440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 26, 1998 06:10 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

IBM announces plan to market "business intelligence."

2...Data Mining Applies Computational Linguistics and Pattern Matching
3...IBM to Market "Business Intelligence for Decision Support intelligence
4...Intelligence Must Solve Information Overload
5...Andy Grove Defines Conventional "Business Intelligence"
........................listen and learn
6...Communication Metrics Delivers Anytime, Anywhere Intelligence
7...Planning for Communication Metrics to deliver business intelligence
8...Guess and Gossip Make Truth a Moving Target on Information Highway
9...Useful Intelligence Needs Leadership, Insight, Technology, Hard Work
10...Leadership with Broader Vision Requires Steady Hand on Reality
11...Terminology Invented to Repackage Failed Initiatives
12...Past Buz Word Initiatives Have Failed to Produce Useful Intelligence
13...Ineffective Decision Support Wastes $Billions
14...Intelligence Requires Connections to Support Human Understanding

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New World Order needs old time religion
Intelligence Incite Correlations
Information Management (IT)
Credibility Welch Small Firm Big Ideas Need
Analysis Correlations Implications Incite
Decisions Improved by Computers Only With
Business Intelligence
Knowledge Management
Enterprise Workflow
Business Intelligence Marketing Initiative Announcement

2512 -
2512 -    ..
2513 - Summary/Objective
2514 -
251401 - Follow up ref SDS 33 3462, ref SDS 31 1459.
251402 -
251403 - IBM announced initiative to market "business intelligence" reflecting
251404 - prior efforts to sell technology, ref SDS 0 2146, possibly related to
251405 - promoting Lotus Notes. ref SDS 0 V45M  The announcement builds
251406 - awareness of the need for Communication Metrics to generate and
251407 - deliver effective "intelligence," ref SDS 0 2279, but leadership is
251408 - needed to overcome ignorance, fear and denial of new realities which
251409 - portend a new world order that requires change from traditional
251410 - management methods of guess and gossip. ref SDS 0 2982  Andy Grove's
251411 - book "Only the Paranoid Survive" cites key steps in forging a better
251412 - partnership between leadership and technology that shows the value of
251413 - good "intelligence." ref SDS 0 2423
251414 -
251415 -    [Submitted to Max Blodgett at USACE-CESPN on 980227. ref SDS 38
251416 -    0000; follow up meeting on 980403. ref SDS 44 2849]
251418 -     ..
251419 -    [Submitted to Max Wideman on 980302. ref SDS 39 1048]
251421 -     ..
251422 -    [Submitted to Dave Vannier at Intel on 980307, ref SDS 41 4088.]
251424 -     ..
251425 -    [Submitted to Morris on 980307, ref SDS 40 2453.]
251427 -     ..
251428 -    [On 980307 reviewed Andy Grove's book indicating need for better
251429 -    "intelligence." ref SDS 43 4203]
251431 -     ..
251432 -    [On 980405 solution to fear of "accountability." ref SDS 45 5065]
251434 -     ..
251435 -    [On 980412 CBS News 60 Minutes broadcast a program segment on
251436 -    information overload having wide impacts. ref SDS 47 2025]
251438 -     ..
251439 -    [On 980417 Pac Bell reports $2.2B capital program to expand
251440 -    telephone service largely for Internet. ref SDS 48 2582]
251442 -     ..
251443 -    [On 980417 major financial company reports reduced earnings where
251444 -    executives do not have enough time to think. ref SDS 48 4269]
251446 -     ..
251447 -    [On 980511 Reuters reports productivity declined and unit labor
251448 -    costs rose dramatically in 1st quarter of 1998. ref SDS 49 0000]
251450 -     ..
251451 -    [On 980828 research on "business intelligence" did not turn up IBM.
251452 -    ref SDS 52 0000]
251454 -     ..
251455 -    [On 990213 research on Knowledge Management. ref SDS 53 0000]
251457 -     ..
251458 -    [On 001130 IBM reports Raven project to improve Lotus Notes for
251459 -    supporting Knowledge Management delayed. ref SDS 66 F26K
251460 -
251461 -
251463 -  ..
