440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 25, 1998 03:22 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
JPS email account failing; changed servers.
2...Server Connection Failed for FTP
3...Reinstalled Wsftp Pro Program for FTP
4...Server Full
5...IP Address Diagnostics, Possible Error
6...Successful Connection to Server
7...Failed Connection to Server
8...JPS Network Failed, No Access Until 1400
9...Server Barberra is Over-Tasked, Gives Priority to HTTP
10...Changed Configuration FTP Program to Continually Access Server
11...Continual Access Configuration Worked But Did Not Make Connection
12...JPS Asks Customers to Keep Trying FTP Until It Works
13..."Intelligence" Needs FTP to Keep Up with "Moving Target of Truth"
14...JPS Planning to Add More Servers
15...Customer Can Request Transfer to Different Server, Must Reload Data
16...FTP Access Availability is Difficult to Estimate
17...Approved Change to Different Server to Improve FTP Access
Click here to comment!
0201 - JPS Net 800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Lance NLN
020102 - Shift Supervieor Customer Support Rep
020103 - Technical Service =415 376 0121
Server - Barberra
Connection failed 209 63 229 133
IP Address used by Server
Winipcfg IP Address Diagnostic
Internet Access Failed
Continual FTP Failed Access
Server Changed Barberra
1410 - ..
1411 - Summary/Objective
1412 -
141201 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 7 0000.
141202 -
141203 - Encountered continued failure to access the server for uploading data
141204 - to the web site. Got on-line once about 0530, but the rest of the day
141205 - could not get connected. Several explanations were offered by JPS.
141206 - One explanation is that the server we are using has so many accounts
141207 - that it is in constant use for http activity. This prevents time
141208 - allocated to ftp becasue http has priority. ref SDS 0 2255 As a
141209 - result, we changed the Unix server from Barberra to an NT server that
141210 - is used less for http activity. ref SDS 0 2528
141211 -
141212 - [On 980626 got follow up on date transfer will be complete. see
141213 - ref SDS 15 0000
141214 -
141215 - [On 980630 completed transfer to NT server. ref SDS 18 0000]
141216 -
141217 - [On 980716 JPS moved Welch files to another server without notice
141218 - or consultation on the impact to service. ref SDS 20 2298
141219 -
141220 - [On 980720 JPS improved its system. ref SDS 21]
141221 -
141222 - [On 990423 JPS recommends changing back to Unix. ref SDS 22 9462]
141223 -
141224 -
141225 -
1413 -
1414 -
1415 - Progress
1416 -
141601 - ..
141602 - Server Connection Failed for FTP
141603 -
141604 - This morning after making several uploads to the Web site, suddenly
141605 - began getting a message after clicking OK in the FTP program, that the
141606 -
141607 - Connection failed 209 63 229 133
141608 -
141609 - I called JPS and was told that our FTP program was broke and that we
141610 - had to remove the program and install it again.
141611 -
141612 -
141613 - ..
141614 - Reinstalled Wsftp Pro Program for FTP
141615 -
141616 - I installed the FTP program again, using instructions from work on
141617 - 980421. ref SDS 10 1540
141618 -
141619 - Tried to connect and got same message.
141620 -
141621 -
141622 -
141623 - ..
141624 - Server Full
141625 -
141626 - Called back and talked to Demitri.
141627 -
141628 - Demitri initially said that the problem was that our server is full.
141629 -
141630 - He said he could not log onto it either.
141631 -
141632 -
141633 - ..
141634 - IP Address Diagnostics, Possible Error
141635 -
141636 - He asked me to run a command from the Start Run menu.
141637 -
141638 - winipcfg
141639 -
141640 - This produced a menu that showed the IP used by JPS for our records on
141641 - the server. It is different from our assigned IP address:
141642 -
141643 - 209 63 229 133
141644 -
141645 - Dimitri said the IP address should be different, but he seemed to
141646 - indicate that the address shown in the menu from the diagnostics
141647 - program, was incorrect. Dimitri indicated that someone may have
141648 - changed the IP address used for our account, and entered an incorrect
141649 - address.
141650 -
141651 - Dimitri said he would correct the IP address, and that I could try
141652 - the program in a few minutes.
141653 -
141654 - See below where Mike indicates that Dimitri did not actually do
141655 - anything that improved access. ref SDS 0 3421
141656 -
141657 -
141658 - ..
