440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 9, 1998 07:19 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Develop Comunication Metrics Web site subsidiary pages.
2...POIMS Technology Integrates People, Process, Time
......People Web Page
......Process Web Page
......Time Web Page
3...Communication Metrics Integrates Technology and Management Science
5...Experts say New Realities Require New Methods
6...Appearance, Eliminated Bullets for Key Questions
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Web Site Planning, Design
Home Page
Design Comm Metrics Home Page
0705 - ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0000, ref SDS 17 0000.
070702 -
070703 -
070704 -
070705 -
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - Progress
0711 -
071101 - Now that we seem to have a simple Home page, began thinking about
071102 - subsidiary web pages to explain ideas in Home page.
071103 -
071104 - Each subsidiary page will have at the bottom:
071105 -
071106 -
071107 - Home page | Previous page
071108 -
071109 - We do not want a "next" page, because each page can have multiple
071110 - different "next" pages.
071111 -
071112 -
071113 - We have a page now with a Welch header. I think it was created by
071114 - Bill DeHart using Frontpage Editor during the meeting on 980405. see
071115 - ref SDS 5 0894
071116 -
071117 -
071118 -
071119 - ..
071120 - POIMS Technology Integrates People, Process, Time
071121 -
071122 - Maybe the thing to do is to let the next level be POIMS technology and
071123 - show that it is the tool that facilitates the integration that is
071124 - essential for good management.
071125 -
071126 -
071127 - ..
071128 - People Web Page
071129 -
071130 - Explains people are the objective of civilization, and the key
071131 - tools of management that are exercised through communication that
071132 - is aimed at achieving successful communities.
071133 -
071134 - This page will explain limited span of attention and
071135 -
071136 - People Have Limited Time and Unique Experience
071137 -
071138 - We need a technology that advances the alphabet for making
071139 - connections. The technology must offer a standardized
071140 - organization and method of positioning knowledge and ideas so
071141 - that correlations and implications can be quickly drawn and so
071142 - repetition can empower people to apply good practice
071143 - consistently. The SDS record structure does this.
071144 -
071145 - We need a broader application of "knowledge space."
071146 -
071147 -
071148 -
071149 - ..
071150 - Process Web Page
071151 -
071152 - Processes are the cyclical methods used to "manage" as explained
071153 - in management standards publications like PMBOK and ISO 9000.
071154 -
071155 -
071156 -
071157 - ..
071158 - Time Web Page
071159 -
071160 - Discuss Drucker's view that "time" is man's most perishable
071161 - resource.
071162 -
071163 - It is constantly being expended, eventually runs out for all of
071164 - us. We are constantly racing to acquire other resources in time
071165 - to avoid system failures.
071166 -
071167 -
071168 - ..
071169 - Communication Metrics Integrates Technology and Management Science
071170 -
071171 - This will make the point that good technology is not sufficient to
071172 - improve management. We need better science and a work role to apply
071173 - the technology and the science consistently in order to get results.
071174 -
071175 -
071176 -
071177 - ..
071178 - Intelligence
071179 -
071180 - Explain the role of making connections to integrate time and
071181 - information.
071182 -
071183 - The easiest way to grasp the meaning and utility of "intelligence" is
071184 - to use it. Therefore we will link users to the definition of
071185 - intelligence in the record, particularly on the distinction from
071186 - "documentation" from discussion with Bill on 980405. ref SDS 5 3307
071187 -
071188 -
071189 -
071190 - ..
071191 - Experts say New Realities Require New Methods
071192 -
071193 - Kissinger (Shultz, MacNamera, Joanna Neuman)
071194 - Drucker
071195 - Grove
071196 - Covey
071197 - Deming
071198 - Hammer
071199 - Gilder
071200 - Kerzner
071201 - Landauer
071202 - Lt. General Henry J. Hatch (ret)
071203 - Welch
071204 -
071205 - [On 980716 began work on this. ref SDS 20 2703]
071206 -
071207 -
071208 - ..
071209 - Appearance, Eliminated Bullets for Key Questions
071210 -
071211 - Follow up ref SDS 18 3792, ref SDS 15 4592.
071212 -
071213 - Decided to eliminate the bullet image for our three (3) questions
071214 - because it is designed for a silver/grey background, and we have
071215 - changed to a gold background for the reasons on 980708. ref SDS 18
071216 - 2973 The bullets selected so far actually have a square image that
071217 - appears round with the right gray scale background, but in our
071218 - background it looks square.
071219 -
071220 - Eliminating the bullets simplifies the screen, per objective on
071221 - 980708. ref SDS 18 4747
071222 -
071223 - If we can find some bullet images that appear round and fit our
071224 - background, may put them back.
071225 -
071226 - [On 980714 modified the bullets and put them back for the reasons
071227 - explained at ref SDS 19 0548.]
071228 -
071229 -
071230 -