2515 -
2516 -
2517 - Progress
2518 -
251801 - Data Mining Applies Computational Linguistics and Pattern Matching
251802 - IBM to Market "Business Intelligence for Decision Support
251803 -
251804 - Reuter's article says IBM has a growing staff of 2,500, ref OF 4 3102,
251805 - to develop and market technology for collecting data on a day-to-day
251806 - basis. ref OF 4 1878
251807 -
251808 - "Data mining" of Web site usage, and "data collection" for a "data
251809 - warehouse," are foreseen. ref OF 4 3439.
251811 -  ..
251812 - IBM says its new business initiative will produce...
251813 -
251814 -                      business intelligence
251815 -
251816 - ...for customers which will grow to a $70B business by the year 2000.
251817 - ref OF 4 3233
251818 -
251819 -        [On 060211 Jack Park Open IRIS software released based on Java
251820 -        software, and extending other efforts to implement goals for
251821 -        Knowledge Management. ref SDS 73 5T7L
251823 -      ..
251824 -     Growing a $70B business seems ambitious and will require a large
251825 -     outlay of marketing resources which will elevate awareness that
251826 -     "intelligence" improves management and earnings, as proposed for a
251827 -     management training film in a letter issued on 980215. ref SDS 35
251828 -     1452
251830 -  ..
251831 - "Business intelligence" is defined in the article as...
251832 -
251833 -     ...gathering, management, and analysis of data for use in decision
251834 -     making, ...applied in areas as varied as deciding which markets to
251835 -     enter, selecting and promoting products, and customer retention.
251837 -  ..
251838 - This does not sound like the kind of "intelligence" that Lou Gerstner,
251839 - Andy Grove and Bill Gates use to guide their decisions each day, per
251840 - meeting with Dave Vannier at Intel on 950927. ref SDS 13 4408
251841 -
251842 -    [On 991213 NSF asked about applying computational linguistics,
251843 -    which might be related to data mining and language pattern
251844 -    matching. ref SDS 60 3234
251846 -     ..
251847 -    [On 000110 letter from Cornell University says Computational
251848 -    Linguistics does not support Com Metrics. ref SDS 61 0001]
251850 -     ..
251851 -    [On 001130 IBM reports Raven project to improve Lotus Notes for
251852 -    supporting Knowledge Management delayed. ref SDS 66 F26K
251853 -
251855 -  ..
251856 - Intelligence Must Solve Information Overload
251857 -
251858 - How will IBM's "intelligence" help Andy, Lou and Bill solve the harsh
251859 - new reality of chronic miscommunication, errors, crises, stress and
251860 - frustration, per examples on 950327, ref SDS 9 0200, that reduce
251861 - earnings because the new world order of the Information Highway
251862 - overwhelms human span of attention in an increasingly complex world,
251863 - as observed by Peter Drucker? ref SDS 28 4371
251865 -  ..
251866 - Recent example is Kwan Henmi mixup on email by a factor of 2 years.
251867 - ref SDS 34 0923
251868 -
251869 -     [On 980412 CBS News reported on 60 Minutes that more information
251870 -     reduces the time to "think" that is essential to for the mind to
251871 -     produce useful knowledge. per ref SDS 47 2025]
251873 -      ..
251874 -     [On 980307 reviewed Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive"
251875 -     which says writing for critical analysis essential for good
251876 -     management. ref SDS 43 3668]
251878 -      ..
251879 -     [On 980405 fear of accountability prevents executives and managers
251880 -     from using "intelligence." ref SDS 45 5065
251882 -      ..
251883 -     [On 980417 major financial company reports reduced earnings where
251884 -     executives do not have enough time to think. ref SDS 48 4269]
251886 -      ..
251887 -     [On 980807 article on of information overload. ref SDS 50 2426]
251889 -      ..
251890 -     [On 980815 failures of foreign policy "intelligence" stem from too
251891 -     much information, not enough understanding. ref SDS 51 1173]
251893 -      ..
251894 -     [On 990912 high cost of medical mistakes, ref SDS 56 0001, shows
251895 -     growing malady of false knowledge caused by information overload,
251896 -     ref SDS 56 0960, and fear of accountability prevents adding
251897 -     "intelligence" to management. ref SDS 56 3416
251899 -  ..
