440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 5, 1997 04:27 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Called Jim to follow up on presentation to USACE HQ.

2...Attendees Do Not Attribute Comm Metrics Success to Science and Tools
3...Communication Metrics Improves "Listening"
4...Experience with "Business Intelligence" Shows Value Added
5...Study Communication Metrics to verify Cost Effectiveness

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Welch will enhance Communication Metrics to support USACE goals for

0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers                                                                                                                                       O-00000677 0102
020101 - Mr. James R. Jones, P.E.; Deputy Chief
020102 - Office of the Chief, CEMP-E                                                                                                                                      O-00000677 0102

COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics
HQ USACE Comm Metrics Presentation
Welch Improves Management Not SDS
Smart People Need Time to Think
Welch Remembers Bettter Than Other People
Diligence, Redundant, Lazy, Lack Perspective

1109 -
1109 -    ..
1110 - Summary/Objective
1111 -
111101 - Follow up
111102 -
111103 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000, ref SDS 16 0000.
111104 -
111105 - Jim related informal feedback that attendees attribute success of
111106 - Communication Metrics to skill of the Communication Manager, rather
111107 - than to the science and tools of Communication Metrics.  He noted the
111108 - methodology improves "listening," which is an important part of
111109 - communication.  Jim wants more experience to "prove" cost savings from
111110 - better management cited by CESPN.
111111 -
111112 -     [On 971206 completed initial step for Comm Metrics Internet
111113 -     support. ref SDS 18 0000]
111115 -      ..
111116 -     [On 971229 reviewed films on management communication training,
111117 -     received from USACE contact. ref SDS 20 0000]
111119 -      ..
111120 -     [On 980114 began revision of New World Order book to explain
111121 -     "intelligence" and cost savings from better communication, see
111122 -     record at ref SDS 21 0000]
111124 -      ..
111125 -     [On 980403 met with CESPN to demonstrate Internet application to
111126 -     deliver "business intelligence." ref SDS 24 0000]
111128 -      ..
111129 -     [On 980520 CESPN-CO, reported Communication Metrics was helpful in
111130 -     obtaining favorable settlement in lawsuit against the governement
111131 -     on the Oakland Harbor project. ref SDS 25 2405
111133 -      ..
111134 -     [On 980721 notified Jim of Communication Metrics Web site that
111135 -     supports "Virtual Office." ref SDS 26 0000]
111136 -
111137 -
111139 -  ..
1112 -
1113 -
1114 - Progress
111501 -  ..
111502 - Attendees Do Not Attribute Comm Metrics Success to Science and Tools
111503 -
111504 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0861, ref SDS 16 4674.
111505 -
111506 - Bridgett said Ed is out sick today.
111507 -
111508 - Talked to Jim.
111510 -  ..
111511 - He has received a few responses from attendees on the presentation.
111513 -  ..
111514 - Jim advised that attendees have indicated that Communication Metrics
111515 - requires Rod Welch to personally perform the work, because he has
111516 - persistence and attention to detail, essential to produce useful
111517 - "intelligence."  Attendees have initially concluded that USACE
111518 - commanders and managers cannot be helped by Communication Metrics
111519 - performed by anyone else.
111521 -  ..
111522 - Jim seemed to convey a second view that SDS tools and science of
111523 - Communication Metrics do not add significant value, because anyone
111524 - with the management skills and tenacity of Rod Welch can accomplish
111525 - the improvement that is derived from Communication Metrics, without
111526 - using the specialized procedures and tools.
111527 -
111528 -         [On 020504 study shows requirements for good management using
111529 -         accurate communications specified in FAR, ISO, Health Care,
111530 -         Covey, Drucker, 2,000 year tradition of literacy for
111531 -         contemporaneous documentation and feedback to work
111532 -         intelligently are ignored in government, business, health
111533 -         care, every sector. ref SDS 34 NS6F
111535 -      ..
111536 -     Jim did not cite examples of other tools that can support business
111537 -     intelligence.  This reflects Axiom's idea to hire "smarter people"
111538 -     rather than use Communication Metrics to enable their people to
111539 -     work smarter. ref SDS 1 2394
111541 -      ..
111542 -     On 971017 Jim cited information overload as a major management
111543 -     problem, and wanted an effective solution. ref SDS 8 2678
111545 -      ..
111546 -     Attributing the solution to someone working hard, as he seems to
111547 -     indicate today, overlooks the advantage of adding "intelligence"
111548 -     to management.  On 960419 showed that processing mountains of
111549 -     information is similar to using a a backhoe rather than trying to
111550 -     hire bigger guys who will work harder. ref SDS 3 4096
111552 -      ..
