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1...Bill noted need to revise plan to reflect Clonia's use of Moscone II
2...Ivan asked if KH main office staff can prepare some standard details
0201 - Kwan Henmi 415 777 4770 fax 5102
020101 - Mr. Ivan Romero, A.I.A; Project Architect
020102 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
0202 - Kwan Henmi 415 777 4770 fax 5102
020201 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Executive Vice President
020202 - Mr. William Long
0203 - Gensler 415 433 3700 fax 627 3700
020301 - Ms. Clonia Cautis, A.I.A.
020302 - Project Director/Manager
020303 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
0204 - Michael Willis & Associates 415 957 2750
020401 - Mr. Steven Hergert, A.I.A.; Architect
020402 - Moscone Expansion Phase III =415 433 3700
Design Professionals
Management Plan
0606 - ..
0607 - Summary/Objective
0608 -
060801 - Follow up ref SDS 5 0000, ref SDS 4 0000.
060802 -
060803 - Met Ivan, Steve and Clonia. Got some preliminary documents to prepare
060804 - for JV meeting reported separately. After the JV meeting reviewed
060805 - ideas for enhancing KH managment posture; discussed with Denis and
060806 - Bill in the afternoon. Bill will submit revised management plan to
060807 - reflect new list of tasks to accomplish 50% design based on results of
060808 - meeting this morning to use Moscone II plans a prototype. KH main
060809 - office can prepare some details from Moscone II plans to be used on
060810 - Moscone III.
060811 -
060812 -
060813 -
060814 -
060815 -
0609 -
0610 -
0611 - Progress
0612 -
061201 - Introduced myself. Ivan introduced me to Steve with Michael Willis
061202 - Associates.
061203 -
061204 - The office is quite cramped with approximately 10 work stations, 5 on
061205 - each side of the room. Clonia's desk, who is Gensler's project
061206 - architect, is at the end of the room next to the conference table.
061207 - There is no opportunity for Ivan to communicate with his staff and
061208 - interact with Willis, without disturbing Clonia's work.
061209 - ..
061210 - Steve said that he feels the meeting notes should be a common
061211 - effort for both Kwan Henmi and Willis, per Ivan's comment in the
061212 - discussion yesterday. ref SDS 5 8482
061213 -
061214 - [On 981001 Steven indicates he does not want Communication Metrics
061215 - support. ref SDS 8 2040]
061216 -
061217 - Met Clonia. She did not seem happy about my presence.
061218 -
061219 - There was discussion about cancelling the meeting this morning. Clonia
061220 - felt it would be helpful to meet on schedule status, but that only
061221 - she, Steve and Ivan needed to be included, rather than a larger staff
061222 - meeting.
061223 -
061224 -
061225 - Ivan provided some background documents...
061226 -
061227 - 1. Meeting #62 on 980923
061228 - Mechancial Coordination
061229 - Prepared by Ivan Romero
061230 -
061231 - 2. Project Team Directory
061232 -
061233 - Executive Architect - Gensler
061234 -
061235 - Prime Associate Architect
061236 - Shell and Core
061237 - Michael Willis & Associates
061238 -
061239 - Prime Associate Architect
061240 - Interiors
061241 - Kwan Henmi Architects
061242 -
061243 -
061244 - I reviewed these materials while Ivan prepared for the meeting at
061245 - 0900.
061246 -
061247 - We have names and addresses, but there are no email addresses.
061248 -
061249 - For approximately 30 minutes until the meeting started, Clonia visited
061250 - with Steve and other architect team members about various matters.
061251 -
061252 -
061253 -
061254 - ..
061255 - Obtained Documents Cited at JV Coor Meeting this Morning
061256 -
061257 - After the JV Coordination meeting, I asked Bill for copies of the
061258 - documents Clonia cited at the meeting as requiring attention by Kwan
061259 - Henmi. ref SDS 6 8392
061260 -
061261 - Ivan provided copies of the documents.
