..
160419 - b. SDE revised elevator Machine Room level and Penthouse floor
160420 - framing plans and has confirmed with FBA.
160421 -
160422 - SDE will coordinate with FBA on elevator rail supports.
160423 -
160424 - [On 981111 this was not discussed. ref SDS 16 7192]
160425 -
160426 - c. Penthouse structural floor plan to become similar to 2nd & 3rd
160427 - floor structural plan to accommodate HVAC shaft opening.
160428 -
160429 - d. Suggestion of doubling number of columns around elevator hoistway
160430 - was declined in favor of resizing existing columns and beams and
160431 - introducing chevron bracing at all four sides of Elevator Machine
160432 - level to underside of Penthouse deck.
160433 -
160434 - e. Confirmed intermediate horizontal support I-beams necessary
160435 - between 1st & 2nd and 2nd & 3rd floors to stabilize shaft walls
160436 - and elevator rail support spans.
160437 - ..
160438 - f. Reviewed access to fire dampers and fan coil unit at catwalk
160439 - through an access panel and short ladder adjacent to Machine room
160440 - stairway, as shown in KH sketches issued to SDE on 981019
160441 -
160442 - SDE will develop framing for support of catwalk platform.
160443 -
160444 - [On 981111 status of action unclear. ref SDS 16 3334]
160445 - ..
160446 - g. Clonia asked about edge of slab support where wall divides
160447 - the Machine Room stairway and fire damper/fan coil unit catwalk
160448 - area.
160449 -
160450 - SDE suggested that cantilevered distance of slab from Machine Room
160451 - should be adequate.
160452 -
160453 - SDE will investigate support requirements for cantalevered slab.
160454 -
160455 - [On 981111 status of action unclear. ref SDS 16 3335]
160456 -
160457 - h. HVAC shaft along column line F between 4 and 4.6 has moved south
160458 - forcing the removal of the Operable Partition closet at column
160459 - intersection F & 5. The access to the diagonal damper braces
160460 - located between 4.3 and 4.6 on the 2nd and 3rd floors has been
160461 - modified to penetrate the HVAC shaft completely requiring two
160462 - (2-hour) access panels and a suspended catwalk just north and
160463 - parallel of column line 4.6 inside the HVAC shaft.
160464 -
160465 -
160466 -
160467 -
1605 -
Hang Points, Ground Floor
Hang Points, 2nd Floor
Hang Points, 3rd Floor
2706 -
270601 - ..
270602 - Hang Point Layout in Exhibit Area Ceilings
270603 -
270604 - Follow up ref SDS 6 4979.
270605 -
270606 - Ivan explained changing the layout for hang points to be 10' on center
270607 - instead of 11' 3" on center between line 1.5 and 2 in the Exhibit
270608 - areas on...
270609 -
270610 - Ground floor
270611 - 2nd floor
270612 - 3rd floor
270613 -
270614 - This modifies understandings from meeting on 981001. ref SDS 6 4979
270615 -
270616 -
270617 -
270618 -
270619 -
2707 -
Firproofing Not Required
Seismic Bracing, FP Not Required
Hang Point Subframes
3206 -
320601 - ..
320602 - Fireproofing Not Needed for Seismic and Subframes
320603 -
320604 - Clonia advised that SDE should note on the structural plans that
320605 - seismic bracing and subframes for hang points do not need to be
320606 - fireproofed.
320607 -
320608 -
320609 -
320610 -
3207 -
Elevator 3 and 4
3404 -
340401 - ..
340402 - Elevators 3 and 4
340403 -
340404 - Michael submits to SDE at the meeting a KH design package for
340405 - elevators 3 and 4.
340406 -
340407 - Reviewed cantalevered slab at south opening of elevators 3 and 4.
340408 -
340409 - [On 981111 no evident discussion. ref SDS 16 7990]
340410 -
340411 -
340412 -
3405 -
Elevator 1 and 2
Mech Rooms for Elev 1 - 2
3705 -
370501 - ..
370502 - Elevators 1 and 2
370503 -
370504 - Michael requested that SDE provide dimensionally revised structural
370505 - framing plans for...
370506 -
370507 - a. Machine room at elevators 1 and 2.
370508 -
370509 - b. Guide rail supports at elevators 1 and 2.