111553 -     It should be fairly easy to test the idea that people can produce
111554 -     "intelligence" at the level and utility achieved by Communication
111555 -     Metrics.  Doubtless the CIA and other intelligence services have
111556 -     people qualified to do the analysis; but, without the SDS program,
111557 -     they would need a lot of hours and days to produce a single record
111558 -     with the alignment of multiple sources that makes the record
111559 -     powerful.  Similarly, the process of integrating time and
111560 -     information to support daily management is a trade secret, which
111561 -     is only the SDS program can accomplish. Producing multiple records
111562 -     daily would be impossible without the help of the technology.
111564 -       ..
111565 -      [On 980226 IBM announced plans to market "business intelligence"
111566 -      and so this may be what Jim has in mind. ref SDS 22 1247]
111567 -
111569 -  ..
111570 - Communication Metrics Improves "Listening"
111571 -
111572 - We recalled Jim's observation at the presentation on Monday, that
111573 - managers are startled when they see their name cited in notes of
111574 - meetings and calls. ref SDS 17 2837  There is an initial reaction of
111575 - worry that a manager must be careful about what is said, because the
111576 - record shows someone is "listening," and this brings accountability.
111577 -
111578 -      [On 980403 Max Blodgett, Chief, CESPN-CO, cited concern by some
111579 -      managers about accountability. ref SDS 24 4129]
111581 -       ..
111582 -      [On 990731 Bingo game to improve listening. ref SDS 31 0001]
111584 -       ..
111585 -      [On 001115 Com Metrics supports "listening" on technology project
111586 -      at SRI to create OHS/DKR. ref SDS 32 MT2T and again the next day
111587 -      on 001116. ref SDS 33 0001
111589 -  ..
111590 - We considered this morning that, setting aside the evident conflict
111591 - with USACE policy to stress managerial accountability, the flip side
111592 - of being worried about accountability for what was "said," is that
111593 - managers worry less that nobody is "listening" nor paying attention,
111594 - and so there is greater chance of effective follow-up, thus reducing
111595 - mistakes that cause rework costs, cited in the CESPN report. ref DRP 1
111596 - 4172
111598 -  ..
111599 - Jim seemed to agree that SDS records reflect better listening by
111600 - virtue of expanded span of attention, as discussed at the presentation
111601 - on 971202. ref SDS 17 2425
111603 -  ..
111604 - He indicated that everyone would like more accurate information.
111605 -
111607 -  ..
111608 - Experience with "Business Intelligence" Shows Value Added
111609 -
111610 - Jim did not mention the additional benefit of adding "intelligence" to
111611 - information using linkages that provide traceability to original
111612 - sources, also called "root cause analysis."  We did not discuss
111613 - integrating time and information to manage the work, cited in answer
111614 - to Ken Buck's question at ref SDS 17 1243.  These additional benefits
111615 - are outside the experience of managers who have not used Communication
111616 - Metrics, and so, understandably, are outside their span of attention.
111618 -  ..
111619 - Nominally lack of experience, gives rise to reliance on those who have
111620 - experience, and where there is a dirth of experience, then some study
111621 - and testing are undertaken.  CESPN has issued a report at the request
111622 - of CEMP-E that relates experience with Communication Metrics. This
111623 - experience can be supplemented by further pilot testing.
111624 -
111625 -     [On 980307 Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive" suggests
111626 -     pilot testing new methods, even those that may seem "crummy." see
111627 -     ref SDS 23 4025]
111629 -  ..
111630 - Jim seemed to indicate that the cost of better "listening" using
111631 - Communication Metrics exceeds savings from avoiding mistakes and
111632 - expanding management span of attention.  No analyses, articles,
111633 - calculations, reports, studies nor other support were cited on this
111634 - point.
111635 -
111636 -     There was no discussion of the report on 971202 that USACE needs
111637 -     support for management communications. ref SDS 16 7488
111638 -
111639 -         [On 020504 study shows requirements for good management using
111640 -         accurate communications specified in FAR, ISO, Health Care,
111641 -         Covey, Drucker, 2,000 year tradition of literacy for
111642 -         contemporaneous documentation and feedback to work
111643 -         intelligently are ignored in government, business, health
111644 -         care, every sector. ref SDS 34 NS6F
111646 -  ..
111647 - I asked about getting notes of those who attended the Communication
111648 - Metrics presentation on 971202, so that we can illustrate the process
111649 - of synthesizing varied impressions into an effective common story that
111650 - builds and maintains shared meaning about improving management in the
111651 - Corps of Engineers?   This would answer Ken's question about how his
111652 - notes can be improved. ref SDS 17 1883
111654 -  ..
111655 - Jim commented that his schedule is very hectic so he does not have
111656 - enough time to get notes from attendees for this effort.
111657 -
111658 -
1117 -

