440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 13, 1998 09:00 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with Ivan to review action items, received docs on Moscone.
2...Gensler Recognizes KH Using Communication Support
3...Gensler Reports Project Record Incorrectly on 981006
4...Developed Procedure for Bolivar to Submit Documents to Welch
5...Prepared Sample Document Log to Demonstrate Internet
6...Gensler Accelerates Issuing Memos to KH Since 981004
7...Reviewed Action Items from Gensler Documents and Prior meetings
8...KH has Increased Staff and Accelerated Performance on 50% CD
9...Project Management Needs Scope, Schedule, Planning
10...Ideas Requested to Improve Work Quality and Progress
11...Macro Scheculing Supports Work Plans to Accomplish Daily Details
12...All Design Acitvities Critical - Need Schedule, Work Plans
13...Design Package Scope Based on Moscone II Plans - Need WBS
14...Consultants Need Updated Drawings
15...Operable Walls - Distribute Information to Manufacturers
16...Operable Wall Design Ideas and Suggestions, Impacts Ceiling Layout
17...Policy and Procedures for Plotting Drawings on the Project
18...Priority One - Plotting Drawings
19...Coordinate Mechancial, Electrical at B Line
20...Evaluate Fire Hose Cabinet Layout Based on 150' Radius
21...Coordination with MEPS wall elements at interior elevations
22...Fire Damper Enclosures B & F Line Based on Detail Provided by Gensler
23...Need Updated Wall Section for Column Line B
24...Revise Partition Thickness to Avoid Wasting Floor Space
25...Alternate Lighting Fixture Pattern Yields Cost Savings
26...Reflected Ceilings, Hang Points Need Analysis to Support Cost Savings
27...Reflected Ceiling Needs 2 Way Beam System at Hang Points
28...Hang Points 2nd, 3rd Flr Ceiling, Use Struct. Framing to Save Cost
29...Ceiling Coordination Fire Sprinklers, Speakers in Pre Function
30...Gensler Directs KH Staff Start Design 1st Floor Ceiling
31...Structural Bracing Shown in All Floor Plans
32...Exit Stairs Issues
33...Access to Mechanical Rooms; Problems with Stairs W. Mech. Mezz.
34...West End of Building Attention Needed
35...Restrooms Design Parameters Needed for Plumbing Engineer
36...West End Resolve Conflicts from Mech, Elec Drawings
37...Resolve Access to Mechanical Mezzanines (Priority One)
38...Elevator Mechanical rooms Need to Be Designed
39...M Willis Submits Sketch, Needs Help to Meet 50% Design Milestone
40...Kwan Henmi Adding Communication Support for Major Meetings
Click here to comment!
0201 - Kwan Henmi 415 777 4770 fax 5102
020101 - Mr. Ivan Romero, A.I.A; Project Architect
020102 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
0202 - Michael Willis & Associates 415 957 2750
020201 - Mr. Steven Hergert, A.I.A.; Architect
020202 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
0203 - Gensler 415 433 3700 fax 627 3700
020301 - Ms. Clonia Cautis
020302 - Project Director/Manager
020303 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
JV Coordination Meeting, 980929
JV Coordination, 980929
0704 - ..
0705 - Summary/Objective
0706 -
070601 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
070602 -
070603 - Met with Ivan at 0900. Steven and Clonia did not arrive, so Ivan
070604 - reviewed the status of issues from documents and prior meetings....
070605 - ref SDS 0 6670
070606 -
070607 - In an hour we got about half way through the review of 70 or so issues
070608 - for which Gensler has requested a response.
070609 -
070610 - We also reviewed notes issued by Gensler for the meeting on 981006,
070611 - which I had not yet received.
070612 -
070613 - Late this evening, I received via email from Bolivar 11 new documents
070614 - issued by Gensler to KH since 981104. Began review to align the
070615 - record and identify duplicates. Prepared sample document log for the
070616 - Internet. ref SDS 0 1425
070617 -
070618 -
070619 -
070620 -
0707 -
Document Management
Demo SDS via Web Site
Document Log, Convert
Gensler Docs Obtain from Project Office
1608 -
160801 - ..
160802 - Gensler Recognizes KH Using Communication Support
160803 - Gensler Reports Project Record Incorrectly on 981006
160804 -
160805 - Ivan provided a copy of Clonia's notes on the JV Coordination
160806 - meeting held on 981006. ref DRT 5 0000
160807 -
160808 - The memo in para 1 contains the following representation...
160809 -
160810 - RW was provided 10/4/98 with electronic data of all the
160811 - requested memorandums to KH. He was going to generate a list of
160812 - items for KH's tracking purpose.
160813 -
160814 - ...ref DRT 5 7788
160815 -
160816 - Since this the only item in the 15 issues set out in the memo that
160817 - appears in "Action and Follow up" column, this unique visibility
160818 - reflects a high degree of importance.
160819 -
160820 - Initially, Ivan and I considered notifying Clonia during the JV
160821 - meeting this morning (since our first focus was to prepare for the
160822 - meeting that ultimately did not occur), that Welch has not received
160823 - all of the project documents since 981004, as discussed in the meeting
160824 - on 981007. ref SDS 14 7722
160825 -
160826 - Ivan has been busy managing the work. He has not had time to chase
160827 - down documents Gensler has issued over the past week, look up computer
160828 - files and send them to Welch.
160829 -
160830 - As a result, Gensler's memo is incorrect.
160831 -
160832 - Gensler has no project document log to determine what has been issued
160833 - to whom and when, so the basis of the representation in Gensler's memo
160834 - is unclear.
160835 -
160836 -
160837 -
160838 - Developed Procedure for Bolivar to Submit Documents to Welch
160839 -
160840 - We considered a procedure for Ivan to submit documents to me, so that
160841 - the comprehensive process Clonia explains in ther memo, can commence.
160842 -
160843 - A problem was recognized that Gensler issues documents in a random
160844 - manner, and Ivan's attention is generally focused on directing the
160845 - work. Additionally, some expertise is needed to locate files on the
160846 - computer, and transmit them. Taking time to do this is disruptive to
160847 - the train of thought in dealing with the work. These dynamics are
160848 - conducive to mistakes and delay in distributing the record.
160849 -
160850 - That is why ideally, Clonia is better positioned to send the files,
160851 - since she has the greatest control at the time of preparation.
160852 -
160853 - Since Clonia is understandably protective of her time, like Ivan, we
160854 - discussed with Bolivar if he could, at a convenient time in his work
160855 - day, look through the record and send to Welch all of the files for
160856 - documents that Gensler has issued to KH since OA 981004, the date in
160857 - Clonia's memo.
160858 -
160859 - Kwan Henmi is well positioned to demand that Gensler make orderly and
160860 - timely distribution of documents according to Kwan Henmi's reasonable
160861 - requests to maintain progress of the work.
160862 -
160863 - In the interest of cooperating with a JV partner, Kwan Henmi can
160864 - attempt to make distrubution with its own forces, with the
160865 - understanding that responsibility for the impact on the work from
160866 - inadequate distribution of the record, is Gensler's.
160867 -
160868 -
160869 - ..
160870 - Prepared Sample Document Log to Demonstrate Internet
160871 - Gensler Accelerates Issuing Memos to KH Since 981004
160872 -
160873 - This evening oa 2015 received email from Bolivar.
160874 -
160875 - Bolivar zipped a series of 11 files issued by Gensler since 981004,
160876 - the date Gensler cites in notes of the JV Coordination meeting on
160877 - 981006, as KH starting to track the project record. ref SDS 0 3368
160878 -
160879 - [On 981030 asked Boliver to zip all files from Gensler since
160880 - 981001. ref SDS 16 7611]
160881 -
160882 - It includes...
