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1...Acoustical door is needed if access from moveable partition storage
2...Amit will prepare a section to see if elevating the catwalk is
3...Janet to confirm penthouse plan location for catwalk access to fire
4...Clonia will discuss gas meter room location with Utility consultant on
5...Allen advises that A&P will submit a spec on the duct wrap blanket
6...Amit says A&P needs a drawing that shows the conduit runs, so that
7...Robert says KH will submit a sketch on the telecom conduit.
8...Robert says KH needs to provide plans of mechanical equipment rooms
9...Clonia says Angelica will send notes to John on Building Dep meeting.
10...Amit asks for reflected ceiling showing substructure of Exhibit area.
11...Janet to request letter from elevator consultant on code
12...Allen advises that A&P needs location [of something????]
0201 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020101 - Ms. Clonia Cautis, AIA, RA
020102 - Project Manager
020103 - Executive Committee
0202 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020201 - Mr. Robert Rudeen; Architect
020202 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020203 - Interior Design/Documentation
0203 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020301 - Mr. Ivan Romero, AIA; Project Architect
020302 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020303 - Interior Design/Documentation
0204 - Gensler/Michael Willis/Kwan Henmi 415 433 3700 fax 415 627 3700
020401 - Ms. Janet MacKinnen; Architect
020402 - Kwan Henmi Architects
020403 - Interior Design/Documentation
0205 - Ajmani & Pamidi, Inc. 415 543 9344
020501 - Mr. John Byrne
0206 - Ajmani & Pamidi, Inc. 415 543 9344
020601 - Mr. Allen Arbabaraghi
0207 - Ajmani & Pamidi, Inc. 415 543 9344
020701 - Mr. Amit Wadhwa
Mechanical Meeting, 981014
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
050502 -
050503 - Coordinated design for restroom and mechanical at elevators 5 and 6,
050504 - and at 2nd floor mezzanine. Designed access to fire damper on ducts
050505 - on E5 - E7 using catwalk system. Design package submitted to A&P for
050506 - elevators 7 and 8. Reviewed requirements for PG&E gas meter room,
050507 - Clonia to research with Utility consultant. Decided scope of fire
050508 - rated blanket wrap on grease duct to reduce cost. Coordinated
050509 - mechanical and telecom conduit routing. Developed scope and planning
050510 - for access to mechanical equipment in elevator machine rooms.
050511 -
050512 - [On 981027 submitted draft for edits. ref SDS 19 4147]
050513 -
050514 - [On 981029 submitted initial edits to Robert. ref SDS 20 0000]
050515 -
050516 - [On 981104 received and entered final edits, incorporated into
050517 - this record and the published notes. ref SDS 21 5145]
050518 -
050519 -
050520 -
050521 -
050522 -
0506 -
Elevator 5, 6
Mech Rooms for Elev 5 & 6
Mech Shafts
Janitor Closet, Floor 2, Mezzanine
1708 -
170801 - ..
170802 - 2nd Floor Mezzanine Grids F 2
170803 - Layout Restroom Piping, Elevator 5, 6, Janitor Closet, Machine Room
170804 -
170805 - Janet asked about changing the plumbing to accommodate space for a
170806 - Janitor closet that was formerly used for plumbing vents, above and
170807 - north of elevator 5, at the entry to the elevator equipment room.
170808 -
170809 - Janet has confirmed with the elevator consultant that the elevator
170810 - shaft can be vented high on the wall at the ceiling rather than in
170811 - the ceiling.
170812 -
170813 - The vent is located above the new janitor closet.
170814 -
170815 - The elevator consultant has layed out the elevator machine room.
170816 -
170817 - Ivan seemed to discuss the prospect that the new janitor space
170818 - configuration provides a pipe chase with 305 SF.
170819 - ..
170820 - A&P will revise the mechanical design to relocate piping so that
170821 - it misses the elevator vent.
170822 -
170823 - [On 981112 A&P reports having accomplished this task. ref SDS 22
170824 - 0450]
170825 -
170826 - Robert notes that 3' - 4' working clearance is needed around the
170827 - elevator equipment.
170828 -
170829 - [On 981022 coordinated with SDE on structural. ref SDS 18 4902]
170830 -
170831 -
170832 -
170833 -
1709 -
Fire Dampers Line E
Floor 2 Fire Damper Access
Acoustical Door Op Wall Encl.
