440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 16, 1998 09:40 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Change directory structure for local Web page to support updating.
2...Develop Way to Update Server, Avoid Sending Records Already Sent
3...06116 - Change Drive to Compare Update Operation
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Use Different Drives to Assemble Upload
Temporary Storage Directory for Downloads
Updating Server Using Directories on Local
Store SDS Records in Multiple Drives
Avoid Uploading Files That Have Not Changed
Directory Store Identfy Updates to be
1308 - ..
1309 - Summary/Objective
1310 -
131001 - Follow up ref SDS 8 0666, ref SDS 9 2425.
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131003 - Developed some ideas
131004 -
131005 - [On 980405 developed management for temporary files stored on local
131006 - disk. ref SDS 10 3208]
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1311 -
1312 -
1313 - Planning
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131401 - ..
131402 - Develop Way to Update Server, Avoid Sending Records Already Sent
131403 -
131404 - Follow up ref SDS 9 2425.
131405 -
131406 - The basic issue is that we want to send records based on directory
131407 - levels, and not based on individual files because we have too many
131408 - directories and files for that method to be practical.
131409 -
131410 - We want to specify a transfer spec at a high directory level in order
131411 - to make a mass transfer.
131412 - ..
131413 - This requires a way to...
131414 -
131415 - 1. Identify changed records
131416 -
131417 - 2. Avoid sending files in an update that already been
131418 - sent on prior transfers
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131420 - 3. Avoid sending the ws_ftp log files
131421 - ..
131422 - I think this can be accomplished in the following manner:
131423 -
131424 - Use h: sd 08 as temporary storage for anything sent to the server.
131425 -
131426 - After each time data is sent to the server, we need to remove it from
131427 - h: sd 08, so it will always only have new stuff. This will help
131428 - avoid resending the same records on each update.
131429 -
131430 - [On 980405 developed management for temporary files stored on local
131431 - disk. ref SDS 10 3208]
131432 -
131433 - This will get rid of the ws_ftp log files that are created during
131434 - transfer to the server.
131435 -
131436 - Compare records for updating based on data on e: drive, since it is
131437 - created at the same time and so it will be the permant record of what
131438 - is on the server.
131439 -
131440 - This means we cannot remove that data, until and unless there is a
131441 - way to remove data from the server.
131442 -
131443 -
131444 - ..
131445 - 06116 - Change Drive to Compare Update Operation
131446 -
131447 - Line 520, ref OF 1 6510, -label comDt, actually, it looks like we are
131448 - already using the e: drive, so this does not require a change.
131449 -
131450 - We need to delete the stuff on h: when an update is run.
131451 -
131452 - I am reluctant to code this delete operation.
131453 -
131454 - If we want to run multiple passes to get different directories, we
131455 - cannot be deleting the record every pass.
131456 -
131457 - [On 980405 developed some file management that makes this easier to
131458 - do manaully, rather than as part of 06116 operation, ref SDS 10
131459 - 3208]
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