440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 4, 1998 08:15 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Called Stanford to support new Capital Planning program.


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0201 - Stanford Cap Plng & Mngmnt         650 725 5941 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Michael Rosenthal; Assistant Vice Provost =650 725 5941

Stanford University, Project Office
Send product information, requesting give
Demo SDS via Web Site

0605 -    ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 36 0000, ref SDS 35 0000.
060702 -
060703 - Talked to Maureen Wright, Michael's assistant.
060704 -
060705 - Explained that Communication Metrics has been implemented on the
060706 - Internet to support the "paperless office" objective, also called a
060707 - "virtual office."
060708 -
060709 - Maureen said we can submit an email to Michale with a link to our web
060710 - site so he can evaluate usefullness of business intelligence for
060711 - Stanford's capital management program.
060712 -
060713 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 with a link to the web page, and explain this
060714 - supports the paperless/virtual office, with a link at, ref DIT 1 4662,
060715 - to the article reviewed on 980613. ref SDS 39 0000
060716 -
060717 -       [On 980905 called Michael. ref SDS 40 0000]
060718 -
060719 -    Linked initial letter ref DIP 9 0000 issued on 971106, ref SDS 36
060720 -    0960, that transmitted the Corps of Engineers' reports, and explain
060721 -    that Michael can experience the difference between conventional
060722 -    methods and using intelligence via Internet.  Added links in 971106
060723 -    letter to the article in Contra Cost Times on the building boom, to
060724 -    the COE reports and to the review of Grove's book that identifies
060725 -    new realities of the business environment. ref DIP 9 6095
060726 -
060727 -    Created direct link to NWO explaining cost savings, ref OF 3 0110,
060728 -    see. ref DIT 1 3456  Linked to POIMS on Intelligence. ref OF 2 0582
060729 -    which is at ref DIT 1 4875, and linked to Andy Grove's book review
060730 -    on managers having too much information. ref SDS 38 3151
060731 -
060732 -
060733 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - 0924 called back
0611 -
061101 - Talked to Maureen
061102 -
061103 - She is unfamiliar with Communication Metrics.
061104 -
061105 - Maureen suggests notifying Michael directly via email of the
061106 - Communication Metrics capability.
061107 -
061108 - 
061109 -
061110 -
061111 -
061112 -
061113 -
061114 -
0612 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"