440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 23, 1998 00:35 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Publications web page; explain clear, concise, complete communications

2...00601 Created Web page for Publications
3...00301 Added explanation of Clear, Concise and Complete Communication
4...00301 Added Link to Examples of Cost Savings at PG&E

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Web Site Planning, Design
Home Page
Design Comm Metrics Home Page

0506 -    ..
0507 - Summary/Objective
0508 -
050801 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
050802 -
050803 - Created web page for publications.  Explained advantage of clear,
050804 - concise and complete communications.  Added link to cost savings from
050805 - work at PG&E.
050806 -
050807 -
050808 -
050809 -  ..
0509 -
0510 -
0511 - Progress
0512 -
051201 - 00601  Created Web page for Publications
051202 -
051203 - Created new web page that provides an explanation of publications on
051204 - Communication Metrics, with links to the documents.
051205 -
051206 -    POIMS, ref OF 10 4460
051207 -
051208 -    New World Order, ref OF 10 8456
051209 -
051210 -    Documents, Dialog and Human Memory. ref OF 10 4450
051211 -
051212 -    Reengineering to Win in a Global Economy. ref OF 10 4470
051213 -
051214 -    Asilomar Redux, a Case Study
051215 -    Give Me Men to Match My Mountains, ref OF 10 4480
051216 -
051217 -
051218 -
0513 -

Home Page
Design Comm Metrics Home Page
Clear Concise Complete Notes, Needs Special
Shared Meaning, Build and Maintain with
Paperless Office
Shared Meaning Meeting Notes Linked to

1009 -
100901 -  ..
100902 - 00301  Added explanation of Clear, Concise and Complete Communication
100903 -
100904 - Line 110, ref OF 7 8527, explained "Intelligence" requires support for
100905 - clear, concise and complete communication, which was developed for
100906 - Help on 980720. ref SDS 14 3225
100907 -
100908 - Line 200, ref OF 7 8538, included "clear, concise, complete, as a
100909 - Communication Metrics "methodlology," which is linked to the POIMS
100910 - paper. ref OF 1 1218.
100911 -
100912 -     [On 980803 demonstrated this to USACE. ref SDS 17 1111]
100913 -
100914 -     [On 980808 clear, concise and complete communications are possible
100915 -     by linking summary to detail. ref SDS 18 2692]
100916 -
100917 - This concept was implemented in Communication Metrics on 980427 in the
100918 - record at ref SDS 12 2326.
100919 -
100920 - The original idea seems to have come from a paper on Dialog, Documents
100921 - and Human Memory, created on 960620. ref SDS 4 1643
100922 -
100923 - Clear, concise and complete communication builds and maintains shared
100924 - meaning. The "Repository of Experience" concept reviewed on 970525,
100925 - ref SDS 6 4700, the "Virtual Office" and "Paperless" office
100926 - environment of the Internet, reviewed on 971021, ref SDS 9 3636, are
100927 - intended to enable common and immediate notice of information that can
100928 - thereafter be obtained quickly when needed, along with the links to
100929 - support and follow up, so that chronology can be obtained to learn
100930 - cause and effect.
100931 -
100932 - On 970826 Unisys asked how to demonstrate this capability, so the web
100933 - site may help do this, ref SDS 7 6702, per planning on 971105. see
100934 - ref SDS 10 1459
100935 -
100936 - Yesterday, Morris mentioned the difficulty managers have consistently
100937 - using good procedures for meetings. ref SDS 16 8447
100938 -
100939 -  ..
100940 -
100941 - This idea is related to "understanding" developed for the paper on
100942 - "Executive Mindset, Obstacle to Leadership" from work on 960712. see
100943 - ref SDS 5 8201   The Communication Metrics web page discusses
100944 - understanding in relation to "cause and effect," at ref OF 7 0550.
100945 -
100946 - Added connection at ref OF 7 8527 to record reviewing Morris' Asilomar
100947 - outline which explains the role of technology in supporting leadership
100948 - "vision" based on experience. ref SDS 3 1210
100949 -
100950 - Actually decided to use link to record on 970227. ref SDS 2 9402
100951 -
100952 -
100953 -
100954 -
1010 -
1011 -

Home Page
Design Comm Metrics Home Page
Cost Savings ROI Communication Metrics
Cost Savings Avoid Rework Mistakes
ROI Calculate Value at Risk
Money, Improving Earnings

1509 -
150901 -  ..
150902 - 00301  Added Link to Examples of Cost Savings at PG&E
150903 -
150904 - Line 200, ref OF 7 0583, "Application and Cost Savings" has link to
150905 - PG&E, and this needs to cite specific examples of cost savings.
150906 -
150907 - PG&E cost savings are linked to analysis of avoiding "rework" in
150908 - record on 971008. ref SDS 8 1273
150909 -
150910 - The record on 941004 cites record that developed savings of $100K for
150911 - eliminating requirment for PG&E to construct a transfer trip system on
150912 - the CDWR project. see ref SDS 1 8899
150913 -
150914 - Created a link in the PG&E memo.
150915 -
150916 -
150917 -
150918 -