141659 - Successful Connection to Server
141660 -
141661 - I did this and was able to log on an upload files.
141662 -
141663 - Below Pat suggests that Dimitri did not actually do anything that
141664 - improved access, indicating this access was a fluke, since the
141665 - server Barberra is over-tasked with HTTP activity. ref SDS 0 3421
141666 -
141667 -
141668 - ..
141669 - Failed Connection to Server
141670 -
141671 - I did several uploads for the next hour or so, and then about 0700,
141672 - the original problem occurred again.
141673 -
141674 - I called JPS back and talked to Mike.
141675 -
141676 - I explained the background.
141677 -
141678 - Mike seemed unable to investigate the IP address issue, and he would
141679 - not try to contact Dimitri to learn about his actions that solved the
141680 - problem earlier.
141681 -
141682 - Mike asked me to try to ftp the site from a DOS prompt with the
141683 - following command:
141684 -
141685 - ftp
141686 -
141687 - This command seems to be given after we use the phone program to
141688 - access the server.
141689 - ..
141690 - Mike asked me to log onto the network using a phone number for
141691 - the East Bay...
141692 -
141693 - 510 288 0023
141694 -
141695 - I had to go to a meeting, and so told Mike that I will call back later
141696 - today.
141697 -
141698 -
141699 -
1417 -
1418 -
1419 - 1642 called
1420 -
142001 - ..
142002 - JPS Network Failed, No Access Until 1400
142003 -
142004 - Got message that the JPS system is down, and that it is expected to
142005 - be back on-line at 1400.
142006 -
142007 - Since it is 1642, I stayed on-line to talk to a support technician.
142008 -
142009 - On hold
142010 -
142011 -
1421 -
1422 -
1423 - 1718 talked to Pat
1424 -
142401 - Pat advised that as of awhile ago they were still having problems.
142402 -
142403 - Pat went off line to check on the status of the system. He came back
142404 - and suggested I try the alternate phone number suggested by Mike, per
142405 - above. ref SDS 0 0713
142406 -
142407 - I explained that Dimitri was able to solve the problem without our
142408 - calling another number. ref SDS 0 1742
142409 -
142410 - Pat asked me to hold while he investigates.
142411 -
142412 -
142413 - ..
142414 - Server Barberra is Over-Tasked, Gives Priority to HTTP
142415 -
142416 - Pat came back on-line and said that he was just told that our server
142417 - Barberra is extremely tasked right now. He said that http services
142418 - are given priority, and so the problem is that the server will not
142419 - take any ftp operations, until the http activity goes down. He
142420 - expects this will be a temporary condition.
142421 -
142422 - [On 980630 service on NT server is slightly better. ref SDS 18
142423 - 1824]
142424 -
142425 - [On 990423 JPS recommends changing back to Unix. ref SDS 22 9462]
142426 -
142427 - Pat suggested that we keep trying to log onto the server using ftp.
142428 -
142429 - He said we can change our configuration so that the ftp program will
142430 - continue try to access the server rather than time out because the
142431 - server is too busy.
142432 -
142433 - I agreed to do this.
142434 -
142435 -
142436 - ..
142437 - Changed Configuration FTP Program to Continually Access Server
142438 -
142439 - Pat helped change the configuration of our wsftp program so that it
142440 - can continually try to access the server under ftp protocal, rather
142441 - than time-out, as it is doing now.
142442 -
142443 - [On 980713 got further instructions on configuring local system
142444 - to optimize FTP operations. ref SDS 19 2957]
142445 -
142446 - I used the W95 Disk Explorer program to locate the directory for
142447 - the wsftp.exe program which is in a folder that is in the My
142448 - Computer folder. The Wsfpt folder is at bottom of the list in My
142449 - Computer.
142450 -
142451 - In the Wspt_Pro folder, the second item from the bottom of that
142452 - folder is...
142453 -
142454 - ws_ftp32
142455 -
142456 - the description field it says: 209 63 229 133
142457 -
142458 - ...which is our IP address.
142459 -
142460 - Using the right mouse button, we can get a menu that has an
142461 - option for "site properties" and the "Advanced" tab
142462 -
142463 - Pat suggested the following changes...
142464 -
142465 - Connection retry from 0 to 40
142466 -
142467 - Network timeout from 5 to 120
142468 -
142469 -
142470 - ..