160883 -
160884 - 1. To do, Interior Elevations, 981005, ref DRT 1 0000
160885 - Approximately 1 Action Item
160886 -
160887 - 2. To do, Stair 13, 981005, ref DRT 2 0000
160888 - Approximately 3 Action Item
160889 -
160890 - 3. To do, FHC, roof stair, FD, 981005, ref DRT 3 0000
160891 - Approximately 2 Action Item
160892 -
160893 - 4. To do, Fire Existing, Separation, 981005, ref DRT 4 0000
160894 - Approximately 1 Action Item
160895 -
160896 - 5. Notes on JV meeting, 981006. ref DRT 5 0000
160897 - Approximately 10 Action Item (guess)
160898 -
160899 - 6. To Do, Moveable Wall Layouts, 981006. ref DRT 6 0000
160900 - Approximately 1 Action Item
160901 -
160902 - 7. To Do, Reflected ceiling plans update, 981007. ref DRT 7 0000
160903 - Approximately 1 Action Item
160904 -
160905 - 8. Notes Mechanical meeting, 981007. ref DRT 9 0000
160906 - Approximately 10 Action Item (guess)
160907 -
160908 - 9. To Do, Pre function Reflected ceiling plans diffuser
160909 - information. 981007. ref DRT 8 0000
160910 - Approximately 3 Action Items
160911 -
160912 - 10. To Do, Pre function escalator details, coordinated floor plans
160913 - and ceiling plans. 981008. ref DRT 10 0000
160914 - Approximately 5 Action Items
160915 -
160916 - 11. Notes Structural meeting, 981008. ref DRT 11 0000
160917 - Approximately 9 Action Item
160918 - ..
160919 - Each of these memos contains a number of action items (total of
160920 - approximately 46), and many contain express requests for a response.
160921 - ..
160922 - I prepared a sample Document Log for display on the Internet,
160923 - using the standard output of the SDS program. ref OF 1 The doc log
160924 - facilitates review of documents, and also gives immediate access to
160925 - the context from the original record of documents. This solves the
160926 - problem reported on 980929. ref SDS 6 6552
160927 -
160928 - [On 981030 Kwan Henmi wants Doc Log app. ref SDS 15 2941]
160929 -
160930 - [On 981031 began code for Doc Log on Internet. ref SDS 17 0000]
160931 -
160932 - [On 981103 completed 1st pass on system. ref SDS 18 0576]
160933 -
160934 - The burden on the Project Architect to read, absorb, organize, align,
160935 - determine action, direct action, verify that action is taken, make
160936 - corrections and then respond, is enormous, and contrasts sharply with
160937 - the goal of collegial partnership contemplated by the Joint Venture
160938 - agreement, which seems evident in the relationship between Gensler and
160939 - WMA.
160940 -
160941 - These letters are all copied to MWA.
160942 -
160943 - There are no documents in the record addressed to WMA that are copied
160944 - to KH. This suggests that KH for some reason is getting a lot more
160945 - documents than is MWA, which may indicate that KH has become the
160946 - target of a "papering the job" effort by Gensler.
160947 -
160948 - Most of the 46 instructions for action by KH have dates. There are
160949 - very few (less than 5) express requests for action by MWA, and almost
160950 - none have any dates.
160951 -
160952 - Why this disparate treatment?
160953 -
160954 - What is the purpose of suddently escalating the number of documents
160955 - and Action Items, issued to KH, when MWA has a comparable scope, as a
160956 - comparable partner, and has seemingly reported to be further behind in
160957 - meeting the 50% CD target than is KH? ref SDS 13 1800
160958 -
160959 - Why specific dates for KH to perform tasks, and not for MWA?
160960 -
160961 -
160962 -
160963 -
160964 -
1610 -
1611 -
Project Management, Planning
Office Space for Increased Staff
Organization, Staff, Kwan Henmi
Scope, Design 50%, Kwan Henmi
Action Items, Document Logs
2409 -
240901 - ..
240902 - Reviewed Action Items from Gensler Documents and Prior meetings
240903 -
240904 - Follow up ref SDS 6 3099, ref SDS 5 8526.
240905 -
240906 - Since Clonia and Steven did not arrive at 0900 (and had not arrived by
240907 - 1030 when I left), Ivan wanted to review the status on issues in
240908 - Gensler memos to KH, which Clonia asked about at the JV Coordination
240909 - meeting on 980929, ref SDS 6 8392, and on 981006. ref SDS 13 3500
240910 -
240911 - Gensler is reporting in the project record that KH has not addressed
240912 - these issues. These reports are incorrect to the extent that KH is
240913 - performing the work prescribed in the memos on a daily basis, however,
240914 - today Ivan wanted to take inventory of the status, so a formal
240915 - response can be made to Gensler.
240916 -
240917 - The record up until today indicated the only memos at issue are the
240918 - three (3) cited by Clonia at the meeting on 980929, ref SDS 6 8392, as
240919 - follows...
240920 -
240921 - 1. To do List, Updated backgrounds, 980924
240922 - Prepared by Clonia, ref DRP 4 0000
240923 - 3 action items
240924 -
240925 - 2. To Do Items, 980922
240926 - Prepared by Clonia, File 1JV/KH, ref DRP 3 0000
240927 - 20 action items
240928 -
240929 - 3. To do list, Recovery Strategy for 50% Const. Doc, 980917
240930 - Prepared by Clonia, ref DRP 1 8492
240931 - 20 action items
240932 -
240933 -
240934 - However, it appears from the record today (ref SDS 0 1425) that
240935 - Gensler memos and issues have escalated since the notice on 981002
240936 - that KH is evaluating automated document management through Welch...
240937 - ref SDS 11 3790
240938 -
240939 - Para 1 of Gensler's memo on the 961006 meeting says...
240940 -
240941 - IR indicated that the items listed in Gensler's previous
240942 - memos have not fully been addressed.
240943 -
240944 - IR did not have a list of the previous items described in the
240945 - previous memos.
240946 -
240947 - ...see, ref SDS 0 3368, was actually made in the context of 4
240948 - additional memos issued on 981005 alone.
240949 -
240950 - In the following week, 7 more memos were issued.
240951 -
240952 - The meaning of paragraph 1 is unclear, since the issues are listed
240953 - in Gensler's memos.
240954 -
240955 -
240956 - ..
240957 - KH has Increased Staff and Accelerated Performance on 50% CD
240958 -
240959 - Gensler's memo dated 981006 in para 7, ref DRT 5 9831, duplicates
240960 - language from the prior week's memo in para 6, asking for a strategy
240961 - to accomplish the 50% CD. ref DRP 6 2496
240962 -
240963 - KH reported on 980929 that it was increasing staff to improve
240964 - productivity. ref SDS 6 5325. Gensler's memo on 981006 cites new KH
240965 - staff. ref DRT 5 1944
240966 -
240967 - Lack of space at the project office, has forced KH to perform work
240968 - of -site, which reduces collaboration and synergy of the team. Gensler
240969 - was notified about this problem on 980929. ref SDS 6 4966
240970 -
240971 - With only two weeks remaining to the 50% CD milestone date of 981030,
240972 - planning strategy should focus on a longer vie to improve the work
240973 - envirnment and project management for completing the design, using
240974 - ideas developed on 980929. ref SDS 6 6804
240975 -
240976 -
240977 -
240978 -
240979 - ..
240980 - Project Management Needs Scope, Schedule, Planning
240981 - Ideas Requested to Improve Work Quality and Progress
240982 -
240983 - Follow up ref SDS 6 6804.
240984 -
240985 - Ivan related the management challenge presented by a lot of action
240986 - items that makes everything a high priority.
240987 -
240988 - Clonia's memo on 980922 seems to identify 20 action items, and notes
240989 - that it is "... a lot of stuff, however, it all affects our
240990 - consultants and our deadlines." ref DRP 3 5551
240991 -
240992 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in para 25 under NOI requestes improved
240993 - communications, but the meaning is unclear due to limited time. see
240994 - ref SDS 6 7930
240995 -
240996 - Memo on 980917 requests senior help for communications. ref SDS
240997 - 6 1191
240998 -
240999 - Memo last para (unnumbered) says "this" is an urgent matter, and
241000 - requests a recovery schedule, but does not cite a schedule to use for
241001 - analysing recovery staffing and schedule acceleration. ref DRP 1 7129
241002 -
241003 - The memo says reflected ceiling plans were due 980904, ref SDS 6
241004 - 0280, but does not indicate whether this is critical nor offer
241005 - guidance on work arounds. Have other priorities impacted ceiling
241006 - design, e.g., developing alternate schemes to save the client money,
241007 - ref SDS 6 4248 operable wall enclosures, ref SDS 0 7381, stairs. ref
241008 - SDS 13 6240
241009 -
241010 - PM's memos do not address...