251900 - At a meeting on 970603, Dave cited Intel's need for effective business
251901 - intelligence. ref SDS 24 5803  There is no evident reason why this
251902 - same need does not exist at IBM, Microsoft, NASA, Southern Pacific
251903 - Railroad, U.S. Steel, Bechtal, Harvard, the FDA, EPA, PTA and other
251904 - organizations.  Morris Jones cites a need for proactive efforts to
251905 - keep the Chips and Technologies team on course. ref SDS 8 3497 and to
251906 - remember critical details accurately and consistently, ref SDS 8 3333.
251907 -
251909 -  ..
251910 - Andy Grove Defines Conventional "Business Intelligence"
251911 -
251912 - Mr. Grove writes in his book "Only the Paranoid Survive" (Currency,
251913 - Doubleday, Oct 1996) that success at Intel required his personal
251914 - "investment in learning" (p 110) from employee feedback outside the
251915 - executive circle about performance, competition and policy, which
251916 - reflects the first principle of leadership:
251918 -  ..
251919 -                        listen and learn
251920 -
251921 -
251922 -    ... ref SDS 43 3620
251924 -  ..
251925 - Mr. Grove describes writing copious notes of meetings (p 145),
251926 - ref SDS 43 3101, committing his "thoughts to paper (p 135), spending 2
251927 - hours a day reading and answering email (p 156); he contacts attendees
251928 - after meetings and consults experts to obtain clarification on the
251929 - meaning of his notes, and he "tests" his decisions and views by
251930 - subjecting himself to questioning by subordinates so that he can
251931 - discover error and oversight of correlations and implications in time
251932 - to adjust and correct decisions before costly mistakes are made. (p
251933 - 155)
251935 -  ..
251936 - Mr. Grove says this process is not easy and it is not fun. (p 155)
251938 -  ..
251939 - Grove warns executives to avoid "strategic dissonence" that denies the
251940 - existence and magnitude of problems, ref SDS 42 5517.  He urges
251941 - "middle managers" not to be "wimps." ref SDS 43 4862, and recommends
251942 - experimenting with new methods to discover how to make management more
251943 - effective. ref SDS 42 3416
251945 -  ..
251946 - He says a major challenge to leadership is limited time and attention.
251947 - (p 144, 125), ref SDS 43 1722
251948 -
251950 -  ..
251951 - Communication Metrics Delivers Anytime, Anywhere Intelligence
251952 -
251953 - Communication Metrics applies technology to support all of the steps
251954 - Mr. Grove finds useful, including "testing" of views through feedback,
251955 - which is a common "metric" of human understanding. ref SDS 9 2108  It
251956 - adds unique processes to integrate time and information in a way that
251957 - leverages innate mental acuity to think, remember and communicate,
251958 - commonly called "intelligence."
251960 -  ..
251961 - See analysis on 970830 on distinction between "business intelligence"
251962 - and "documentation." ref SDS 28 4775
251963 -
251964 -      [On 980405 reviewed tension between accountability and
251965 -      intelligence. ref SDS 45 5065]
251967 -  ..
251968 - Technology to expand span of attention makes it possible for more
251969 - people to use Andy Grove's method of converting a sea of daily details
251970 - into useful knowledge and ideas.  Organizing management details into
251971 - "knowledge space," analogous to construction details in dimensional
251972 - space, evolved from the Asilomar conference on building a better
251973 - partnership between leadership and technology. ref SDS 17 3516
251974 -
251975 -      [On 980405 Morris developed a graphic showing intelligence keeps
251976 -      the work on course. ref SDS 46 2532, ref SDS 46 1898]
251978 -  ..
251979 - Delivering intelligence to busy managers and executives over the
251980 - Internet enables people to immediately benefit by building and
251981 - maintaining shared meaning, anytime, anywhere in the world using
251982 - common skills of Web browsers.
251983 -
251985 -  ..
251986 - Planning for Communication Metrics to deliver business intelligence
251987 - was developed on 971105. ref SDS 31 1459
251989 -  ..
251990 - A report on Communication Metrics issued on 970418, ref SDS 22 5368,
251991 - by the San Francisco District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
251992 - ref DRP 4 0539, defines "intelligence" as...
