440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 26, 1997 07:50 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Develop processor to create HTML data base for SDS intranet support.
2...Will try using Subject report instead of Extract for Transfer.
3...06112 - Debug Command, F7
4...06112 - Convert SDS records to HTML
.....Try calling 0704013 and 070405. ref OF 1 2838
5...000007 - Call HTML Processor in 06112 for Internet
6...000001 -macro 230 Change Mouse to Call 06112 Function for Internet
7...0704013 - Convert Record to ASCII
8...070405 - Make I: Drive Source for HTML Data Base
9...07020510 - Save, Add Format Check for "summary/objective"
Click here to comment!
Configure for network s: drive
Intranet, HTML Code
SDS Report Convert SDS Records to Web Pages
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 8 3134, ref SDS 4 4042.
070802 - ..
070803 - As a result of creating a new citation and anchor system, was
070804 - able to create a processor in the Subject report, 06112, that converts
070805 - SDS records for a particular subject to an Executive Summary and a
070806 - detailed memo in Web page format, using the same SDS data structure
070807 - that is on the d: drive. Put the records on i. The plan is to
070808 - transfer this to an Internet space for business intelligence. ref SDS
070809 - 7 3636
070810 -
070811 - [See completion on 971127. ref SDS 9 3165]
070812 -
070813 - [This HTML feature was removed from the Subject report on 971129.
070814 - and placed in a separate processor, 06116, ref SDS 11 3621]
070815 -
070816 - [Changed data base from i to e on 971201. ref SDS 13 2356]
070817 -
070818 -
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Progress
0712 - ..
071201 - We need a separate processor to move SDS records to the special
071202 - data base for accessing with the Network browser.
071203 -
071204 - I am going to put it on the i: drive.
071205 - ..
071206 - I think Extract for Transfer can be made to accomplish our
071207 - objective, per explanation of original purpose, ref SDS 1 2434.
071208 -
071209 - Design considerations for this are at:
071210 -
071211 - 920907 ref SDS 2 3282
071212 - 960324 ref SDS 5 2555
071213 -
071214 - The last time we worked on Extract for Transfer was at.
071215 -
071216 - 940823 ref SDS 4 4042
071217 - 940822 ref SDS 3 2298
071218 -
071219 - What I want to do is get a list of files and then process them with
071220 - 070413 and 070405, then save the stuff to a particular drive.
071221 -
071222 - [Later 070405 became the only processor.
071223 -
071224 - So right now we can get a list using the summary subject search.
071225 -
071226 - Will try using Subject report instead of Extract for Transfer.
071227 -
071228 - Why not kick out when we get to the list.
071229 -
071230 - We can use the Subject report instead and make a new "Report Type"
071231 - for creating HTML data base.
071232 -
071233 -
071234 -
071235 -
0713 -
Assemble Records, 96116
F6 Debug 100
Subject, 06112
0906 -
090601 - ..
090602 - 06112 - Debug Command, F7
090603 -
090604 - Line 140 -label deBg100, ref OF 1 1589, created debug command.
090605 -
090606 - Initially made this F6, but changed to F7 for consistency. F6 is used
090607 - for "Date" function in Extract for Transfer. ref SDS 10 2892
090608 -
090609 -
090610 -
0907 -
Assemble Records, 96116
Subject, 06112
1105 -
110501 - ..
110502 - 06112 - Convert SDS records to HTML
110503 -
110504 - Created a new choice in the User Selection field:
110505 -
110506 - Internet
110507 -
110508 - This is just to get a list of SDS records for a particular subject
110509 - and to convert them to HTML.
110510 -
110511 - We still need to upload HTML to the Internet Server.
110512 - ..
110513 - Line 190 -label F1go, ref OF 1 1547, apply counter 76 set in
110514 - 000001, per below ref SDS 0 2226, and is used in 000007 per ref SDS 0
110515 - 2858,
110516 -
110517 -
110518 - Line 260 -label Intrnt, ref OF 1 2149, this is where the Internet
110519 - transfer occurs after processing Subject spec by macro 120 in 000007
110520 - per, ref SDS 0 2858,
110521 -
110522 - Try calling 0704013 and 070405. ref OF 1 2838
110523 - ..