241011 -
241012 - 1. What deadlines are impacted and in what degree?
241013 -
241014 - 2. What activities are critical, which have float and how much is
241015 - available to develop orderly work assignments?
241016 -
241017 - 3. What activities require the most days of effort, using what
241018 - skills?
241019 -
241020 - 4. What activities require coordination?
241021 -
241022 -
241023 - ..
241024 - Macro Scheculing Supports Work Plans to Accomplish Daily Details
241025 -
241026 - Follow up ref SDS 6 2240.
241027 -
241028 - These fundamental project management questions require a CPM schedule
241029 - to support effective work plans for accomplishing Action Items, e.g.,
241030 - ref SDS 6 8392, and to evaluate progress accurately. (see for example
241031 - discussion on kitchen design. ref SDS 6 5610)
241032 -
241033 - [On 981007 KH developing work plans. ref SDS 14 7008]
241034 -
241035 - Documents need to be identified in the record so they can be
241036 - obtained when needed to perform the work, e.g., pre function ceiling
241037 - layout memo, cited on 980917 under NOI #22. ref SDS 6 4885
241038 -
241039 - KH increased staffing will enable normalized assignments through work
241040 - planning prepared by PA, rather than ad hoc assignments outside the
241041 - chain of communications, caused by pressures of momentary perceptions
241042 - day to day, e.g., PM assigning KH staff reported on 980917 para 22
241043 - NOI. ref SDS 6 3669
241044 -
241045 - Given the scarcity of senior design professionals, there has been less
241046 - time to plan the work and manage coordination. Initially need to gain
241047 - control of what needs to be done.
241048 -
241049 - New staffing will contribute to solving this problem.
241050 -
241051 - Project schedule showing activity sequence for completing design
241052 - packages with available staff can focus resources and make
241053 - communications productive. Work plans can then be prepared to meet
241054 - project completion objectives, based on available float.
241055 -
241056 - Clonia cites column conflicts in the basement drawings to
241057 - exemplify challenge of avoiding errors that reduce progress toward
241058 - meeting schedule objectives, in her memo on 980924. ref DRP 4 4826
241059 -
241060 - Clonia requests ideas from Kwan Henmi to improve quality control
241061 - (accuracy of drawings) by avoiding drawing conflicts. ref DRP 4 4826
241062 -
241063 - Clonia asks in para 2 of her memo on 980924 if Ivan has checked
241064 - with Steven about incorrect bracing that Steven previously advised
241065 - Bolivar needed to be updated for the consultant backgrounds? see at
241066 - ref DRP 4 8959
241067 -
241068 - Clonia asks Ivan to verify the bracing has been corrected.
241069 - ref DRP 4 8959
241070 -
241071 - Need to find out what bracing was discussed and what advice was given?
241072 -
241073 -
241074 - ..
241075 - All Design Acitvities Critical - Need Schedule, Work Plans
241076 -
241077 - Follow up ref SDS 6 6534.
241078 -
241079 - Ivan expressed concern that everything seems to be critical with the
241080 - result that making assignments according to any kind of priority is
241081 - a challenge relative to project resources.
241082 -
241083 - Absent analysis of float, ref SDS 6 6020, that enables distributing
241084 - daily efforts through work plans, management is forced into constant
241085 - crisis mode that compounds the complexity of the work, inviting
241086 - oversight and error that result in rework, extra cost and delay. see
241087 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study. ref DRP 7 4680
241088 -
241089 -
241090 - ..
241091 - Design Package Scope Based on Moscone II Plans - Need WBS
241092 -
241093 - Follow up ref SDS 6 6266.
241094 -
241095 - Clonia asked that Kwan Henmi submit a scope for 50% construction
241096 - drawings.
241097 -
241098 - There was no discussion of a project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
241099 - that defines work packages and guides organization of planning,
241100 - scheduling and communications.
241101 -
241102 - [On 981003 began work on WBS. ref SDS 12 2898]
241103 -
241104 - Clonia wants a list of drawings that will be updated for 50% design
241105 - milestone date.
241106 -
241107 - Clonia showed Moscone II plans as standard for 50% completion
241108 - of the Moscone III design.
241109 -
241110 - Ivan will review the Moscone II plans to develop a list of details and
241111 - assignments needed to accomplish the 50% construction drawings.
241112 -
241113 - [On 981006 details from Moscone II plans have been identified for
241114 - 50% CD package. ref SDS 13 7825]
241115 -
241116 -
241117 -
2412 -
Plot Drawings
Backgrounds, Basement
25% CD Package
Cost Estimates
Backgrounds, Distrubute, Consultants
Electrical, Mechanical
3209 - ..
320901 - Updated drawings should be printed for review with the client
320902 - tomorrow so that the team can demonstrate progress on 25% design
320903 - package.
320904 -
320905 - Clonia's memo on 980922 says there have been no drawings added to
320906 - the table set since the 25% plotting. ref DRP 3 7632
320907 -
320908 -
320909 -
320910 - ..
320911 - Consultants Need Updated Drawings
320912 -
320913 - Follow up ref SDS 6 2856.
320914 -
320915 - Basement backgrounds with column information are needed for submission
320916 - to consultants prior to 25% printing, as set out in Clonia's memo to
320917 - KH issued on 980924. ref DRP 4 4826
320918 -
320919 - Clonia's memo cites column conflicts reported to Ivan and to Bolivar,
320920 - which require corrections. ref SDS 6 4284
320921 -
320922 - Clonia cited need for sufficient progress on the design to permit
320923 - effective cost estimates OA 981030, and noted the need for design
320924 - elements to be "frozen."
320925 -
320926 - Clonia's memo on 980922 instructs KH to plot drawings with
320927 - current structural column information from SDE.
320928 -
320929 - [On 981001 SDE requests drawings. ref SDS 9 1286]
320930 -
320931 - If plots look "reasonable" distrubute backgrounds to
320932 - consultants. see ref DRP 3 5005
320933 -
320934 - Keep the mechanical and electrical consultants going with the most
320935 - current design information, because they have a major task of
320936 - coordinating their work. ref DRP 3 5005
320937 -
320938 - The 980822 memo explains the project "table set" of drawings
320939 - needs to be maintained with the most current design information, so
320940 - that it can support the project as a common resource, and for meetings
320941 - with Consultants. ref DRP 3 7632
320942 -
320943 -
320944 - Clonia's memo on 980917 para 11 under New Old Items explains
320945 - status of 25% CD package. ref DRP 1 3848
320946 -
320947 - The focus on the period ahead will be the 50% package.
320948 -
320949 -
320950 -
320951 -
3210 -
Operable Wall Vendors
Ceilings Impacted by Op Walls
Operable Wall Enclosures and Ceilings
3607 -
360701 - ..
360702 - Operable Walls - Distribute Information to Manufacturers
360703 -
360704 - Follow up ref SDS 6 4820.
360705 -
360706 - Clonia requests in para 7 of her memo on 980922 that KH...
360707 -
360708 - Transmit movable wall layouts and backgrounds to manufacturers.
360709 - ref DRP 3 3184
360710 -
360711 - [On 981006 no progress reported. ref SDS 13 3749]
360712 -
360713 - Transmit moveable wall backgrounds to Advanced Equipment, including
360714 - the latest revisions addition/ deletion of movable walls on the second
360715 - and third floor.
360716 -
360717 - Transmit backgrounds to Modernfold. Transmittal copy and a Print needs
360718 - to go to Angelica for project file record.
360719 -
360720 -
360721 - ..
360722 - Operable Wall Design Ideas and Suggestions, Impacts Ceiling Layout
360723 -
360724 - Follow up ref SDS 6 7381.
