440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 21, 1998 10:25 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Test Comm Metrics Web site for supporting business intelligence.
2...Planning Program to Test Viability of Business Intelligence
3...Test Results Seem to Show Communication Metrics Web Site Works
4...JPS Server Down
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0201 - Chips & Tech. 408 434 0600
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones
020102 - Sr. Vice President =4283 Ext
Test Delivery, Access by Web Browser over
0703 - ..
0704 - Summary/Objective
0705 -
070501 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0384, ref SDS 15 3478.
070502 -
070503 - Now that problems developed from initial testing, ref SDS 8 1935, have
070504 - been addressed, ref SDS 14 2227, and there are corrected files on the
070505 - Web site, ref SDS 15 3642, we can continue testing begun on 980316.
070506 - ref SDS 8 1437
070507 -
070508 -
070509 -
070510 -
0706 -
0707 -
0708 - Progress
0709 -
070901 - ..
070902 - Planning Program to Test Viability of Business Intelligence
070903 -
070904 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0485, ref SDS 8 2040.
070905 -
070906 - After making corrections so IE can access SDS Web pages, ref SDS 17
070907 - 5182, I created the Web site again using the planning at ref SDS 18
070908 - 0949.
070909 -
070910 - Need to send initial test letters per work started on 980316, ref SDS
070911 - 8 2040, to see if SDS "intelligence" can be accessed on the Internet,
070912 - per planning on 971105. ref SDS 2 1459
070913 - ..
070914 - Do the test on ref DIP 2 4053 to Morris per ref SDS 16 5310,
070915 - which was actually prepared at ref SDS 15 1315.
070916 -
070917 - Sent this to myself first to verify the test. It worked, so sent it
070918 - to Morris, per ref SDS 16 0485.
070919 -
070920 - [On 980323 Morris responded that he received this. ref SDS 20
070921 - 3626]
070922 - ..
070923 - Send the message prepared for Max Wideman on 980316. ref SDS 9
070924 - 0000
070925 -
070926 - [On 980323 Max had trouble opening the initial Web page link in
070927 - the email sent to him. ref SDS 21 0000]
070928 -
070929 -
070930 -
070931 - ..
070932 - Test Results Seem to Show Communication Metrics Web Site Works
070933 -
070934 - The test to myself on the letter to Morris worked. ref DIP 2
070935 - 4053, issued above. ref SDS 0 1120
070936 -
070937 - I got the message and opened the link to the record at ref SDS 15
070938 - 3600, and from there was able to open the linked sites that show the
070939 - background of the problem and context, which is what I want to convey
070940 - to customers.
070941 -
070942 -
0710 -
0711 -
Access Failed to SD
0804 - 1926 Web Site Server Down
0805 -
080501 - ..
080502 - JPS Server Down
080503 -
080504 - While examining links in the letter to Max, ref DIP 1 2547,
080505 - began getting message the Web browser cannot connect to the server.
080506 -
080507 - Investigation showed our server, Barberra, is down. ref SDS 19 3539
080508 -
080509 - This lasted until oa 2350, when I went to bed.
080510 -
080511 -
080512 -
080513 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"