440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 28, 1997 05:05 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Change method of creating HTML data base for SDS.
2...04404 - Set up New 06116 Processor to Create HTML SDS Data Base
3...04403 - Modify to call either Extract for Transfr or HTML Conversion
4...06116 - Debug Command, F7
5...06116 - Convert SDS records to HTML
6...000007 - Call HTML Processor in 06112 for Internet
7...000003 - Menu Add Internet for Subject Index
8...050409 - Menu Add Call to Internet HTML Processor
9...Line 75 -label HTML, ref OF 3 3268, added new call in the
10...0504051 - Change Menu Call to Extract for Transfer
...........Add Menu Call to HTML/Internet Operation
Click here to comment!
Configure for network s: drive
Intranet, HTML Code
F7 Debug 100
Subject, 06112
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 4 2871, ref SDS 3 0702.
070802 -
070803 - Tried to create a new processor using 06110, but did not make good
070804 - progress because 06110 is very complex. Took too long to understand
070805 - what it is doing and therefore what needs to be kept and what is not
070806 - needed.
070807 -
070808 - [On 971129 changed to 06112 instead of 06110 for basice code in
070809 - 06116, ref SDS 5 3621]
070810 -
070811 -
070812 -
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Progress
0712 -
071201 - Need separate processor from 06112 created on Thursday, so it requires
071202 - less memory. ref SDS 4 1067
071203 - ..
071204 - I think Extract for Transfer can be made to accomplish our
071205 - objective, per original analysis at ref SDS 3 1541.
071206 -
071207 - It seems to need a front end. For Extract for Transfer, we use 04403,
071208 - per, ref SDS 2 2487, will try creating an 04404 processor.
071209 -
071210 - Decided against creating a new 04404 processor and instead will
071211 - try using 04403 to call both Extract for Transfer and HTML
071212 - conversion.
071213 -
071214 - Disconnected Extract for transfer compiled macro call which is
071215 - macro 1172.
071216 -
071217 - Macro 1172 is called to start an Extract for Transfer. It is in
071218 - 000007 at ref OF 8 1587
071219 -
071220 - Disconnected Extract for transfer compiled macro call which is
071221 - macro 1172.
071222 -
071223 -
071224 - [On 971129 changed to 06112 instead of 06110 for basice code in
071225 - 06116, ref SDS 5 3621]
071226 -
071227 -
071228 -
071229 -
071230 -
0713 -
0714 -
0715 - Coding
0716 -
071601 - 04404 - Set up New 06116 Processor to Create HTML SDS Data Base
071602 - ..
071603 - This will be similar to 04403 for Extract for Transfer, ref SDS
071604 - 1 5630, which is called in 000007 ref OF 8 line 1587.
071605 -
071606 - For now, decided to try using 04403, so we do not have multiple
071607 - processors.
071608 -
071609 - So, did not create this.
071610 -
071611 - 04403 - Modify to call either Extract for Transfr or HTML Conversion
071612 - ..
071613 - At beginning, ref OF 1 2494, modified to set flags using counter
071614 - 52 that distinguish between Extract for Tranfer and HTML/Internet
071615 - operatins.
071616 -
071617 - Line 530 -label 78qk, ref OF 1 5421, apply new global counter 52 flag
071618 - to determine whether to call Extract for Transfer, 06110, or the new
071619 - HTML/Internet macro 06116.
071620 -
071621 - [On 971129 changed to 06112 instead of 06110 for basice code in
071622 - 06116, ref SDS 5 3621]
071623 -
071624 - Counter 104 69 is set at ref OF 1 2494 as a control in 000007, but
071625 - evidently is not used any longer. ref OF 8 3436. So I disconnected
071626 - this today.
071627 -
071628 - Line 550 -label 78qk, ref OF 1 3027, counter 147 10 is an alternate
071629 - profile to 47 12 to differentiate Extract for transfer from Subject
071630 - report.
071631 -
071632 - Used in 000007 at ref OF 8 4142 to change the Supersort
071633 - selection spec so we are not using "key out", but evidently just
071634 - the actual file spec.