360725 -
360726 - Clonia's memo on 980917 para 7 advises that moveable wall design needs
360727 - 5'0" panels and other details which will be reviewed with KH after
360728 - 980915. ref DRP 1 3858
360729 -
360730 - [On 981001 structural meeting discussed coordination on operable
360731 - wall enclosures and exterior window wall. ref SDS 9 4800]
360732 -
360733 - Clonia's memo on 980917 under New Old Items (NOI) in para 3 offers
360734 - guidance on starting the moveable wall layout. ref DRP 1 2149
360735 -
360736 - 1. The size of the column jacket ( precast concrete) is a starting
360737 - point for the movable wall layout.
360738 -
360739 - 2. Clearance is needed between the column jacket and the movable
360740 - wall location . 1'0" from the column to the center line of the
360741 - movable wall is a minimum dimension.
360742 -
360743 - 3. The partitions are 4" thick.. Interior Column detail: this
360744 - affects the layout of the ceiling. It needs to be resolved
360745 - before the ceiling soffits/layouts are addressed.
360746 -
360747 - Is this holding up the ceiling?
360748 -
360749 - 4. Clonia's memo in para 4 NOI advises that the edge of the
360750 - gypsum board soffit as it relates to the movable wall truck is
360751 - a factor in ceiling soffit/acoustical suspended ceiling
360752 - layout.. A zero dimension from the edge of the track cover to
360753 - the edge of gypsum board soffit is not a desirable nor an
360754 - acceptable dimension. ref DRP 1 3829
360755 -
360756 - 5. Reducing the size of the 16" round duct that connects the
360757 - diffuser to a 12'" round increases the number of diffusers to
360758 - approximately 40 in lieu of 30 as indicated. ref DRP 1 3829
360759 - This is not acceptable.
360760 -
360761 - Need solution for interface op wall and ceilings.
360762 -
360763 - Can somebody else look at the ceilings?
360764 -
360765 - 6. Para 5 NOI requests a sketch for the sky fold partition
360766 - at the third floor at F line. A Sketch begun by Robert needed
360767 - work as of 980917.
360768 -
360769 - Does it work? Do we have the clearances? ref DRP 1 3833
360770 -
360771 - Complete Sketch on fold partition at 3rd flr F line.
360772 -
360773 - Clonia's memo on 980919 in para 2 confirms understandings from a
360774 - meeting on 980917 that advised the 7/8" dimension between the gypsum
360775 - board soffit and track cover is not acceptable. ref DRP 2 8959
360776 -
360777 - Though not expressly stated, this appears to relate to the operable
360778 - wall track.
360779 -
360780 - Clonia suggests using some give and take at the perimeter of the
360781 - acoustical ceiling.
360782 -
360783 -
360784 -
360785 -
3608 -
Plot Anything Sent to Consultants
Plot Drawings as Revisions Occur
Table Set When New Drawings Plotted
Plot Structural Drawings
4407 -
440701 - ..
440702 - Policy and Procedures for Plotting Drawings on the Project
440703 -
440704 - Follow up ref SDS 6 5839.
440705 -
440706 - Clonia's memo on 980922 in para 2 sets a policy for the project team
440707 - to plot what is transmitted to consultants. ref DRP 3 7632
440708 -
440709 - Plot drawings on a regular drawing as revisions occur. ref DRP 3 7632
440710 -
440711 - New Drawings plotted will become the "table set." ref DRP 3 7632
440712 -
440713 - The table set will be sed at the weekly coordination meetings.
440714 -
440715 -
440716 - ..
440717 - Priority One - Plotting Drawings
440718 -
440719 - Follow up ref SDS 6 3781.
440720 -
440721 - Clonia's memo on 980922 says in para 1...
440722 -
440723 - Plotting drawings with updated structural information from SDE is
440724 - priority one. ref DRP 3 5005
440725 -
440726 -
440727 -
440728 -
440729 -
4408 -
B Line Coordinate Structural Mechanical
Moveable Walls
Ceiling Ducts
6206 -
620601 - ..
620602 - Coordinate Mechancial, Electrical at B Line
620603 -
620604 - Follow up ref SDS 6 2880.
620605 -
620606 - Clonia reported in para 4 a memo on 980922 that she and Steven began
620607 - to investigate coordination of mechanical and electrical work at B
620608 - line, and that it has big problems. ref DRP 3 2755
620609 -
620610 - Clonia's memo recommended starting new team member on this work.
620611 -
620612 - Mechanical Engineer did not "understand" structural drawings; neither
620613 - did JV team, due to complexity of framing plans.
620614 -
620615 - Interior elevations/sections need to reflect structural framing and
620616 - connections to braced frame at column line B and E.5. ref DRP 3 2755
620617 -
620618 - Mechanical consultant did not understand the movable walls and their
620619 - supports that interfere with the ductwork.
620620 -
620621 - [On 981001 review with Strucutral engineer. ref SDS 9 0960]
620622 -
620623 - On 980922, Steven met with the mechanical consultant at their office
620624 - to discuss column line B coordination. Based on this, the structural
620625 - engineer transmitted to the Project Office the floor truss elevations.
620626 - Clonia reports this submittal was provided to KH on 980922. see memo
620627 - ref DRP 3 2755
620628 -
620629 - On 980924 structural engineer proposes increasing depth of framing to
620630 - accomodate ducts. A&P to verify this solution is adequate, see notes
620631 - issued on 980925, para 1. ref DRP 5 7788
620632 -
620633 - Clonia cites an understanding in para 4 of her memo on 980922,
620634 - that...
620635 -
620636 - KH will coordinate mechanical and electrical at B line, including
620637 - conflicts with operable wall system, as part of the interior
620638 - effort. ref DRP 3 2755
620639 -
620640 - Clonia requests in para 8 of the memo on 980922 that KH...
620641 -
620642 - Check elevations showing location of the operable walls coincide
620643 - with the floor plans. ref DRP 3 7491
620644 -
620645 -
620646 -
620647 -
620648 -
6207 -
Interior Wall Elevations
Electrical Elements
Fire Protection
Fire Hose Cabinets
B Line
Exiting Plans
Door Widths in Walls
8811 -
881101 - ..
881102 - Evaluate Fire Hose Cabinet Layout Based on 150' Radius
881103 - Coordination with MEPS wall elements at interior elevations
881104 -
881105 - Follow up ref SDS 6 3720.
881106 -
881107 - Clonia's memo in para 8 on 980922 responds to KH request for
881108 - information on the placement of additional Class III fire valves in
881109 - relation to a memo from John B with the mechanical consultant, A&P.
881110 - ref DRP 3 7491
881111 -
881112 - On 980922 MWA plotted the column B line.
881113 -
881114 - On 980922 Clonia reported a conflict between the structural brace on
881115 - column line E5 and the location of FHC.
881116 -
881117 - Clonia recommends that KH...
881118 -
881119 - Review layout of 150' FHC and spray coverage based on interior
881120 - elevations. ref DRP 3 7491
881121 -
881122 - [On 981006 progress on study. ref SDS 13 1809]
881123 -
881124 - Verify other elements on the walls.
881125 -
881126 - Coordinate large wall panels on the electrical drawings with
881127 - interior elevations, including FHC and new valve location.
881128 - ref DRP 3 7491
881129 -
881130 - Check exit door widths on exiting plans which are part of the Basis
881131 - of Design, FD/ BDI submittal. Start this check on plans then on the
881132 - interior elevations. ref DRP 3 7491
881133 -
881134 - [On 981006 WMA revises widths on exterior doors. ref SDS 13 0360]
881135 -
881136 -
881137 -
8812 -
Col Line B Fire Dampers
Fire Dampers
9205 -
920501 - ..
920502 - Fire Damper Enclosures B & F Line Based on Detail Provided by Gensler
920503 -
920504 - Follow up ref SDS 6 5829.
920505 -
920506 - Clonia's memo on 980917 para 10 under New Old Items reports design
920507 - needed for fire damper enclosure at column line B and F. As of 980917
920508 - no dimensional and detail/section had been started.
920509 -
920510 - The work is expected to be difficult, and it impacts the ceiling.
920511 -
920512 - Clonia provided a detail to guide the design. ref DRP 1 3843
920513 -
920514 - [On 981001 coordination with structural. ref SDS 9 2882]
920515 -
920516 -
920517 -
920518 -
920519 -
9206 -
B Line, Sections
9604 -
960401 - ..