Roof, Penthouse
2608 -
260801 - ..
260802 - Access to Fire Damper from Mechanical Penthouse on Roof
260803 - Fire Damper Access Ducts at E.5 - E.7 South of Grid 2, Level 2 Mez
260804 -
260805 - KH proposed design provides a catwalk access to the fire dampers.
260806 -
260807 - Ivan asks if the ducts can be shifted at the Operable Wall enclosure
260808 - (not clear if general or specific location)
260809 -
260810 - Allen says this can be done.
260811 -
260812 - [On 981022 coordinated with structural. ref SDS 18 5360]
260813 -
260814 - Janet discusses putting a ladder in the Operable Wall enclosure.
260815 -
260816 - [On 981022 coordinated with structural. ref SDS 18 5361]
260817 - ..
260818 - Catwalk at 27'4" above floor.
260819 -
260820 - Need head clearance under ducts -- 6'8" +
260821 -
260822 - Janet has prepared a drawing that shows headroom is generous.
260823 -
260824 - No access is possible through the elevator equipment room.
260825 -
260826 - Clonia says okay.
260827 -
260828 - Allen says ducts clear the beams.
260829 -
260830 - Allen says there is an "actuator" in this area on the bottom of the
260831 - duct.
260832 -
260833 - He indicates that access is needed "in between...."
260834 -
260835 - Needs to be able to re-set fire damper.
260836 -
260837 - Access depends on size of fire damper.
260838 -
260839 - Robert Rudeen says access is typically at bottom of the duct.
260840 -
260841 - Acoustical door is needed if access from moveable partition storage
260842 - enclosure.
260843 -
260844 - Running the duct down to the ceiling of the toilet rooms, then back
260845 - up the roof deck, was discussed.
260846 -
260847 - This was not acceptable because of acoustic and cost considerations.
260848 -
260849 - Janet suggests another location for a door to access structural
260850 - damper.
260851 -
260852 - Clonia requests a detail.
260853 -
260854 - Amit suggests an access panel..., do not need a ladder because access
260855 - can be made from the restroom.
260856 -
260857 - Discussion to avoid using a catwalk for access to fire damper.
260858 -
260859 - Consideration to put the fire damper at 11'.
260860 -
260861 - Clonia asks for a section, and indicates that if it "works," the
260862 - solution is okay.
260863 -
260864 - Amit will prepare a section to see if elevating the catwalk is
260865 - feasible, and will notify KH later today.
260866 -
260867 - Janet provided to A&P a copy of the KH drawing showing the catwalk
260868 - and access to the fire damper.
260869 -
260870 - Following the meeting it was decided to locate the catwalk access
260871 - from the mechanical penthouse above.
260872 -
260873 - Janet to confirm penthouse plan location for catwalk access to fire
260874 - damper.
260875 -
260876 - [On 981022 coordinated with SDE on structural. ref SDS 18 0802]
260877 -
260878 -
260879 -
2609 -
Elevator 7 and 8
Coordinate Elevators, Mechanical
3005 -
300501 - ..
300502 - Elevators 7, 8 Design Submitted to A&P
300503 -
300504 - Ivan advised of having submitted a design package to A&P on elevator
300505 - 7 and 8.
300506 -
300507 - He reported that KH is revising a sketch that was included in the
300508 - design package.
300509 -
300510 -
300511 -
300512 -
300513 -
3006 -
Requirements, Gas Meter
3404 -
340401 - ..
340402 - Gas Meter Room Studied to Resolve Location/Space Issues
340403 -
340404 - Allen advised of a meeting at 1330 tomorrow with the City and the
340405 - Utility consultant.
340406 -
340407 - Allen indicated that the design scheme for the gas meter room may
340408 - not work.
340409 -
340410 - Clonia noted there is no place for a louver in the side wall -- ducts
340411 - must terminate in the soffit above.
340412 -
340413 - This requires...
340414 -
340415 - 95' of exhaust duct.
340416 -
340417 - 75' of supply duct.
340418 -
340419 - Allen asked if it ................... can be at the ground level?
340420 -
340421 - Ivan proposed coming up into a space....., but recognized there is a
340422 - conflict with a column.
340423 -
340424 - Robert suggested routing the duct up in a corner............
