440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 25, 1997 04:42 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Jim re agenda for USACE presentation.
2...HQ USACE Presentation on Communication Metrics
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0201 - Chips & Tech. 408 434 0600
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones
020102 - Sr. Vice President =4283 Ext
HQ USACE Comm Metrics Presentation
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Followed up ref SDS 12 4116, ref SDS 11 2772. ref SDS
050602 -
050603 - Jim seems to have approved the agenda and he wants to procede as
050604 - scheduled on 971202. He requested a revised agenda in MS Word format.
050605 -
050606 - I submitted it via ref DIT 1 line 30, and included itinerary
050607 - objectives to show SDS to him and Moonja before the presentation. Jim
050608 - indicated he may not have time for pre-event activity.
050609 -
050610 - [On 961126 Jim reports he cannot open Word file on his viewer. Sent
050611 - actual document via fax, ref SDS 15 3678.]
050612 -
050613 - Sent copies to Tom Keesling and to Moonja Kim.
050614 -
050615 - Began detailed outline for presentation. ref SDS 0 3246
050616 -
050617 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Progress called Jim 202 761 0650
0510 -
051001 - HQ USACE Presentation on Communication Metrics
051002 - ..
051003 - Followed up ref SDS 12 0004.
051004 - ..
051005 - Left message with Dorothy that I have sent a response, ref DIP
051006 - 11 2298, to Jim's letter. ref DRP 7 0461
051007 -
051008 - Dorothy said Jim called her and advised that he is on the way in. He
051009 - is driving this morning, which seems to indicate he may be later than
051010 - usual.
051011 -
051012 -
051013 -
0511 -
0512 -
0513 - 1045 Jim called back
0514 - ..
051401 - Jim has the agenda and indicated it looks okay.
051402 -
051403 - He says the people he wants to invite by sending them the agenda,
051404 - cannot read HTML on their computer, so he wants the agenda in
051405 - Wordperfect or Word.
051406 - ..
051407 - Jim said the people he is inviting are all in his building, so
051408 - he feels that getting out notice of the event today is enough time for
051409 - them to attend next Tuesday, per my letter yesterday. ref DIP 11 0420
051410 - issued at ref SDS 12 2232,
051411 - ..
051412 - He has talked to Mike Grebinski about the event. He noted that
051413 - I incorrectly identified LTC Thompson as "LTC Richardson" (transposing
051414 - first and last name) in the record on 971119. ref SDS 9 2904 This
051415 - was sent to Jim via my letter, ref DIP 10 2254 at ref DIP 10 2093,
051416 - issued on 971121. ref SDS 11 1111 They figured this out.
051417 -
051418 -
051419 -
0515 -
0516 -
0517 - 1102
0518 - ..
051801 - I pulled the HTML doc up and converted it to Word. Was able to
051802 - improve formatting.
051803 -
051804 - Made a few other corrections and produced. ref OF 2 3554
051805 -
051806 - Submitted revised agenda and an itinerary via. ref DIT 1 1199
051807 -
051808 - [On 961126 Jim reports he cannot open Word file on his viewer. Sent
051809 - actual document via fax, ref SDS 13 3678.]
051810 -
051811 -
0519 -
0520 -
0521 - 1152 called Jim
0522 -
052201 - Advised of having submitted the agenda.
052202 -
052203 - Jim advised that he will have limited time for me before the
052204 - presentation at 1400, so he may not be able to see the demonstration
052205 - of SDS with Moonja in advance of the formal presentation, per my
052206 - letter this morning. ref DIT 1 1086 transmitting, ref OF 2 2251.
052207 -
052208 -
052209 -
0523 -
New World Order
HQ USACE Comm Metrics Presentation
New Realities 21st Century, Prepare
Prepare New Realites 21st Century
1007 - 1216 Began ideas for presentation outline
1008 -
100801 - Prepared agenda for submission to Jim. ref OF 2 2251
100802 - ..
100803 - Ideas to discuss:
100804 -
100805 - New Realities of 21st Century
100806 -
100807 - Chief of Engineers has set a goal for USACE to prepare for
100808 - the new realities of 21st Century. ref SDS 8 4775
100809 -
100810 - The presentation will explain these realities and how to
100811 - prepare for them. ref OF 1 1675
100812 -
100813 - [On 971202 HQUSACE staff were unaware of "new realities"
100814 - cited by CECG. ref SDS 16 3231]
100815 -
100816 - [On 980101 CESPN broadcast CEO Forum on...
100817 -
100818 - Management in the 21st Century
100819 -
100820 - ... ref SDS 17 2785]
100821 -
100822 -
100823 - Information flows faster
100824 -
100825 - Central challenge of 21st century is compression of time and
100826 - distance. ref OF 2 2407
100827 -
100828 - Technology reduces management productivity, ref SDS 7 4184,
100829 - Information overwhelms management, ref SDS 5 2878
100830 -
100831 - More knowledge workers per production worker
100832 - More regulations
100833 - More stakeholders
100834 - More time fiddling with tools than leading, ref SDS 1 2510
100835 - More complexity
100836 - Not enough time to think, ref SDS 6 2139,
100837 -
100838 - Communication is the foundation of community
100839 -
100840 - Understanding
100841 - Shared meaning
100842 - Summary at "war" with Complexity
100843 - Span of Attention and Complexity
100844 -
100845 - Related to Span of Control, ref SDS 4 4181,
100846 - Complexity of Communication, ref SDS 5 6321,
100847 -
100848 - Business Metrics
100849 -
100850 - Traditional
100851 -
100852 - Accounting
100853 - Cost Control
100854 - Schedule Control
100855 -
100856 -
100857 - Metrics for Communication
100858 -
100859 - Alignment with...
100860 -
100861 - Prior understandings
100862 -
100863 - Meetings
100864 - Calls
100865 - Discussions
100866 - Observations
100867 -
100868 - Commitments
100869 - Correspondence
100870 - Analysis, memos
100871 -
100872 - Contracts
100873 - Plans and specs
100874 - Guidelines
100875 - Policies
100876 - Procedures
100877 - Regulations...
100878 - Laws
100879 -
100880 - Feedback - critical "follow up"
100881 -
100882 - Critical to effective communication. ref SDS 5 4373
100883 - Emotional resistance, ref SDS 4 3331,
100884 -
100885 -
100886 - Practical Metrics
100887 -
100888 - Action Item list - put it on the wall
100889 -
100890 - Assign note taker for every "important" event
100891 -
100892 - At conclusion of meeting if something developed that seems
100893 - material to success, the responsible manager can say...
100894 -
100895 - "This sounds great!" How soon can I get this written up?
100896 -
100897 - Obtain input on meeting, resolve conflicts and publish the
100898 - record.
100899 -
100900 -
100901 - Limited Time Makes Practicle Metrics Impracticle
100902 -
100903 - Handwritten notes ineffective. ref SDS 2 2079
100904 - Clear, Concise and Complete, ref SDS 3 5650
100905 -
100906 - New Work Role and New Tools make Communication Metrics practicle.
100907 -
100908 - Do we have enough time to succeed?
100909 -
100910 -
100911 -
100912 -
1010 -
1011 -
1012 - 0943 called Morris
1013 -
101301 - He confirmed he cannot attend the meeting next week.
101302 -
101303 -
101304 -
101305 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"