960402 - Need Updated Wall Section for Column Line B
960403 -
960404 - Follow up ref SDS 6 5829.
960405 -
960406 - Clonia's memo in para 10 on 980922 reports discussions with Ivan and
960407 - Michael about need to...
960408 -
960409 - Update interior wall section at column line B based on current
960410 - structural elements. ref DRP 3 3006
960411 -
960412 -
960413 -
960414 -
9605 -
Adjust Wall Thickness to Maximize Floor
Requirements, Exit Doors
AB06 -
AB0601 - ..
AB0602 - Revise Partition Thickness to Avoid Wasting Floor Space
AB0603 -
AB0604 - Follow up ref SDS 6 3003.
AB0605 -
AB0606 - Clonia's memo issued on 980917 in para 11 under New Old Items says
AB0607 - that partitions need to be revised. especially where a 5' 0" wide
AB0608 - walls are indicated,
AB0609 -
AB0610 - The design should not waste floor space.
AB0611 -
AB0612 - Review locations where bracing does not occur and...
AB0613 -
AB0614 - Revise thicknesse of walls increase floor space.
AB0615 - ref DRP 1 3847
AB0616 -
AB0617 - Just because it is easy to maintain a strait drafting line it is not
AB0618 - necessarily an acceptable solution.
AB0619 -
AB0620 - Indicate furring walls where they occur (basement, against the
AB0621 - concrete block walls, etc)
AB0622 -
AB0623 -
AB0624 - The memo issued on 980917 para 17 under New Old Items says that
AB0625 - interior partitions are indicated as various sizes, although the span
AB0626 - and rating is the same. ref DRP 1 3854
AB0627 -
AB0628 - Clonia suggests that "this" needs to be done for all floors.
AB0629 -
AB0630 - [Note the scope of "this" task is unclear from the record.]
AB0631 -
AB0632 - This item is critical at stairs and building perimeter. ref DRP 1 3854
AB0633 -
AB0634 - Exit stairs do not receive finished dry wall, see also, ref SDS 6
AB0635 - 4382
AB0636 -
AB0637 - As of 980917, drawings have not been corrected yet, sections not
AB0638 - started, therefore potential problems are unknown.
AB0639 -
AB0640 -
AB0641 -
AB0642 -
AB0643 -
AB0644 -
AB07 -
Ceilings, Sections
Ceiling Ducts
Drawings, Scale
AJ08 - ..
AJ0801 - Follow up ref SDS 6 eilings.
AJ0802 -
AJ0803 - Ceilings
AJ0804 -
AJ0805 - Clonia pointed out examples from the Moscone II plans of
AJ0806 - interior section details needed to supplement cross-sections that
AJ0807 - have been prepared.
AJ0808 -
AJ0809 - This discussion seemed to focus on work in the ceilings. One aim
AJ0810 - is to assist mechanical in determining duct space clearances.
AJ0811 -
AJ0812 - Elevation/section design needs to be shown in 1/4 scale, with
AJ0813 - enlarged details.
AJ0814 -
AJ0815 - [On 981001 Clonia offered comments. ref SDS 10 8760]
AJ0816 -
AJ0817 -
AJ0818 -
AJ0819 -
AJ09 -
Cost Savings
Lighting Plan Reduce Lights
Hang Points
Floor 2, 3, Ceilings
Coordinate Structural on Hang Points
Cost Savings Lighting, Reduce Fixtures
Fire Protection, Sprinkers, Pre Function, Ceiling
B110 -
B11001 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in the final para (unenumerated) says
B11002 - reflected ceiling plans were due September 4, 98. ref DRP 1 7129
B11003 -
B11004 -
B11005 -
B11006 - ..
B11007 - Alternate Lighting Fixture Pattern Yields Cost Savings
B11008 -
B11009 - Follow up ref SDS 6 4248.
B11010 -
B11011 - Clonia reports in para 5 of her memo on 980922 work by Kwan Henmi to
B11012 - develop an alternate pattern of lighting fixtures that reduce the
B11013 - number of fixtures by 25% by changing from an 8 x 10 grid specified in
B11014 - DD, to 10 x 12. ref DRP 3 1149
B11015 -
B11016 - This is anticipated to result in construction cost savings for the
B11017 - client, which Clonia cited as a goal in a memo on 980917 under New Old
B11018 - Items para 2, as reported below. ref SDS 6 3231
B11019 -
B11020 -
B11021 -
B11022 - ..
B11023 - Reflected Ceilings, Hang Points Need Analysis to Support Cost Savings
B11024 -
B11025 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0528.
B11026 -
B11027 - Clonia reports in para 6 of her memo on 980922 efforts to use a hang
B11028 - point grid spaced at 11'3' x 11'3' that supports the revised lighting
B11029 - fixture plan aimed at reducing construction costs. ref SDS 6 4248
B11030 -
B11031 - She reports the structural obstruction placed in a square presents
B11032 - problems that require analysis. ref DRP 3 1237
B11033 -
B11034 - Clonia requests advise on solving hang point layout in ceilings.
B11035 -
B11036 - Clonia's memo on 980917 para 1 says KH should...
B11037 -
B11038 - Correct height from hang point supports and ceiling elevation.
B11039 - ref DRP 1 7482
B11040 -
B11041 - See drawing S.2.47 and reflected ceiling plans.
B11042 -
B11043 - [On 981001 KH submits hang point information to SDE, see
B11044 - Structural meeting. ref SDS 9 4979]
B11045 -
B11046 - Clonia's memo on 980917 para 2 provides guidance on mitigating
B11047 - clearance problem set out in para 1, in relation to the first floor,
B11048 - ref DRP 1 5492, based on a conversation with Ivan on 980910, as
B11049 - follows...
B11050 -
B11051 - a. Remove suspended ceiling, expose all ducts, lights, etc.
B11052 -
B11053 - b. TEE to confirm lighting fixture types and spacing (assume
B11054 - similar to Moscone North.)
B11055 -
B11056 - c. A&P to provide a layout for revised ductwork, however, it will
B11057 - be similar to Moscone north.
B11058 -
B11059 - d. Paolletti to provide a catalog cut for the speaker housing.
B11060 -
B11061 - e. Revise ceiling layout.
B11062 -
B11063 - f. Coordinate structural supports for hang points.
B11064 -
B11065 -
B11066 - It is unclear from the record whether these prescriptions apply to
B11067 - the other floors.
B11068 -
B11069 -
B11070 - ..
B11071 - Reflected Ceiling Needs 2 Way Beam System at Hang Points
B11072 -
B11073 - Follow up ref SDS 6 2749.
B11074 -
B11075 - Clonia's memo on 980917 under "New Old Items" in para 2 says...
B11076 -
B11077 - a. That Clonia and structural consultants have indicated that a
B11078 - two way beam system is needed where the hang points are
B11079 - located. ref DRP 1 2849
B11080 -
B11081 - [On 981001 KH submits hang point information to SDE, see
B11082 - Structural meeting. ref SDS 9 4979]
B11083 -
B11084 - b. Clonia reports as of 980917 Gensler has seen no progress on the
B11085 - reflective ceilings for the second and third floor.
B11086 -
B11087 - [On 981001 SDE reports receiving reflective ceiling plans from
B11088 - Kwan Henmi. ref SDS 9 4979]
B11089 -
B11090 - c. Project goal is to minimize the construction costs.
B11091 -
B11092 - This appears to have been achieved in Clonia's memo on 980922
B11093 - reporting design changes yielded cost savings. ref SDS 6 0528
B11094 -
B11095 - d. Floor SDE's electronic file on floor framing should be used to
B11096 - lay out reflected ceiling plans.
B11097 -
B11098 - e. The framing plans indicate east/ west bracing at 22'0oc, this
B11099 - means that there is already a beam at the bottom cord of the
B11100 - truss elevation that can be used for hang point supports.
B11101 -
B11102 - f. Use 11'3' dimension in the east/west direction to minimize the
B11103 - steel needed to support the hang points.
