440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 27, 1997 03:58 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Submitted notes to Max on cost savings from Communication Metrics.
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0201 - Wideman, R. Max 604 736 7025
020101 - Mr. R. Max Wideman
Increased Overhead Costs Reflects Rework
Closure Difficult Complexity Limited Span
Words, Citations, Links
Action Items
100 Subjects Typical SDS Record
Water into Wine; PC subject of
1008 - ..
1009 - Summary/Objective
1010 -
101001 - Follow up ref SDS 28 line 72, ref SDS 24 line 61.
101002 -
101003 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 to Max transmitting notes of our
101004 - discussion on 971024, ref SDS 28 line 78, and the partnering ideas
101005 - developed on ref SDS 25 line 73.
101006 -
101007 - I considered not sending the actual record to Max, since he has not
101008 - been reviewing and commenting on it.
101009 -
101010 - This letter addresses the problem that Cognitive Science needs to be
101011 - explained in relation to management science, which people seem to have
101012 - trouble with, as explained by Max, ref SDS 28 line 253.
101013 -
101014 - [Received letter from Max confirming he does not understand
101015 - Cognitive Science issues, ref SDS 29 1896 and ref SDS 29 4491.]
101016 -
101017 - Sent copies to Morris and to Wayne, because it raises questions about
101018 - cognitive science that impacts notions of religion, ref DIT 1 line 42.
101019 - I cite the challenge of opening a window on the mind to discover how
101020 - water is turned into wine, without impinging on tradition.
101021 -
101022 -
101023 -
101024 -
101025 -
1011 -
1012 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"