440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 9, 1997 07:03 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Articles on risk management leadership, intelligence, lessons learned.
2...Decision Making and Risk Management
3...Risk Management Definition
4...Risk Management is Proactive Discovery of Factors Impact Success
5...Risk Assessent, Quantification
6...Risk Handling - Avoidance, Acceptance, Control, Sharing
7...Virtual Corporate Ventures Comprise "New" Environment
.....New World Order
8...Rigid Corporate Structures Replaced by Flatter, Flexible Models
9...Collaborating Yields Shared Learning, Innovation
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Cost/Benefit of Better Communications
Market Fears Being First to Use New Methods
Communication Manager Fewer People More
Cost Benefit - Increase Usefulness, Reduce
Level of Effort, Calculate Cost Benefit
Risk Management, Contingency Analysis, Value at Risk
Risk Management Decision Support Lessons
Virtual Corporation
Proactive Management Discovers Problems
1411 -
1411 - ..
1412 - Summary/Objective
1413 -
141301 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0000, ref SDS 12 0000.
141302 -
141303 - The article defines risk management as proactive discovery of factors
141304 - that impact success. Importance of history, experience and lessons
141305 - learned to risk management. Suggests collaboration produces win-win
141306 - project management.
141307 -
141308 -
141310 - ..
1414 -
1415 -
1416 - Progress
1417 -
141701 - Decision Making and Risk Management
141702 -
141703 - This paper is written by John Tuman, who wrote an earlier article on
141704 - the need to re-engineer project management, ref SDS 2 line 285.
141705 -
141706 - The goal of this paper is to present decision-making and risk
141707 - management processes, ref OF 8 line 49.
141708 -
141710 - ..
141711 - Risk Management Definition
141712 -
141713 - Author defines risk as the probability of encountering an event or
141714 - occurrence that adversely affects project objectives. This is similar
141715 - to definition in old PMBOK, ref OF 4 line 122, reviewed at ref SDS 9
141716 - line 130.
141718 - ..
141719 - Risk can be direct, due to late equipment deliveries, test failures,
141720 - or weather delays, or risk can be indirect, the result of personnel
141721 - conflicts, divergent business interests, cultural misalignment, etc.
141722 - In either case, project success is jeopardized. ref OF 8 line 105,
141723 - which reflects elements of PMBOK list, ref OF 4 line 229.
141725 - ..
141726 - More detailed list of specific risk catagories is at ref OF 8 line
141727 - 162.
141729 - ..
141730 - Risk Management is Proactive Discovery of Factors Impact Success
141731 -
141732 - This point is made at ref OF 8 line 141, and it creates a direct
141733 - correlation with the purpose of Communication Metrics to develop
141734 - business intelligence, as set out in the Corps of Engineers' report,
141735 - ref DRP 1 line 123, and at ref DRP 1 line 574, issued at ref SDS 7
141736 - line 204, per Steve Rule's objective for Turner, ref SDS 6 line 96.
141737 - The scope of services for Communication Metrics describes it as a risk
141738 - management process, ref OF 12 line 90.
141739 -
141741 - ..
141742 - Risk Assessent, Quantification
141743 -
141744 - Techniques are described as reviewing history of past projects,
141745 - lessons learned, ref OF 8 line 202, which is directly supported by
141746 - Communication Metrics, per Corps of Engineers report, ref DRP 1 line
141747 - 172.
141749 - ..
141750 - Talk to "experts" and experienced project managers. A Communication
141751 - Manager is an experienced expert.
141753 - ..
141754 - Estimate the likelihood of something going wrong, and estimate the
141755 - impact if something should go wrong. Try to identify all the high
141756 - probability/high impact items, and the areas of high uncertainty, ref
141757 - OF 8 line 215, reflecting the new PMBOK per ref OF 14 line 293.
141758 -
141760 - ..
141761 - Risk Handling - Avoidance, Acceptance, Control, Sharing
141762 -
141763 -
141764 - Avoidance pays cost to eliminate unknowns. ref OF 8 line 229
141765 -
141766 - Acceptance if probable likelhood and/or impact are low, ref OF 8
141767 - line 237
141769 - ..