061262 -
061263 - [On 981002 received these documents as computer files so they can
061264 - be integrated into the record and analysed for making work plan
061265 - assignments. ref SDS 9 4779]
061266 -
061267 - [On 981012 returned documents to Ivan. ref SDS 12 8760]
061268 -
061269 -
061270 -
061271 - Project Needs Professional Project Mangement Support
061272 -
061273 - After the meeting at 0900 with Clonia and Willis, ref SDS 6 0000, I
061274 - asked Ivan if we could meet privately.
061275 -
061276 - He took me into the hallway and said there is no private meeting place
061277 - for Kwan Henmi apart from the conference table which is a few feet
061278 - away from Clonia's desk.
061279 - ..
061280 - I asked if he feels there is information he needs that is
061281 - holding him up, per meeting yesterday. ref SDS 5 8151
061282 -
061283 - Ivan does not feel this is a problem, but that may reflect that he has
061284 - only been on the job for a few weeks.
061285 - ..
061286 - He feels the main problem is lack of people to do the work.
061287 - ..
061288 - Ivan related a meeting last week or some other approxmiate time
061289 - which was attended by Art Gensler.
061290 -
061291 - It was decided that Ivan would focus on overall management of the Kwan
061292 - Henmi team as Project Architect. The aim was to afford Ivan time for
061293 - planning and directing the work of the design team, and to communicate
061294 - with Clonia, including expediting the various Action Items she
061295 - identifies day-to-day, approximately 72 from meeting this morning. see
061296 - ref SDS 6 3099
061297 -
061298 - Ivan said this strategic plan has not worked out because he has to
061299 - perform design work due to lack of staffing.
061300 -
061301 - [On 981002 need more time to prepare work plans. ref SDS 10 2112]
061302 - ..
061303 - The arrangement of the office does not permit good management of
061304 - Kwan Henmi staff, because there is no opportunity for private dialog
061305 - to explore options, formulate plans and give directions.
061306 -
061307 - KH should develop a plan showing what work will be complete by 981030,
061308 - when 50% will be accomplished, and how KH plans to bring the project
061309 - back on schedule.
061310 -
061311 - A key part of this is to get control of the work to be performed.
061312 -
061313 - What needs to be done and who is going to do it -- particularly the
061314 - 72 action items in Gensler memos, per meeting this morning. see the
061315 - record at ref SDS 6 3099
061316 -
061317 - A means is needed to review and integrate into the work flow the
061318 - Action Items developed day-to-day.
061319 -
061320 - Ivan asked me to discuss these points with Denis and Bill.
061321 -
061322 - [See discussion below. ref SDS 0 7533]
061323 -
061324 - [On 980930 Ivan wants to pursue a solution. ref SDS 7 0560]
061325 -
061326 - [On 980930 submitted draft idea to Denis/Bill. ref SDS 7 3280]
061327 -
061328 - [On 981001 discussed with Ivan. ref SDS 8 2945]
061329 -
061330 - [On 981001 discussed with Denis. ref SDS 8 4817]
061331 -
061332 -
061333 -
0614 -
0615 -
0616 - 1305 called Denis
0617 -
061701 - Discussed points Ivan asked me to raise. ref SDS 0 4374
061702 -
061703 - Denis said Bill is preparing a project management plan to address
061704 - Ivan's role, and define 50% complete program, which will address
061705 - Clonia's concern at the meeting this morning. ref SDS 6 3099
061706 -
061707 - Considered that KH propose separating Clonia from the design team so
061708 - they can concentrate on detailed planning and performing the work, and
061709 - she can focus on results and larger planning and coordination issues
061710 - with Steve and Ivan.
061711 -
061712 - Denis recalled that Clonia requested that Kwan Henmi and Michael
061713 - Willis take notes at meetings, which is why Welch was hired. This
061714 - relates to Clonia's comments at the JV meeting this morning. ref SDS 6
061715 - 7930
061716 -
061717 - Denis visited Gensler's project office for the first time only a week
061718 - or so ago and felt it needed better organization, so adding more
061719 - people will increase congestion.
061720 -
061721 - He understands there is a conference room on another floor where Kwan
061722 - Henmi staff can meet.
061723 -
061724 - Seems like prescious time may be lost moving to another floor for
061725 - coordinating the work in private.
061726 -
061727 - We will try to meet this afternoon with Bill Long about the Project
061728 - Management Plan.
