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1...Gensler needs document log.
2...Gensler needs to develop CPM schedule and WBS, set out in the notes
3...Clonia will discuss with Art Gensler to coordinate with MMA on staff
4...Gensler needs to develop more office space.
5...Gensler will notify KH on additional details needed for the 50%
6...New room numbers to be assigned in a logical sequence.
7...KH will give stairs to roof priority.
8...Clonia wants a print of restroom details for review by Gensler,
9...Roof details should include ladder and roor hatch.
10...Steven and Ivan will coordinate on the location and other design
0201 - Kwan Henmi 415 777 4770 fax 5102
020101 - Mr. Ivan Romero, A.I.A; Project Architect
020102 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
0202 - Michael Willis & Associates 415 957 2750
020201 - Mr. Steven Hergert, A.I.A.; Architect
020202 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
0203 - Gensler 415 433 3700 fax 627 3700
020301 - Ms. Clonia Cautis
020302 - Project Director/Manager
020303 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
JV Coordination Meeting, 980929
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
050502 -
050503 - Staffing and planning critical to meeting 50% CD target date.
050504 -
050505 -
050506 -
050507 -
0506 -
0507 -
Project Management, Planning
Office Space for Increased Staff
50% CD Package
Schedule, Quality
Organization, Staff, Kwan Henmi
Scope, Design 50%, Kwan Henmi
Action Items, Document Logs
Michael Willis
2111 - Discussion
2112 -
211201 - ..
211202 - Project Management Support Needed to Improve Productivity
211203 - Kwan Henmi Staffing Up to Complete 50% Construction Drawings
211204 -
211205 - Follow up ref SDS 6 3099, ref SDS 5 8526.
211206 - ..
211207 - Clonia asked about progress on issues from Gensler's memos cited
211208 - at the meeting on 980929? ref SDS 6 8392
211209 -
211210 - Gensler needs document log.
211211 -
211212 - There were no specific memos discussed and there was no review by
211213 - Gensler of a project document log showing issues pending response, by
211214 - whom, when due and impact on critical activities.
211215 -
211216 - On 980930 KH submitted a Project Management plan. ref SDS 8 3888
211217 -
211218 - Ivan advised KH has 2 additional team members.
211219 -
211220 - KH is preparing work plans to assign action items requested by Gensler
211221 - in memos and in meetings, as reviewed on 980929. ref SDS 6 2240
211222 -
211223 - Gensler needs to develop CPM schedule and WBS, set out in the notes
211224 - for the meeting on 980929. ref SDS 6 2240
211225 -
211226 - KH is making progress toward the 50% design package.
211227 -
211228 - A project CPM schedule sets priority to guide activity sequence, and
211229 - relieves pressures for ad hoc based on instructions from PM.
211230 -
211231 -
211232 - ..
211233 - MWA Needs Staffing to Support Project for 25% CD
211234 -
211235 - Steven requested that Gensler support his requests for WMA to increase
211236 - staff for exterior design, following up discussion on 980929 at JV
211237 - meeting. ref SDS 6 0595
211238 -
211239 - He advised that Jeff at WMA indicated a senior person can be assigned
211240 - on 981016.
211241 -
211242 - WMA is not close to 25% CD package, needs more staff for 50% schedule
211243 - target, as discussed on 980929. ref SDS 6 4966
211244 -
211245 - Clonia will discuss with Art Gensler to coordinate with MMA on staff
211246 - requirements to meet project schedule.
211247 -
211248 - [On 981016 KH schedule synchronized with MWA. ref SDS 12 4075]
211249 -
211250 - [On 981106 MW did not have enough time to coordinate interior and
211251 - exterior design scope. ref SDS 13 4883]
211252 -
211253 - [On 981113 KH team meeting reports discussions with Steven that
211254 - MW is behind KH progress on 50% CD set. ref SDS 14 4560]
211255 -
211256 -
211257 - ..
211258 - More Space to Organize the Work Productively Can Improve Progress
211259 -
211260 - Follow up ref SDS 6 5325.
211261 -
211262 - More staff in the same limited office space creates congestion that
211263 - requires acceleration due to information overload.
211264 -
211265 - Gensler needs to develop more office space.
211266 -
211267 - ..
211268 - Interior Design Package Scope Based on Moscone II Plans
211269 -
211270 - Follow up ref SDS 6 6266.
211271 -
211272 - Ivan and Clonia have reviewed the Moscone II plans. Details were
211273 - identified for inclusion in the 50% CD package, as discussed at the
211274 - meeting on 980929. ref SDS 6 6570
211275 -
211276 - KH will provide a list of drawings to update for 50% CD milestone
211277 - review on 981030, as discussed on 980929. ref SDS 6 6266
211278 -
211279 - Gensler will notify KH on additional details needed for the 50%
211280 - schedule objective.
211281 -
211282 -
211283 -
211284 -
211285 -
2113 -
50% CD Schedule Submit Backgrounds to Consultants
2505 -
250501 - ..
