440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 20, 1997 10:09 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Complete work on SDS global pointer batch routine.

2...Copy Command, DOS Instructions
3...Solution Effort
.........copy \kq\* /a docs2

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SDS Reports, Subjects
251 Pointer Update routine
Summary pointers, 910304
Supersort, 910306
1a_eof, eof problem, 910307
OS2, Copy, DOS command
W95, Copy

1109 -    ..
1110 - Summary/Objective
1111 -
111101 - Follow up ref SDS 23 line 65, ref SDS 22 line 62.
111102 -
111103 - Finally settled on a single set of code for both os2 and w95.  Turned
111104 - out that os2 requires a particular syntax for copying all files in a
111105 - directory, and not using it creates a similar problem that Wayne has
111106 - been having on his computer running under W95.  The solution seems to
111107 - be to add /a param after the source spec and before the destination
111108 - spec.
111109 -
111110 - I did not send this latest change to Wayne, because I have sent him
111111 - several corrections.  I think the last one will work on his computer,
111112 - since it worked on mine under W95.
111113 -
111114 -    [See next day, I sent the work created today and it solved the
111115 -    problem Wayne was having, ref SDS 24 line 68.]
111116 -
111117 -
111118 -
111119 -  ..
1112 -
1113 -
1114 - Progress
1115 -
111501 -  ..
111502 - Copy Command, DOS Instructions
111503 -
111504 - Follow up ref SDS 23 PE5J.
111505 -
111506 - Turns out copy works a little differenlty under OS2 than it does under
111507 - W95.  Research indicates that removing the "\*" at the end of the
111508 - directory specification causes copy under os2 to include an end of
111509 - file string within the file, per the record at ref SDS 5 line 80.
111510 -
111511 - I spent the entire day in os2 entering various combinations of
111512 - commands like:
111513 -
111514 -             copy \kq /a t2 /a
111515 -
111516 -     ...since it was discovered yesterday, that Os2 seems to use these
111517 -     commands only following the source and destination files,
111518 -     ref SDS 23 line 225, unlike W95, ref SDS 23 line 150.
111519 -
111520 -  ..
111521 - Then opening the file t2 which should be 7M and getting only about 1M
111522 - using Morris' medx.exe program (which is c: sd 01 m.exe on my
111523 - computer) because os2 is retaining end of file characters for each
111524 - input file in the output file docs2, instead of keeping only the final
111525 - one at the actual end of file.  This is causing Supersort to produce a
111526 - very small output file, per the experience with the data produced on
111527 - Wayne's computer, and finally replicated yesterday using the /b
111528 - parameter for the copy command under w95, ref SDS 23 line 198.
111529 -
111530 -  ..
111531 - I ran out of ideas and so began writing up the record as a foundation
111532 - to call Microsoft on Monday.  I looked up "copy" command in the
111533 - Subject Index under os2 DOS applications, to identify this record.  I
111534 - did a search to link the last time I worked on this, and found the
111535 - record for 921030 at ref SDS 5 VG5D 111, which seems to have a
111536 - solution that will work in both os2 and w95.
111537 -
111538 -
111539 -  ..
111540 - Solution Effort
111541 -
111542 - Followed up work at ref SDS 23 line 201.
111543 -
111544 - Tried modifying 251.bat and c: sd 03 001 to apply /a between the
111545 - source and the destination files, and will use the \* needed in os2,
111546 - and reported on 921030, ref SDS 5 BD3L, since it also works in w95.
111547 -
111548 -  ..
111549 -
111550 -         copy \kq\* /a docs2
111551 -
111552 -   hoooooooooopfullyyyyyyy...............
111553 -
111554 - After making the changes below, I get the same output files for SDS
111555 - global pointers in w95 and in os2 on CPU #9.
111556 -
111557 - The question is whether we get the same thing on Wayne's computer.
111558 -
111559 -     [On 970710 this worked on Wayne's computer. ref SDS 24 0001
111560 -
111561 -
111562 -
111563 -  ..
1116 -
1117 -
1118 - 251.bat
1119 -
111901 - Applied work on 970719, ref SDS 23 BG6H, by changing the code as
111902 - follows:
111903 -
111904 - Line 37 - creaed following command:
111905 -
111906 -            copy \kq\* /a e:\sd\08\00000\06\00001 >nul
111907 -
111908 -     ...the \* is for os2 to avoid including all of the input end of
111909 -     file marks in the output file, and the /a is for w95 on Wayne's
111910 -     computer to avoid the same thing.  Not sure if this will really
111911 -     solve Wayne's problem.
111912 -
111913 -     [See where this worked on Wayne's computer also, ref SDS 24 line
111914 -     68.]
111915 -
111916 -  ..
111917 - Line 49 - created following command:
111918 -
111919 -            copy \kq\* /a docs2 >nul
111920 -
111921 - Line 68 - created following command:
111922 -
111923 -            copy \kq\* /a e:\sd\08\00000\06\00005 >nul
111924 -
111925 -
111926 -  ..
1120 -
1121 -
1122 - 001
1123 -
112301 - Line 45 -label lpa, about 20 lines below, changed the code to enter
112302 - the User ID in the new column for the dos /c command that has the /a
112303 - inserted only once, instead of twice which was tried yesterday.
112304 - ref SDS 23 BG6H
112305 -
112306 -                   loc_cur 16 22
112307 -                   loc_cur 16 43
112308 -
112309 - Line 70 -label lpbz, about 10 lines below, changed code to enter the
112310 - year param in the new column for the dos /c command that has the /a
112311 - inserted.
112312 -
112313 -                   loc_cur 16 31
112314 -                   loc_cur 16 48
112315 -
112316 -  ..
112317 - Line 70 -label lpbz, about 15 lines below, changed:
112318 -
112319 -          dos /c copy /a d:\sd\08\UUUUU\01\yy /a \kq\UUUUUyy >nul
112320 -
112321 -
112322 -
112323 -          dos /c copy d:\sd\08\UUUUU\01\yy\* /a \kq\UUUUUyy >nul
112324 -
112325 -
112326 -
1124 -
1125 -
1126 - 0011
1127 -
112701 - Made same changes to this file which is for References and Contacts.
112702 -
112703 -
112704 -
112705 -
112706 -
112707 -
112708 -
112709 -