061729 - ..
061730 - We decided that Welch meeting notes will be produced as Kwan
061731 - Henmi work product using Ivan's name.
061732 -
061733 - A draft will be provided for review by Steve and Ivan, and to get any
061734 - feedback from them prior to publishing the notes generally.
061735 -
061736 -
061737 -
061738 - ..
0618 -
0619 -
0620 - 1530 visited Denis and Bill
0621 -
062101 - Ivan called and participated in the discussion.
062102 -
062103 - We reviewed the points Ivan raised after the meeting this morning. see
062104 - ref SDS 0 4374
062105 -
062106 - Denis advised there have been discussions previously on changing the
062107 - arrangements of management staff, per ideas developed with Ivan above.
062108 - ref SDS 0 7840 These alternate arrangements have been resisted by
062109 - Clonia.
062110 -
062111 - Bill suggested Ivan notify Gensler that KH is adding more people to
062112 - improve production of design drawings. This will exceed the capacity
062113 - of the room, as discussed at the JV meeting this morning, ref SDS 6
062114 - 5325, so it may be useful to move Clonia, Ivan and Steve to separate
062115 - offices.
062116 -
062117 - [On 980930 developed draft to notify Gensler about this issue.
062118 - ref SDS 7 3280]
062119 -
062120 - This would also improve communication among the KH team.
062121 -
062122 - Bill submitted initial draft of KH management plan for accomplishing
062123 - 50% design based on prior meeting with Art Gensler and Clonia. There
062124 - was consideration of adding request for follow up meeting to get
062125 - feedback from principals which would afford opportunity to encourage
062126 - changing the space allocations so that Clonia, Ivan and Steve are more
062127 - productive as leaders, per Art's original suggestion cited by Ivan.
062128 - ref SDS 0 4374
062129 -
062130 - Bill noted need to revise plan to reflect Clonia's use of Moscone II
062131 - plans, and request for list of specific plans that will be updated for
062132 - 50% completion package, in the meeting this morning. ref SDS 6 6240
062133 -
062134 - Denis indicated that the project will continue to be hectic for a few
062135 - weeks while new staff and procedures are developed and begin
062136 - contributing at full force.
062137 - ..
062138 - There was a question if KH is prepared for the meeting tomorrow,
062139 - in light of Ivan's focus on action items from the meeting today?
062140 -
062141 - Ivan indicated there is no need for the meeting tomorrow. Further
062142 - discussion indicated the meeting will likely occur.
062143 -
062144 - [On 980930 meeting was cancelled next day. ref SDS 7 6382]
062145 -
062146 - Considered the need to show in the record where the Action Items
062147 - presented by Gensler have been performed. Bill indicated it is not a
062148 - standard practice for architects to associate the source of
062149 - information with particular plan details in the CAD file.
062150 -
062151 - The SDS record can capture this record, provided there is cooperation
062152 - from parties.
062153 -
062154 - Denis reviewed meeting note procedures with Ivan, considered earlier
062155 - this afternoon. ref SDS 0 6150
062156 -
062157 - Ivan asked if KH main office staff can prepare some standard details
062158 - from the Moscone II plans, which are to be applied on Moscone III, per
062159 - discussion with Clonia this morning at JV meeting. ref SDS 6 6570
062160 -
062161 - Denis suggested I coordinate with Ivan and the team secretary to get
062162 - copies of documents in computer file format so we can get a
062163 - comprehensive list of what needs to be done.
062164 -
062165 - [On 981002 did this. ref SDS 10 1792]
062166 -
062167 - ..
062168 -
062169 - Discussed Bill attending next JV coordination meeting to support Ivan
062170 - through period of staffing up.
062171 -
062172 - Denis noted the advantage of simply having more numbers improves the
062173 - balance in otherwise one-sided meetings.
062174 -
062175 - [On 980930 discussed this again. ref SDS 7 7182]
062176 -
062177 - [On 981006 discussed project staffing with Bill. ref SDS 11 7280]
062178 -
062179 -
062180 -
062181 -
062182 -
062183 -
062184 -
062185 -
0622 -
0623 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"