250502 - Backgrounds for 50% CD Target Date to Consultants 981019
250503 -
250504 - Follow up ref SDS 9 5456, ref SDS 2 3099.
250505 -
250506 - Clonia' memo dated 981002 confirms planning on 981001, ref SDS 9 5456,
250507 - to submit backgrounds to consultants on 981019. ref DRP 7 1512
250508 -
250509 - [On 981016 the date to submit backgrounds changed to 981027....
250510 - ref SDS 12 9792]
250511 -
250512 -
250513 - ..
250514 - Basement Coordination on Electrical and Civil
250515 -
250516 - Follow up ref SDS 9 3847.
250517 -
250518 - Review was made of basement Electrical room column layout, discussed
250519 - on 981001. ref SDS 9 3847
250520 -
250521 - No existing conflicts.
250522 -
250523 - Electrical design will make necessary adjustments.
250524 -
250525 - Need information from civil consultant to complete backgrounds, as
250526 - discussed with structural consltant on 981001. ref SDS 9 2084 and also
250527 - ref SDS 9 3887.
250528 -
250529 - Information from civil is expected to be received today.
250530 -
250531 - After getting civil information it will take about 2 days to complete
250532 - backgrounds.
250533 -
250534 - Should be ready OB 981019.
250535 -
250536 -
250537 -
250538 -
250539 -
2506 -
Room Numbers
2704 -
270401 - ..
270402 - Room Numbers on Current Plans are Inadequate
270403 -
270404 - Clonia advised that the room numbers on the plans need to be revised
270405 - and corrected to reflect changes in the arrangement of rooms since the
270406 - initial assignment of numbers.
270407 -
270408 - New room numbers to be assigned in a logical sequence.
270409 -
270410 - There was no guidance or direction given during the meeting on
270411 - procedures for assignment numbers. Moscone II plans may have a
270412 - recognizeable scheme that can be used as a guide for Moscone III.
270413 -
270414 - There was discussion of getting this task done in time for the
270415 - submission of backgrounds to consultants OA 981019, see record segment
270416 - above. ref SDS 0 5456
270417 -
270418 - Clonia pointed out that consultants rely on room numbers in doing
270419 - their work. If the numbers are not well settled, she suggests
270420 - removing them for the 981019 submission in order to alert consultants
270421 - to use alternate identification until room numbers are more firmly
270422 - established.
270423 -
270424 - This task will be incorporated into KH work plans for assessment of
270425 - staff availablility in relation to other pending action items and 50%
270426 - scope assessment.
270427 -
270428 -
270429 -
2705 -
Ceilings Impacted by Op Walls
Operable Wall Enclosures and Ceilings
B Line, E Line
Coordinate Op Walls, Cores
Operable Wall Enclosures
3708 -
370801 - ..
370802 - Operable Walls - Distribute Information to Manufacturers
370803 -
370804 - Follow up ref SDS 9 4800, ref SDS 6 4820.
370805 -
370806 - There was no discussion on submissions to manufacturers. ref SDS 6
370807 - 4820
370808 -
370809 - Clonia advised of having requested information from manufacturer in
370810 - relation to work at E5 line.
370811 -
370812 -
370813 -
370814 - ..
370815 - Operable Wall Design Ideas and Suggestions, Impacts Ceiling Layout
370816 -
370817 - Follow up ref SDS 6 7381.
370818 -
370819 - Clonia reported having information on B line moveable walls.
370820 -
370821 -
370822 -
370823 - ..
370824 - Moveable Wall Enclosures Being Resolved by KH and MWA
370825 -
370826 - KH current focus is on enclosures that connect to cores.
370827 -
370828 - Clonia showed a drawing section to illustrate need for greater context
370829 - of core design in relation to operable wall enclosures. This seems to
370830 - relate to stairs, restrooms and elevators, as well.
370831 -
370832 - See below on stairs. ref SDS 0 5090
370833 -
370834 - [On 981016 Lawrence advised that Clonia's notes on this matter
370835 - have been entered in the CADD drawings. ref SDS 12 1454]
370836 -
370837 - A new drawing will be started today for additional details.
370838 -
370839 - Clonia wants large scale drawings for moveable wall enclosures.
370840 - ..
370841 - MWA is working on the operable enclosures to solve problem of
370842 - integration with exterior window wall, discussed with structural
370843 - consultant on 981001. ref SDS 9 4800
370844 -
370845 - Steve expects to have some design work accomplished today.
370846 -
370847 -
370848 -
370849 -
370850 -
3709 -
Fire Protection
Fire Hose Cabinets
4605 -
460501 - ..
460502 - Evaluate Fire Hose Cabinet Layout Based on 150' Radius
460503 -
460504 - Follow up ref SDS 6 3720.
460505 -
460506 - Clonia cited a Gensler memo to KH dated 981005
460507 -
460508 - [which has net been entered in the record]
460509 -
460510 - City of San Francisco needs a study of fire hose cabinet to see if
460511 - they work with column layout.
460512 -
460513 - Clonia will visit the building department.
460514 -
460515 - Ivan plans to assign this to Robert Jansen.