B11104 -
B11105 - This appears to be discussed again in Clonia's memo on 980922
B11106 - reporting design changes yielded cost savings. ref SDS 6 0528
B11107 -
B11108 -
B11109 - ..
B11110 - Hang Points 2nd, 3rd Flr Ceiling, Use Struct. Framing to Save Cost
B11111 -
B11112 - Follow up ref SDS 6 1090.
B11113 -
B11114 - Clonia's memo issued on 980919 requests ceiling layout for exhibit
B11115 - halls on the 2nd and 3rd floors, with structural trusses and bracing
B11116 - shown. ref DRP 2 4826
B11117 -
B11118 - Indicate thicknesses in the coordination plan of the above members.
B11119 -
B11120 - The memo says to use structural floor framing in the east/west
B11121 - direction for the hang point layout, in order to reduce construction
B11122 - cost.
B11123 -
B11124 -
B11125 - ..
B11126 - Ceiling Coordination Fire Sprinklers, Speakers in Pre Function
B11127 -
B11128 - Follow up ref SDS 6 4885.
B11129 -
B11130 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in para 22 under New Old Items reports a prior
B11131 - request that the...
B11132 -
B11133 - Pre function ceilings show sprinklers and speakers in CADD
B11134 - drawing. ref DRP 1 3863
B11135 -
B11136 - Spacing should use information in memo to KH submitted previously
B11137 - by Clonia.
B11138 -
B11139 - Identification of the memo and the date of submission are not
B11140 - evident in the record, see Project Management. ref SDS 6
B11141 - 6552
B11142 -
B11143 - Speaker layout should reflect DD package.
B11144 -
B11145 - This affects both AV and Fire protection consultant, however, the
B11146 - priority and date requried for this work relative to other work flow
B11147 - is not explained, and there is no project schedule showing when this
B11148 - is needed, per review of memo issued on 980922. ref SDS 6 6020
B11149 -
B11150 - Clonia reports having...
B11151 -
B11152 - 1. Provided ceiling layout
B11153 - 2. Contacted the manufacturer
B11154 - 3. Received information on detailing
B11155 -
B11156 - As of 980917 the KH team has not assigned this effort of coordination/
B11157 - detail development to a specific architect. ref DRP 1 3863
B11158 -
B11159 - [Scheduling and assignments are discussed above under staffing,
B11160 - ref SDS 6 5325, and Project Management, ref SDS 0 6804]
B11161 -
B11162 -
B11163 - ..
B11164 - Gensler Directs KH Staff Start Design 1st Floor Ceiling
B11165 -
B11166 - Follow up ref SDS 6 3669.
B11167 -
B11168 - The memo on 980917 para 23 under New Old Items reports that on 980917,
B11169 - Clonia asked Bolivar, a member of KH staff, to...
B11170 -
B11171 - Start ground floor ceiling revision.
B11172 - ref DRP 1 3864
B11173 -
B11174 - As KH staff is normalized, assignments should be made through the
B11175 - PA so the work plans can be coordinated with Gensler's project
B11176 - schedule to ensure completion objectives can be adequately
B11177 - assessed, see Project Management. ref SDS 6 6804
B11178 -
B11179 - Clonia says to show floor support structure (use SDE's electronic
B11180 - file) add the fixture clusters, previously submitted to KH, at 30' oc,
B11181 - add AV speaker layout as indicated on the DD drawings. ref DRP 1 3864
B11182 -
B11183 - There is nothing in the record on the submission on fixture
B11184 - clusters. See Project Management. ref SDS 6 6552
B11185 -
B11186 - Floor support structure is discussed below. ref SDS 6 5712
B11187 -
B11188 - Clonia says the team needs to get this going.
B11189 -
B11190 - See discussion on Project Management. ref SDS 6 6804
B11191 -
B11192 -
B11193 -
B11194 -
B11195 -
B11196 -
B112 -
Floor Plans, Show Structural Bracing
Mechanical, Coordinate Structural, Ceiling Ducts
B605 -
B60501 - ..
B60502 - Structural Bracing Shown in All Floor Plans
B60503 -
B60504 - Follow up ref SDS 6 5712.
B60505 -
B60506 - Clonia's memo on 980922 para 1 says that to coordinate the work and
B60507 - assist consultants...
B60508 -
B60509 - Show all structural bacing on the floor plans.
B60510 - ref DRP 3 5005
B60511 -
B60512 - This supports the memo on 980917 para 23 concerning design for 1st
B60513 - floor ceilings. ref SDS 6 3669
B60514 -
B60515 - Seems to relate to the clearance issue for mechanical ducts
B60516 - discussed in para 1, ref DRP 5 7788, and para 2, ref DRP 5 1035, of
B60517 - Structural Coordination meeting on 980924, see notes issued on
B60518 - 980925.
B60519 -
B60520 -
B60521 -
B60522 -
B60523 -
B606 -
B607 -
Backgrounds, Stairs
Stairs, Partitions
Mechanical Mezzanine
Interior Wall Elevations, Sections
B Line
50% Interior Package
Mechanical Rooms, Stairs
Stairs, Mech Rooms, W. End
Drywall Omitted on Exit Stairs
BN12 - ..
BN1201 - Follow up ref SDS 6 6240.
BN1202 -
BN1203 - Stairs
BN1204 -
BN1205 - Clonia suggests assigning a senior person to design the stairs, as
BN1206 - set out in her memo on 980917. ref DRP 1 2847
BN1207 -
BN1208 - Partitions are a major issue.
BN1209 -
BN1210 - Michael will continue on 2nd stair for the west mechanical
BN1211 - mezzanine.
BN1212 -
BN1213 - KH correlate backgrounds with resolved stairs.
BN1214 -
BN1215 - Clonia asked that design criteria for B line be shown on the
BN1216 - elevation drawings. Design of interior wall sections are needed,
BN1217 - although there was no discussion of dependent activities.
BN1218 -
BN1219 - KH provide wall sections type, damper enclosures, etc.
BN1220 -
BN1221 -
BN1222 - Clonia's memo in para 3 on 980917 notes that the stairs are
BN1223 - complicated, and the memo offers guidance on preparing stair details.
BN1224 - ref DRP 1 2847
BN1225 -
BN1226 - [On 981001 schedule targets set, ref SDS 9 5456, in relation to
BN1227 - scope and complexity of stair design. ref SDS 9 3848]
BN1228 -
BN1229 - [On 981006 KH focuses on stairs. ref SDS 13 5090]
BN1230 -
BN1231 - a. Headroom clearances may be a problem.
BN1232 -
BN1233 - [See Structural Meeting on 980924. ref DRP 5 5040]
BN1234 -
BN1235 - b. Width of the stair and FD valve location may be a problem.
BN1236 -
BN1237 - c. Stair supports need to be coordinated with structural drawings.
BN1238 -
BN1239 - d. Clonia found conflicts on stair #12. The " updated " floor
BN1240 - plans indicate a stair configuration that does not work.
BN1241 -
BN1242 - Plans need to be revised again.
BN1243 -
BN1244 -
BN1245 - ..
BN1246 - Exit Stairs Issues
BN1247 -
BN1248 - Follow up ref SDS 6 2552.
BN1249 -
BN1250 - Stairs at the perimeter of the building will affect the skin package
BN1251 - being prepared by MWA, therefore they need attention ASAP.
BN1252 -
BN1253 - Para 15 under New Old Items says that exit stairs do not receive
BN1254 - finished dry wall. ref DRP 1 3854
BN1255 -
BN1256 - Para 16 under New Old Items says that ADA issues need to be addressed.
BN1257 -
BN1258 - Provide railings at Fire Department valves.
BN1259 - ref DRP 1 3855
BN1260 -
BN1261 -
BN1262 - ..
BN1263 - Access to Mechanical Rooms; Problems with Stairs W. Mech. Mezz.
BN1264 -
BN1265 - Follow up ref SDS 6 3281.
BN1266 -
BN1267 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in para 6 under New Old Items advises that
BN1268 - access to mechanical rooms is not yet resolved.
BN1269 -
BN1270 - There are problems with all the stairs to the west mechanical
BN1271 - mezzanine. ref DRP 1 3835
BN1272 -
BN1273 - This affects mechanical consultant's work.
