440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 21, 1997 00:54 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Received comments from colleague of Max Wideman, re Comm Metrics.
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0201 - Wideman, R. Max 604 736 7025
020101 - Mr. R. Max Wideman
Black Box Shocking Incredible Savings
Difficult to Grasp; SDS is Complex
Attention Span Limited Causes Mistakes
Time Not Enough to Read and Write
1106 - ..
1107 - Summary/Objective
1108 -
110801 - Followed up ref SDS 8 0000, ref SDS 7 0000.
110802 -
110803 - Received, ref DRT 1 0100 from Max. It transmits remarks from a
110804 - colleague on my last letter, ref DIP 2 0101 sending Max research on
110805 - the cognitive science stuff which he asked about. ref SDS 6 0000
110806 -
110807 - These comments do not seem to deal with the substance of cognitive
110808 - science. The writer says in his first para...
110809 -
110810 - Sure PM needs better and more structure in communication. These
110811 - are HR subjects - one can spout off and do much research in
110812 - these 'soft' sciences, but how does one command listening,
110813 - absorbing, and productive dialogue (two mind are better than one
110814 - times many). Do you listen to me and I listen to you?
110815 - Communication, like planning, is a minute to minute, hour by
110816 - hour, week by week, millenium to millenium action which is only
110817 - judged by posterity in its effectiveness. On the job,
110818 - communication and planning systems are selected , modified and
110819 - adopted by Project Managers who strive for effective results.
110820 - This should be done at the 'front-end', but often not. Does
110821 - 'communication' overcome 'resistance to change' or worsen it.
110822 -
110823 -
110824 - It is unclear why the remarks are related to project management....
110825 - ref DRT 1 0103. Communication is generic.
110826 -
110827 - Why is communication a "Human Relations" (HR) subject? ref DRT 1 0103
110828 -
110829 - Could communication be a scheduling subject to ensure the
110830 - schedule adequately reflects commitments and requirements?
110831 -
110832 - Could communication be a planning subject to ensure that the
110833 - specifications cover project needs and objectives?
110834 -
110835 - Could communication be a design subject to ensure that the
110836 - details reflect commitments and regulations?
110837 -
110838 - Could communication be a cost engineering subject to adequately
110839 - identify the scope of accounts and reporting?
110840 -
110841 - Could communication be a research...
110842 - ..
110843 - Why are "listening" and "dialog" the only dimensions of
110844 - communication that seem to get attention? ref DRT 1 0103
110845 -
110846 - What about the record?
110847 -
110848 - What about the stuff in the filing cabinet, in the desk drawers, on
110849 - the desktop, on the floor and so on? What about the email, the
110850 - specifications, the contract, the drawings, the regulations, the laws
110851 - -- these communications always seem to be overlooked in the rush to
110852 - get to the next meeting and start talking and listening.
110853 -
110854 - Prepare, ref DIT 1 0129, responding to Max's letter, ref DRT 1 0100,
110855 - noting the evident lack of correlation between the colleague's remarks
110856 - and communication, per above.
110857 - ..
110858 - Advised of work on adding HTML support, ref DIT 1 0131, and
110859 - mentioned the sample report sent to Max on 971113 at ref SDS 9 0132. I
110860 - asked if he was able to read it and recognize the idea of linking
110861 - summary to detail?, ref DIT 1 0131.
110862 -
110863 -
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1109 -
1110 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"