440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 17, 1998 06:58 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Received letter that M2's ad wb published in PMI NCC Newsletter.
2...PMI Hotline Monitor Will Expedite Coordination with Dave
3...M Squared's Ad Will Be Published in October Newsletter
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0201 - M Squared, Inc. 415 391 1038
020101 - Ms. Mary Ann Malinak; Vice President =272
020102 - Growth and Development =415 981 6731 Fax
0202 - Project Management Institute 415 768 5057
020201 - Ms. Rose Wilkinson; President =510 793 3842
020202 - Information
0203 - Project Management Institute 415 768 5057
020301 - Mr. David Mathers; Vice President Communications =Telephone
020302 - Information
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 26 0000, ref SDS 25 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Got a call early this morning about expediting solution to problem on
040504 - publishing M Squared's ad. In the afternoon, received email that ad
040505 - will be published in October issue of Newsletter.
040506 -
040507 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 thanking Dave for getting this done. Sent
040508 - copy to M Squared, Rose Wilkins and Bill DeHart.
040509 -
040510 -
040511 -
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - PMI Hotline Monitor Will Expedite Coordination with Dave
040902 -
040903 - Barbara Ghighi left a message this morning returning my call to PMI
040904 - NCC hotline for Dave Mathers on 980909. ref SDS 23 8160
040905 -
040906 - She asked to be called if we still need help contacting Dave about
040907 - placing an ad for M Squared. Barbara left her number...
040908 -
040909 - 925 675 5330
040910 -
040911 -
040912 -
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 1407 called Barbara
0413 -
041301 - Explained discussions with Rose last night, and offered to submit the
041302 - record per ref DIP 10 0000 for background. ref SDS 26 0000
041303 -
041304 - Barbara does not want this information, since Rose is taking care of
041305 - the matter.
041306 -
041307 - I thanked Barbara for returning my call on 980909.
041308 -
041309 -
041310 - ..
0414 -
0415 -
0416 - 1424 received letter from Dave
0417 -
041701 - M Squared's Ad Will Be Published in October Newsletter
041702 -
041703 - Dave says in his letter, ref DRT 1 0000, that M Squared's ad will be
041704 - published in the October Newsletter. He does not mention having
041705 - talked to Rose, per telecon last night. ref SDS 26 8462
041706 -
041707 - He asks if he should coordinate with M Squared on running the ad next
041708 - month as well.
041709 -
041710 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 asking Dave to coordinate directly with Mary
041711 - Ann Malinak about running M Squared's ad again. Linked to this record
041712 - for background, and to discussions with Mary Ann indicating an intent
041713 - to run the ad for two months.
041714 -
041715 -
041716 -
0418 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"