440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 20, 1998 12:05 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called AAA on payment from parties in Chakin v Weinmann, Foti.
2...Parties Indicate Intent to Pay Arbitration Fees
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0201 - American Arbitration Association 415 981 3901 fax 781 8426
020101 - Mr. Matthew Gilreath; Administrator =415 984 5448
020102 - Case Administration
AAA Chaikin v. Weinmann, 74 110 01184 97
Payment of Arbitrator
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000, ref SDS 10 0000.
040602 -
040603 - ..
040604 - Parties Indicate Intent to Pay Arbitration Fees
040605 -
040606 - Follow up ref SDS 11 7347, ref SDS 10 4872.
040607 -
040608 - Matthew has not received a response from the New York office to the
040609 - email he sent yesterday asking about the status of the $950 check.
040610 -
040611 - Matthew will the New York office to follow up on his email inquiry.
040612 - ..
040613 - He has discussed with Nina King eliminating the panel
040614 - maintenance fee charged for this one arbitration.
040615 -
040616 - [On 981028 received mail from AAA. ref SDS 12 4425]
040617 -
040618 - He did not mention receiving a call from counsel for the other party
040619 - who has not paid, and who had indicated they would call today on this
040620 - matter. ref SDS 11 5760
040621 -
040622 - Matthew will call back in half an hour on his findings.
040623 -
040624 -
040625 -
040626 - ..
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - 1211 Matthew called back
0410 -
041001 - Moved corporate offices in Manhatten so they are having technical
041002 - problems sending checks and determining the status of checks.
041003 -
041004 - The computer problem may not be fixed until next Monday.
041005 -
041006 - Matthew hopes the check has really been sent and is just delayed in
041007 - the mail.
041008 -
041009 - [On 981028 received mail from AAA. ref SDS 12 5340]
041010 -
041011 - [On 981123 received this check. ref SDS 13 8480]
041012 - ..
041013 - Matthew has talked to Anthony Keilley 's assistant, who is
041014 - counsel for the claimant, Chaikin. The assistant understands that the
041015 - claimant has objected to paying arbitrator fees; but, the assistant
041016 - was told to advise AAA that Keilley will insist that the claimant pay
041017 - the fees.
041018 -
041019 - [On 981028 received mail from AAA. ref SDS 12 1183]
041020 -
041021 - Matthew has called and left a voice mail message for Jim Langford to
041022 - follow up that payment that is still due.
041023 -
041024 - [On 981028 received mail from AAA. ref SDS 12 4425]
041025 -
041026 -
041027 -
041028 -
041029 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"