440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 20, 1997 11:19 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Called Steve at Turner re Communication Metrics.
2...Communication Metrics Improves Management by "Guess and Gossip"
3...SFIA New Management Team Needs Communication Metrics
4...Turner's Marketing Advantage Increased by Communication Metrics
5...Steve said that even though there is a lot more work now than there
.....Cost Project Management Percent Direct Cost
.....Industry Norms Recognize Realities of Business Environment
6...Cost/Benefit: Doing Better Work with Fewer People
7...Benefit of Risk Avoidance Dwarfs Cost of Communication Manager
8...Existing Roles Can Perform Communication Metrics
9...Communication Metrics Can be an Option
10...Communications Integrated with Planning, Cost and Schedule Control
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0201 - Turner Const. SF 415 274 2900 fax 989 1370
020101 - Mr. Steve Rule; Territory Engineer =415 274 2917; Engineering Department
Proposal, Contract & Support
Turner, San Francisco
Cost/Benefit of Better Communications
Market Fears Being First to Use New Methods
Communication Manager Fewer People More
Cost Benefit - Increase Usefulness, Reduce
Overhead Calculate Cost Benefit
PM Cost Percentage Direct Cost
SFIA Projects
1711 - ..
1712 - Summary/Objective
1713 -
171301 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 11 0000.
171302 -
171303 - Steve has not had a chance to read the Corps of Engineers report. He
171304 - wants a cost/benefit analysis showing how Communication Metrics
171305 - improves Turner's competitive posture.
171306 -
171307 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0000, transmitting this record and notes of
171308 - meeting with Intel on 970603. ref SDS 12 0000
171309 -
171310 -
171311 -
1714 -
1715 -
1716 - Progress
1717 - ..
171701 - Steve's wife and new daughter are both doing fine. ref SDS 11
171702 - 0000
171703 -
171704 - He indicted that Turner is competing for the 49er Football
171705 - stadium/mall project, now that the referendum for City financial
171706 - support has passed.
171707 -
171708 -
171709 - ..
171710 - Communication Metrics Improves Management by "Guess and Gossip"
171711 -
171712 - Steve has glanced through, but has not had enough time to read the COE
171713 - report, ref DRP 1 6172, delivered on 970509 via ref ref DIP 2 0000,
171714 - per ref SDS 7 0000.
171715 -
171716 - I explained that David Vannier at Intel read the government's report.
171717 - In a meeting with Dave on 970603 he saw the advantage of overcoming
171718 - the risks of conventional management using "guess and gossip" that
171719 - causes project difficulties. ref SDS 12 5803
171720 -
171721 - As a result, Intel is considering Communication Metrics for a
171722 - world-wide project David is heading up to position Intel for the
171723 - challenge of an emerging low-cost PC market. ref SDS 12 4884
171724 - ..
171725 - Steve asked if Dave is using Communication Metrics now? I
171726 - advised of the project approval meeting Dave has on 970624 (next week)
171727 - for approval of his project management plan.
171728 -
171729 - [On 970818 Dave Bouncristiani at TMJ&B suggested wider use of
171730 - Communication Metrics will enable contractors to feel safe trying
171731 - it, ref SDS 22 1385.]
171732 -
171733 - ..
171734 - SFIA New Management Team Needs Communication Metrics
171735 -
171736 - Steve indicated the SFIA project is complex and so may be conducive to
171737 - Communication Metrics because the large of number of organizations
171738 - involved causes miss-communication. He expressed "... frustration
171739 - working with idiots" - reflecting the view on 960405 that SFIA needs
171740 - better management. ref SDS 2 7461 This indicates the new management
171741 - team at SFIA, reported on 960911, ref SDS 5 9043, is not doing much
171742 - better than the prior group.
171743 -
171744 - [On 970815 discussed bonding companies helping contractors and
171745 - professionals recognize need for Communication Metrics to succeed
171746 - in a changing business environment. ref SDS 20 6499]
171747 -
171748 - [On 970919 report that Turner has changed its management on SFIA
171749 - project 3 times. ref SDS 23 6388]
171750 -
171751 - [On 990302 called SFIA on this problem. ref SDS 26 2556]
171752 -
171753 - [On 990308 needed to define problme. ref SDS 27 3996]
171754 -
171755 - ..
171756 - Turner's Marketing Advantage Increased by Communication Metrics
171757 -
171758 - Steve feels Turner is a strong "communicator" and this gives them a
171759 - marketing advantage.
171760 -
171761 - We discussed increasing this advantage by enabling Turner to add
171762 - "metrics" to its communications, which its competitors cannot do.
171763 -
171764 - I explained the benefit of Communication Metrics that Dave Vannier set
171765 - out on 970603 to reduce the drift away from common understandings that
171766 - occurs among team members at Intel. ref SDS 12 5803.
