440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 10, 1998 07:31 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Develop Comunication Metrics Web for POIMS technology.

2...Home page, Add "Quicklink for the Day"
3...Home Page added Scope of Services
4...POIMS Technology Integrates People, Process, Time
5...Communication Metrics Integrates Technology and Management Science

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...We might be able to create a little interest by having a feature that


Web Site Planning, Design
Home Page
Design Comm Metrics Home Page

0705 -    ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 26 0000, ref SDS 25 0000.
070702 -
070703 - Finally got some connected subsidiary pages in the Communication
070704 - Metrics Web site, that enable people to get a strong feel about what
070705 - "intelligence" means.  Got a first lift on a POIMS page and one for
070706 - Communication Metrics.  Decided for now, now to create separate pages
070707 - for people, process and time, as initially planned.
070708 -
070709 -
070710 -
070711 -
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - Progress
0711 -
071101 -  ..
071102 - Home page, Add "Quicklink for the Day"
071103 -
071104 - We might be able to create a little interest by having a feature that
071105 - addresses a topical management issue once a week.
071106 -
071107 - Call it "Quicklink for the Day" but have it run for a week, to give
071108 - people a chance to investigate and respond.
071109 -
071110 - The first quicklink can be:
071111 -
071112 -     Virtual office, fact or fantasy?
071113 -
071114 - This can be answered as "both," because using conventional solutions,
071115 - it is still a "dream in the mainstream," but with Communication
071116 - Metrics, it is a reality.  Link users to the review of the telecon
071117 - with Tom that reviewed the article in PMJ on 980613. ref SDS 20 2070
071118 -
071119 -
071120 -
071121 -  ..
071122 - Home Page added Scope of Services
071123 -
071124 - Added a link to scope of services, which is also on the Communication
071125 - Metrics page, but this gives it better visibility.
071126 -
071127 -
071128 -
071129 -  ..
071130 - 00201 Create Web page for POIMS
071131 - POIMS Technology Integrates People, Process, Time
071132 -
071133 - Follow up ref SDS 26 2896.
071134 -
071135 - Created ref OF 7 0000.  Decided for now, not to have separate pages
071136 - for "people, process and time." so linked these items on Home page to
071137 - the POIMS page.
071138 -
071139 - Have not explained SDS yet.
071140 -
071141 - Begin with idea that "management productivity" has not improved
071142 - despite $billions invested to achieve that aim, per most recent
071143 - report. ref SDS 23 4779
071144 -
071145 - Need to develop following ideas...
071146 -
071147 -      We need a technology that advances the alphabet for making
071148 -      connections.  The technology must offer a standardized
071149 -      organization and method of positioning knowledge and ideas so
071150 -      that correlations and implications can be quickly drawn and so
071151 -      repetition can empower people to apply good practice
071152 -      consistently.  The SDS record structure does this.
071153 -
071154 -      We need a broader application of "knowledge space."
071155 -
071156 -      Explain people are yelling at each other, from telecon on 951101.
071157 -      ref SDS 5 5500 and meetings are unproductive because people spend
071158 -      most of the time arguing about who said what at the last meeting.
071159 -      Linked to analysis of meetings at PG&E on 941211. ref SDS 3 6488
071160 -
071161 -      Cited PMI meetingon 950412 on executives who feel their problems
071162 -      come from managers who do not tell the truth. ref SDS 4 3920
071163 -
071164 -      Cite managers withold truth, because executives cannot handle the
071165 -      truth. per meeting with Dave Vannier on 960103. ref SDS 6 8409
071166 -
071167 -      Cite managers waste 70% of day. 960205. ref SDS 7 5902
071168 -
071169 -      Cite Kissinger on 940609, ref SDS 2 4238.
071170 -
071171 -
071172 -
071173 -  ..
071174 - Communication Metrics Integrates Technology and Management Science
071175 -
071176 - Follow up ref SDS 26 4112.
071177 -
071178 - Got something on the Web site for this today.
071179 -
071180 - Added section for "Applications and Cost Savings" -- it links to
071181 - USACE and PG&E reports.  Also links to scope of services.
071182 -
071183 - Scope of services is linked to "Requirements" which explains aspects
071184 - of SDS.
071185 -
071186 - We need to mention feedback, accountability, listening, TQM,
071187 - traceability to original sources, which is similar to "root cause
071188 - analysis," and also, "shared meaning."
071189 -
071190 -
071191 -
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071195 -