340425 -
340426 - Allen noted that the duct length is too long.
340427 -
340428 - Clonia emphasized that the objective is to get to the soffit.
340429 -
340430 - Robert asks if there is enough room due to a thin floor line at this
340431 - location?
340432 -
340433 - Clonia shows the floor is not too thin at this location, indicates
340434 - there is enough room.
340435 -
340436 - There is discussion that the "whole thing is glass."
340437 -
340438 - There is glass above the awning.
340439 -
340440 - Robert notes that the area way does not need to be full depth, it can
340441 - be limited to only 4'.
340442 -
340443 - Allen agrees, if whole vault is outside the building.
340444 -
340445 - Allen advises the gas meter enclosure needs a vent in case there is
340446 - leakage.
340447 -
340448 - Clonia proposes moving the room to the ground floor.
340449 -
340450 - John explains the requirements for the gas meter room relates to high
340451 - pressure pipe incorporated in the system.
340452 -
340453 - Clonia will discuss gas meter room location with Utility consultant on
340454 - 981022.
340455 -
340456 - John posed possibility of using a tunnel.
340457 -
340458 - Allen asks Clonia if there is a problem with showing a couple of
340459 - louvers on the wall?
340460 -
340461 -
340462 -
340463 -
3405 -
Kitchen, Grease Duct
3704 -
370401 - ..
370402 - Kitchen Grease Duct, Fire Rated Blanket Wrap, Cost Reduction
370403 -
370404 - Allen advises that using blanket wrap system for fire protection on
370405 - the grease duct is expensive.
370406 -
370407 - This is related in the published notes for the meeting today shown
370408 - at. ref DIP 2 0600
370409 -
370410 - He suggests avoiding the blanket wrap on vertical ducts, following up
370411 - discussion at meeting on 981014. ref SDS 14 8250, as shown in
370412 - published notes. ref DIP 1 9396
370413 -
370414 - Allen indicates a single layer wrap costs $5.50/SF for material, so a
370415 - double wrap costs $11.00/SF for the material.
370416 -
370417 - Installed price is estimates to cost $19.00/SF.
370418 -
370419 - Ivan asks if it is not necessary to extend the 2 hour shaft because
370420 - the ducts will be wrapped?
370421 -
370422 - Michael discusses using duct wrap on long runs.
370423 -
370424 - There is not enough clearance for the duct wrap.
370425 -
370426 - Mentions "critical dimension" and "shaft wall."
370427 -
370428 - Discusses using duct wrap horizontal and vertical because there is
370429 - not enough clearance to build a gyp board rated shaft wall.
370430 -
370431 - Allen notes that 4 grease ducts need wrap.
370432 -
370433 - It was decided to use the grease duct wrap vertically due to area
370434 - constraints.
370435 -
370436 - Allen advises that A&P will submit a spec on the duct wrap blanket
370437 - system.
370438 -
370439 - Clonia discusses writing a specification. It is a grey area whether
370440 - to specify duct wrap in the mechanical section or in a separate
370441 - section, possibly part of Insulation, or Special Construction.
370442 -
370443 -
370444 -
370445 -
3705 -
Mechanical Coordinate Telecom Conduits
HVAC Ducts, Telecom Conduits
Mechanical Mezzanine Floor 1
4307 -
430701 - ..
430702 - Coordinate Telecom Conduits
430703 -
430704 - Robert asks about coordination between Telecom 4" conduits in the 1st
430705 - Floor Mechanical Mezzanine at line A.5 - 4.3, following up meeting
430706 - with Teecom at 0830 this morning. ref SDS 17 1024
430707 -
430708 - Allen looks at mechanical drawings.
430709 -
430710 - Robert says conduit clears ducts; not enough room for sweep to clear
430711 - the ceiling.
430712 -
430713 - The telecom fiber optic conduit will have 2 bends in the
430714 - mechanical room.
430715 -
430716 - Amit asks if the conduit can be put in a chase?
430717 -
430718 - John says no.
430719 -
430720 - Robert says conduit will be sealed.
430721 -
430722 - Amit says A&P needs a drawing that shows the conduit runs, so that
430723 - ductwork can be layed out to avoid the conduit.
430724 -
430725 - Robert says KH will submit a sketch on the telecom conduit.