BN1274 -
BN1275 - It is unclear if the "access" problem is entirely a matter of
BN1276 - completing work on "stairs", which is being given priority by KH; or,
BN1277 - if there are other aspects of "access" that require design work.
BN1278 -
BN1279 -
BN1280 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in para 9 under New Old Items advises
BN1281 - that...
BN1282 -
BN1283 - Access to roof mechanical penthouse needs solution.
BN1284 - ref DRP 1 3841
BN1285 -
BN1286 - This affects the fire protection, mechanical consultant' s work.
BN1287 -
BN1288 -
BN1289 -
BN1290 -
BN1291 -
BN13 -
Kitchen, Layout
Coordination, Food Service,
Plumbing, Wall Thickness
Cost Increase Delay in Providing Design
BV07 -
BV0701 - Follow up ref SDS 6 6204.
BV0702 -
BV0703 - Kitchen Design is Complex, Needs Senior Architect
BV0704 -
BV0705 - Clonia suggests senior person be assigned to design the
BV0706 - kitchen. She showed typical design details (DD) from a manual or
BV0707 - other bound document that illustrate the requirements for the
BV0708 - kitchen.
BV0709 -
BV0710 - [On 981001 Clonia clarified this record. ref SDS 10 3330]
BV0711 -
BV0712 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in para 5 cites need to resolve grease
BV0713 - duct in kitchen; drawings need to be updated. ref DRP 1 3849
BV0714 -
BV0715 - It is unclear from the record if this is the same scope cited in
BV0716 - para 3 of memo on 980922, ref DRP 3 2750, as set out below under
BV0717 - West end, restrooms. ref SDS 6 8394
BV0718 -
BV0719 - This may also be covered in para 24 under NOI. ref SDS 6 0635
BV0720 -
BV0721 -
BV0722 - The memo in para 24 under New Old Items reports that at the DD
BV0723 - phase Kwan Henmi obtained partition layouts from the kitchen
BV0724 - consultant backgrounds. ref DRP 1 3866
BV0725 -
BV0726 - 1. Has an ADA check been performed?
BV0727 -
BV0728 - 2. Verify layouts are code compliant not only equipment compliant.
BV0729 -
BV0730 - 3. Revise wall thicknesses, door clearances, etc.
BV0731 -
BV0732 - Coordinate plumbing drawings, see if any modifications need to be made
BV0733 - to the layouts.
BV0734 -
BV0735 - Coordinate details in the DD package by the kitchen consultant.
BV0736 -
BV0737 - 1. Freezer slab,
BV0738 -
BV0739 - 2. Refrigerator door details,
BV0740 -
BV0741 - 3. Hood detail,
BV0742 -
BV0743 - 4. Grease duct details.
BV0744 -
BV0745 - This may be same scope as in para 5, see above. ref SDS 6 6300
BV0746 -
BV0747 -
BV0748 - The kitchen section marked up at the DD phase has not yet been
BV0749 - touched.
BV0750 -
BV0751 - 1. Floor slopes not indicated.
BV0752 -
BV0753 - 2. No details to date.
BV0754 -
BV0755 - 3. If modifications are needed to the kitchen layouts it may
BV0756 - drastically affect the food service consultant.
BV0757 -
BV0758 - Project wants to avoid additional fees by consultant due to
BV0759 - lack of timely coordination by JV team. ref DRP 1 3866
BV0760 -
BV0761 - What does the project schedule show about when information
BV0762 - is needed by the Consultant, and how much float is in that
BV0763 - activity, i.e., when does it become critical. see Project
BV0764 - Management. ref SDS 6 6804
BV0765 -
BV0766 - What commitments have been made?
BV0767 -
BV0768 - What letters, calls or meetings with the consultant have
BV0769 - established the schedule and the degree of flexibility?
BV0770 -
BV0771 - Can prior commitments be adjusted, and would this benefit
BV0772 - the consultant, since they may be too busy under an
BV0773 - expanding economy to meet prior commitments?
BV0774 -
BV0775 -
BV0776 -
BV0777 -
BV0778 -
BV08 -
Restrooms, Backgrounds
Lavatory Layouts
West End
Mechanical Mezzanines
Air Shaft Column Line A
B Line
Floor Layouts
C611 - ..
C61101 - Follow up ref SDS 6 estrooms.
C61102 -
C61103 - Restrooms
C61104 -
C61105 - Immediate attention is also needed on restrooms.
C61106 -
C61107 - Gensler will review layouts prior to release for consultants.
C61108 -
C61109 -
C61110 - ..
C61111 - Priority One - Restrooms at West End
C61112 - West End of Building Attention Needed
C61113 -
C61114 - Follow up ref SDS 6 7738.
C61115 -
C61116 - Clonia's memo on 980922 para 3 says West end of the building needs
C61117 - attention. ref DRP 3 2750
C61118 -
C61119 - Restrooms need to be sorted out - West end. (priority one)
C61120 -
C61121 - [On 981001 set target for backgrounds to consultants for 981019.
C61122 - ref SDS 9 5456]
C61123 -
C61124 -
C61125 -
C61126 - Priority One - Access to West Mechanical mezzanines need to be solved.
C61127 - ref DRP 3 2750
C61128 -
C61129 -
C61130 - Air shaft at column line A dimension needs to be revised. (this is a
C61131 - small item), ref DRP 3 2750
C61132 -
C61133 - It will be best if this revision is done before backgrounds are
C61134 - sent to consultants.
C61135 -
C61136 -
C61137 - Grease duct needs to be resolved vertically as well as plan.
C61138 - ref DRP 3 2750
C61139 -
C61140 - It is unclear from the record if this is the same scope cited in
C61141 - para 5 of memo on 980917, ref DRP 1 3849, as set out above under
C61142 - kitchen work. ref SDS 6 6204
C61143 -
C61144 -
C61145 - ..
C61146 - Restrooms Design Parameters Needed for Plumbing Engineer
C61147 -
C61148 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0303.
C61149 -
C61150 - Clonia's memo on 980919 para 3 gives instructions on restroom
C61151 - requirements and notes need avoid mistakes on a high visibility
C61152 - building. ref DRP 2 8962
C61153 -
C61154 - Clonia's memo on 980917 para 13 under New Old Items reports that as of
C61155 - 980916 need to...
C61156 -
C61157 - Resolve ratio of water closets to lavatories based on UPC code.
C61158 - ref DRP 1 3851, and ref DRP 2 8962
C61159 -
C61160 - Prepare new layouts for consultants.
C61161 -
C61162 - [On 981001 set target for backgrounds to consultants for 981019.
C61163 - ref SDS 9 5456]
C61164 -
C61165 - Prepare floor slope drawings.
C61166 -
C61167 - This information is needed by the plumbing engineer.
C61168 -
C61169 - The memo says this is a critical item. ref DRP 1 3851 There are no
C61170 - schedule factors cited in the memo, as listed above in connection with
C61171 - the memo on 980922. ref SDS 6 6020 The memo does not cite request or
C61172 - documents from consultants showing their schedule.
C61173 -
C61174 -
C61175 - ..
C61176 - West End Resolve Conflicts from Mech, Elec Drawings
C61177 -
C61178 - Follow up ref SDS 6 7390.
C61179 -
C61180 - Clonia's memo on 980922 in para 9 suggests that Michael's work under
C61181 - KH start looking at plumbing, fire protection, and large electrical
C61182 - conduit risers. ref DRP 3 3109
C61183 -
C61184 - Plumbing drawings show risers in doorways that need correction.
C61185 -
C61186 - KH review MEP drawings to redmark conflicts and indicate on
C61187 - architectural backgrounds if needed. ref DRP 3 3109
C61188 -
C61189 - Coordination affects thickness of walls, bumps in walls, etc.
C61190 -
C61191 -
C61192 -
C61193 -
C612 -
Mechanical Mezzanines
C704 -
C70401 - ..
C70402 - Resolve Access to Mechanical Mezzanines (Priority One)
C70403 -
C70404 - Follow up ref SDS 6 3564.
C70405 -
C70406 - Clonia's memo on 980922 para 3 says...