460516 -
460517 - Clonia indicated someone else should be assigned.
460518 -
460519 - Ivan advised that work plans show all other staff are working on
460520 - critical tasks under notices from Gensler. More people are needed to
460521 - get everything done within the schedule parameters set by Gensler.
460522 -
460523 - Since the stairs to the roof is a top priority, ref C 6 4263, feels
460524 - Robert Jansen can do the fire hose cabinet study.
460525 -
460526 - Fire Hose cabinet study should be available on 981021.
460527 -
460528 - [On 981120 para 11 Project Work Summary reports that fire hose
460529 - cabinet study is complete. ref SDS 15 8475]
460530 -
460531 -
460532 -
4606 -
4607 -
Backgrounds, Stairs
Stairs, Partitions
Mechanical Mezzanine
Interior Wall Elevations, Sections
B Line
50% Interior Package
Mechanical Rooms, Stairs
Stairs, Mech Rooms, W. End
6111 -
611101 - ..
611102 - Stairs Current Focus KH Design Efforts on Cores for 50% CD
611103 -
611104 - Follow up ref SDS 6 6240.
611105 -
611106 - Robert Rudeen is working on stairs, along with a new architect,
611107 - Jannett, who is working on stair cores 5 and 6. Ivan will monitor
611108 - progress and provide support for Jannett on details Ivan began last
611109 - week, as cited in para 3 of Clonia's memo dated 980929, ref DRP 6 1440
611110 -
611111 - Michael is working on stairs 1, 2, 3 and 4.
611112 -
611113 - Phillip is working on stairs 7 and 8
611114 -
611115 - Moveable wall enclosures need to be incorporated into these design
611116 - details, per discussion above. ref SDS 0 4029
611117 -
611118 - [On 981016 Lawrence advised that Clonia's notes on this matter
611119 - have been entered in the CADD drawings. ref SDS 12 1454]
611120 -
611121 -
611122 - ..
611123 - Stairs to Roof Needed for Review by City Fire Department
611124 -
611125 - Clonia advised that Fire Department wants details on stairs to roof.
611126 -
611127 - KH will give stairs to roof priority.
611128 -
611129 -
611130 -
611131 -
6112 -
Restrooms, Backgrounds
Lavatory Layouts
West End
Mechanical Mezzanines
Air Shaft Column Line A
B Line
Floor Layouts
7211 -
721101 - ..
721102 - Restrooms KH Progress on 1st Floor, Begin 2nd Floor
721103 -
721104 - Follow up ref SDS 6
721105 -
721106 - Clonia wants a print of restroom details for review by Gensler,
721107 - confirming her memo on 980929, para 6. ref DRP 6 9800
721108 -
721109 -
721110 -
721111 -
721112 -
721113 -
7212 -
Elevator 5, 6
Elevator Pit 5, 6
7706 -
770601 - ..
770602 - Elevators - New Staff Improves Progress, Review by Ivan
770603 -
770604 - Follow up ref SDS 6 9280.
770605 -
770606 - The new architect, Jannett McKinnon, is working on elevator cores 5
770607 - and 6.
770608 -
770609 - Ivan will monitor progress and provide support for Jannett on details
770610 - Ivan began last week, as cited in para 3 of Clonia's memo dated
770611 - 980929, ref DRP 6 1440
770612 -
770613 -
770614 -
770615 -
770616 -
7707 -
Staff, Michael Willis
8106 -
810601 - ..
810602 - Roof - MWA Progress, Getting Help from Gensler
810603 -
810604 - Follow up ref SDS 6 4224.
810605 -
810606 - Peter worked with Steven for 1/2 day. Clonia advised that Peter will
810607 - be available to support MWA's work tomorrow, per para 11 of Clonia's
810608 - memo issued on 980929. ref DRP 6 5197
810609 -
810610 - MWA has done some drawings on the roof.
810611 -
810612 - Roof details should include ladder and roor hatch.
810613 -
810614 - Drawings A6.11, A6.18..., need revisions. Steven will meet with
810615 - Clonia on mark up to coordinate changes needed.
810616 -
810617 - Clonia wants this for 50% CD package.
810618 -
810619 -
810620 -
810621 -
810622 -
8107 -
Exterior/Perimeter Walls
Doors, Exterior
Exiting Requirements
8606 -
860601 - ..
860602 - Doors, Exterior Exits Widened
860603 -
860604 - Follow up ref SDS 6 5828.
860605 -
860606 - WMA is revising exterior doors because they are not wide enough for
860607 - exiting requirements, per notes on 980929, ref SDS 6 5828, citing
860608 - Clonia's memo dated 980922 para 8 on exiting plans.
860609 -
860610 -
860611 -
860612 -
8607 -
Gas Meter
9004 -
900401 - ..
900402 - Gas Meter Vault Requries Coordination KH and MWA
900403 -
900404 - Steven and Ivan will coordinate on the location and other design
900405 - issues on the gas meter vault.
900406 -
900407 -
900408 -
900409 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"