142471 - Continual Access Configuration Worked But Did Not Make Connection
142472 -
142473 - After making this change, I tried the new configuration. It seemed to
142474 - work correctly, by continually trying to access the server, but over
142475 - about a 15 or 20 minute period, while Pat I continued our discussion,
142476 - it was not able to obtain access to the server for ftp operations.
142477 -
142478 -
142479 -
142480 - ..
142481 - JPS Asks Customers to Keep Trying FTP Until It Works
142482 -
142483 - I asked when JPS expects to provide access for ftp operations which
142484 - is critical to us and which JPS agreed to provide in its contract?
142485 -
142486 - Pat said the current problem should not persist for very long, that it
142487 - is an unusual, rare event.
142488 -
142489 - I reviewed the history of our access being unavailable since about
142490 - 0300 this morning, and asked what action JPS plans to take that will
142491 - change the conditions from what has existed over the past 10 hours or
142492 - so?
142493 -
142494 - Pat said he does not know what to do.
142495 -
142496 - I asked if he would write up the record of the solution that Dimitri
142497 - seemed to have provided. ref SDS 0 1742
142498 - ..
142499 - Upon discussion, Mike feels Dimitri did not really solve the
142500 - problem.
142501 -
142502 - Pat said that the IP address, shown by the winipcfg program, is always
142503 - different from the customer's IP address because it shows the IP
142504 - address assigned by JPS when a customer logs on to ftp data. He said
142505 - a temporary IP address is assigned randomly by the system each time a
142506 - customer logs onto the system.
142507 -
142508 - I asked Pat again about JPS' plans to provide access to the server for
142509 - FTP operations?
142510 -
142511 - Pat noted that JPS gives priority to HTTP access.
142512 -
142513 -
142514 - ..
142515 - "Intelligence" Needs FTP to Keep Up with "Moving Target of Truth"
142516 - -----------------------------------------------------------------
142517 - I explained that our customers are contributing to HTTP over-tasking.
142518 -
142519 - Thye are using HTTP to access information, only because they expect
142520 - that FTP has been used to load current information they need in order
142521 - to perform the work that pays for using the Internet and everything
142522 - else. They recognize that if "business intelligence" is not current,
142523 - it misleads, causing losses instead of increased earnings. There is a
142524 - huge swing in performance between relying on accurate or inaccurate
142525 - intelligence. In the modern world of the Internet and other high
142526 - technology information systems, "truth is a moving target." ref SDS 1
142527 - 5678 What is correct at 1000 may not be accurate at 1400, therefore
142528 - maintenance of the data base is critical in order for business
142529 - intelligence to be useful and avoid being harmful.
142530 -
142531 - A recent article published in Today's Engineer cited the need to focus
142532 - on maintenance (e.g., ftp "anytime, anywhere"), ref SDS 13 0000, as
142533 - well as devising ingenious systems to use it (http), are both
142534 - essential to support a viable "Virtual Office" management model using
142535 - the Internet.
142536 -
142537 - As a result, using the Internet to support daily management requires
142538 - that, as work is performed and intelligence is developed that impacts
142539 - decisions, it must be uploaded using FTP so that decisions and
142540 - analysis are based on good "intelligence." ref SDS 2 1459
142541 -
142542 - This indicates that using the Internet for "business intelligence" to
142543 - lead and manage an organization, as opposed to a marketing environment
142544 - for selling, means that if FTP is not available, then HTTP is of no
142545 - value.
142546 -
142547 - [On 980630 evaluated JPS NT server performance. ref SDS 18 1824]
142548 -
142549 - [On 980720 JPS improved system to provide better service, see
142550 - record at ref SDS 21 0000.]
142551 -
142552 - I asked to talk to a supervisor to explore solutions.
142553 -
142554 -
142555 -
1426 -
1427 -
1428 - 1806 talked to Lance
1429 -
142901 - ..
142902 - JPS Planning to Add More Servers
142903 -
142904 - Lance is the supervisor for this shift.
142905 -
142906 - Lance said JPS will be getting a new server in a few weeks to reduce
142907 - the load on our server, Barberra. He feels this will solve the
142908 - problem we have had today. ref SDS 0 8888 When the new server is
142909 - installed, JPS will transfer some customer domains from Barberra so
142910 - that it is less busy with HTTP tasks.