251993 -
251994 -        ...[discovering] cause and effect by organizing and [analysing]
251995 -        details of daily experience. Critical details are summarized to
251996 -        facilitate understanding and maintain shared meaning among team
251997 -        members.  Follow-up actions are linked to original sources, so
251998 -        that decisions are aligned with objectives.  Empowering people
251999 -        to use business "intelligence" for daily work leverages the
252000 -        innate mental process of converting information into knowledge,
252001 -        which is the essence of "managing."
252002 -
252004 -  ..
252005 - Guess and Gossip Make Truth a Moving Target on Information Highway
252006 -
252007 - How will IBM's "intelligence" overcome the executive mindset to rely
252008 - on conversation, i.e., "guess and gossip" (see below ref SDS 0 5159).
252009 - that resists feedback metrics to verify alignment of communication
252010 - with objectives and controlling forces, per review of management
252011 - training. ref SDS 33 2914, and example at USACE, ref SDS 25 1415 and
252012 - further at ref SDS 25 1461?
252013 -
252014 -     [On 990625 Forbes reports CEOs fail because they don't feel like
252015 -     doing detailed analysis of daily communications that successful
252016 -     make time to accomplish. ref SDS 55 7344]
252018 -  ..
252019 - How will IBM's "intelligence" solve the "Telephone Game" problem cited
252020 - in management training, ref DRP 2 2034, reviewed on 971229,
252021 - ref SDS 33 1526, where...
252022 -
252023 -
252024 -                       induced meaning
252025 -
252026 -
252027 -      ...causes ...
252028 -
252030 -                         ..
252031 -                        meaning drift
252032 -
252033 -
252034 - ...cited by Landauer, ref SDS 16 3734, because there is not enough
252035 - time to align daily communication with controlling laws, regulations,
252036 - contracts, policies and prior commitments.
252037 -
252038 -     [On 991101 example of meaning drift. ref SDS 59 0857]
252040 -  ..
252041 - How will IBM's business intelligence solve the problem of...
252042 -
252043 -
252044 -                     information entropy
252045 -
252046 -
252047 - ...reported by the Air Force Institute of Technology, ref SDS 26 0108.
252048 - where management information systems fail because human mental biology
252049 - has...
252051 -                    ..
252052 -                   limited span of attention
252053 -
252054 -
252055 - ...and managers are forced by limited time to manage by...
252056 -
252057 -
252058 -                        guess and gossip
252059 -
252060 -
252061 - ...due to information overload, resulting in endless cycles of...
252062 -
252064 -                             ..
252065 -                            rework
252066 -
252067 -
252068 - ...due to stress, error, anger, fear, dispute, conflict, loss,
252069 - failure, recession, reengineering, and downsizing attributed to
252070 - "Murphy's Law, ref SDS 33 1526, ref SDS 24 5803.
252071 -
252072 -      [On 980412 CBS News 60 Minutes broadcast a program segment on
252073 -      information overload having wide impacts. ref SDS 47 2025]
252075 -       ..
252076 -      [On 990912 high cost of medical mistakes due to biggest risk of
252077 -      enterprise... communication. ref SDS 56 0001]
252079 -       ..
252080 -      [On 991001 NASA losses $125M space craft due to minor
252081 -      communication error. ref SDS 58 0001]
252082 -
252084 -  ..
252085 - Useful Intelligence Needs Leadership, Insight, Technology, Hard Work
252086 -
252087 - It is certainly true that effective decisions require intelligence.
252089 -  ..
252090 - Good intelligence requires leadership to overcome obstacles to
252091 - investing intellectual capital derived from the details of daily
252092 - management, noted on 960629 in review of Netscape's Whitepaper on the
252093 - Internet, ref SDS 21 1533
252095 -  ..
252096 - Resistance to "intelligence" is endemic to the executive mindset that
252097 - prefers to work by conversation and fears accountability of feedback
252098 - metrics. ref OF 2 2670, ref SDS 33 2914, see the meeting with Axiom on
252099 - 950426, ref SDS 10 4392, and with Morris on 890809. ref SDS 2 5930
252100 -
252101 -     [On 980307 review Andy Grove's book indicates his leadership
252102 -     supports investing intellectual capital. ref SDS 43 3668]
252104 -      ..
252105 -     [On 980405 report executives fear accountability. ref SDS 45 5065]
252107 -      ..
252108 -     [On 040620 John Maloney announces professional event in New York
252109 -     that teaches reliance on conversation under a new banner of
252110 -     "Knowledge Leadership." ref SDS 71 K46M
252112 -  ..
