440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 12, 1998 08:52 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Develop Web site pages for POIMS and Comm Metrics.

2...Home page, Add "Quicklink for the Day"
3...Home Page Was Made Self-actuating
4...00201 Create Web page for POIMS
5...POIMS Technology Integrates People, Process, Time
6...Communication Metrics Integrates Technology and Management Science
......Problems Solved

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Web Site Planning, Design
Home Page
Design Comm Metrics Home Page

0705 -    ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 28 0000, ref SDS 27 0000.
070702 -
070703 - Was able to make the home page self-executing under  Add
070704 - explanation of "Benefits."  Improved explanation of "management
070705 - science" and how Communication Metrics is a new science.
070706 -
070707 -     [On 980714 continued work. ref SDS 29 0000]
070708 -
070709 -
070710 -
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - Progress
0711 -
071101 -  ..
071102 - Home page, Add "Quicklink for the Day"
071103 -
071104 - Follow up ref SDS 28 2879.
071105 -
071106 - Create "Quicklink for the Day"
071107 -
071108 -
071109 -
071110 -  ..
071111 - Home Page Was Made Self-actuating
071112 -
071113 - Follow up ref SDS 28 3176.
071114 -
071115 - Made this index instead of 00101, so it will open automatically.
071116 -
071117 -
071118 -
071119 -
071120 -  ..
071121 - 00201 Create Web page for POIMS
071122 - POIMS Technology Integrates People, Process, Time
071123 -
071124 - Follow up ref SDS 28 3475, ref SDS 27 2896.
071125 -
071126 - Have not explained SDS yet.
071127 -
071128 - Need to develop following ideas...
071129 -
071130 -      We need a technology that advances the alphabet for making
071131 -      connections.  The alphabet is a technology for connecting
071132 -      graphical symbols into alternte arrays of pictures which convey
071133 -      "information" to the human mind under established rules of
071134 -      organization.
071135 -
071136 -          [On 980715 wound up using this explanation in the Web page
071137 -          for "Intelligence." ref SDS 30 8424]
071138 -
071139 -      This method has been the core competency for the past 5,000 years
071140 -      for the human mind to create higher order connections of
071141 -      information that produce knowledge and ideas.  The mental process
071142 -      that accomplishes these connections of "cause and effect" is
071143 -      commonly called "intelligence," and the totality of accumulated
071144 -      knowledge and ideas is called variously "experience," "wisdom,"
071145 -      "history," and "vision," i.e. the ability to see or project
071146 -      future outcomes based on knowledge of the past under the rule
071147 -      "paste is prologue."
071148 -
071149 -      POIMS technology makes a key advance on the alphabet by
071150 -      connecting information over time to produce chronologies of cause
071151 -      and effect and alignment with formal correspondence, documents
071152 -      like contracts, books, magazines, and with Action Items.
071153 -      "Alignment" is more commonly called "analysis.  The result is a
071154 -      web of related knowledge and ideas organized similar to an
071155 -      encyclopedia, using an automated "organic subject structure."
071156 -
071157 -      The combination of time and subject, together with standardized
071158 -      organization to uniquely identify the location of information so
071159 -      that correlations and implications can be quickly drawn and so
071160 -      repetition can empower people to apply good practice
071161 -      consistently. The SDS record structure does this.
071162 -
071163 -      The ability to uniquely locate small units of related information
071164 -      and chain them together into larger arrays that readily provide
071165 -      alternate meanings for different subjects, produces an effective
071166 -      knowledge space.
071167 -
071168 -      Technology essential to accomplish...
071169 -
071170 -          Faster intelligence
071171 -
071172 -             SDS organizes, integrates and connects information over
071173 -             time faster than any other method.
071174 -
071175 -             SDS generates HTML formated files for display and
071176 -             uploading to the Internet, faster than any other method.
071177 -
071178 -             Internet delivers intelligence anytime, anywhere to build
071179 -             and maintain shared meaning, faster than any other method.
071180 -
071181 -          Cheaper
071182 -
071183 -             Technology that generates and delivers work product
071184 -             faster, reduces the cost of intelligence so it is
071185 -             affordable to a wider spectrum of the marke.
071186 -
071187 -          Better
071188 -
071189 -             Management and technology skills, faster technology, and
071190 -             the knowledge and focus of an experienced Communication
071191 -             Manager produce accurate, timely and useful intelligence
071192 -             that cannot be accomplished by any other means.
071193 -
071194 -
071195 -
071196 -  ..
071197 - Communication Metrics Integrates Technology and Management Science
071198 -
071199 - Follow up ref SDS 28 3776, ref SDS 27 4112.
071200 -
071201 - Need to add a section for
071202 -
071203 -         [On 980714 added something for this. ref SDS 29 5433]
071204 -
071205 -       ..
071206 -      Problems Solved
071207 -
071208 -      Meetings
071209 -
071210 -      Not enough time to plan
071211 -
071212 -      Not enough time to follow up
071213 -
071214 -      Not enough time to prepare
071215 -
071216 -      Not enough time to think, organize, research and "understand"
071217 -
071218 -      Not enough time to read
071219 -
071220 -      Not enough time to write
071221 -
071222 -      Repository of Experience, Lessons Learned
071223 -
071224 -      Build and maintain shared meaning
071225 -
071226 -      Information Overload, Data Pollution
071227 -
071228 -         Convert information into knowledge
071229 -
071230 -      Information Entropy, Cannot Obtain Critical Information When
071231 -      Needed
071232 -
071233 -      Decision Support
071234 -
071235 -      Traceability to original sources, root cause analysis using
071236 -      chains of events based on chronology.
071237 -
071238 -      Legible information. ref SDS 9 1883
071239 -
071240 -      Management a comedy of errors - avoid rework, problem handling
071241 -
071242 -      Stress, anger, conflict
071243 -
071244 -      Disputes, lawsuits
071245 -
071246 -      Lost Earnings
071247 -
071248 -      Managers fear accountability work by conversation to enable
071249 -      deniability, then deny they are in denial.
071250 -
071251 -      Truth is a moving target, managers do not tell the truth
071252 -
071253 -