C70407 -
C70408 - Access to west mechanical mezzanines needs to be resolved
C70409 - (priority one). ref DRP 3 2750
C70410 -
C70411 - Air shaft at column line A dimension needs to be revised. (this is a
C70412 - small item)
C70413 -
C70414 - It will be best if this revision is done before backgrounds are sent
C70415 - to consultants.
C70416 -
C70417 - Grease duct needs to be resolved vertically as well as plan.
C70418 -
C70419 -
C70420 -
C70421 -
C70422 -
C705 -
Elevator 5, 6
Elevator Pit 5, 6
CC06 - ..
CC0601 - Follow up ref SDS 6 9280.
CC0602 -
CC0603 - Elevators
CC0604 -
CC0605 - Kwan Henmi adding staff, ref SDS 6 5325, who can focus on elevator
CC0606 - design.
CC0607 -
CC0608 - Ivan may do the design on elevator cores 5 and 6, because the work
CC0609 - is complicated for a new person to accomplish within schedule
CC0610 - targets. Team experience indicates it takes several weeks for new
CC0611 - staff to become fully productive. ref SDS 6 2002
CC0612 -
CC0613 - [On 981006 new staff supports this work. ref SDS 13 6768]
CC0614 -
CC0615 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in para 8 under New Old Items reports
CC0616 - having marked up elevator 5 & 6 section . The elevator pit may
CC0617 - infringe into the headroom if the bus ducts are indicated. Pit
CC0618 - construction is concrete, similar to floor boxes construction
CC0619 - indicated on the structural drawings..
CC0620 -
CC0621 -
CC0622 -
CC0623 -
CC07 -
Elevator Mechanical Rooms
Access, Mech Rooms for Elev 7 & 8
CN05 -
CN0501 - ..
CN0502 - Elevator Mechanical rooms Need to Be Designed
CN0503 -
CN0504 - Follow up ref SDS 6 5700.
CN0505 -
CN0506 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in para 4 relates work in progress on
CN0507 - designing elevator mechanical rooms that impact structural and HVAC
CN0508 - and other key systems. ref DRP 1 3845
CN0509 -
CN0510 - [On 981001 SDS has submitted structural information to support
CN0511 - design of elevator machine room. ref SDS 9 3774]
CN0512 -
CN0513 - Access to the Elevator mechanical rooms needs to be resolved.
CN0514 -
CN0515 - Detail Plans need to be updated to indicate revisions.
CN0516 -
CN0517 - Ventilation duct needs to be coordinated for elevator mech rooms.
CN0518 -
CN0519 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in para 7 under New Old Items reports
CN0520 - that a design is needed for access to elevator equipment rooms 5,6 and
CN0521 - 7,8. ref DRP 1 3836
CN0522 -
CN0523 - Discussion with Al Williams indicates that a hatch from the mechanical
CN0524 - penthouse to the elevator machine room is not possible.
CN0525 -
CN0526 - A 60 degree slope ship ladder is the minimum Elevator code acceptable.
CN0527 -
CN0528 -
CN0529 -
CN0530 -
CN06 -
Building Shell
Move Building
CT06 -
CT0601 - ..
CT0602 - M Willis Submits Sketch, Needs Help to Meet 50% Design Milestone
CT0603 -
CT0604 - Follow up ref SDS 6 4224.
CT0605 -
CT0606 - Steven discussed "moving the building," noting the design will be
CT0607 - completed in about 2 weeks, ready for 50% design milestone.
CT0608 -
CT0609 - Steven will prepare some hand drawings to support the review tomorrow
CT0610 - that show progress toward 25% milestone package, as cited in Clonia's
CT0611 - memo on the project design schedule issued on 980826.
CT0612 -
CT0613 - [On 981001 Clonia offered comments. ref SDS 10 6072]
CT0614 -
CT0615 - [On 981001 discussed at Structural meeting. ref SDS 9 5555]
CT0616 -
CT0617 -
CT0618 -
CT07 -
CV05 - ..
CV0501 - He related need for instruction and attention to design
CV0502 - attachment of letters in connection with the canopy and signage.
CV0503 -
CV0504 - [On 981001 Clonia offered comments. ref SDS 10 1518]
CV0505 -
CV0506 -
CV06 -
KH Modify Stairs
Stairs, KH Modify for Lower Sidewalk
D006 -
D00601 - Steven submitted a sketch to Kwan Henmi of a plan layout to
D00602 - lower the sidewalk to improve drainage.
D00603 -
D00604 - It will require some rework by Kwan Henmi on 3 stairs at bottom
D00605 - landings.
D00606 -
D00607 - [On 981001 Clonia offered comments. ref SDS 10 8302]
D00608 -
D00609 - Need schedule impact analysis on 50% CD package.
D00610 -
D00611 -
D007 -
Staff, Michael Willis
D305 - ..
D30501 - Steven needs Peter's help to continue making progress toward 50%
D30502 - design milestone on 981030.
D30503 -
D30504 - Clonia advised that Peter will be available beginning on Thursday,
D30505 - 981001 -- need schedule impact analysis.
D30506 -
D30507 - [On 981006 Gensler provided help for MWA. ref SDS 13 4829]
D30508 -
D30509 -
D30510 -
D30511 -
D306 -
Communication Metrics
Procedures, Meeting Notes
D705 -
D70501 - ..
D70502 - PM Clarify Communication Procedures
D70503 - Kwan Henmi Adding Communication Support for Major Meetings
D70504 -
D70505 - Follow up ref SDS 6 7930, ref SDS 5 7344.
D70506 -
D70507 - Clonia's memo on 980917 in para 25 under New Old Items, reports that
D70508 - Steven and Clonia have done most of the coordination with MEPS
D70509 - consultants.
D70510 -
D70511 - The JV team needs Kwan Henmi to support coordination under project
D70512 - management. ref DRP 1 3866
D70513 -
D70514 - 1. Clonia requests that Kwan Henmi...
D70515 -
D70516 - ... instruct your team to fax (copy to us) questions, not
D70517 - only telephone conversations with no telephone record
D70518 - copied to us. ref DRP 1 3866
D70519 -
D70520 - Need clarification on this request. see Project Management.
D70521 - ref SDS 6 6804
D70522 -
D70523 - 2. Clonia requests Ivan's presence at coordination meetings.
D70524 -
D70525 - 3. Shared meeting notes responsibilities between you and Steven I
D70526 - believe is recommended.
D70527 -
D70528 - Need clarification of scope and interaction with
D70529 - consultants, so that project provides clear, concise and
D70530 - complete communication without duplication and
D70531 - proliforation of the record that causes information
D70532 - overload.
D70533 -
D70534 - The memo in para 26 under NOI cites need for senior help on the
D70535 - project to improve coordiantion. ref DRP 1 3867
D70536 -
D70537 - The memo in para 27 under NOI recognizes it takes several weeks for
D70538 - new staff to become effective. ref DRP 1 3869
D70539 -
D70540 - Ivan explained today that Kwan Hemni will use Welch to support
D70541 - communications in meetings, per Clonia's memo, reviewed above.
D70542 -
D70543 - See also discussion under Project Management. ref SDS 6 6804
D70544 -
D70545 - Clonia indicated this support is not a priority since the focus has to
D70546 - be on turning out design drawings.
D70547 -
D70548 - She is concerned about wasting her time with additional staff
D70549 - for administration, and noted the advantage of Lead Architects
D70550 - preparing their own notes in order to be well versed in the issues.
D70551 -
D70552 - She does not want detailed notes of Kwan Henmi's understandings
D70553 - from meetings with Gensler, because she believes nobody will read
D70554 - them.
D70555 -
D70556 - [On 981001 Clonia offered comments. ref SDS 10 1168]
D70557 -
D70558 - [On 981001 at structural meeting, Clonia requested specific format
D70559 - for meeting notes. ref SDS 9 3776]
D70560 -
D70561 - [On 981007 Clonia raised same objections. ref SDS 14 7210]
D70562 -
D70563 - Clonia asked that the meeting today be summarized in 5 bullet items.
D70564 -
D70565 -
D70566 -
D70567 -
D70568 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"