440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 6, 1997 10:04 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Analyse cost savings Communication Metrics operations v projects.
2...Savings on District Operations Higher Percentage than for Projects
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COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Higher Savings for Operations than Projects
Peer Review
Calculate Risk Management Exposure NPV
Higher Percent Savings than on Projects
Cost/Benefit of Better Communications
Money, Improving Earnings
External management, Internal management
1210 - ..
1211 - Summary/Objective
1212 -
121201 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 7 0000.
121202 -
121203 - Developed new analysis indicating the percentage of savings on
121204 - District Operations budgets should be comparable to that for Projects,
121205 - rather than less, as was initially calculated.
121206 - ..
121207 - Requested comments from Morris Jones, ref DIT 1 0000, and Bill
121208 - Benkavitch, ref DIT 2 0000.
121209 -
121210 - [See review with Tom on 971007, ref SDS 10 3994.]
121211 -
121212 - [Called Morris on 971019, ref SDS 11 0000.]
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1215 - Progress
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121601 - ..
121602 - Savings on District Operations Higher Percentage than for Projects
121603 -
121604 - On 970926 I developed analysis indicating the percentage of cost
121605 - savings on District operations would be less than that calculated for
121606 - projects, ref SDS 2 line 279.
121607 -
121608 - Projects are unique, complex, staffing is dynamic and
121609 - learning curves occur for all organizational functions This
121610 - makes daily supervision and administration of projects more
121611 - susceptible to communication breakdowns than occur for
121612 - operations which entail repetitive tasks, relatively constant
121613 - staffing, with less impact from learning curves.
121614 -
121615 - This led to a 4% estimate for District Operations, 2% less than for
121616 - projects, on 971001, ref SDS 3 line 289.
121617 - ..
121618 - Further consideration today indicates the above factors may be
121619 - offset by others that result in greater percentage of savings for
121620 - operations management. I talked to Max Blodgett about this point
121621 - today at ref SDS 9 line 165.
121622 -
121623 - This afternoon, I sent Morris a letter via internet, ref DIT 1 line 30
121624 - which supplements request at ref SDS 6 line 137. The letter today
121625 - asks for his comments on following analysis that suggests savings from
121626 - Communication Metrics should be a higher percentage of the District
121627 - Operations budget than for projects, because...
121628 -
121629 - [See call to Morris on 971019, ref SDS 11 line 82.]
121630 -
121631 - 1. External communications on projects have less impact on total
121632 - cost than for internal operations, since there is a lot of
121633 - work that is not communication, per se, like digging a ditch,
121634 - designing or wiring a circuit, unloading a truck, writing
121635 - some code, etc. Such non-communication work is not subject
121636 - to "miss-communication" which Communication Metrics is aimed
121637 - at reducing. However, District operations (i.e., overhead,
121638 - internal management) is almost all communication. So the
121639 - impact of adding metrics should be larger as a percentage of
121640 - such costs than for project cost since there is a larger
121641 - target of opportunity for making improvement.
121642 - ..
121643 - Total savings will still be much greater on projects,
121644 - because the budget is much larger, but the percentage of
121645 - savings should be larger for Operations mangement than for
121646 - projects.
121647 -
121648 - This is evident from the figures on Oakland. The original
121649 - Construction Management budget was about $3M. It had to be
121650 - supplemented by about $2M using District Office staff, which
121651 - is the amount projected to be saved by Communication Metrics.
121652 - So the total is about $5M. Since $2M is about 40% that
121653 - reflects the real potential to save on District Operations
121654 - budgets by improving work performance with Communication
121655 - Metrics. A 6% savings therefore seems to be a conservative
121656 - estimate.
121657 -
121658 - The potential for savings on Operations Budgets is supported
121659 - by the Associated Press report on a study that managers waste
121660 - 70% of the day in unproductive meetings, ref SDS 1 line 118.
121661 - ..
121662 - A key component to realizing these savings is
121663 - leadership, as discussed with LTC Thompson.
121664 -
121665 - 2. Projects have specific communication classifications (SDS
121666 - subjects) like schedules, specs, requirements, objects,
121667 - regulations. Internal management has far less structure and
121668 - so has greater potential for individual minds to spawn a
121669 - wider range of meaning and thus drift away from objectives.
121670 - This presents a bigger advantage for Communication Metrics to
121671 - contribute by maintaining the focus, reducing meaning drift,
121672 - etc. Therefore, the pool of errors to be corrected is a
121673 - larger percentage of total communiation than on projects.
121674 -
121675 - 3. Anecdotal oberservation has revealed a near "school recess"
121676 - atmosphere of constant chatter (communication) among internal
121677 - management staff, which, according to Landauer, presents a
121678 - bigger pool of potential meanings to become commingled and
121679 - misapplied, than for projects, which have relatively less
121680 - chatter. This potential for savings is supported by the
121681 - Associated Press report on a study that managers waste 70% of
121682 - the day in unproductive meetings, ref SDS 1 line 118.
121683 - ..
121684 - As a result of these considerations, it may be more correct to
121685 - call for an operations budget reduction of 6% rather than 4%,
121686 - ref OF 1 line 70.
121687 -
121688 -
121689 - ..
1217 -
1218 -
1219 - 2343 submitted similar query to Bill Benkavitch
1220 -
122001 - Received a letter from Bill via Internet indicating he has reviewed
122002 - the initial submission, ref DIP 1 line 40, issued at ref SDS 6 line
122003 - 154, and seemed to feel it reads well. He is doing further analysis
122004 - of premises.
122005 -
122006 - Sent Bill similar letter asking for comment on above issue.
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