440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 13, 1997 10:12 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Received call from Rich at Sprint University of Excellence.

2...Sprint University of Excellence to Review Communication Metrics
3...Communication Metrics Adds "Intelligence" to Information
4...Managers Need Support to Keep Up in the Age of Information Overload
5...Limited Span of Attention Impairs Earnings, Solved by Comm Metrics
6...Adding Metrics to Communication Most Useful Type of Business Metric
7...Communication Metrics Requires Training and Transitioning
8...Sprint Univ of Excellence will Review Gov Reports, Schedule Demo

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0201 - Sprint Univ of Ex
020101 - Mr. Rich Zak; Process Analyst

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Sprint University of Excellence

0804 -    ..
0805 - Summary/Objective
0806 -
080601 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
080602 -
080603 - Rich called and asked about Communication Metrics.  I explained the
080604 - reports issued by the government and explained some background on
080605 - application at USACE and PG&E.  We considered the potential to develop
080606 - training programs on Communication Metrics at Sprint's University of
080607 - Excellence.
080608 -
080609 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000 submitting this record for background, and
080610 - the reports by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ref DRP 1 0000 and
080611 - ref DRP 2 0000.
080612 -
080613 -     [On 980820 called Sprint to follow up. ref SDS 7 0000]
080614 -
080615 -
080616 -
0807 -
0808 -
0809 - Discussion
0810 -
081001 -  ..
081002 - Sprint University of Excellence to Review Communication Metrics
081003 -
081004 - Rich Zak called following up my call to Judy Simmons on Tuesday,
081005 - 971111, ref SDS 6 0000, inquirying about article in PM Network on
081006 - 970822 reviewed at ref SDS 2 8009.
081007 -
081008 - He requested an explanation of Communication Metrics.
081009 -
081010 -
081011 -
081012 -  ..
081013 - Communication Metrics Adds "Intelligence" to Information
081014 -
081015 - Com Metrics provides intelligence support for executives and managers
081016 - so they can use the Information Highway (i.e., faster information
081017 - flows) to empower better management, performance and earnings, rather
081018 - than be overwhelmed by information overload, as is currently happening
081019 - to everyone, per presentation at PMI on 970910. ref SDS 3 3479
081020 -
081021 - Advised of government reports that provide an official definition and
081022 - calculate cost savings.  The report dated 970328 defines "business
081023 - intelligence" in para one on page one of the Executive Summary. see
081024 - ref DRP 1 6172
081025 -
081026 -
081027 -  ..
081028 - Managers Need Support to Keep Up in the Age of Information Overload
081029 -
081030 - Gave the analogy of the National Security Advisor for the President,
081031 - to illustrate the new work role that is needed to deal with the new
081032 - realities of information age that overwhelms executives.
081033 -
081034 - The new role is supported by specialized technology to make the role
081035 - economically viable, as explained in the government reports.
081036 -
081037 - Without the new role, managers are unable to cope with the growing
081038 - avalanche of daily meetings, calls, fax, email.  If someone is not
081039 - assigned to develop business intelligence and provide the front-end
081040 - investment in planning and analysis, then this does not get done and
081041 - disaster strikes under "Murphy's Law."
081042 -
081043 - Without specialized technology, the role is impossible to perform.
081044 - Hiring more people to "manage" communication merely produces more
081045 - congestion from more meetings and calls, that increase the risk of
081046 - complexity instead of arresting the disorder that infects and spreads
081047 - in conventional management systems.
081048 -
081049 -
081050 -  ..
081051 - Limited Span of Attention Impairs Earnings, Solved by Comm Metrics
081052 -
081053 - Explained generally the concept of limited span of attention which
081054 - impedes objectives to flatten organization structures. Communication
081055 - Metrics expands span of attention and so produces significant cost
081056 - savings by reducing managerial "rework" which is typically absorbed as
081057 - overhead expense under conventional management practice, as set out in
081058 - the government report dated 971007 on page 2 pare 6, ref DRP 2 line
081059 - 62.  A detailed explanation is on page 11, ref DRP 2 line 540.
081060 -
081061 -
081062 -  ..
081063 - Adding Metrics to Communication Most Useful Type of Business Metric
081064 -
081065 - Communication Metrics improves performance more than traditional
081066 - business metrics in accounting, cost and schedule control, because
081067 - managers spend most of their time communicating.  A system of
081068 - "metrics" with effective tools to align the work with organizational
081069 - objectives and commitments, through communication makes a big
081070 - improvement in cost savings, as reported by the government.
081071 -
081072 -
081073 -  ..
081074 - Communication Metrics Requires Training and Transitioning
081075 -
081076 - Rich asked if I am inquiring about developing a training program?
081077 -
081078 - I explained my goal for Sprint to use and market Communication Metrics
081079 - for improve earnings.  If Sprint recognizes this potential then a
081080 - training program would be needed on the following....
081081 -
081082 -      1.  Communication Metrics Science and Implementation
081083 -      2.  SDS skills training and intranet integration
081084 -
081085 - A curriculum, ref OF 1 8V4I, was prepared for the Wharton School of
081086 - Business, and for George Washington University, in 1995, to introduce
081087 - executives and senior managers to Communication Metrics, see
081088 - ref DIP 1 line 33. This curriculum could be developed into a full
081089 - training program to fit Sprint's University of Excellence practices
081090 - and procedures.
081091 -
081092 - A copy of the curriculum is available upon request.
081093 -
081094 - Organizational cultures require a period of transitioning where highly
081095 - skilled Communication Managers demonstrate and perform Communication
081096 - Metrics, so that everyone can see it not a threat, and in fact is a
081097 - great help in getting the work done faster, better and cheaper.
081098 -
081099 - The Welch Company supports all of these functions:
081100 -
081101 -      •  Orientation
081102 -      •  Training and Training Program Development
081103 -      •  Transitioning
081104 -
081105 - The first step is for management to recognize an opportunity to
081106 - develop added value in Communication Metrics.
081107 -
081108 -
081109 -
081110 -  ..
081111 - Sprint Univ of Excellence will Review Gov Reports, Schedule Demo
081112 -
081113 - I offered to meet with Rich and his team and demonstrate the SDS
081114 - technology that makes Communication Metrics practical.  We can review
081115 - the government reports showing the potential for supporting Sprint's
081116 - management improvement objectives.
081117 -
081118 - Rich said to send the government reports to
081119 -
081120 -              Joe Rose
081121 -              Process Analyst
081122 -              University of Excellence
081123 -              4401 West 103rd Street
081124 -              Overland Park, KS  66207
081125 -
081126 - Rich is also a Process Analyst.  He will review the reports as well.
081127 -
081128 - Rich will notify me on scheduling a demonstration.
081129 -
081130 -
081131 -
081132 -
081133 -
081134 -
081135 -
081136 -
081137 -
081138 -
081139 -
0812 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"