440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 13, 1997 04:00 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Submitted example to Jim at USACE showing HTML for Comm Metrics.

2...Submit SDS Record to Illustrate Intranet Can Support Comm Metrics
3...SDS Demo in Washington D.C. Okay, Jim Has Not Heard from Moonja
4...Results of Mike's Meeting with CESPN-DE are Still Pending
5...Schedule Demonstration of SDS to Support Communication Metrics
6...Draft Letter Provided to Save Time in Scheduling SDS Demonstration
7...There Hasn't Been Enough Time to Read Draft and Issue Schedule Letter
8...Scheduled SDS Demo in Washington DC for 971202, Moonja to Confirm
9...Communication Manager Makes Technology Useful to Management
10...Intranet Technology May Enhance Communication Metrics
11...Communication Metrics Provides Interim Solution to CESPN Staffing

Click here to comment!

0201 - USACE HQ, CEMP-E                   202 761 0011
020101 - Mr. James R. Jones, P.E.; Deputy Chief =202 761 0650 fax 0243
020102 - Office of the Chief, CEMP-E
0202 - USACE Const Resrch, CERL           217 373 7216 800 872 2375
020201 - Dr. Moonja Kim, Ph.D.; Chief =217 373 6791
020202 - Business Processes Division, CERL-PL-B
0203 - Corps of Engineers, SPD            415 705 1625
020301 - Mr. Mike Grebinski; Chief =415 977 8031
020302 - Construction Operations Division

COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
CE HQ Evaluation, Wider Use Comm Metrics
Comm Metrics Solves CESPN Staffing Problem
Intranets, Web, CESP Review
Test Delivery, Access SDS HTML Files
Send product sample

1908 -    ..
1909 - Summary/Objective
1910 -
191001 - Followed up ref SDS 5 0000, ref SDS 4 0000.
191002 -
191003 - Submitted a sample record to Jim Jones and others to illustrate the
191004 - methodology and see if they get the same result on their browser.
191005 -
191006 - Difficulty managers have reviewing the record, as seen below,
191007 - ref SDS 0 2728, shows the need for "intelligence" that summarizes a
191008 - lot of details, and connects the summary so that people can the get
191009 - the part they need quickly when it later becomes necessary to "know"
191010 - what happened.
191011 -    ..
191012 - Bill DeHart reported in the afernoon that this worked.
191013 -
191014 - Morris seemed to report the file sent did not have an htm extension.
191015 -
191016 -
191017 -
1911 -
1912 -
1913 - Progress
1914 -
191401 -  ..
191402 - Submit SDS Record to Illustrate Intranet Can Support Comm Metrics
191403 -
191404 - Submitted, ref DIT 1 1652, to Jim transmittng, as an attachment, the
191405 - record at ref SDS 6 3330, sent previously to Jim via, ref DIP 4 2069.
191406 - This tests the new intranet HTML capability developed at ref SDS 7
191407 - 1668, similar to the test letter sent to Dave Vannier at Intel, ref
191408 - SDS 9 3456.  Sent copy to Tom Keesling and Max Blodgett.
191409 -
191410 - It cites the letter to Tom Keesling on 971027, ref DIP 1 1208, issued
191411 - at, ref SDS 3 1209, confirming our discussion about the potential for
191412 - intranets to support Communication Metrics, per research at ref SDS 2
191413 - 1211.
191414 -
191415 -
191416 -
1915 -
1916 -
1917 - 0439 called Jim      202 761 0650    (Teri Cabbel secretary)
1918 -   ..
191801 - Followed up telecon at ref SDS 5 line 389.
191802 - ..
191803 - I explained having just sent the letter with the example showing
191804 - how intranets and the Web can support Communication Metrics, ref DIT 1
191805 - line 22, per the new features completed this morning, ref SDS 8 1668.
191806 -
191807 - Jim has both Netscape and Explorer, so he will be able to view the
191808 - file.
191809 -
191810 -      [Seems to turn out that Netscape works better than Explorer, per
191811 -      meeting with Morris on 971115. ref SDS 10 0137]
191812 -
191813 -
191814 -
1919 -

COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
CE HQ Evaluation, Wider Use Comm Metrics
Comm Metrics Solves CESPN Staffing Problem
Intranets, Web, CESP Review
Send product sample

2808 -
280801 -  ..
280802 - SDS Demo in Washington D.C. Okay, Jim Has Not Heard from Moonja
280803 -
280804 - Jim has not heard from Moonja.  He is only aware of her proposal to
280805 - set up a meeting to see SDS, as a result of my letter, ref DIP 3 line
280806 - 31.
280807 -
280808 - I asked if he is agreeable to doing the demonstration in Washington
280809 - D.C., so that he and others can see it at the same time that Moonja
280810 - and her colleagues see it.
280811 -
280812 - Jim said doing the demonstration in Washington D.C. would be okay.
280813 -
280814 -
280815 -  ..
280816 - Results of Mike's Meeting with CESPN-DE are Still Pending
280817 -
280818 - He has not heard from Mike Grebinski since Mike called him a week or
280819 - so ago (971103) on Communication Metrics, ref SDS 5 line 134.
280820 -
280821 - I asked if it would be appropriate for Jim to follow up with Mike on
280822 - the results of his meeting with LTC Thompson, per my telecon with Mike
280823 - on 971104, ref SDS 5 line 335, as shown in the letter to Jim on
280824 - 971105, ref DIP 4 line 29.
280825 - ..
280826 - Jim said he is about to get on a plane; he will call Mike about
280827 - this next week.
280828 -
280829 -     [Meeting with Mike on 971121, he is planning to meet with DE, ref
280830 -     SDS 11 182256.]
280831 -
280832 - I advised I will try to contact Mike on this as well.
280833 -
280834 -     [See call below]
280835 -
280836 -
280837 -
2809 -

Information Overload
Email Not Enough Time to Read
New World Order
New Realities 21st Century, Not Enough Time
Not Enough Time for Conventional Management
HQ USACE Comm Metrics Presentation

3609 - 0934 called Dr. Moonja Kim               217 373-6791
3610 -
361001 -  ..
361002 - Schedule Demonstration of SDS to Support Communication Metrics
361003 - ..
361004 - Followed up ref SDS 6 line 99.
361005 -
361006 - Moonja has not seen the email to Jim this morning, ref DIT 1 line 22.
361007 -
361008 -     [On 971117 Moonja reports having read the record, ref SDS 11
361009 -     004926.]
361010 -
361011 - Moonja said she gets so much email it is hard to find enough time to
361012 - keep up.
361013 -
361014 -
361015 -
361016 -  ..
361017 - Draft Letter Provided to Save Time in Scheduling SDS Demonstration
361018 - ..
361019 - She recalled skimming my 971105 letter, ref DIP 3 line 31, ref 6
361020 - line 87, confirming our discussion on 971104, ref SDS 6 line 84; but,
361021 - she not see the draft of the proposed letter to Jim on scheduling the
361022 - SDS demonstration, ref OF 1 line 1, prepared on 971104, ref SDS 6 line
361023 - 265.
361024 -
361025 -     [On 971117 Moonja reports having read the record, ref SDS 11
361026 -     004926.]
361027 -
361028 - I explained the draft proposed letter was prepared to save Moonja time
361029 - in accomplishing this initiative, ref SDS 7 line 90.
361030 -
361031 -
361032 -
361033 -  ..
361034 - There Hasn't Been Enough Time to Read Draft and Issue Schedule Letter
361035 - ..
361036 - Moonja indicated that she has not sent the letter to Jim
361037 - recommending a meeting to see SDS technology, because she wants to
361038 - talk to him first; but, she has not had time to call him.
361039 -
361040 - Moonja has meetings twice a month in Washington D.C., on a committee
361041 - she supports.  She has a meeting later this month, and then another on
361042 - 971203 - 4.
361043 -
361044 -     [On 971117 Moonja reports having read the record, ref SDS 11
361045 -     004926.]
361046 -
361047 -
361048 -
3611 -

COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
CE HQ Evaluation, Wider Use Comm Metrics
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics

4106 -
410601 -  ..
410602 - Scheduled SDS Demo in Washington DC for 971202, Moonja to Confirm
410603 - ..
410604 - She wants to meet on 971202 in DC. so it will not impact her
410605 - work for the committee on 971203 - 4.
410606 -
410607 - She will try to get a memo out to Jim about these arrangements.
410608 -
410609 -     [On 971119 Moonja advises of scheduling demo with Jim, ref SDS 12
410610 -     010942.]
410611 -
410612 - I mentioned Jim saying this morning (per above) that he was about to
410613 - get on a plane, but Moonja might leave a message for him on this and
410614 - he can call her back to coordinate on whether 971202 is a good date
410615 - for him.
410616 -
410617 -
410618 -
410619 -
4107 -

Operating System for People & Organizations
Communication Engineer/Manager
Conflict with Existing Methods
Learning SDS Requires Experience,
Communication Manager Ensures Time is
Intelligence Linking Analysis Organization
Knowledge Worker Communication Manager

5711 -
571101 -  ..
571102 - Communication Manager Makes Technology Useful to Management
571103 -
571104 - Moonja asked if managers have to do anything differently in order for
571105 - Communication Metrics to be effective?
571106 -
571107 - She said the problem they (CERL's efforts) encountered with management
571108 - support tools is that managers do not have enough time to learn nor to
571109 - use them.  She did not indicate if she was speaking about the
571110 - Knowledger Worker system.
571111 -
571112 - I explained managers do not have to do anything differently.  The job
571113 - of the Communication Manager is to ensure that "metrics" are added to
571114 - communications, because otherwise no one will do it.
571115 - ..
571116 - We recalled that the role of the Communication Manager to
571117 - develop adequate and timely "business intelligence," is set out in the
571118 - 970328 CESPN report ref DRP 2 line 168.  Appendix C of that report is
571119 - a letter from the public utility company in Northern California, PG&E,
571120 - ref DRP 1 line 34, which cites the advantage of the Communication
571121 - Manager role to enable busy managers, like Jim and Moonja, to obtain
571122 - useful business intelligence, who otherwise do not have enough time to
571123 - capture the record, perform organization and analysis, ensure
571124 - alignment with the record and make the notifications.
571125 -
571126 - The Communication Manager deals with managers and officers similar to
571127 - an aide for a senior commander.  The interface is transparent in
571128 - relation to existing USACE work practices and those used by most
571129 - non-government executives.
571130 -
571131 -
571132 -  ..
571133 - Intranet Technology May Enhance Communication Metrics
571134 -
571135 - I explained the test file sent this morning illustrates an enhanced
571136 - way of delivering the results of the Communciation Manager's job to
571137 - develop business intelligence that organizes and anlayses for timely
571138 - decision support, per CESPN 970328 report ref SDS 1 3053, and research
571139 - on 971021. ref SDS 2 3636
571140 -
571141 -
571142 -
571143 -
571144 -
5712 -
5713 -

COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
CE HQ Evaluation, Wider Use Comm Metrics
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics

6206 - 1150 called Mike Grebinski            415 977 8031
6207 -
620701 -  ..
620702 - Communication Metrics Provides Interim Solution to CESPN Staffing
620703 - ..
620704 - Followed up ref SDS 5 line 327.
620705 -
620706 - Left message for Mike asking about results of his meeting with LTC
620707 - Thompson, per our telecon on 971104, ref SDS 5 line 335.
620708 -
620709 -     [Meeting with Mike on 971121, he is still planning to meet with
620710 -     DE. ref SDS 13 1822]
620711 -
6208 -
6209 -
6210 - 1155 Mike called back
6211 -
621101 -
621102 -
621103 -
621104 -
6212 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"