440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 26, 1997 09:16 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Continue develop calculation for added value of Communication Metrics.

.........Scenario Complex Communications Re Nails

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...The error rate should be driven by the ratio of time to prepare and


Cost/Benefit of Better Communications
Cost Benefit - Increase Usefulness, Reduce
Measuring Communication Issues
Money, Improving Earnings
Cost Effective SDS Saves Time
Scenario Complex Communications
Calculate Cost Benefit Level of Effort
Humorous Examples

1410 -    ..
1411 - Summary/Objective
1412 -
141201 - Follow up ref SDS 12 4593, ref SDS 11 6940.
141202 -
141203 - The need for a better calculation of project management "overhead" is
141204 - evident from discussion with Morris on 960301, ref SDS 3 4725.  This
141205 - is supported by letter from Stanford, ref SDS 13 7301.
141206 -
141207 - The error rate should be driven by the ratio of time to prepare and
141208 - number of subjects, in combination with time invested to create a
141209 - record that has relevant, material information, and further based on
141210 - how quickly the record can be researched.  If there are a few subjects
141211 - then preparation time is very effective. As the number of subjects and
141212 - relationships grows, error rate increases because the ratio of limited
141213 - preparation time to subjects decreases.  This reduces the chances of
141214 - understanding and increases the chance of overlooking critical
141215 - correlations that require attention during a meeting in order to
141216 - achieve effective coordination and cooperation which is the purpose of
141217 - meeting and teamwork.
141218 -
141219 -       [See application to calculate rework cost for USACE, ref SDS 15
141220 -       3822.]
141221 -
141222 -       [See application of "time to prepare" in USACE cost savings
141223 -       report at ref SDS 16 4820.]
141224 -
141225 - Error rate should be a function of...
141226 -     ..
141227 -     Number of things to remember from POIMS, ref OF 3 3955
141228 -
141229 -         Subjects
141230 -         Commitments
141231 -         Understanding cause and effect, i.e., complexity
141232 -
141233 -            Design of work - Details and Specifications
141234 -            Stakeholder Impacts/Interests
141235 -            Regulations and Codes
141236 -            General/Special Conditions
141237 -            Policies
141238 -            Procedures
141239 -            Cost
141240 -            Schedule
141241 -            Quality
141242 -            Safety
141243 -            Environment
141244 -
141245 -              [See use in meeting with Kieth at Intel on 970728 ref SDS
141246 -              14 3002.]
141247 -
141248 -     Number of people who have to remember, coordination
141249 -
141250 -         Degree of coordination, i.e., complexity
141251 -         Concentration of things each person must remember
141252 -
141253 -     Time to prepare, research record to remember accurately...
141254 -
141255 -         Information management methodology, i.e., design of system
141256 -
141257 -         Size of record
141258 -
141259 -         Time invested to capture and organize record
141260 -
141261 -     Number of communications required in order to finalize an act,
141262 -
141263 -     Time from a communication to performing actual work
141264 -
141265 -
141266 -          ..
141267 -         Scenario Complex Communications Re Nails
141268 -
141269 -         Simple communication:
141270 -
141271 -         Tom tells Bill to use six penny nails.  Bill nails the board.
141272 -         ..
141273 -         Complex communication:
141274 -
141275 -         Tom tells John to use six penny nails.  John tells Mary to
141276 -         advise Frank that six penny nails should be included in the
141277 -         purchase order for rough hardware, and that Tom wants a memo
141278 -         sent to Region I Superintendents directing that they follow
141279 -         specification section 06B(3) for materials, which prescribes
141280 -         the details where six penny nails are to be used.  Steve tells
141281 -         Bill to nail the board using six penny nails, even though the
141282 -         detail shows 8 penny nails, because Jim said in the team
141283 -         meeting this morning that the Superintendent got orders from
141284 -         the "top" to use six penny nails.  Bill says this detail is a
141285 -         change and so does not apply to specification section 06B(3).
141286 -         Steve says there isn't enough time to get a clarification, so
141287 -         it is better to follow orders.
141288 -
141289 -         This scenario reflects...
141290 -
141291 -             Humerous example Haley's Comet used for meeting with LTC
141292 -             Thompson at the Corps of Engineers, ref SDS 5 8330.
141293 -
141294 -             Congestion, bureauracy confuse communication ref SDS 7
141295 -             5503.
141296 -
141297 -             On 960125 "Overhead" expense for Communication Metrics
141298 -             ensures correct nails get delivered, per scenario for
141299 -             Turner's Asilomar presentation, ref SDS 2 2002.
141300 -
141301 -             Scenario of Welch Company on Redcor project illustrating
141302 -             Peter Drucker's explanation of crucial role of management
141303 -             ref SDS 3 5069.
141304 -
141305 -             DNRC example, ref SDS 1 5115.
141306 -
141307 -         Original meaing drifts away due to interceding information.
141308 -         ref SDS 4 3734
141309 -
141310 -          [On 990308 example scenario on plastic cube. ref SDS 17 6399]
141311 -
141312 -          [On 990728 risk varies along a sliding scale between need for
141313 -          security and communciation. ref SDS 18 6935]
141314 -
141315 -
141316 -
141317 -
141318 -