142911 -
142912 - This problem shows limitations of "Virtual Office" per article in
142913 - Today's Engineer reviewed on 980613, ref SDS 13 2070, and
142914 - discussed with USACE CESPN on 980520. ref SDS 12 7470]
142915 -
142916 - I asked when he expects the current problem on Barberra to subside, so
142917 - we can upload?
142918 -
142919 - He feels that we should be able to ftp data by midnight, but there is
142920 - no reason to believe this problem will not continue in the period
142921 - ahead.
142922 -
142923 -
142924 - ..
142925 - Customer Can Request Transfer to Different Server, Must Reload Data
142926 -
142927 - Lance said we can request a new domain, and this would mean we would
142928 - be transfered to another server right now without having to wait for
142929 - the new server to be installed in a few weeks or months, as he
142930 - explains above. ref SDS 0 1715
142931 -
142932 - I asked how long it takes to transfer the "domain" to another server?
142933 -
142934 - Lance said it takes 24 - 48 hours from the time of the request.
142935 -
142936 - He said that the customer has to upload all of the data though. JPS
142937 - will not transfer data from the current server to the new one.
142938 -
142939 - [On 980626 JPS will transfer the data. ref SDS 15 1066]
142940 -
142941 - I noted that this seems to conflict with the goal of efficient data
142942 - management. It takes 5 - 10 hours to upload the complete data base,
142943 - but JPS can do it in a matter of minutes. Moreover, Lance has
142944 - indicated that JPS will transfer the data if they install a new
142945 - server, so why not do the same transfer to correct the problem of an
142946 - over-tasked server?
142947 -
142948 - Lance said he does not understand the JPS policy on this.
142949 -
142950 - [On 980626 JPS will transfer the data. ref SDS 15 1066]
142951 -
142952 -
142953 - ..
142954 - FTP Access Availability is Difficult to Estimate
142955 -
142956 - It appears the problem arises in part from assigning too many accounts
142957 - to a single server. It may be difficult to estimate the frequency of
142958 - this access problem, since it depends on the popularity of the web
142959 - sites on the server and the type of activity that occurs, e.g.,
142960 - downloading data. There can be some sites that are rarely used and
142961 - others that are in constant demand. The type of data may also impact
142962 - the load on a server. Ordinary text that transfers quickly is less
142963 - burdensome than graphics and exe files.
142964 -
142965 - The demand on a server can be independent of disk space available on
142966 - the server. A situation could arise where the disk on a server is not
142967 - even half-used, yet because the Web sites are popular, the http
142968 - feature is in constant use and this blocks ftp activity to load data.
142969 -
142970 -
142971 - ..
142972 - Approved Change to Different Server to Improve FTP Access
142973 -
142974 - I asked Lance how certain he is that if we transfer the domain to
142975 - another server, we will not have problems, as he recommends above?
142976 - ref SDS 0 1984
142977 -
142978 - He advised that we will be using an NT server instead of Unix.
142979 -
142980 - Lance said he believes very strongly that transferring to the server
142981 - he has in mind will solve the ftp problems we have had, because NT
142982 - servers work better than Unix servers for our type of operations.
142983 -
142984 - I asked him to make the change per his recommendation, ref SDS 0 1984,
142985 - and analysis at ref SDS 0 1448.
142986 -
142987 - Lance took our email address. He said we will be notified tomorrow
142988 - when the domain transfer is complete and we can upload information.
142989 -
142990 - [On 980626 confirmed that change to NT server is made solely on
142991 - JPS advice that it will work better than Unix. ref SDS 15 4800]
142992 -
142993 - [On 980626 reported that at 1900, ftp transfers were successful.
142994 - ref SDS 15 2750]
142995 -
142996 - [On 980629 JPS said it would not transfer Welch files, and
142997 - demanded that Welch do this task. ref SDS 16 4774]
142998 -
142999 - [On 980630 completed uploading so Welch is back on-line. see work
143000 - at ref SDS 17]
143001 -
143002 - [On 980716 JPS moved Welch files to another server without notice
143003 - or consultation on the impact to service. ref SDS 20 2298]
143004 -
143005 - [On 990423 JPS recommends changing back to Unix. ref SDS 22 9462]
143006 -
143007 -
143008 -
143009 -
143010 -
1431 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"