440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 10, 1998 08:15 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Mark at USACE in Sacramento on Comm Metrics.
2...CESPK Evaluating Comm Metrics for ISO 9000 Support
.....Traceability to Original Sources is Useful "Business Intelligence"
.....Lessons Learned/Continual Learning under Communication Metrics
3...Communication Metrics Web Site Will Demonstrate Business Intelligence
4...Cost Savings Require Good Tools, Methods and People
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473
020102 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Sacramento District
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 7 4947, ref SDS 6 4408.
050602 -
050603 - Mark has received a preliminary assessment of Communication Metrics
050604 - that requires further investigation. He expects to call CESPN for
050605 - more information, and is requesting an opinion from consultants on
050606 - implementing ISO 9000. In a few weeks the Welch Web site will be
050607 - active, and he can discover by experiencing our vision of business
050608 - intelligence.
050609 -
050610 - Submitted
050611 -
050612 -
050613 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Discussion Mark Capik 916 557 5301
0510 - ..
051001 - CESPK Evaluating Comm Metrics for ISO 9000 Support
051002 -
051003 - Mark has received a summary report from Steve reviewing ref DIP 1
051004 - 3852, issued on 980225 at ref SDS 6 6200, that transmits the USACE
051005 - reports on Communication Metrics. ref DRP 1 6172 and ref DRP 2 0129.
051006 -
051007 - Mark recalled Ed East's suggestion that Communication Metrics be
051008 - considered for ISO support, ref DIP 1 3852, per my telecon with Ed on
051009 - 971211, ref SDS 7 2807.
051010 -
051011 - Mark indicated that Steve will contact the District's consultant on
051012 - implementing ISO, about how Communication Metrics can support the
051013 - District's efforts to implement ISO.
051014 -
051015 -
051016 - Traceability to Original Sources is Useful "Business Intelligence"
051017 -
051018 - CESPK's interest in ISO criteria can be advanced by the analysis
051019 - comparing ISO 1006 for project management, and the PMBOK published
051020 - by the Project Management Institute. Communication Metrics
051021 - accomplishes requirements to maintain traceability in their
051022 - records to original sources on cause and effect of decisions. ref
051023 - SDS 21 1740
051024 -
051025 - Effective use of ISO requires Communication Metrics (see research
051026 - on 951026, ref SDS 5 7773 and ref SDS 5 3245). Marketing need for
051027 - support is explained at ref SDS 5 5321.
051028 -
051029 -
051030 - Lessons Learned/Continual Learning under Communication Metrics
051031 -
051032 - CESPN reported that Communication Metrics adds value to the Corps
051033 - of Engineers' "Lessons Learned" program. ref DRP 1 3156 This is a
051034 - result of "business intelligence" generated daily by Communication
051035 - Metrics in accomplishing ISO requirements for continual learning
051036 - processes. ref SDS 2 2846
051037 -
051038 -
051039 -
051040 - Communication Metrics Web Site Will Demonstrate Business Intelligence
051041 -
051042 - Mark mentioned the IBM announcement on "business intelligence" which
051043 - we discussed last week. ref SDS 9 6079 He noted that Steve tried to
051044 - get the Reuter's report off the Internet, but was not successful.
051045 -
051046 - I mentioned having contracted yesterday for a Web Site. ref SDS 10
051047 - 4953,
051048 -
051049 - In a week or so we can demonstrate our vision of delivering in a
051050 - simple, easy to use form, "business intelligence" which is generated
051051 - by Communication Metrics.
051052 -
051053 -
051054 -
051055 - Cost Savings Require Good Tools, Methods and People
051056 - ..
051057 - Mark will call Tom Keesling and Max Blodgett in CESPN on
051058 - continued interest in using Communication Metrics, in light of savings
051059 - reported from using this method. He wants to consider the value added
051060 - of the Communication Metrics system rather than the efforts of Welch,
051061 - per analysis at ref SDS 7 4365
051062 -
051063 - I noted that Jim Jones, CEMP-E, cited this point as well, ref SDS 10
051064 - 4811, reflecting comments by Sherrill McDonald at Kaiser Engineers,
051065 - ref SDS 6 8938, and consideration by Axion on 950426 suggesting that
051066 - many executives feel that, rather than improve tools and methods so
051067 - managers can work smarter, it is "smarter" to just to hire smarter,
051068 - harder working managers, ref SDS 3 5618. Jim has not had time to
051069 - investigate this proposition, as Mark proposes to do. ref SDS 6 6039
051070 -
051071 - We need to develop the point that good pianos and well crafted music,
051072 - help even the greatest piano players play better music.
051073 -
051074 -
051075 -
0511 -
0512 -
0513 - 1105 called Tom at CESPN
0514 -
051401 - Advised of above discussion, and that Mark may call Tom to follow up
051402 - on evaluating Communication Metrics.
051403 -
051404 - Tom has not had a chance to read any further in the book on the New
051405 - World Order.
051406 -
051407 - I mentioned that section 2, which is on page 2, has a few paragraphs
051408 - that introduce the reader to the need for better balance between the
051409 - short-term, here-and-now part of communication which is talking in
051410 - meetings, discussions and calls, with the long-term part of
051411 - communication that requires investing time to "understand" and follow
051412 - up.
051413 -
051414 - Tom was sick over the weekend. He will try to get to this in a few
051415 - days.
051416 -
051417 -
051418 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"