440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 19, 1998 03:08 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Received letters from AAA re Chaikin v. Weinmann, Foti.

2...Order Filed on Preliminary Hearing Held on 980313
3...Deposit Arbitration Fees

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0201 - Germino, Runte... Law Ofcs         650 857 9211 fax 852 9256
020101 - Mr. Paul J. McDonald, Esq.

980313 Hearing, Arbitrator's Instructions

0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 22 6380, ref SDS 21 4559.
050602 -
050603 - Received two letters today from AAA, both transmitting the order for
050604 - the 980313 preliminary hearing.
050605 -
050606 - One of the letters directs the parties to deposit additional fees to
050607 - cover the preliminary hearing to be held on 980401.
050608 -
050609 -
050610 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Progress
0510 -
051001 -  ..
051002 - Order Filed on Preliminary Hearing Held on 980313
051003 -
051004 - Follow up ref SDS 23 4833, ref SDS 22 6380.
051005 -
051006 - Received ref DRT 1 3864 dated 980318 from AAA which transmits the
051007 - Preliminary Hearing Order #3, for the hearing on 980313, ref SDS 22
051008 - 6380, issued to AAA via, ref DIP 7 1594 at ref SDS 22 6490.
051009 -
051010 - The prelim hearing order is at ref DRT 1 4285 which was prepared after
051011 - the hearing on 980313, ref SDS 22 6490 and submitted to AAA via, ref
051012 - DIP 7 1594,
051013 -
051014 - It has the agenda for the hearing on 980401. ref DRT 1 2473
051015 -
051016 -
051017 - Received ref DRT 2 1476 also dated 980318 from AAA which also
051018 - transmits the Preliminary Hearing Order #3, as does ref DRT 1 3864,
051019 - noted above. ref SDS 0 1539
051020 -
051021 - It is unclear why the second letter was issued.
051022 -
051023 -
051024 -
051025 -
0511 -

Payment Fees by Parties
Compensation for Arbitrator

0705 -
070501 -  ..
070502 - Deposit Arbitration Fees
070503 -
070504 - Follow up ref SDS 18 1387, ref SDS 13 8840.
070505 -
070506 - AAA notifies the parties in a letter, ref DRT 1 1801, to each deposit
070507 - OB 980325 an additional $700 for Arbitration fees as a result of the
070508 - hearing on 980401.
070509 -
070510 - AAA's letter, ref DRT 1 6318, supplements prior deposits required of
070511 - each party in the amount of $4,700 to be made OB 980522, as set out in
070512 - AAA letter dated 980225, ref DRP 11 3858, received on 980227. ref SDS
070513 - 13 8840
070514 -
070515 - The $700 also supplements arbitration fees for pre-hearing work per
070516 - AAA's 980306 letter, ref DRP 15 6044 received on 980308. ref SDS 18
070517 - 1387
070518 -
070519 -
070520 -
070521 -
070522 -
0706 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"