440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 16, 1997 08:18 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Create USACE Communication Metrics report to HTML for Web site.
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Samples of SDS Reports, 910720
Document Publication
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 5 5038, ref SDS 3 1539.
050602 -
050603 - Can we convert the USACE report on Communication Metrics, ref DRP 2
050604 - 6172, so it is on-line and/or can be submitted as HTML for marketing?
050605 -
050606 - [See follow up on 971217. ref SDS 6 1515]
050607 -
050608 - Need the supplemental files.
050609 -
050610 - 1. Tom Keesling's transmittal. ref DRP 3 6200
050611 -
050612 - 2. Tom's letter dated 970219. ref DRP 1 3459, received at ref SDS
050613 - 1 2427,
050614 -
050615 - 3. Cost savings report. ref DRP 4 0129
050616 -
050617 - Actually, can make separate files separate and just use a transmittal
050618 - letter to identify them.
050619 -
050620 - There are really two issues:
050621 -
050622 - 1. Want to submit the Communication Metrics report for marketing
050623 - so people and get access to ideas without being burdened by a
050624 - lot of information.
050625 -
050626 - 2. Need to break up the report into pieces, so they can be
050627 - downloaded separately from the Communication Metrics Web site,
050628 - so they load faster, and people only have to load what they
050629 - want to see.
050630 -
050631 - Initially, I need a composite file, until the Web site is ready.
050632 -
050633 - So I am glueing a lot of files together.
050634 - ..
050635 - I added an HTML header and used the address command so people
050636 - can respond to Tom Keesling.
050637 -
050638 -
050639 -
050640 -