141770 - Control mitigates occurance and impact, ref OF 8 line 245, which
141771 - is the role of Communication Metrics.
141773 - ..
141774 - Sharing risk and costs of mitigation and impacts to others, ref OF
141775 - 8 line 250.
141776 -
141777 - Author advocates risk sharing to spread risk of enterprise by
141778 - virtual undertakings, ref OF 8 line 257.
141779 -
141780 - This is appropriate for a contractor or Construction Manager
141781 - and an owner, since the Communication Metrics process
141782 - identifies and mitigates risks for all parties.
141783 -
141784 -
141786 - ..
141787 - Virtual Corporate Ventures Comprise "New" Environment
141788 -
141789 - Author cites practices of separate businesses teaming, using joint
141790 - ventures, networking, and partnering relationships that comprise
141791 - "virtual" corporation. He says these arrangements provides strengths
141792 - for product development, and, also, constitute a new "environment"
141793 - that presents particular challenges to project managers, ref OF 8 line
141794 - 18.
141795 -
141796 - There is no explanation of any increased frequency over the past
141797 - 100 years for joint ventures, partnering, etc.
141798 -
141800 - ..
141801 - New World Order
141802 -
141803 - The description of a new business envirnment, actually arises from
141804 - an increase in the rate of human information transactions, that
141805 - result in information entropy, described in the article at ref SDS
141806 - 12 line 263.
141808 - ..
141809 - Author says information technology has significantly increased top
141810 - management's span of control and decision response time, ref OF 8
141811 - line 77, and notes the power and flexibility of the virtual
141812 - corporation brings with it new management complexities and risk
141813 - because making alliances and consortiums work well across national
141814 - and cultural lines is not easy. ref OF 8 line 86. Managers have
141815 - to:
141817 - ..
141818 - Integrate systems and procedures
141819 - Mesh values, perceptions and interests
141820 -
141821 - ...per ref OF 8 line 93
141823 - ..
141824 - Author says planning and controlling projects in a matrix organization
141825 - is complex, and it is more difficult for projects that cross
141826 - boundaries of multi-corporate structures. He feels this requires a
141827 - new set of leadership skills - skills that not only motivate diverse
141828 - project participants to accomplish a common objective, but also build
141829 - a team that practices win-win risk management, ref OF 8 line 22.
141830 -
141831 - Will we get a list of these new skills?
141833 - ..
141834 - Integrate systems and procedures
141835 - Mesh values, perceptions and interests
141836 -
141837 - ...per ref OF 8 line 93
141838 -
141839 - How is this different from 1975, 1875, 1275?
141841 - ..
141842 - Author says multi-organizational ventures are not new, ref OF 8
141843 - line 63. He says doing this on a global scale results in
141844 - "virtual" enterprises. ref OF 8 line 71. This is the "team
141845 - without walls" idea advanced by Jaclyn Kostner in her article
141846 - reviewed at ref SDS 3 line 320.
141847 -
141848 -
141850 - ..
141851 - Rigid Corporate Structures Replaced by Flatter, Flexible Models
141852 -
141853 - Author writes that changing the organization chart can improve
141854 - productivity and improve competitiveness. His call for flatter
141855 - structures, ref OF 8 line 59, reflects Operational Planning proposed
141856 - for the Corps of Engineers San Francisco District, ref SDS 8 line
141857 - 327.
141858 -
141859 - [See paper by Intel, ref SDS 15 line 113.]
141860 -
141862 - ..
141863 - Collaborating Yields Shared Learning, Innovation
141864 -
141865 - Author describes three management styles of controlling, delegating
141866 - and collaborative. He says collaborative yields:
141867 -
141868 - Goals accomplished by joint initiatives
141869 - Innovation encouraged and applied
141870 - Extensive shared learning
141871 - Increased capabilities for all
141872 -
141873 - ...these happy outcomes are set out at ref OF 8 line 383. He does
141874 - not indicate if the project is more successful.
141876 - ..
141877 - Author does not explain "collaboration," but he assures that
141878 - "outstanding results become commonplace.
141879 -
141880 -
141881 -
141882 -
141883 -
1419 -