440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 16, 1998 09:58 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Called AAA on payment of invoice for Chaikin v. Weinman, Foti.

2...AAA Pays $200 of $4,600 Invoice

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0201 - American Arbitration Association     415 981 3901 fax 781 8426
020101 - Ms. Jennifer McGlaughlin; Director
020102 - Case Administration

AAA Chaikin v. Weinmann, 74 110 01184 97
Payment of Arbitrator

0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 20 0000, ref SDS 19 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Jennifer will discuss the case with Michele Gordon next week when
040604 - Michele returns from vacation.
040605 -
040606 -    [On 980923 follow up ref SDS 21 0000]
040607 -
040608 -    [On 980924 received letter from AAA. ref SDS 22 0000]
040609 -
040610 -
040611 -
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - Progress
0410 -
041001 -  ..
041002 - AAA Pays $200 of $4,600 Invoice
041003 -
041004 - Follow up ref SDS 20 8208.
041005 -
041006 - Michele Gordon is on vacation, so left voice mail for Jennifer to
041007 - advise on status of payment per my letter ref DIP 3 0000 to AAA on
041008 - 980819.
041009 -
041010 -
041011 -
041012 -
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - 1036 called Jennifer back
0414 -
041401 - She is still busy.
041402 -
041403 - Asked to talk to Chuck Cooper.  Chuck is out today, talked to his
041404 - assistant Glenda Seidel.
041405 -
041406 - Glenda said she will investigate and talke to Jennifer.  She said
041407 - Chuck is in New York today, but he normally calls once a day, and she
041408 - will discuss this matter with Chuck.
041409 -
041410 -
041411 -
041412 -
0415 -
0416 -
0417 - 1136 Glenda called back
0418 -
041801 - She is following up with Jennifer, and will call to let me know the
041802 - status.
041803 -
041804 -
041805 -
0419 -
0420 -
0421 - 1316 Jennifer called back
0422 -
042201 - She left a voice message saying she has found the case file and
042202 - observed that the last activity was the telecon on 980819 when Michele
042203 - said AAA would notify the parties to submit payment. ref SDS 20 8740
042204 -
042205 - Jennifer seemed unaware of my letter. ref DIP 3 0000
042206 -
042207 - Jennifer wants to speak with Michele Gordon, when Michele returns from
042208 - vacation next week, in order to determine if a letter was sent to the
042209 - parties demanding payment.
042210 -
042211 -
042212 -
042213 -
0423 -
0424 -
0425 - 1421 called Jennifer back
0426 -
042601 - Left message to call me back today on this.
042602 -
042603 -
042604 -  ..
0427 -
0428 -
0429 - 1512 called Jennifer back
0430 -
043001 - She has not seen my letter, ref DIP 3 6897, submitted on 980819 to
043002 - Michele. ref SDS 20 0000  Jennifer advised there is no record of it
043003 - the case file.
043004 -
043005 - She understands that I hold AAA accountable for payment to me
043006 - regardless of their ability to collect from the parties.
043007 -
043008 - I suggested that since...
043009 -
043010 -    1.  AAA's record shows no action has been taken from 980819.
043011 -
043012 -    2.  Marcela advised on 980812 that AAA procedures were not followed
043013 -        in this matter which required collection of arbitration fees
043014 -        some months earlier on 980522. ref SDS 19 2527
043015 -
043016 -    3.  Michele advised that AAA is very busy. ref SDS 20 1616
043017 -
043018 - ...then this is an exigent condition where it would be helpful for
043019 - Jennifer to call the parties about their failure to make payment.
043020 -
043021 - Since everybody is so busy these days due to an expanding economy, the
043022 - non-payment may simply be an oversight that can be remedied quickly,
043023 - or at least Jennifer's experience would be helpful in assessing the
043024 - level of effort required to accomplish recovery.
043025 -
043026 - Jennifer feels it would expedite matters to call the parties, but she
043027 - wants to wait for Michele to return from vacation next week before
043028 - making these calls, in case calls and letters have already been
043029 - initiated that are not shown in the file.
043030 -
043031 -    [On 980923 received message that AAA will contact the parties on
043032 -    this. ref SDS 21 6864]
043033 -
043034 -
043035 -
043036 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"