252113 - Ignorance breeds worry about being second-guessed that in turn
252114 - vitiates resolve to discover problems and opportunity in time to take
252115 - effective action, ref SDS 25 1461.  Refusal to support feedback is
252116 - couched as denial of need for intelligence because of inaccurate
252117 - reports, ref SDS 25 1415.  Only strong leadership can overcome
252118 - ignorance, fear and denial endemic to traditional "feel good
252119 - management" that relies on guess and gossip, hunch and hope.  Talking
252120 - and listening build human relationships and seem like a fast, easy way
252121 - to acquire understanding and follow-up. But they are not enough.  They
252122 - are only the beginning of intelligence.
252124 -  ..
252125 - While talk is cheap, intelligence requires hard work, skill and
252126 - strength of character to dig out of the flow of information each day,
252127 - including the minds of decision makers, understandings, correlations
252128 - and implications that lead to ultimate results, and then to organize,
252129 - analyse and link new information for alignment with controlling forces
252130 - and objectives. ref SDS 33 4193, see USACE ref SDS 25 1829.
252132 -  ..
252133 - Mr. Grove points out in his book that capturing daily management
252134 - details takes diligence and discipline.  It is not "fun." ref SDS 43
252135 - 3101
252137 -  ..
252138 - Intelligence, however, is essential to meet the challenge of new
252139 - realities posed by technology that compress time and distance.  The
252140 - evolving environment of the 21st century will forge a faster, higher
252141 - risk, indeed, a new world order. ref OF 2 1675
252143 -  ..
252144 - Intelligence must be delivered to decision makers in time to impact
252145 - critical decisions, and in a manner that emulates the human mental
252146 - process of linking summary to detail, so that a lot of intelligence
252147 - can be absorbed quickly without overburdening the busy mind with a sea
252148 - of details.  Intelligence must, also, empower managers to focus
252149 - limited span of attention on relevant details immediately when needed
252150 - and follow the thread of cause and effect to original sources, in
252151 - order to avoid the malady of false knowledge commonly described as...
252152 -
252154 -                      ..
252155 -                     The Devil in the Details
252156 -
252157 -
252158 -    ...generally offered to excuse failure under...
252159 -
252160 -
252161 -                           Murphy's Law
252162 -
252163 -
252164 -
252165 -
252166 -
2522 -

2 Groups Orality and Tools TQM Project Management Human Systems, and
Buz Words Terminology Continually Evolve to Market Management Improv
2 Groups TQM Project Management Moved to KM Improve Management with

3005 -
300601 -  ..
300602 - Leadership with Broader Vision Requires Steady Hand on Reality
300603 -
300604 - Only leadership with a broader vision can enable properly designed
300605 - technology to be deployed in a manner that produces useful business
300606 - intelligence.
300608 -  ..
300609 - Where is IBM's leadership leading?
300610 -
300612 -  ..
300613 - Terminology Invented to Repackage Failed Initiatives
300614 - Past Buz Word Initiatives Have Failed to Produce Useful Intelligence
300615 -
300616 - There is no evident distinction between IBM's current initiative on
300617 - "business intelligence" and "data mining," and prior announcements
300618 - of...
300619 -
300620 -         Enterprise Management
300621 -         Knowledge Management
300622 -         Knowledge Leadership
300623 -         Authentic Conversation
300624 -         Project Management
300625 -         Context Management
300626 -         Knowledge Repository
300627 -         Artificial Intelligence
300628 -         TQM
300629 -         Business Process Engineering
300630 -         Reengineering
300631 -         Computer Aided Thinking
300632 -         Information Technology (IT)
300633 -         Information Management Systems (IMS)
300634 -         Information Highway, ref SDS 12 2248, ref SDS 12 6037,
300635 -         Data Management Systems (DMS)
300636 -         Data Base Management (DBM), ref SDS 27 2878,
300637 -         Fax,
300638 -         Cell Phones
300639 -         Video Conferencing
300640 -         Wizards
300641 -         Newton
300642 -         Palm Pilot
300643 -         Local Area Networks (LAN)
300644 -         Wide Area Networks (WAN)
300645 -         Lotus Notes, ref SDS 3 2340, ref SDS 4 5257
300646 -         Internet, ref SDS 18 1028, ref SDS 18 1537
300647 -         Intranets, ref SDS 21 1607, ref SDS 21 1533,
300649 -  ..
