440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 25, 1998 09:06 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Test changes to SDS code to improve Comm Metrics Web site.
2...Test Failure - Running out of Memory
3...Soluton - Continuous Processing
4...06116 - Change Number of Records to Process Each Pass
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Test Delivery, Access by Web Browser over
0603 - ..
0604 - Summary/Objective
0605 -
060501 - Follow up ref SDS 7 5765, ref SDS 5 5000.
060502 -
060503 - After considerable experimentation, seem to have settings for 06116
060504 - that enable us to efficiently assemble large blocks of SDS records for
060505 - the Web site. ref SDS 0 2326 The changes to activate old format SDS
060506 - line number links in the Web pages, may have caused problems
060507 - experienced today.
060508 -
060509 - [Later today, developed planning for assembling SDS records to
060510 - demonstrate business intelligence. ref SDS 8 1791]
060511 -
060512 - Would like to develop a batch file for processing groups of subjects,
060513 - rather than run them individually from 06116.
060514 -
060515 -
060516 -
060517 - ..
0606 -
0607 -
0608 - Progress
0609 -
060901 - ..
060902 - Test Failure - Running out of Memory
060903 -
060904 - Follow up ref SDS 7 6470.
060905 -
060906 - I ran a report to assemlbe records on SDS marketing stuff, and it
060907 - crashed on the record at ref SDS 1 1940.
060908 -
060909 - This seems like an Medit memory problem. The report spec that is
060910 - crashing has been processed many times, ref SDS 4 0949, so the
060911 - suggestion is that the sequence of processing records impacts memory
060912 - management. The "cupboard" gets jumbled up and there is not a large
060913 - enough contiguous block for this large record.
060914 -
060915 - Below, we modify 06116 to reduce the number of records processed each
060916 - pass, so this reduces the chance of excessive jumbling, but with large
060917 - records it only takes a few. ref SDS 0 1368
060918 - ..
060919 - Will also try shutting down, since w95 also seems to run out of
060920 - gas after running for awhile.
060921 -
060922 - Worked on this all day basically.
060923 -
060924 - Trying to run 06116 and 070405 with the changes made yesterday, ref
060925 - SDS 6 2217, actually crashed w95.
060926 -
060927 - Had to re-boot. We also got messages on some runs that when a window
060928 - crashed and we tried to open another session, os said to reduce the
060929 - amount of conventional RAM allocated to the program.
060930 -
060931 - I changed memory settings to all auto, and selected HMA. We are
060932 - showing about 612 K free. I don't know that any settings in w95 make
060933 - any difference.
060934 - ..
060935 - One problem may be that adding new code yesterday to process all
060936 - links in SDS records, ref SDS 6 0883, significantly increases the size
060937 - of each file over prior code, because each link requires considerable
060938 - HTML code. This may account for why we got a lot of memory crashes
060939 - today on the same spec that was running previously.
060940 -
060941 -
060942 - ..
060943 - Soluton - Continuous Processing
060944 -
060945 - Finally got the test spec to run successfully several times, and ran
060946 - some other specs.
060947 -
060948 - Had a successful spec that processed over 600 records, which is the
060949 - most we have done before.
060950 -
060951 - We have reported this has been solved previously, so I am wary to
060952 - belive the problem will not reappear.
060953 -
060954 - OS2 was able to process the same large spec with 10 recs per pass,
060955 - rather than 5, as required by w95.
060956 -
060957 -
060958 -
060959 -
060960 -
0610 -
Create HTML Data Base for SDS, 06116,
Memory Management
Assemble Records, 06116
0906 -
090601 - ..
090602 - 06116 - Change Number of Records to Process Each Pass
090603 -
090604 - Follow up ref SDS 3 5043.
090605 -
090606 - Line 300, ref OF 1 3168, -label noUpd the other day I changed the
090607 - number of records this processes each pass from 20 to 15. It was set
090608 - to 20 on 971205. ref SDS 2 3255
090609 -
090610 - Today, I will try changing to 10.
090611 -
090612 - That did not work in w95, so changed to 5 and it seems to work.
090613 -
090614 - Was able to use 10 in os2.
090615 -
090616 - [On 010328 this didn't work, so eliminated that entire scheme
090617 - and changed to use dose, processing each record separately.
090618 - ref SDS 9 LP6J
090619 -
090620 -
090621 -
090622 -
090623 -
090624 -
090625 -
090626 -
0907 -