110524 - Save the data base to i: to keep the directory structure, since
110525 - that makes it easy to transfer the location of the records.
110526 -
110527 - Considered using e: but there may be some confusion with the global
110528 - pointers.
110529 -
110530 - Made change in 070405, per below. ref SDS 0 1350
110531 -
110532 - [See change from i to e on 971201. ref SDS 13 2356]
110533 -
110534 -
110535 -
110536 - ..
110537 - 000007 - Call HTML Processor in 06112 for Internet
110538 -
110539 - Line 2450 -entry 1207, ref OF 7 5509, this assigns the left mouse
110540 - button to macro 230.
110541 -
110542 - Line 2315 -entry 1202, ref OF 7 6815, will try setting flag in this
110543 - macro that determines the type of report to call.
110544 -
110545 - Decided not to do this, because we really need two functions. One
110546 - for transferring everything from a particular date, and another for
110547 - merely updating.
110548 -
110549 - Will do this on the face of the 06112 subject report screen.
110550 -
110551 - ..
110552 - Line 2020 -label cO_rcds, ref OF 7 4131, apply counter 76 set in
110553 - 000001 macro 230 per ref SDS 0 2226, to process report output list for
110554 - record conversion and transfer to another drive. It is processed in
110555 - 06112 per ref SDS 0 1053.
110556 -
110557 - Line 2300 -label cO_msG, ref OF 7 3131, reset counter 76 0 after the
110558 - report list is generated and after the Q1 screen is restored. The flag
110559 - is initially set 76 1 for the Internet transfer in 000001 under macro
110560 - 230 for the mouse when it executes the Internet screen field. ref SDS
110561 - 0 2226
110562 -
110563 -
110564 - ..
110565 - 000001 -macro 230 Change Mouse to Call 06112 Function for Internet
110566 -
110567 - Line 330 -entry 230, ref OF 6 4473, this is beginning of mouse code.
110568 -
110569 - Line 815 -label rrPts, ref OF 6 5473, call Subject Index function in
110570 - Subject Report.
110571 -
110572 - We can use this code by checking the cursor was to the right of
110573 - the Subject Index function first.
110574 -
110575 - Line 900 -label Intrnt, ref OF 6 3347, created code to use counter 76
110576 - as a flag for internet data base conversion, then it calls the
110577 - code that executes the enter key. This is applied in 06612, ref SDS 0
110578 - 1053 and in 000007, ref SDS 0 2858.
110579 -
110580 - Added code to set 76 0 after Enter key runs.
110581 -
110582 -
110583 - ..
110584 - 0704013 - Convert Record to ASCII
110585 -
110586 - Line 35 -label begin, ref OF 3 1666, testing debug here.
110587 -
110588 - Line 60 -label begin, ref OF 3 1407, trying to save memory by
110589 - avoiding saving the record to stufq and bringing it back, since it is
110590 - going to be filed to another place.
110591 -
110592 - Record at ref SDS 6 3166 is crashing because it does not have a
110593 - "Summary/Objective" in the record.
110594 -
110595 -
110596 - ..
110597 - 070405 - Make I: Drive Source for HTML Data Base
110598 -
110599 - Line 790 -label SDSr, ref OF 4 3442, change this from d: to i: so we
110600 - load HTML files being saved to i: by 06112, per above. ref SDS 0 1526
110601 -
110602 - [See change from i to e on 971201. ref SDS 13 6666]
110603 -
110604 -
110605 -
1107 -
Save, F2, macro 142, 0702051
1204 -
120401 - ..
120402 - 07020510 - Save, Add Format Check for "summary/objective"
120403 -
120404 - In order for the 0704050 function to work, it needs to have
120405 - "Summary/Objective" in the correct position in the first record
120406 - segment.
120407 -
120408 - Line 35, ref OF 2 3504, added code to do this.
120409 -
120410 -
120411 -
120412 -