171767 -
171768 - Turner can bring this advantage to its clients and stakeholders, as
171769 - well.
171770 -
171771 - [On 970812 report that Guy F. Atkinson, who had a reputation for
171772 - excellent management and communication, filed for bankruptcy. see
171773 - ref SDS 19 8854]
171774 - ..
171775 - Steve is worried that adding a Communication Manager will give
171776 - their competitors a cost advantage. He said Turner has to work within
171777 - industry standards for Project Management overhead cost in order to be
171778 - competitive. He wants to see a cost/benefit analysis showing less
171779 - cost and increased benefits for the customer.
171780 -
171781 - ..
171782 -
171783 - Steve said that even though there is a lot more work now than there
171784 - has been the past few years, Turner's margins are still very thin at
171785 - post-recovery levels, so it is difficult to see where is room for the
171786 - cost of a Communication Manager.
171787 -
171788 - [See scenario explaining cost/benefit analysis, ref SDS 15 line
171789 - 177.]
171790 -
171791 - [See report of building boom and record low unemployment in
171792 - California, causing increased risks to effective management,
171793 - ref SDS 18 0000.]
171794 -
171795 - [On 980511 report U.S. productivity declined, unit labor costs
171796 - rose dramatically in 1st quarter 1998. ref SDS 25 0000]
171797 -
171798 - [See work to calculate "cost/benefit" ref SDS 16 line 113.]
171799 -
171800 - [See contact at Stanford on project management costs, ref SDS
171801 - 17 line 103.]
171802 -
171803 - ..
171804 - Cost Project Management Percent Direct Cost
171805 - Industry Norms Recognize Realities of Business Environment
171806 -
171807 - We did not discuss the risk these economics pose for both Turner
171808 - and its customers, as found by Dr. Ray Levitt's studies at
171809 - Stanford, as reported on 960723, ref SDS 3 2502, and at a PMI
171810 - event on 960927. ref SDS 6 0200. On 970526 a Cal Tech seminar on
171811 - management effectiveness reported similar findings from a study on
171812 - communication. ref SDS 9 7003. The chance of error goes up as
171813 - unemployment drops and work loads increase. Narrow margins reduce
171814 - the cushion to absorb error and this means the value of avoiding
171815 - mistakes goes up. It must be included in the cost of the work
171816 - either as a contingency or by adding personnel and technological
171817 - strength to meet the risk.
171818 -
171819 - [On 970723 research calculating project management. ref SDS 17
171820 - 6292
171821 -
171822 - ..
171823 - Cost/Benefit: Doing Better Work with Fewer People
171824 -
171825 - Force structure, and therefore cost, is a function of the work to be
171826 - performed. A large, complex, high risk project needs more management
171827 - than a small, less complex job. On a particular project one
171828 - contractor might budget for a project manager, a project engineer, 5
171829 - superintendents and 2 control engineers. Another contractor will
171830 - budget for a project manager, an assistant project manager, 4
171831 - superintendents and a controls manager. Others will budget according
171832 - to their assessment of complexity and needs of the project. A
171833 - contractor who proposes using one project manager and two
171834 - superintendents would have a big cost advantage; yet the customer
171835 - would properly ask about the risk of incurring extra cost because the
171836 - management team will be overwhelmed by the volume of communications,
171837 - per Stanford's VDT analysis program presented during a professional
171838 - event sponsored by PMI on 960911. ref SDS 6 0200
171839 -
171840 - [On 970701 develop scenario explaining cost/benefit analysis.
171841 - ref SDS 15 0075
171842 -
171843 - [On 971008 received report from USACE showing ROI for Com
171844 - Manager role using SDS is 10:1. ref SDS 24 5775
171845 - ..
171846 - Why would the customer make this inquiry?
171847 -
171848 - Because experience shows that complex projects need sufficient
171849 - management strength to avoid misunderstandings that cost money and
171850 - delay the work, again as Dr Ray Levitt reported from studies at
171851 - Stanford, reported on 960723. ref SDS 3 2502 If everybody else has a
171852 - team of 8 to 10 top people and one contractor proposes using 5 - 6
171853 - people, then bells go off in the minds of stakeholders. If, however,
171854 - the contractor submits the Corps of Engineers report showing a
171855 - Communication Manager is more effective than 2 - 4 people using
171856 - conventional construction management practices of "guess and gossip,"
171857 - then the cost/benefits of a Communication Manager become evident.
171858 -
171859 - For a 4 year $500M project, there would be a savings of say 3 people x
171860 - $120K x 4 years = $1.440M. Communication Metrics costs would be 4 x
171861 - $200K = $800K. This is a 40% savings of $640K.
