440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 28, 1998 02:01 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Ross on his new assignment, Hutch's football results.


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0201 - IBM Credit Corporation               925 277 5600 fax 5654
020101 - Mr. Ross H. Armstrong
020102 - U.S. Sales Development

SDS Marketing, Developing Leads, Industry Contacts
Armstrongs, Ross, etc.
Demo SDS via Web Site
Communication Metrics
Time Not Enough to Think
New Realities 21st Century, Not Enough Time
New World Order - Information
Information Overload

1311 -    ..
1312 - Summary/Objective
1313 -
131301 - Follow up ref SDS 19 0000, ref SDS 18 0000.
131302 -
131303 - Mentioned seeing on television yesterday, the De La Salle football
131304 - team play Modern Day High School in Southern California over the
131305 - weekend.  This reminded me of Hutch and his game that I attended with
131306 - Ross a few weeks ago.
131307 -
131308 - Ross said Hutch's team won on Saturday, so they are 1 and 2 for the
131309 - season.
131310 -
131311 - Hutch evidently would have attended De La Salle next year which has
131312 - the strongest rated football team in the country.
131313 -
131314 -       [On 990324 Richard Popejoy and Ron Useldinger attended the De La
131315 -       Salle - Modern Day ... game. ref SDS 24 0552]
131316 -
131317 - Ross advised that their new location in New York has a strong high
131318 - school football program also.  Steve Young grew up in that area which
131319 - indicates the caliber of the program Hutch, and, in a few years,
131320 - Stu, will have available to them.
131321 - ..
131322 - Ross wasn't sure if Hutch was more effective blocking on kick
131323 - returns from our discussion at the previous game a week ago.  Ross did
131324 - not see Hutch's game on Saturday, because he just arrived back from
131325 - New York on Sunday.
131326 -
131327 -       [On 981024 attended another game; Hutch seemed to be blocking
131328 -       better on kick-offs. ref SDS 21 0472]
131329 - ..
131330 - We recalled Ross' suggestions to Hutch on this point, and that
131331 - language can have different effects depending upon the particular
131332 - setting. When time is short, it is difficult to give the attention
131333 - needed to cast each communication in an appropriate manner.
131334 -
131335 -     [On 981024, Hutch and the team showed continued improvement....
131336 -     ref SDS 23 4650]
131337 -
131338 - Ross is in town this week, then returns to New York for a week or so.
131339 -
131340 - He has hired two assistants and a secretary who are setting up his new
131341 - office.  Doesn't sound like they have done a CPM to plan anything, but
131342 - maybe so.
131343 -
131344 - Ross is attending an event with Nina's fiance next Saturday, so he
131345 - will miss Hutch's football game.  He invited me to attend to support
131346 - Hutch.
131347 -
131348 - We will talk further on this toward the end of the week.
131349 - ..
131350 - We considered turmoil in financial markets reported this past
131351 - year with the failure of large "hedge" fund managers.  Is this the tip
131352 - of the proverbial ice berg of "feel good" management? ref SDS 1 1331
131353 -
131354 - When we visited at Hutch's game last weekend, Ross indicated his group
131355 - is aiming to increase their loan portfolio from $2B to $3B over the
131356 - next year, i.e., to increase exposure by 33% at a time when an
131357 - overheated economy is forcing people into constant rush mode.
131358 -
131359 - The Fed is considering reducing the lending rate reportedly to make it
131360 - easier to lend to marginal borrowers.
131361 -
131362 - Ross indicated that while there is a lot of planning and analysis, it
131363 - is difficult to implement day-to-day because of the rush to attend
131364 - meetings, place phone calls and interact with email.  There is no
131365 - method to align all this activity with the planning and analysis.  Max
131366 - Blodgett at USACE reported today that he is getting 300 email a day.
131367 - Morris at Chips which is now part of Intel reported getting several
131368 - hundred email.
131369 -
131370 - I mentioned an example on 980924 with American Arbitration Association
131371 - where each level of management is falling away from accomplishing
131372 - steps committed to be performed because there is not enough time to
131373 - understand and follow up. ref SDS 20 0000
131374 -
131375 - Management is a comedy of errors, as Kissinger says an "Alice in
131376 - Wonderland" environment where everyone is late for a very important
131377 - date, from analysis of a telecon with Ross on 940609. ref SDS 2 4238
131378 -
131379 - The lack of time to think creates cyclical waves of expansion and
131380 - contraction.
131381 -
131382 - From a personal level, the question is whether interest rates should
131383 - be reduced or increased, or whether some other means is available to
131384 - reduce the risk of failure by increasing the ability to perform.
131385 -
131386 -
131387 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"