440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 7, 1997 10:47 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Called Steve, he seems to be doing a little better.
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0202 - PG&E, Steve Buck O-00000671 0201
020201 - Mr. Steve Buck O-00000671 0201
Steve & Lilly
Medical Mistakes, Steve Buck
0504 -
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
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050603 - Called Steve at Penninsula Hospital 415 696 5400 Room 7428b
050605 - ..
050606 - Steve sounded a little stronger today, but he seems somewhat
050607 - discouraged. He is unsure if he can go home afterall today or
050608 - tomorrow. The bleeding in his knee has to be stopped.
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050612 - ..
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0509 - 1943 visted Steve at Hospital
0510 -
051001 - Millie and I drove to Peninsula hospital and visited Steve. We
051002 - arrived about 2020, and so could only stay a short while until
051003 - visitors hours ended at 2100.
051005 - ..
051006 - Steve said the doctor who performed the knee surgery visited him in
051007 - the hospital today.
051009 - ..
051010 - Steve said he was told by the knee surgeon that the problems Steve
051011 - suffered following knee surgery were not caused by faulty surgery.
051013 - ..
051014 - Steve said the theory of his repercussions from surgery is that the
051015 - doctor removed a piece of ligiment during the knee surgery, and this
051016 - caused bleeding which led to cramps and spasms in his leg. Steve
051017 - speculated that he may be slightly more prone to bleeding than the
051018 - knee surgeon expected. Alignment of this theory with examination the
051019 - day after surgery reported on 991105 is unclear. ref SDS 5 7048
051021 - ..
051022 - It is also unclear why being prone to bleeding would have caused blood
051023 - clots, or if blood clotting was only a theory advanced by the
051024 - Associate Family Doctor when Steve was admitted to Penninsula
051025 - Hospital, as a way to explain the pain and spasms Steve experienced in
051026 - his lower leg that caused such unbearable pain, reported on 971103.
051027 - ref SDS 3 0001
051029 - ..
051030 - Steve said he feels it was an error when the Associate Family Doctor
051031 - gave him a blood thinner thinking it was needed to relieve blood
051032 - clotting, because the thinner increased bleeding from the original
051033 - ligiment removal surgery.
051035 - ..
051036 - I did not ask Steve about Lilly's report that the surgery performed
051037 - yesterday removed blood clots. ref SDS 6 4980
051039 - ..
051040 - So, it is a little hazy what actually happened to Steve, except that
051041 - he suffered severe pain and nearly died from blood related issues
051042 - following knee surgery, reported on 971106, ref SDS 6 4980, which took
051043 - extra time to resolve due to the doctor's unavailability, reported on
051044 - 971103. ref SDS 3 0001
051045 -
051046 - [On 990912 article reports high cost of medical mistakes.
051047 - ref SDS 7 0001]
051049 - ..
051050 - [On 991028 Robert Pearl, CEO of Kaiser Medical reports Kaiser
051051 - committed to quality. ref SDS 8 0800]
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