370510 -
370511 - SDE will investigate framing requirements for machine room elevators
370512 - 1 and 2.
370513 -
370514 - [On 981111 no evident discussion. ref SDS 16 8260]
370515 -
370516 -
370517 -
370518 -
3706 -
Structural Dampers at Seismic Bracing
3804 -
380401 - ..
380402 - Structural Dampers
380403 -
380404 - Ivan Romero requested that SDE submit a conceptual detail of
380405 - structural dampers.
380406 -
380407 - Jon Andrews reported that SDE has submitted this detail to GWK-G.
380408 -
380409 - During the meeting Clonia asked Angelica to find this submittal.
380410 -
380411 - Angelica located the document and Clonia made a copy and gave it to
380412 - Ivan.
380413 -
380414 -
380415 -
380416 -
380417 -
3805 -
Restrooms, Elev 5 & 6, Ceilings
Access Dampers
Catwalk Access to Fire Dampers
2nd Floor, Catwalk
3rd Floor, Catwalk
Ladder to Catwalk Elev 5 & 6
Ladder to Catwalk in Op Wall Enclosure Near
4510 -
451001 - ..
451002 - Restrooms at Elevators 5 and 6
451003 -
451004 - Follow up ref SDS 9 6909.
451005 -
451006 - Clonia wants to avoid access panels in the GWB ceilings if possible.
451007 -
451008 - Problem
451009 -
451010 - Janet explained that on the ground floor restroom next to elevators
451011 - 5 & 6 there is not enough space to provide an access ladder up to a
451012 - catwalk to service the fire dampers of the HVAC ducts on the ground
451013 - floor, as there is on the second and third.
451014 -
451015 - Solution
451016 -
451017 - a. Ground Floor Access from GWB Ceiling in Women's Restroom
451018 -
451019 - Ducts on the ground floor will be brought down low enough to
451020 - provide access to the fire dampers from the ceiling of the GWB
451021 - ceiling in the women's restroom.
451022 - ..
451023 - b. Catwalk Access on 2nd and 3rd Floor
451024 -
451025 - Ducts on the second and third floor will remain close to the
451026 - upper floor slab and remain a straight run into the shaft, with
451027 - access to the fire damper provided by a catwalk tied into the
451028 - miscellaneous steel provided for the support of the shaft wall
451029 - at EL.24' AFF, following up meeting with SDE on 981015 in record
451030 - at ref SDS 9 6911, and meeting with A&P on 981021. ref SDS 10
451031 - 2626
451032 - ..
451033 - c. Ladder in Operable Partition Enclosure Access to Catwalk
451034 -
451035 - Access to the catwalk will be through the operable partition
451036 - closet 202-J, and 302-J near column grid E.5/2.3 w/an enclosed
451037 - ladder up to a door at the top of the acousical wall enclosure.
451038 -
451039 -
451040 -
451041 -
4511 -
Elevator 5 & 6
Ductwork Clearances
Mechanical Shafts
Janitor Clostes, Restrooms at Elev 5 & 6
Elevator 5 and 6
Exhaust Duct
5309 -
530901 - ..
530902 - Elevators 5 and 6
530903 -
530904 - Follow up ref SDS 10 2354.
530905 -
530906 - Janet coordinated elevator framing with SDE on the void space north of
530907 - elevator 5 steel framing of the elevator shaft and column grid 2.
530908 -
530909 - a. Janitors Closet, Plumbing Vents, Roof Drain Leaders
530910 -
530911 - The void space is the preferred location for the janitors
530912 - closet, and will be utilized for some plumbing vents as well as
530913 - possible roof drain leaders, as discussed with mechanical
530914 - consultant A&P on 981021. ref SDS 10 2354
530915 -
530916 - Elevator consultants have verified using the void space as a
530917 - janitor closet on the second and third floor.
530918 -
530919 - b. Elevator Hoistway Exhaust Duct
530920 -
530921 - Another use of this void space is the elevator hoistway exhaust
530922 - duct. Venting is possible through the side of the elevator 5
530923 - shaft (at the top of the shaft) into this space to vent straight
530924 - up through the penthouse to an exterior louver.
530925 -
530926 - Elevator consultants have verified this plan to use the void
530927 - space for elevator hoistway exhaust space, and as janitor closet
530928 - space on the second and third floor.
530929 -
530930 -
530931 -
530932 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"