440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 13, 1998 08:13 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Improve HTML format for documents published on Web.


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HTML Tools Web Page Development
HTML Coding Support
Indenting Para

0706 -    ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 19 2934.
070802 -
070803 - I need to know how to code HTML so the first line of a para will
070804 - indent.
070805 -
070806 - This is for work in the Corps of Engineers Communiation Metrics report
070807 - dated 970328, received on 970418. ref SDS 1 3368
070808 -
070809 - I purchased an HTML book written by people with O'Reilly and
070810 - Associates, on 971112. ref SDS 19 2934 and it says on page 253 under
070811 - para...
070812 -
070813 -     6.1  Creating White Space - page 156
070814 -
070815 -          spacer; needs ending command /spacer
070816 -
070817 -          This command can accomplish an indent, as follows...
070818 -
070819 -               spacer type=horizontal size=50
070820 -
070821 -          It can be use to position move text down for vertical
070822 -          alignment...
070823 -
070824 -               spacer type=vertical size=10
070825 -
070826 -          ...which is useful in filling out forms.
070827 -
070828 -
070829 -
070830 -     9.1.1  Inpline Styles:  The style Attribute
070831 -
070832 -            The inline style is the simplest way to attach a style to a
070833 -            tag --- just include a style attribute with the tag along
070834 -            with a list of properties and their values.
070835 -
070836 -     The only example in the book for this explanation is for headings
070837 -     and it shows:
070838 -
070839 -            <h1 style="color: blue; font-style....>I'm blue</h1>
070840 -
070841 - The book says on page 279 under para...
070842 -
070843 -  The text-indent property that shows...
070844 -
070845 -            P {text-indent: 3em}
070846 -
070847 -     I tried to apply this to the <p> paragraph tag in the file at
070848 -
070849 -                  ...ref DRP 1 8455
070850 -
070851 -     as follows:
070852 -
070853 -           <P style="p {text-indent: 4em}">
070854 -
070855 -     This does not cause the first line of the para to be indented.
070856 -
070857 -
070858 - There is a phone number on xvi that says O'Reilly and Associates will
070859 - take calls on their book...
070860 -
070861 -                        800 998 9938
070862 -
070863 - I called and talked to Angela.  She said Greg Moore and Stephen
070864 - Figgins answer questions about O'Reilly and Associates' book on HTML.
070865 -
070866 - She said they do not come in until oa 0900.  I left my number for
070867 - Greg to call back.
070868 -
070869 -           Greg Moore        ext 356
070870 -           Stephen Figgins   ext 343
070871 -
070872 -
070873 -
070874 -
070875 -
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - 1000 called O'Reilly & Assts      800 998 9938
0712 -
071201 - Talked to Stephen Figgins
071202 -
071203 - He said the inline style command is the following...
071204 -
071205 -               <P style="text-indent: 4em">
071206 -
071207 - I tried this and it worked.
071208 -
071209 - The syntax shown in the book on page 279 is for a style assigned to an
071210 - entire page.
071211 -
071212 -
071213 -
071214 -