171862 -
171863 -
171864 - ..
171865 - Benefit of Risk Avoidance Dwarfs Cost of Communication Manager
171866 -
171867 - For a $500M project, $640K is not sufficient incentive, according to
171868 - management guru, Peter Drucker, for an established firm like Turner to
171869 - improve its work practices. However, the customer/stakeholder must
171870 - consider cost/benefit of risk avoidance, ref SDS 1 line 678. The
171871 - report from the Corps of Engineers on Communication Metrics sets out
171872 - numerous examples where "intelligence" discovered opportunities, and
171873 - avoided mistakes that would have otherwise cost money and caused
171874 - delays, ref DRP 1 line 498, which must be covered in the project
171875 - contingency budget. Using hypothetical calculation methodology cited
171876 - recently by an IT firm, ref SDS 13 line 121, a $500M project requires
171877 - on average a 5% - 15% contingency budget. Using 10% produces a $50M
171878 - exposure; and, it should be supplemented by $3M - $5M for legal costs
171879 - from inception through the execution phase.
171880 - ..
171881 - As the unemployment rate goes down, this contingency must be
171882 - increased to account for reduced availability of skilled personnel.
171883 - Currently, the unemployment rate is at a 20 year low, and so comprises
171884 - an increased risk of 10% or $5.4M on our hypothetical project, making
171885 - a total contingent cost of about $60M.
171886 -
171887 - [See report of building boom and record low unemployment in
171888 - California, causing increased risks to effective management,
171889 - ref SDS 18 line 39.]
171890 -
171891 - Additionally, early completion incentive for a $500M project can
171892 - typically approach $50K per day, including mortguage and lost revenue
171893 - opportunities. Communication Metrics should discover a 10% reduction
171894 - over conventionally calculated completion period based on other
171895 - projects of similar work volume and conditions. Say 100 days at $50K
171896 - = $5M.
171897 - ..
171898 - Failure to align team members with design requirements causes
171899 - stakeholder loss, even if budget and completion objectives are met,
171900 - because operation of the project cannot meet performance standards,
171901 - and maintenance costs sore. Communication Metrics ensures the team is
171902 - aligned with requirements throughout the project life cycle. This
171903 - cost of this risk could be the entire project price of $500M. To
171904 - estimate cost benefit of Communication Metrics, assume a conservative
171905 - $20M cost for 10 years, that would be $8M for 4 years which is the
171906 - planning horizon for original stakeholders to determine success or
171907 - failure of the project.
171908 -
171909 - Thus, identifiable risks cost at the low end $70M over 4 years to
171910 - perform the project. More realistically a $500M project has $150M at
171911 - stake due to increased chance of error caused by the false hope of
171912 - reliance on the Information Highway. Communication Metrics expense is
171913 - about $2M to provide the business "intelligence" required to avoid the
171914 - mistakes and discover the opportunities that result in $70M savings.
171915 -
171916 -
171917 -
171918 - ..
171919 - Existing Roles Can Perform Communication Metrics
171920 -
171921 - Of course it isn't necessary to call this role a "Communication
171922 - Manager."
171923 -
171924 - Assistant Project Manager, Controls Engineer, Helper are fine. The
171925 - critical point is that Turner can offer Communication Metrics that
171926 - improves management productivity, and its competitors cannot do this.
171927 -
171928 -
171929 - ..
171930 - Communication Metrics Can be an Option
171931 -
171932 - We considered the idea of presenting Communication Metrics as a
171933 - potential capability which the client could select based on the Corps
171934 - of Engineers report, if the customer wished to address the risks of
171935 - costly mistakes prospectively, rather than wait for problems to occur
171936 - and then hire assistants, cost engineers, accountants, claims managers
171937 - and lawyers to fix them and clean up the mess.
171938 -
171939 - Presenting Communication Metrics as an option, lays the groundwork for
171940 - use later in the project to solve the problems caused by not using it
171941 - in the beginning, and alerts customers to the capability for future
171942 - projects where the need may be more apparent for strong risk
171943 - management.
171944 -
171945 -
171946 - ..
171947 - Communications Integrated with Planning, Cost and Schedule Control
171948 -
171949 - Another way to approach the Communication Manager is as an enhanced
171950 - planning and control support. This integrates Communication Metrics
171951 - with project controls. We did not discuss whether Steve looked at
171952 - appendix E in the COE report showing the CPM scheduling function,
171953 - integrated with Communication Metrics, discussed with Dave Vannier at
171954 - Intel, ref SDS 12 line 297.
171955 -
171956 - The Communication Manager cost is included with the cost of forming a
171957 - project organization, preparing schedules, budgets and WBS.
171958 -
171959 -
171960 -
171961 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"