440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 26, 1997 09:55 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received notice Jim is having problems getting Agenda on Internet.
2...HQ USACE Presentation on Communication Metrics
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473
020102 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
HQ USACE Comm Metrics Presentation
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0126, ref SDS 6 4116.
050602 -
050603 - Jim advised he could not open the Word document on the agenda sent
050604 - yesterday. I sent him a Wordperfect file and also faxed the document.
050605 -
050606 - Talked to Tom, he has not been notified about the event and has not
050607 - made arrangements to attend. If DE asks him about the event they
050608 - will discuss him attending.
050609 -
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0509 - Progress called Jim 202 761 0650
0510 -
051001 - HQ USACE Presentation on Communication Metrics
051002 -
051003 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0254, ref SDS 6 0004.
051004 -
051005 - Received email from Jim that he could not open the MS Word file I sent
051006 - yesterday. ref SDS 7 4318
051007 -
051008 - Jim says...
051009 -
051010 - Still having trouble. My viewer is saying that this is not a MS
051011 - document. Is this a MAC version, DOS or ......? Let me know as
051012 - soon as you can.
051013 -
051014 - His email is dated 971126 1552
051015 -
051016 - I opened the MS Word file jim.doc and saved it as a Wordperfect 5.0
051017 - for Windows file. Called it
051018 -
051019 - jimx.doc
051020 -
051021 - I sent this to Jim via Internet.
051022 -
051023 - ..
051024 - I also sent the document via fax.
051025 -
051026 - CEMP-E Fax: 202 761 0243
051027 -
051028 -
051029 - Paid $8.68 for the fax at International Minute Press, next door.
051030 -
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0512 -
0513 - 1042 called Jim
0514 -
051401 - Talked to Terrence, and she said she received the fax.
051402 -
0515 -
0516 -
0517 - 1143 called Tom
0518 -
051801 - He has not heard anything from anyone about attending the event.
051802 -
0519 -
0520 -
0521 - 1148 called Jim
0522 -
052201 - He is preparing the agenda to notify prospective attendees.
052202 - ..
052203 - Jim has not notified Tom Keesling nor LTC Thompson because he
052204 - expected me to do this.
052205 -
052206 - He explained that since CEMP-E is not requesting this event, it is not
052207 - appropriate for him to request CESPN staff to attend.
052208 - ..
052209 - Jim indicated he expects to get the email notice out shortly
052210 - which will go to LTC Thompson, and I think to Tom Keesling.
052211 -
052212 - Jim noted the challenge of moving new ideas ahead.
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0524 -
0525 - 1213 called Tom
0526 -
052601 - Advised of above discussion. Tom feels that if DE receives the
052602 - notice, then he will contact Tom to ask "What is this about." In that
052603 - case, he will make the arrangements to attend the event, if the result
052604 - of the meeting with DE is positive.
052605 -
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052607 -
052608 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"