430726 -
430727 -
430728 -
430729 -
430730 -
4308 -
Elevator Mechanical Rooms
Access, Ductwork
4907 -
490701 - ..
490702 - Access to Equipment - Catwalk
490703 - Elevator Machine Rooms HVAC Equipment
490704 -
490705 - Allen submits a catalog cut of an air handler, and it is reviewed
490706 - during the meeting for access requirements.
490707 -
490708 - Robert asks Allen to point out on the drawings and in the A&P catalog
490709 - cut, where access is needed.
490710 -
490711 - Allen explains...
490712 -
490713 - Needs to hang outside the elevator machine room.
490714 -
490715 - There will be supply and return ducts.
490716 -
490717 - A&P needs 36" wide access on both sides of the unit.
490718 -
490719 - Electrical access panel is on the back side.
490720 -
490721 - Need access to a compressor.
490722 -
490723 - Access to a filter can be from either side.
490724 -
490725 - Robert marks drawings to show where access is needed.
490726 -
490727 - May need a catwalk because duct is high.
490728 -
490729 - Proposes drawing a catwalk.
490730 -
490731 - Allen draws a sketch in elevator mechanical room.
490732 -
490733 - Shows supply and return ducts to illustrate access
490734 - requirements.
490735 -
490736 - Clonia asks why a catwalk is needed?
490737 -
490738 - Allen suggests locating ...................... in mezzanine fan
490739 - room.
490740 -
490741 - Robert says KH needs to provide plans of mechanical equipment rooms
490742 - for the elevator.
490743 -
490744 -
490745 -
4908 -
Document Management
Project Management
Documents, Distribution
Meeting Note Procedures
Building Department, City of SF
Fire Department, City of SF
5509 -
550901 - ..
550902 - Notes on Meetings with Fire Dep and Building Dep
550903 -
550904 - John requests that Clonia submit notes of meetings that were held with
550905 - the City building department and with the Fire Department, last month.
550906 -
550907 - Clonia recalls that the notes of these meetings were submitted to
550908 - A&P.
550909 -
550910 - John does not recall receiving the notes.
550911 -
550912 - Clonia asks Angelica to give A&P a copy of meeting notes #7.
550913 -
550914 - Angelica says John should have gotten these notes.
550915 -
550916 - Before the meeting today ends, Clonia submits notes of meeting with
550917 - Fire Department, to John.
550918 -
550919 - John needs notes of meeting with Building Department.
550920 -
550921 - Clonia says Angelica will send notes to John on Building Dep meeting.
550922 -
550923 -
550924 -
550925 -
550926 -
5510 -
25% CD Schedule
50% CD Schedule
Submit Backgrounds to Consultants
Changes to Drawings
Changes, Notify Clonia
Operable Walls
6210 -
621001 - ..
621002 - Notify Project Manager of Changes to Drawings
621003 - Restore Details on Drawings Requested by Project Manager
621004 -
621005 - Clonia says some drawings have been changed without telling her.
621006 -
621007 - Seems to instruct don't do anything on design of
621008 - elevators.........?
621009 -
621010 - Clonia advises that backgrounds need to be revised.
621011 -
621012 - Information needs to be restored to drawings that was removed.
621013 -
621014 - Operable Partition Enclosure at F and 4.6 has been removed.
621015 -
621016 - [Unclear if this is detail that needs to be replaced on
621017 - drawings.]
621018 -
621019 -
621020 -
621021 -
621022 -
6211 -
6212 -
25% CD Schedule
50% CD Schedule
Submit Backgrounds to Consultants
6506 -
650601 - ..
650602 - KH Preparing Backgrounds for Consultants
650603 -
650604 - There is discussion that A&P will receive backgrounds on 981026.
650605 -
650606 - A&P will not necessarily fully apply all of the new information in
650607 - these backgrounds for the 50% CD set by the target date of 981030.
650608 -
650609 - Amit explained the need to take the time required for careful
650610 - professional work that is well coordinated.
650611 -
650612 - Robert explained that close coordination is needed between KH and
650613 - A&P.
650614 -
650615 - Clonia advised that backgrounds on the west mezzanine will be
650616 - submitted to A&P prior to 981026, if they are available.
650617 -
650618 - Amit asks for reflected ceiling showing substructure of Exhibit area.