300650 - IBM announcement today seems to promote Lotus Notes for Business
300651 - Intelligence to improve management productivity.
300652 -
300653 -        [On 060211 Jack Park Open IRIS software released based on Java
300654 -        software, and extending other efforts to implement goals for
300655 -        Knowledge Management. ref SDS 73 5T7L
300657 -  ..
300658 - Requirements and capabilities were demontrated to IBM on 941114 for
300659 - SDS "intelligence support" that improves management productivity.
300660 - ref SDS 6 1321  Practices of Communiation Metrics for working
300661 - intelligently were set out a few months later on 950204. ref SDS 7
300662 - J67M  On 941114 IBM planned to support SDS development to realize
300663 - marketing opportunities of intelligence support. ref SDS 6 9481  On
300664 - 950607 IBM purchased Lotus Notes for $4B, to accomplish intelligence
300665 - capabilities demonstrated for SDS on 941104. ref SDS 11 6006  This
300666 - seems to fit the announcement today of IBM planning to provide
300667 - "business intelligence." ref SDS 0 5682  Research on 951011 indicated
300668 - Lotus Notes provides good support for information, and cannot support
300669 - "business intelligence," nor better management productivity.
300670 - ref SDS 14 8552
300671 -
300672 -    [On 980828 research shows business intelligence associated with
300673 -    data repository and data mining, ref SDS 52 2592, and with a new
300674 -    term "knowledge management," which is not defined. ref SDS 52 PQWP
300676 -     ..
300677 -    [On 980829 "data warehouse" is another new term. ref SDS 52 2592]
300679 -     ..
300680 -    [On 990213 "Knowledge Management," is a new form of document
300681 -    management. ref SDS 53 0000
300683 -     ..
300684 -    [On 001130 IBM ends effort to transform Lotus Notes into support
300685 -    Knowledge Management. ref SDS 66 LF3O
300687 -     ..
300688 -    [On 011102 Larry Prusak with IBM notes skeptics contend Knowledge
300689 -    was a marketing ploy to provide a new buz word for consultants and
300690 -    seminars to replace reengineering and TQM. ref SDS 67 KG3J
300692 -     ..
300693 -    [On 020608 Skyme reports Knowledge Management merely substitutes
300694 -    "knowledge" in "information management" with no substantitive
300695 -    improvement. ref SDS 68 JA4L
300697 -     ..
300698 -    [On 020608 paper by Dave Snowden with IBM's KM department describes
300699 -    knowledge as a thing and a flow, which does not distinguish KM from
300700 -    IT; further research shows substituting "knowledge" in "Information
300701 -    Management" is a common practice. ref SDS 68 OG8I
300703 -     ..
300704 -    [On 020608 knowledge define case study hard for people to grasp,
300705 -    ref SDS 69 CC6J; philosophy grounding for "Knowledge Management"
300706 -    reviewed 050115, ref SDS 54 SF5K, correlates with cognitive science
300707 -    reviewed 960518, ref SDS 57 GS58, management tasks considered
300708 -    000307, ref SDS 63 767G, and physical science locality principle
300709 -    power of knowledge predicts and controls the future, reviewed on
300710 -    040312, ref SDS 63 YH4G
300712 -     ..
300713 -    [On 040620 John Maloney submits Knowledge Leadership. ref SDS 71
300714 -    K46M
300716 -  ..
300717 - How do we move beyond buz words to a substantive advance technology
300718 - can make that saves time and money by making knowledge work more
300719 - productive?
300720 -
300721 -    [On 000503 KM project for SRI found "knowledge" is a marketing buzz
300722 -    word. ref SDS 64 5033
300724 -     ..
300725 -    [On 000615 DKR project at SRI gives up on developing KM.
300726 -    ref SDS 65 6271
300727 -
300729 -  ..
300730 - IBM's initiative in 1994 included a series of seminars offering new
300731 - "Pathways to Growth." ref SDS 5 2864  The path IBM proposed in 1994
300732 - was the Information Highway. ref SDS 5 2833
300734 -  ..
300735 - The 1994 seminar agenda included a presentation on...