SAD Tests New Methods
Study New Methods
HQ Review CEMP
CESA Review
Wider Use Comm Metrics

1807 -
180801 -  ..
180802 - Study Communication Metrics to verify Cost Effectiveness
180803 -
180804 - Follow up ref SDS 17 2392, ref SDS 6 1593.
180805 -
180806 - I asked about studying the potential of Communication Metrics to save
180807 - money for USACE, which we considered in closing the meeting on 971202?
180808 - ref SDS 17 2392
180810 -  ..
180811 - The South Atlantic Division, for example, is trying to develop a
180812 - "Virtual District," which requires effective use of technology. Since
180813 - CESPN found that Communication Metrics is effective, ref SDS 17 0861,
180814 - could this be an avenue for further study by USACE?
180816 -  ..
180817 - Jim related our discussion in October (on 971017) that a broader base
180818 - of experience is needed on cost savings. ref SDS 8 2678  He does not
180819 - have time to do a study in Washington D.C., due to current attention
180820 - on downsizing. (see discussion with Jim Lovo on 971015. ref SDS 6
180821 - 1111)
180822 -
180823 -     We did not consider the correlation of this analysis with other
180824 -     USACE business process initiatives, e.g., value engineering,
180825 -     partnering, project management, RMS, Lotus Notes. ref SDS 8 3897
180826 -     On 970926 cost savings on other initiatives were requested, see
180827 -     ref SDS 6 2724, but were not submitted for comparison of the
180828 -     contribution of those who came up with the ideas relative to the
180829 -     value of the ideas themselves, as cited above. ref SDS 0 4811
180831 -  ..
180832 - He feels more evidence of cost savings is needed to justify further
180833 - consideration by USACE.
180835 -  ..
180836 - I thanked Jim for the opportunity to present Communication Metrics,
180837 - and for his consideration.
180839 -  ..
180840 - Welch will enhance Communication Metrics to support USACE goals for
180841 - better management and cost savings.
180842 -
180843 -     [On 971211 Ed East reported Communcation Metrics presentation was
180844 -     excellent. ref SDS 19 0495
180845 -
180846 -     [On 980307 Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive" suggests
180847 -     pilot testing new methods, even those that may seem "crummy." see
180848 -     ref SDS 23 4025]
180850 -      ..
180851 -     [On 980520 Max Blodgett, Chief, CESPN-CO, indicated leadership by
180852 -     HQUSACE would make it easier to perform further testing in CESPN.
180853 -     ref SDS 25 1235]
180855 -      ..
180856 -     [On 980721 notified Jim of Communication Metrics Web site that
180857 -     supports "Virtual Office" to improve USACE management and realize
180858 -     greater cost savings. ref SDS 26 0000]
180860 -      ..
180861 -     [On 980803 Max Blodgett said cost savings from Communication
180862 -     Metrics on the Internet are self-evident. ref SDS 27 5141
180864 -      ..
180865 -     [On 981027 District Counsel said with "certainty" Communication
180866 -     Metrics saved government an additional $190K. ref SDS 28 7315]
180868 -      ..
180869 -     [On 990127 Jim Lovo in HQUSACE said he is skeptical about savings
180870 -     report by CESPN. ref SDS 29 5655
180872 -      ..
180873 -     [On 990224 Major Blechinger, Deputy District Engineer said savings
180874 -     don't count because anyone could have saved money on the Oakland
180875 -     project. ref SDS 30 4018]
180876 -
180877 -
180878 -
180879 -
1809 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"