650619 -
650620 -
650621 -
6507 -
Document Management
Project Management
6907 -
690701 - ..
690702 - Robert reviews Status of Issues from Mech Meeting on 981014
690703 -
690704 - Notes for the meeting on 981014. ref SDS 14 0000
690705 -
690706 - 1. Pre Function
690707 -
690708 - Allen asks for a copy of design requirements and drawings for 2
690709 - slot louvers that are to be part of the 50% CD?
690710 -
690711 - Amit discusses 2 slot and single slot diffusers.
690712 -
690713 - Discusses need to pick a louver and submit it to A&P.
690714 - ..
690715 - Amit says A&P needs diffuser types for Pre Function, per
690716 - request at meeting on 9081014. ref SDS 14 3884.
690717 -
690718 - Clonia reports on having submitted a detail of a diffuser to
690719 - A&P, and that a copy was provided to Robert Rudeen.
690720 -
690721 - Clonia indicates this needs to be in the 50% package.
690722 -
690723 - Robert says KH has not received the submittal.
690724 -
690725 - Clonia consults with Angelica, and a copy is provided during the
690726 - meeting.
690727 -
690728 -
690729 -
690730 -
6908 -
Mechanical Shafts Basement
C Line
7105 -
710501 - ..
710502 - Mechanical Shaft in Basement Level
710503 -
710504 - 2. Basement
710505 - ..
710506 - Allen asks if a shaft should stop at the ceiling at line
710507 - C5?
710508 -
710509 - [On 981104 there are no edits on this, it is an oversight and
710510 - will be corrected when time permits. ref SDS 21 1776]
710511 -
710512 - There was some discussion of this on 981014. ref SDS 14 4856
710513 -
710514 - Discussion about a stair.
710515 -
710516 - Something extends 6'
710517 -
710518 - Finish Floor -3.6
710519 -
710520 -
7106 -
Terrazzo Floors
7405 -
740501 - ..
740502 - Restroom Layout, Coordination with Plumbing, HVAC
740503 -
740504 - Follow up ref SDS 14 8032.
740505 -
740506 - 4. Restrooms
740507 -
740508 - Clonia wants concrete curb around restrooms.
740509 -
740510 - This seems to have been discussed at the meeting on 981014...
740511 - ref SDS 14 5256
740512 -
740513 - Robert advised that there will be a terrazzo base.
740514 -
740515 - Clonia advised that a concrete curb is also required.
740516 -
740517 - SDE will be notified to show a concrete curb on the structural
740518 - plans.
740519 -
740520 -
740521 -
740522 -
7406 -
Elevator 1 - 4
Mechanical Shafts Elevator 1 - 4
7905 -
790501 - ..
790502 - KH Reviews Detail to Solve Vent Shaft at Elevators 1 - 4
790503 -
790504 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0588.
790505 -
790506 - 7. Vent Shaft at Elevator 1 - 4
790507 -
790508 - Pending????
790509 -
790510 - Avoid conflict with stair (???)
790511 -
790512 - Janet shows John a detail of solution developed from meeting on
790513 - 981014. ref SDS 14 3052
790514 -
790515 - Allen is concerned about a code issue.
790516 -
790517 - Opening has to be on top point of hoistway.
790518 -
790519 - Robert Rudeen seems to report on discussions with elevator
790520 - consultant that indicate vents can be on the side.
790521 -
790522 - Robert asks...
790523 -
790524 - Janet to request letter from elevator consultant on code
790525 - issue.
790526 -
790527 - Vent is at ceiling in side wall.
790528 -
790529 -
790530 -
7906 -
Ductwork Roof Penthouse Mech Room
Penthouse Mech Room on Roof
Elevator 7, 8
Coordinate Stairs, Ducts, Structural Framing
Penthouse Ducts and Structural
8608 -
860801 - ..
860802 - Ductwork at Penthouse on Roof at Elevators 7 and 8
860803 -
860804 - Follow up ref SDS 14 5783.
860805 -
860806 - 8. Ductwork at Penthouse on Roof at Elevators 7 and 8
860807 -
860808 - Philip is revising KH drawings.
860809 -
860810 - Allen advises that A&P needs location [of something????]
860811 -
860812 -
860813 -
860814 -
860815 -
8609 -
8610 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"