300736 -
300737 -
300738 -                      Taking the Quantum Leap
300739 -
300740 -
300741 - ...into the Information Age of the 21st century.  This presentation,
300742 - however, was not actually made at the seminar. ref SDS 5 5523
300744 -  ..
300745 - How does IBM's "business intelligence" add value to the Information
300746 - Highway so that mangers can "take the quantum leap" into the 21st
300747 - century by overcoming limited span of attention that is overwhelmed by
300748 - information overload? ref SDS 27 2830  Can IBM help executives "take
300749 - the quantum leap" to overcome resistance to feedback metrics essential
300750 - to effective intelligence, that avoids rework due to traditional
300751 - management by trial and error? ref SDS 30 2464
300752 -
300753 -
300755 -  ..
300756 - Ineffective Decision Support Wastes $Billions
300757 -
300758 - Prior industry initiatives to provide effective "decision support"
300759 - failed because useful intelligence requires a "critical mass" of tasks
300760 - and technology, shown in the POIMS paper, ref OF 1 2688, that is hard
300761 - to accomplish, as noted by Andy Grove. ref SDS 0 2423
300763 -  ..
300764 - Anytime, anywhere information is therefore an incorrect business
300765 - model, because management requires "intelligence." ref SDS 15 3502
300767 -  ..
300768 - If a "critical mass" of tasks and technology is not reached, then
300769 - $billions of dollars are wasted by executives being misled to invest
300770 - in ineffective "business systems," as reported in Computerworld on
300771 - 970927 p. 92, reviewing business author Paul Strassman's new book,
300772 - "Information Productivity," ref SDS 29 4739
300773 -
300774 -     [On 991001 NASA's space probe crashed on Mars due to failure of
300775 -     communication. ref SDS 58 0001]
300777 -  ..
300778 - Accordingly, IBM's announcement of "business intelligence" appears to
300779 - be no more than a convenient name change to provide another round of
300780 - ineffective technology, dressing the "Big bad Wolf" of information
300781 - overload, in the appealing clothing of "Little Red Riding Hood."
300783 -  ..
300784 - Decision support technology is analysed at ref SDS 19 0962.
300786 -  ..
300787 - IBM's understanding of "intelligence" and the role of technology for
300788 - decision support was discussed at the meeting on 941114. ref SDS 6
300789 - 2224
300790 -
300791 -       IBM produced an Information Highway that reduces productivity.
300792 -       ref SDS 6 1321
300794 -        ..
300795 -       IBM committed to "workgroup" solutions, ref SDS 6 2213,
300797 -        ..
300798 -       IBM recognized "intelligence" avoids Murphy's Law where
300799 -       decisions, teams and organizations drift off course due to lack
300800 -       of alignment in communications. ref SDS 6 3046
300802 -        ..
300803 -       IBM recognized that SDS was designed in a novel way that spans
300804 -       business systems they were trying to develop. ref SDS 6 5380
300805 -
300807 -  ..
300808 - Intelligence Requires Connections to Support Human Understanding
300809 -
300810 - Reuter's article offers no indication that IBM's new initiative
300811 - provides the connections between data, information, time, organization
300812 - and analysis that are needed to produce "business intelligence," as
300813 - defined in the report dated 970328 (received on 970410, ref SDS 23
300814 - 5368) issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers to review Communication
300815 - Metrics. ref DRP 4 0536
300817 -  ..
300818 - There is no indication that IBM's "intelligence" can integrate the
300819 - time and information management processes that make the quantum leap
300820 - to convert mere "data" into knowledge, ideas, wisdom and vision, per
300821 - meeting with Intel on 960627. ref SDS 20 4833
300823 -  ..
300824 - Recent revisions to the New World Order... paper explain that absent
300825 - critical connections, information technology by any name, merely
300826 - produces "data pollution," as reported by Dave Vannier at Intel for
300827 - the PMI Asilomar Conference in 1996. ref SDS 20 8488, ref SDS 22 1552.
300829 -  ..
300830 - Communication Metrics delivers the connections and integration of
300831 - traditional management processes that provide effective business
300832 - intelligence.
300833 -
300834 -
300835 -
300836 -
300837 -
300838 -
300839 -
300840 -
300841 -
300842 -
3009 -