071635 -
071636 - Used in 000007 at -label cO_n_U ref OF 8 3583 to call line Q1
071637 - #40, which is a call in 06116 at ref OF 5 3841 to determine a
071638 - drive to send the data -- this may not be needed in 06116 to do
071639 - this operation which is all going to e:
071640 -
071641 - [On 971129 changed to 06112 instead of 06110 for basice code in
071642 - 06116, ref SDS 5 3621]
071643 -
071644 - Used in 000007 at -label nIntrnt ref OF 8 3706 if 91 = 888 to
071645 - call Q1 #41 which is a call in 06116 at -label seS, ref OF 4
071646 - 4354,
071647 -
071648 - Used in 000007 -label 1_uSr, ref OF 8 6777, to jump processing
071649 - past alternate report forms, and calls Q1 #32, which is at -label
071650 - cOsUm, ref OF 5 4162 in 06116.
071651 -
071652 - Used in 000007 -entry 1202, ref OF 8 6815, to set the report
071653 - type status to either "Update or Append."
071654 -
071655 -
071656 - Line 620 -label 78qk, ref OF 1 6355, it uses "yesterday" as first end
071657 - date.
071658 -
071659 - Will leave this for now, and if it seems helpful to change, it
071660 - can do so later using same code as in 06112.
071661 -
071662 -
071663 -
071664 - 06116 - Debug Command, F7
071665 - ..
071666 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0850.
071667 - ..
071668 - Line 140 -label deBg100, ref OF 5 1589, created debug command.
071669 -
071670 -
071671 -
071672 - 06116 - Convert SDS records to HTML
071673 - ..
071674 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0847.
071675 -
071676 - This will get a list of files and process them in 1y. It does not
071677 - need an "Internet" option, because the purpose of it is solely to
071678 - create the Internet data base.
071679 -
071680 -
071681 - Line 190 -label F1go, ref OF 5 1547, apply counter 76 set in
071682 - 000001, per below. ref SDS 3 2226
071683 -
071684 -
071685 -
071686 - Line 260 -label Intrnt, ref OF 5 2149, this is where the Internet
071687 - transfer occurs after processing Subject spec by macro 120 in 000007
071688 - per, ref SDS 3 2858,
071689 -
071690 -
071691 - Try calling 0704013 and 070405. ref OF 4 2838
071692 -
071693 -
071694 -
071695 -
071696 - 000007 - Call HTML Processor in 06112 for Internet
071697 - ..
071698 - Follow up ref SDS 3 1044.
071699 -
071700 - Line 560 -entry 1172, ref OF 8 1587, tried disconnecting the Extract
071701 - for Transfer today, since we are thinking of using this for HTML
071702 - stuff.
071703 -
071704 - Actually, we are simply going to call this from menus instead of
071705 - from compiled macro at entry 1172.
071706 -
071707 - It is also not clear today that we need to call the launch macro
071708 - 04403 from compiled code, since 04403 has a purge command at the end.
071709 -
071710 -
071711 -
071712 - 000003 - Menu Add Internet for Subject Index
071713 - ..
071714 - Line 300 -entry 80, ref OF 7 2262, changed Subject Index menu
071715 - to include call for HTML/Internet.
071716 -
071717 - Line 730 -label regmnu, ref OF 7 3681, calls sd 04 050409 menu file.
071718 -
071719 -
071720 -
071721 - 050409 - Menu Add Call to Internet HTML Processor
071722 - ..
071723 - Line 75 -label HTML, ref OF 3 3268, added new call in the
071724 - Subject Index menu to a new compiled macro 1173.
071725 -
071726 - It sets setgbl 52 1 and calls macro 04403 which is also the macro to
071727 - call Extract for Transfer. We set a flag in this 050409 menu to
071728 - differentiate the new call to HTML, so it can be done in 04403, since
071729 - it is very similar.
071730 -
071731 -
071732 - 0504051 - Change Menu Call to Extract for Transfer
071733 - ..
071734 - Line 140 -label s_rQ, ref OF 2 3372, changed the call from macro
071735 - 1172 to @c:\sd\03\04403, because normally the only reason to use a
071736 - compiled macro is permit purging the file.
071737 -
071738 - In this case 04403 has a purge command at the end, so we may be able
071739 - to avoid using the compiled macro.
071740 -
071741 -
071742 - Add Menu Call to HTML/Internet Operation
071743 - ..
071744 - Line 150 -label s_rQ, ref OF 2 5917, added a call to
071745 - macro 04403 #2, where it can set setcnt 52 1, as a flag to
071746 - load 06116 instead of 06110.
071747 -
071748 - Next day, disconnected this stuff to try using 06112 instead of
071749 - 06110. ref SDS 5 3886
071750 -
071751 -
071752 -
071753 -