440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 14, 1998 09:57 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Revise NWO... paper explain listening, guess and gossip, consciousness.
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New World Order..., Communication Metrics
Listening, Fragility of Knowledge, Fades
Maintain Shared Meaning/Knowledge
Common Sense
Planning Needs Accurate Record Linking
Proactive Management uses Communication
Span of Attention Follow Up Preparation
Follow Up Planning Integral to Reporting
Intelligence Diary Chronology Causation
Welch Management Method, Automate Plan,
Yes Winning People Over Leadership Trust
2613 - ..
2614 - Summary/Objective
2615 -
261501 - Follow up ref SDS 15 1024, ref SDS 14 4800.
261502 -
261503 - Developed ideas to integrate and strengthen in the paper, and to show
261504 - in a management training film.
261505 -
261506 - Last major revision was on 950812, ref SDS 3 0000, and also on 950822.
261507 - ref SDS 4 0000
261508 -
261509 - [On 980211 completed revisions. ref SDS 16 0000]
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261512 -
2616 -
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2618 - Progress
2619 -
261901 - Listening is inadequate to achieve better communication due to:
261902 -
261903 - Fragility of human memory and common sense
261904 -
261905 - Communication has short and long-term components.
261906 -
261907 -
261908 - Understanding should use the explanation for Morris' paper on
261909 - Asilomar. ref SDS 5 8201
261910 - ..
261911 - Planning as an integral part of knowledge work, which is the
261912 - "follow-up" component of long-term communication, ref OF 2 5432, as
261913 - opposed to short-term objective of getting people to say "yes" during
261914 - dialog. ref OF 2 3059
261915 - ..
261916 - I need to introduce earlier in the NWO paper the elements of
261917 - Communication:
261918 -
261919 - Leadership
261920 - Understanding
261921 - Follow-up
261922 -
261923 - ...from original definition on 950327. ref SDS 1 7777
261924 -
261925 - Need to explain the biological urge to speak as the dominant
261926 - short-term component of "leadership" communication, already set
261927 - out in POIMS, ref OF 1 5106, and then to further define long-term
261928 - components essential for effective communication are understanding
261929 - and planning for follow-up.
261930 -
261931 - This addresses imbalance in education for communication, reviewed
261932 - on 950523 in planning a course at Wharton School of Business.
261933 - ref SDS 2 2130
261934 -
261935 - Want to explain the "follow-up" part as "planning" flowing from
261936 - reporting facts and analysis -- it is a continuous stream called
261937 - "intelligence."
261938 -
261939 - [On 980301 Max Wideman did not recognize that the breakdown of
261940 - communication was introduced in the beginning of the book to
261941 - differentiate short and long-term communication. ref SDS 17 1185]
261942 -
261943 - Ignorance, fear and denial
261944 -
261945 - Cost of miscommunication, savings from business intelligence, per
261946 - review of management training film on 971229. ref SDS 11 0000
261947 -
261948 - Communication and thinking. Need balance between binary structures
261949 - for talking and listening, thinking and doing.
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