440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 29, 1997 06:43 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Visited Tom on review by USACE CESP of Communication Metrics.

2...Mike Has Received Communication Metrics Reports
3...Intranet, Partnering, Dispute Resolution, Communication Metrics

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COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
CE HQ Evaluation, Wider Use Comm Metrics
Partnering, Dispute Resolution
RMS, Intranets, 970516

1906 -    ..
1907 - Summary/Objective
1908 -
190801 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 3 0000.
190802 -
190803 - Delivered ref DIP 6 transmitting the Sep 1997 issue of PMJ and
190804 - analysis of the article on intranets at ref SDS 5 3636.  Tom gave the
190805 - Communication Metrics reports to Mike yesterday.  A little slippage
190806 - may occur in getting Mike's report to Jim.  Considered ideas to
190807 - support Mike's review.  Tom has not yet reviewed the proposal on
190808 - concurrent dispute resolution and partnering.  He will give the
190809 - article on intranets to DE.
190810 -
190811 -     [Discussed status with Jim and issued confirming memo at ref SDS
190812 -     7 0000.]
190813 -
190814 -
190815 -
190816 -
190817 -  ..
1909 -
1910 - Discussion
1911 -
191101 - Mike Has Received Communication Metrics Reports
191102 -
191103 - Tom advised that yesterday he gave Mike the District's 970328 report
191104 - on Communication Metrics, ref DRP 1 line 97, and that he plans to
191105 - provide the second report to Mike today.  He said this was the copy
191106 - with Mike's name on a yellow postit which I left last week on Tom's
191107 - chair in his office in PPMD.  I explained the second Communication
191108 - Metrics report dated 971007, ref DRP 3 line 23 was inside the cover of
191109 - the original report left on Tom's chair, so Mike should have both
191110 - reports.
191111 -
191112 -     [See discussion with Jim later today at ref SDS 7 line 99.]
191113 -
191114 -     [On 971030 Tom confirmed Mike has both reports ref SDS 9 line 78.]
191115 -
191116 - Tom visited briefly with Mike about findings in the reports.  He
191117 - advised this morning that Mike seems supportive of this initiative,
191118 - and that he indicated having a project in mind for using Communication
191119 - Metrics.
191120 -
191121 - Tom sent me an email this morning (ref DRT 1 line 30 received below)
191122 - noting that Mike said he would visit with Tom next week on his review
191123 - of Communitation Metrics.
191124 - ..
191125 - We reviewed understandings from discussions with Jim on 971017,
191126 - ref SDS 1 line 653, and from my call to Mike on 971020, that Mike
191127 - planned to report to Jim by Friday, 971031, the end of this week, ref
191128 - SDS 3 line 85.
191129 -
191130 - Tom will contact Mike tomorrow to see if he needs assistance in
191131 - notifying Jim of his review by Friday, per analysis at ref SDS 3 line
191132 - 112.
191133 -
191134 -     [Discussion on 971030 indicates Mike plans to speak to Jim on
191135 -     Friday, ref SDS 9 8849.]
191136 -
191137 -
191138 -  ..
191139 - Intranet, Partnering, Dispute Resolution, Communication Metrics
191140 -
191141 - Followed up work at ref SDS 6 line 130, ref SDS 4 line 71.
191142 -
191143 - We discussed potential synergy between USACE objectives to use
191144 - intranets, partnering and to evaluate Communication Metrics, per my
191145 - letter delivered this morning, ref DIP 6 line 34, issued yesterday,
191146 - ref SDS 6 line 77.  I explained it supplements the 971021 letter on
191147 - concurrent dispute resolution, ref DIP 5 line 30.
191148 -
191149 - Tom has not yet reviewed that letter, ref DIP 5 line 30, proposing
191150 - Communication Metrics to support partnering, common record
191151 - administration and concurrent dispute resolution. ref DIP 5 line 30.
191152 -
191153 - These separate objectives and programs can be integrated and
191154 - accomplished together by using Welch to develop an intranet on
191155 - Richmond, Oakland or a new project.  If properly designed, it would
191156 - expedite use Communication Metrics and this would improve project
191157 - results, including partnering.  Whether incorporated as a formal
191158 - aspect of partnering, or simply specified as an administrative
191159 - procedure, Communication Metrics will further the aims of parterning
191160 - to reduce disputes and get projects delivered on time and within
191161 - budget.
191162 -
191163 - Tom indicated he discussed with Mike the advangate of using
191164 - Communication Metrics early in the project planning and design phase.
191165 -
191166 -
191167 -
191168 -  ..
1912 -
1913 -
1914 - 0849 received email from Tom
1915 -
191501 - When I got back from taking the car to S&C Ford for service, ref SDS 8
191502 - 0000, I received ref DRT 1 0000 from Tom confirming that he gave Mike
191503 - the Communication Metrics report yesterday.
191504 -
191505 - This letter responds to my letter confirming discussions with Mike on
191506 - 971020, ref SDS 3 8888.
191507 -
191508 -
191509 -
191510 -
191511 -
1916 -