440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 4, 1997 09:04 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Received response from Max Wideman, scanned articles Risk Management.
2...Advocates of Investing, Deferred Rewards, Require Strength
.....Communication Manager SDS "Scribe" Like Airplane Pilot
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0201 - Wideman, R. Max 604 736 7025
020101 - Mr. R. Max Wideman
Proposal, Contract & Support
Turner, San Francisco
Cost/Benefit of Better Communications
Market Fears Being First to Use New Methods
Communication Manager Fewer People More
Cost Benefit - Increase Usefulness, Reduce
Level of Effort, Calculate Cost Benefit
Overhead Managers are Unproductive
Risk Management, Contingency Analysis, Value at Risk
1311 - ..
1312 - Summary/Objective
1313 -
131301 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0000, ref SDS 20 0000.
131302 -
131303 - Received response from Max Wideman. Scanned a number of articles in
131304 - project management liturature for calculating contingency budgets of
131305 - various risk factors.
131306 -
131307 -
131308 - ..
1314 -
1315 -
1316 - Progress
1317 -
131701 - Received a response from Max Wideman, ref DRT 1 0000, to my letter ..
131702 - ref DIP 4 0000, submitted yesterday. ref SDS 21 2294
131703 -
131704 - [On 970709 responded to Max. ref SDS 22 0000]
131705 -
131706 - Max has the impression I work for IBM, ref DRT 1 0000, probably
131707 - because of my email address.
131708 -
131709 - Max seems to concur with the ideas about the role of "connections" to
131710 - make information valuable, ref DRT 1 8850.
131711 - ..
131712 - He gives a web site for a project at San Diego State, where his
131713 - son works, related to artificial intelligence. ref DRT 1 0075
131714 -
131715 -
131716 -
131717 - Max asks if "communication technology" is an intellectual concept or
131718 - the basis for new software. ref DRT 1 0648
131719 -
131720 - I need to explain Communication Metrics is a management science
131721 - that uses technology to emulate underlying human cognition
131722 - processes, and it all evolved from a software program.
131723 - ..
131724 - Max appreciated the point that the section on Risk Management in
131725 - the prior version of the PMBOK, which Max co-authored, is better than
131726 - the current version, ref DRT 1 9503, citing my letter, ref DIP 4 9536,
131727 - prepared on 970703. ref SDS 21 0754
131728 -
131729 - I scanned a number of articles on Risk Management and contingency
131730 - analysis.
131731 -
131732 -
131733 -
1318 -
Deferred Rewards Defy Common Sense
Long Way Around is Short Way to Success,
Pilot for Airplane Communication Manager
Scribe, Communication Manager until Tools
Listening Improved by SDS Feedback
Deferred Rewards Hard Sell KM Delimma Benefits Deferred People Test f
Pilot for SDS Professional Role Like Pilot Flies Airplane
Professional Role Use SDS Like Pilot Flies Airplane
Story Analysis Alignment Builds Shared Meaning to Improve Listening R
3312 -
331201 - ..
331202 - Advocates of Investing, Deferred Rewards, Require Strength
331203 -
331204 - Max related having used the concept of "...long way around is the
331205 - short way there," in his thirties, but found no one would "listen," so
331206 - he has led a life of wandering in the wilderness. ref DRT 1 J3SE
331207 -
331208 - [On 990305 Max wondered why it takes long for good ideas to
331209 - become accepted. ref SDS 23 7611]
331210 -
331211 - [On 990319 Max not "into" cognitive science. ref SDS 24 1750]
331212 -
331213 - [On 020117 Gary Johnson frustrated about improving management.
331214 - ref SDS 25 425M
331215 - ..
331216 - Tell me what I need to know in 25 words or 30 seconds, What
331217 - is the bottom line? These are the executive mindsets that are
331218 - obstacles to leadership, and which stifle initiative and
331219 - creativity.
331220 -
331221 - In this environment, "listening" and remembering long enough to
331222 - integrate new information into the work flow and convert it into
331223 - useful knowledge is very difficult. The SDS environment applies
331224 - automation to leverage the capacity to think, remember and
331225 - communicate, so that people can "listen" better.
331226 -
331227 -
331228 - ..
331229 - Communication Manager SDS "Scribe" Like Airplane Pilot
331230 -
331231 - To address this concern, I have developed a modern day "Scribe"
331232 - role called a "Communication Manager," to provide immediate
331233 - benefits from investing intellectual capital. This is similar to
331234 - interest on savings accounts that gets people to invest, to accept
331235 - deferred rewards. Learning a new way to use technology to improve
331236 - management takes time and the reward is deferred.
331237 -
331238 - SDS is specialized software for management, like an airplane is
331239 - specialized equipment for traveling. It takes a specialist to use
331240 - it, like an airplane needs a pilot, and this returns immediate
331241 - benefits per discussion with LTC Thompson at U.S. Army Corps of
331242 - Engineers on 970624. ref SDS 16 1829
331243 -
331244 - [On 970525 article on Project Office cites need for computer
331245 - specialists to support managers. ref SDS 7 1943]
331246 - ..
331247 - It is interesting that the great thinkers seem to advocate
331248 - the virtues of deferred rewards. Yet, other than the 4 or 5 guys
331249 - who make this point the millions of everybody else can only focus
331250 - on what is on their plate that this moment.
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331275 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"